Dao: Journey to the Top of the Universe

Vol 7 Chapter 422: Devastation

The second floor of the dojo, the secret room for cultivation. W]. > 8] 1] ZW. Com

In the ascending spirit array, the viscous spirit is almost turned into substance, and the sound of tumultuous and tumbling sounds looms among them.

Suddenly, the figure rose up and stepped forward.

At the same time, the matrix operation stopped slowly.

Tsingpao's black eyes, ruddy complexion, cost nearly August, the loss caused by using the source of the rules has finally recovered.

Xiao Chen stopped practicing without any delay, took a step forward and returned directly to the outside world. He waved his hand to take away the dojo, and hurriedly broke out of the prohibition.

Outside the hall, Tai'a, Mingxia sensed the changes in the atmosphere of the hall at the same time, eyes opened at the same time, revealing the incomprehensible meaning.

Now, in just eight days, why did Xiao Chen practice suspend her exit? Is there any accident?

A dull moment in their hearts, their faces became gloomy.

At this moment, the door of the temple opened, Xiao Chen stepped forward, his eyes fell on the two of them, his eyes flashed with surprise, "The younger generation sees the two adults, and I don't know what the adults did outside my temple, but I have some orders? "

Tai Adao's eyes fell on Xiao Chen, and he subconsciously replied, "The two husbands are worried that someone will disturb your cultivation and recovery, and they are here to guard you for some time." This weird voice suddenly stopped, eyes widened suddenly It seems like something incredible has happened.

"Xiao Chen .. you ... you actually recovered!"

Mingxia Fairy also realized this at the moment, her rosy lips opened slightly, an unbelievable look.

But Xiao Chen's body was full of breath, and she was clearly at its peak. At this point, she could not sense an error.

Xiao Chen's heart was slightly warm, and he said respectfully, "The junior hasn't suffered too much injuries, and the rehabilitation has really resumed in the past few days."

When Tai A and Ming Xia heard the words, their faces suddenly became weird, and they looked at him deeply. Obviously, Xiao Chen had secrets they didn't know. But since he didn't want to speak, the two of them naturally wouldn't. Asked.

However, looking at his status at the moment, the two have a little more confidence in Xiao Chen, and this time they may not be defeated.

Being able to easily defeat the tenth blood son in Blood Prison is enough to prove his power.

"Twenty-two days before the challenge, the old man sees you in a hurry, but where are you going?"

"Master, Xiao Chen originally intended to go to the stone tower to continue to appreciate some time, so as not to spend time vainly, but now when I met two adults, I just happened to ask about it." Xiao Chen spoke slowly, his face solemn, "I don't know the blood prison Clan Ducha, what is Xiu Wei now? "

At the beginning of the transmission square, Xiao Chen ’s reputation as a young and powerful man left a deep impression on Xiao Chen .. and a deep fear.

This person is very strong, although he has never shot, the Yuanshen induction is even more amazing, and even gives Xiao Chen a feeling of facing the mountains and adjoining the abyss. It is unshakable and unfathomable.

"Everyone in the blood prison?" Mingxia fairy Dai frowned slightly, her face changed, "Is this the challenge, and this person is also in it?"

Xiao Chen nodded, watching Mingxia react, her heart sank slightly.

Sure enough, Tai Ah and Ming Xia went dark after hearing his reply.

"The blood prison clan Ducha is a young strong man recognized by the monks of the Five Realms of War God Palace. It is rumored that he has not been promoted to Qugu because of practicing some kind of magical power, but his real combat power is comparable to that of Qugu. "Mingxia Fairy said suddenly," More than 700 years ago, this son met a small building in the ancient realm of the Sanshijie Qu ancient realm listening to the wind in the wild. Although this man was only an ancient pole, it was far from ancient. The monks are comparable. The two men fought in the wild, the process is unknown, but the result was that the small building listening to the wind suffered a serious escape, and it has not been closed for hundreds of years since then, and it can be seen that the injuries are serious. Resound through the Five Realms. "

Speaking of which, she paused slightly, and her eyes were more worried, "He could defeat the monk of Gu Ji seven years ago, and now his real strength is at least more than that of Gu Ji."

Xiao Chen's complexion changed slightly, and the color of jeopardy across his eyes instantly passed.

Gu Ji Er Qu or higher power, this blood prison tribe is really strong!

With his current strength, if this person is confronted, he will undoubtedly lose!

Xiao Chen's face was cloudy and uncertain for a while, and he gave a gift after a moment, saying, "Thank you, Master Mingxia, for telling me that the younger ones will go to the stone tower and show up on the day of challenge."

"Xiao Chen! Listen to me. If you can, postpone the Ducha challenge to the end. Don't stubbornly shake him."

Xiao Chen nodded, turned and strode away, looking dignified, and the cold tide rolled in the eyes!

More than 170,000 challenges. If they had fought one after the other, it would take more than a thousand years to end. Xiao Chen was unwilling to waste time on it, so he directly challenged the blood prisoners from the beginning. One is naturally because of the two sides. Resentment, but the more important reason is to deter all challenging monks!

If he can wither and annihilate the ten blood sons in Blood Prison, the remaining challenges will have no meaning to continue. Without him, these people will automatically collapse and take the initiative to admit defeat to avoid the Yuan Shen being seriously injured or even repaired. To the point of falling.

Therefore, the ten blood sons of the **** prisoners are the things that Xiao Chen has already planned and must not be lost.

Xiao Chen's eyes flickered, apparently his thoughts were twitching.

The combat power is comparable to the realm of Gu Ji Er Qu and Gu Ji San Qu. Although powerful, he may not be qualified to fight against him. Now that he is in the four-image realm, if he can fully understand it and set foot in the five-element realm, his cultivation will explode.

The 13th floor of the stone tower, the more esoteric it is, the more difficult it becomes to understand, but because of this, once the breakthrough is achieved, the harvest will also skyrocket.

If he can break through the four elephants and set foot on the five elements, Xiao Chen's self-confidence can definitely cross the late Antiquity and go straight to the ancient times!

At that time, the source of the rules will be integrated. With the power of Huangquan's great grinding disc, he may not have the power to check with the blood prisoners!

Stone tower.

The teleportation light flashed, Xiao Chen stepped out, and directly entered the stone tower in the sight of countless monks or shocked or awesome.

The fourth floor, the Four Realms!

Xiao Chen stepped into the stone room and sat down cross-legged, fully aware of the breakthrough!

The strength of both inspections is both a threat and a motivation for Xiao Chen. He decided to fight with one. Before that, he must break through the Four Realms!

for sure!


In the battle with the tenth blood son of Blood Prison, Xiao Chen recovered all his injuries after going out on the 8th, and now he is practicing in the stone tower.

The news spread, and another fierce shock arose among the monks from the Five Realms of Aresiya.

On this day, the God of Blood Temple Augusto is thunderous, bloody, haunting thousands of miles!

On this day, any monk who signed a challenge contract with Xiao Chen lamented and regretted it!

On this day, Xiao Chen's powerful horror was deeply rooted in the hearts of the people!


Twenty-two days passed in a flash.

Simxiang flickered a little outside, and Xiao Chen frowned. Although it was not until January, he had set a time reminder, and he would not miss the challenge time. He kept walking and hurriedly went straight to the transmission square.

In the second war, Bennett, the ninth son of Blood Prison!

Xiao Chen arrived without any delay. He drank and said, "If it is here, then fight!" Yu Luoshen broke out of the body and entered the battlefield of God.

Bennet's face was dignified, and he was no longer arrogant and arrogant. Ghana's heavy defeat defeated him. It should be noted that although there was a gap between the ten blood sons, they were better than Ghana.

Xiao Chen could hit him hard, in other words Bennett could not escape the tragic ending.

This person took a deep breath, Yuan Shen broke his body, and also entered the battlefield of God.

"Burning the sea of ​​blood, calling the eyes of Lord Agarez, burning the gods!"

Bennett remembered the adult Xu Li's admonition, entered the battlefield of God, burst out the strongest force without any pause, and strived not to give Xiao Chen the opportunity to respond and killed him.

But despite his fast actions, Xiao Chen is faster!

The source of the rules condensed instantly, pressing his chest with his backhand, summoning Huangquan's big disc, and slamming it.


Huang Quanda Mopansheng defeated Bennett's power to summon the demon. He killed the ninth blood in nearly the same degree and in the same way, and deprived part of his body's power.

The battle is over.


Xiao Chen Yuanshen returned to his position. He did not go to see the surrounding monk's face as a dumb chicken. He turned and strode away. There was a voice far away. "The third battle in the next month, the eighth blood son Sanggu in blood prison."

Return to your residence, enter the dojo to recover your body loss, and then enter the stone tower to fully appreciate the four-image realm!

The ten blood sons in Blood Prison are powerful, but with the power of Xiao Chen at the moment, and the power of Huangquan's great grinding disc, except for the fact that they are all aware, the rest can be ignored!

All his energies are now focused on Shita's perception, and he even forgets that he is in a difficult and challenging situation.

After one month.

In the third battle, Sangu, the eighth blood son of Blood Prison, was defeated, severely damaged, and repaired as a drop!

Two months later.

In the fourth battle, Bazell, the seventh blood son of Blood Prison, was defeated, severely damaged, and repaired as a drop!

After three months.

In the fifth battle, Andre, the sixth blood son of Blood Prison, was defeated, severely damaged, and repaired as a drop!


The challenge continues, but the entire Marshal shrine has been stunned and almost numb.

The ten-blooded blood prisoner known for his mighty, bloody, and ruthless ruthlessness was like a paper-made waste in front of Xiao Chen, and he couldn't stop him at all. From the beginning to the end, the battle never took three breaths.



One by one, severely wounded and even repaired as a fallen blood prisoner, was like a huge and incomparable mallet, slammed on the heads of all the powerful foreigners, making them dizzy and jealous of Venus.

Xiao Chen's fierce rise has become the most glorious star in the God of War Palace!

But at this moment, he is unaware of the external changes, and even if he knows it, he will not pay any attention to it. At this moment, all his mind is in the stone tower, immersed in the mystery of the Four Realms.

The dedication of the whole body and mind, the oppression of powerful forces, made Xiao Chen reach an unprecedented peak state, and the consciousness of the stone tower made him feel his progress clearly, and he was getting closer to the breakthrough bottleneck!

At the same time, he was running out of time.

Sixth battle!

Seventh battle!

Eighth battle!

The ninth battle!

The blood prisoners Aiwen, Arthur, Ferro, and Cooley have defeated one after another!

Even the second blood son, Kuluoyi, could only resist a little under the Huangquan Grand Mill, and he could not escape.

The tenth battle will be the first blood son of the blood prison!

Nine battles were won, and Xiao Chen has almost destroyed the psychological defense of all challengers. Now they bet all their eyes on the first blood son of the blood prison. As the strongest young monk of the blood prison family, his name is far more than Other blood sons have stronger deterrent power!

From entering the God of War Palace, he represented legend and power all the way, step by step, stepping on the **** sea of ​​the corpse mountain, defeating the three ancient stone Ququ strong, and pushing his prestige forward to all the unprecedented peaks.

It is comparable to the ancient pole Erqu and even higher levels of combat power, making him the first man of the real five monks!

Although the Three Stone Realms, the Floating 6 Realms, the Dong Tian Realms, and the Spirit Realms, although the Four Realms have more amazing young talents, they still have irreparable gaps compared with them!

In other words, if Xiao Chen can win the battle, he will defeat all the remaining monks' psychological defenses and lay the ground for success!

This battle is doomed!


[Third change, today's update is complete, see you all tomorrow! 】

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