Dao: Journey to the Top of the Universe

Vol 7 Chapter 421: Face to face


Decay, silence, the withering breath of all things suddenly came to the world, and the virtual shadow of Baizhang Mopan suddenly appeared. The word "Huangquan" on it was dripping with blood, shocking. [八 [[一 [(<< 中 < 文 [

The unicorn soul beast roared.

At the next moment, Huangquan's grinding disc turned into a streamer, and it ran out in rotation.

The tenth blood son Genna suddenly changed his face. It was rumored that Xiao Chenji could explode the ancient card in the card, but what he saw now made him cold and his heart sank.


At present, Xiao Chen's body breath is comparable to that of the ancient peak monk. The Huangquan Mopan Supernatural Power, which is fully excited, is so powerful that it has faintly broken the ancient pole to step into the ancient power, especially the decaying The breath of death made him feel cold and irresistible!

This person has hidden repairs!

Such an idea came into being instantly in Gner's heart, but it was too late to scold and shamelessly, and under the traction of the air machine, an angry roar suddenly appeared from his mouth, and the thick blood broke out from the body.

"Burning the sea of ​​blood, condensing the arm of the Asmode demon, everything is crushed!"

The endless blood sea, its area is much larger than the blood summoned that day, the sea of ​​blood roars rolling endlessly, exuding a strong **** smell and towering evil spirits!

Condensing a sea of ​​blood of this scale, it is enough to know how many souls the tenth blood son killed!

This is the blood that flows after their deaths, merges with the mourning undepartable souls, and provides the powerful power in the sea of ​​blood rolling in the pain of eternal life!

The sea of ​​blood was burned, its volume shrank sharply, and among the souls of the dead, there were layers of blood rising, condensing into one arm of a demon, about the size of a thousand feet, blood red, and every inch of muscle was full of irresistible destruction !!

This is the power of the blood prisoner to worship the demon **** Asmode, representing death and destruction.

The power of the demon can be summoned at the cost of burning the sea of ​​blood.

The arm of the Demon God fell violently. Compared with it, the Huangquan Mopan, a hundred feet in size, was slightly weak.

Both met fiercely in the battlefield of God.


A terrifying sound came, the spiritual force was violent, and a wave of destruction was formed sweeping in all directions from the two sides. The ground suddenly exploded and cracks appeared on it, spreading like a spider web in all directions.

The air currents formed by the air waves mixed with dust are turned into agitating winds. The rotation has the power of strangling and annihilating everything.

There was a sudden click, and a crack appeared on Asmode's arm, and the next moment it shattered.

Gurner's face was suddenly pale, and his eyes were full of unbelievable meaning. He looked at the shadow of the grinding disc that passed through the explosive force and smashed it onto his chest.

The crisp sound of sternal fractures came, and the violent force exploded along the flesh and bones, spreading to the whole body, and then exploded at the same time, like a blowout, easily tearing his body into a mist of blood.

Under normal circumstances, after the Gna made up of Yuan Shen in the battlefield of the God is bombed and killed, his Yuan Shen will return to the body immediately, and will not escape, but will escape the wounded Yuan Yuan.

But at this moment, an amazing scene suddenly appeared.

The Huangquan Grinding Disc can actually interfere with or even forcibly resist a certain rule of power in the battlefield of God. The word "Huangquan" suddenly became a masterpiece of blood. A horrible engulfing force burst suddenly, covering the blood mist of the collapse of Nagner, and depriving it of it. After almost a third, he returned to Xiao Chen and disappeared.


In the teleportation square, Genna suddenly opened his eyes and spurted his blood. There was blood flowing out of his mouth and nose, and his body was crackled. His ancient form was actually beaten down by the students to the late ancestors, and Yuanshen was extremely weak. Xiao Chen glanced resentfully and closed his eyes before passing out.

The entire teleportation square died instantly.


Just a few breaths, or a face-to-face meeting, the tenth **** son of Dignity Blood Prison failed.

Judging by his injury, he must have been killed by direct bombardment!

And the most terrifying point is that Güner's cultivation was brought down from Gu Ji to the late Zugu!

I have never heard of this situation in battles in the battlefield of God. Obviously there is something hidden in it.

The strong aliens from the four realms turned to look at the closed-eye Qingpao Xiu, pale and cold.

Even the tenth blood son of Blood Prison ended like this. If they changed into the battlefield of God, wouldn't it be even more tragic .. Maybe it would not only be repaired as a drop, but also the Yuanshen would wither, and thus fall!

And just at this moment, Xiao Chen's eyes suddenly opened, although a little dim, pale, but there was no obvious injury.

Gaze glanced at him, and everyone who looked at him was shocked, and dared not look at him.

"Today's first battle, after January, Xiao Chen will fight Bennett, the ninth blood son of Blood Prison."

The sound was bland, but there was a lingering chill.

Xiao Chen's mouth slightly tilted, revealing a hint of coldness, and turned to leave.

One month later, the ninth blood son Bennett .. This Xiao Chen could not help but destroy the ten blood sons of the Blood Prison!

Thinking of this, the faces of a group of exotic powerhouses were instantly stiff.


Ducha's face was stern, his eyes deeply looked at Xiao Chen's back, and he turned his sleeves. The blood behind him held Gona, who was faint, and a group of ten people left.

The results of the first battle of the God battlefield spread throughout the war shrine with the fastest degree, Xiao Chen became famous in the first battle, defeated the tenth blood son of the blood prison with a degree of near-second kill, made it severely damaged, and was restored to the ancient realm.

The whole battle shrine was surging, and the countless foreigners who had signed the challenge contract turned pale, all of them amazed, for fear that Xiao Chen would deal with them next time.

One stone stirs up thousands of waves, and the waves are turbulent!


The external shock did not have any impact on Xiao Chen. He returned directly to the human settlement through the teleportation array, laid down a defensive restraint, and stepped directly into the dojo.

Although the source of the rule can give him a short period of terror, but after each cast, he will plunge himself into a period of weakness. Only through slow cultivation and the power of the elixir can he recover.

Without any delay, after entering the dojo, Xiao Chen began to retreat.

After hearing the news, the two strong human races, Tai A and Ming Xia, were shocked and delighted. They immediately rushed to Xiao Chen's residence and saw that he had begun the ban. He had begun to heal his injuries. He thought that there would be a battle after the month. Where would he go? disturb.

They strictly ordered that no one be allowed to approach Xiao Chen's residence, but they were worried about the sight.

In January, Xiao Chen was not sure whether they could recover as before.

After this war, the two people paid more attention to Xiao Chen and determined that he was a powerful hope for the rise of the human race, and naturally did not want him to receive any damage.

"Mingxia Daoyou, my tribe has a chance of rising up easily. My husband does not want any accidents. During this time, I will stay outside the door and wait for Xiao Chen to exit the gate." Tai Adao said slowly, his complexion dignified.

Mingxia Fairy nodded, "Tao Adao's words are exactly what she thinks in her body and mind. If so, you and I will guard together."

The two looked at each other, and at the same time took out a futon. In front of Xiao Chen Hall, they volunteered as guards.

Countless monks look at it from afar, and their eyes are full of awe and envy. They can work too much, Taixia and Mingxia. They are willing to guard. This is an honor that no one in the human race has ever had. value.

Thinking of the results of the First World War in God ’s battlefield, they suddenly regretted it. Maybe they should agree with the proposals of the two adults, Tai A and Ming Xia, and pay a little bit of crystal coins for the reward of Xiao Chen.

But when they regretted it, it was too late.


"Gurner, based on your Gu Jixiu, and my blood prisoner's magical power, will it be defeated face-to-face, can there be hidden feelings?" Augustus's expression was gloomy, the atmosphere of the whole hall was solidified, and all of His Highness were low, even Wheezing was much lowered.

Ogudo, in his rage, was extremely dangerous, and no one wanted to offend him at this time.

Genna became paler, his body trembled, and he dared not have any delay to complete the battle of God in the battlefield.

"Sir, Xiao Chen is by no means a practice in the early days of the ancient times, but in the middle of the ancient times. The full burst is comparable to the real ancient extreme monk, especially the Huangquan Mopan magical power he drives. The power is even comparable to that of the ancient ancients! And this Objects have weird engulfing power, and repair their subordinates to be deprived of life, otherwise I would not cultivate them to fall in the late ancestors of the ancient times. The subordinates are subdued and dare not deceive. "

Ogudo's body shook, his eyes flashed, "When Xiao Chen spurred the stone tower to move in the early days of the ancient times, the old man said that he would never go wrong. You want to tell me that he was in just ten Promoted to the middle of Taikoo in this year? Genna, you know what punishment you will deceive your husband! "

"Sir Ogudo, his subordinates can swear by blood in the body. There is no falsehood in what he said, otherwise the whole body will be boiled with blood and burned back to death! Please also adults to see!" Gona sweared in panic, his eyes terrified.

Augusto's face was cloudy and uncertain, and he had already believed what his monks said. The monks of the Blood Prison vowed with their blood, and once they violated, they would be back bitten immediately. Obviously, Genna's statement was true.

In ten years, I have crossed over a big realm. This kind of promotion is too amazing. If he is allowed to continue to grow, it may not take too long for a human race to appear as a real powerhouse, and he will be completely lost. Chance to kill Xiao Chen!

"Xu Li, what shall we do now?"

Oguto, in a state of fury, didn't think well and squinted.

Xu Li Guqi Qiqu repaired, but in his eyes, he was a fierce jumper, his face was slightly white, and he saluted politely, saying, "Sir, the calculation of this subject is indeed wrong, but through today's battle, we It is not without any gain, at least to determine the length of that Xiao Chen, be sure to kill him before he is not really strong, otherwise my blood prisoner will have an extremely terrible enemy in the God of War! This challenge is our best opportunity to stop him from growing fast. As long as Xiao Chen loses, he cannot continue to maintain a high rise. Debt will make him lose the protection of the Ares Palace, and adults can easily kill him! Therefore, the challenge is the top priority! "

"Gennar was seriously injured today, but Xiao Chen's use of mysticism to revive himself will definitely pay a price. In January, he may not be able to recover. As long as Bennett can defeat him after a month, everything will be solved."

Augusto was silent, and then he muttered, "I hope everything is as you said, the next war, the old man will hear the message of victory!"

"Everything will be as you wish, Lord Ogudo."

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