Dao: Journey to the Top of the Universe

Vol 7 Chapter 424: Fatal illusion

While talking, he reached out with one hand and grabbed in the void. ? [{八 [一 小说 {网 W? W] W ?. > 8) 1] Z] W. Com

In the line of sight, the regular lines are manifested, running between heaven and earth, mysterious and mysterious, mysterious and unpredictable.

Taking Xiao Chen's practice today as a countermeasure, he should not hesitate to rely on his self-cultivation to respond to Blood Prison. Only by using the source of the rules can his own power soar and have the power to fight against one another!

As he progressed to the next level, the realm of Yuanshen increased with it. The 13 ruled lines of Xiao Chen's Yuanshen. Now he can see the nines, and the tenth is slightly blurred.

So at this moment I grabbed it and had nine regular lines in my hand.

The dazzling aura suddenly burst from his hand, turning it into an unprecedented source of strong rules. From the ancestral city of nine rule lines, the dazzling, even more exuberant and majestic breath.

Backhand, press down on your chest and merge!




The source of the rules is like Xiao Chen ’s second powerful heart. Between the contractions, infinite power bursts out, spreading along the meridians instantly, blending into every inch of flesh and blood in the body. The mighty power is flowing like rivers and waves. The surging voice.

The tingling came from the blood of the meridians. This was because the surge of power was too huge, and gradually came out of the physical limit. A thought of venting came out of my heart, transformed into a brave warfare, and broke the weight!

Xiao Chen suddenly lifted, his eyes flashed, his one hand extended in his robe sleeve, and he pointed forward!


The power of the water suddenly exploded, and the endless power of the water spirit gathered in the tumbling, condensing into a magnificent finger, and the whole body was blue.

The finger fell, and the backhand turned into a palm.

Muqing palm, covered with wooden texture all over the body, came from the sky, whistling and falling.

The palm is not over, the next step is to step forward, one-handedly tears towards the void in front of you!

The temperature of the sky suddenly rose, and one side of the palm formed by the flames appeared in the sky.

Swallowing the sky means melting water.

Cover your hands and melt the wood.

Rip the sky and catch the melt.

Three types of magical powers are released, and the air force is traction. Under the influence of the power in the deep, it directly condenses into one and turns into a huge palm of one hundred thousand feet, blue water, blue wood, red fire, and the power of the three Perfect fusion, neutral colors, transformed into mixed colors, mysterious and unparalleled!

This palm is ripped forward fiercely!

The integration of the three lines is a true and thorough fusion. With Xiao Chen's repair today, this can be easily achieved!

"Five Elements Primitives" is profound and profound. Fusion of original powers in exchange for powerful power. This supernatural power of fusion is horrible. With Xiao Chen's state at this moment, the explosive power broke into Ququ level in an instant!

Douza's face changed instantly, and his eyes were completely gloomy. In just October, Xiao Chen ’s strength soared again! Such a degree of progress, even he felt a trembling, let go, thousands of years later, who in the God of War can still control him!

The threat of this potential against the sky must be pulled out early, otherwise there will be endless troubles!

"Sea of ​​Blood!"

They all drank and drank, and summoned the sea of ​​blood before they even shot, which shows that he is cautious and has faith in Xiao Chen's murder!

One side of the sea of ​​blood suddenly emerged from the wave, covering the sky, covering the entire sky, the waves of blood rolling, sticky like ink, and the most weird thing is that on the sea of ​​blood, there is a pale shadow of a pale monument. Weird and gloomy.

"Summon Lord Osiris, harvest souls, and imprison the dead!"

The sea of ​​blood and fury suddenly surged, and a huge whirlpool slowly emerged, and the Pentium was spinning, roaring, and horrible!

An exaggerated scimitar of whole blood color and half-moon appearance emerged from this vortex, and the countless wail and roar of undead souls descended between heaven and earth, and seemed to open the door to hell. The whole world.

The exaggerated scarlet machete was held by a giant white-bone hand, pale in color, and seemed to be buried endlessly in the ground.

Bone holding a blood blade, want to chop life!

The blood blade turned into a stream of light, coming from the sea of ​​blood, carrying the power of destroying the sky and destroying the earth, and slashing to the sky with one palm.


The horror boom burst suddenly, and the horrible waves of destruction exploded from the point of engagement, spreading frantically to the surroundings, wherever it went, everything was decaying!



One hundred thousand feet tore the giant palm of the sky, shook the blade of the **** of the gods, insisted that several cracks appeared on it after a few breaths, and spread rapidly to the entire palm, the breath gradually fluctuated, and eventually collapsed!

The smashing of the giant palms of the sky shattered the spiritual power between the heaven and the earth, making that area into a spiritual storm-moving land, vertical and horizontal like a knife, whistling!

Under the traction of the air machine, Xiao Chen's chest was severely blown, her body was blasted, her face pale, and a trace of blood was left on her mouth.

One shot took the absolute upper hand, and he noticed that there was no slight joy on his face, but his face was completely gloomy, and he groaned, and his robe sleeve waved. Instead of closing it, he directly burned the sea of ​​blood, blessing the supernatural power to make his power soar. With a knife, he did not care about the spiritual chaos formed in the void, daringly passed through it, the blade fell, and went straight to Xiao Chen.

Taking his cultivation as his full shot, he was able to seduce the power of the Nether God, but he couldn't bombard Xiao Chen with a single blow. Xiao Chen's power once again unexpectedly surprised him, making his heart more prosperous!

The blood blade was cut off, Xiao Chen's face was pale, a look of panic appeared in his eyes, he gritted his teeth fiercely, and pointed forward silently.


The Huangquan Mopan suddenly appeared. With the improvement of Xiao Chen's power, the breath of this magical power became stronger. The word "Huangquan" on it was bright red, and it seemed to have been written with blood and water.

The unicorn soul beast roared in the sky, and this object turned into a streamer, which fell to the blade of the **** of hell.


The first wave of terror has not ended, and the second burst again, its sound is louder and its momentum is even greater!

The whole sea of ​​blood trembled abruptly, as the crust turned and raised the sky, and they all heard a groan in his mouth, his face was pale, his figure was a little embarrassed when he receded.

There was a crackling thought in Xiao Chen's body, his face suddenly pale, and a blood spurted from his mouth.

At the next moment, the two magical powers were separated as if the treasures were facing each other. The Huangquan Grinding Disk was slightly faintly integrated into Xiao Chen's body, but the blade of the **** of the underworld was also severely blown, and fell into the sea of ​​blood.

In the second type of magical fight, Xiao Chen tried his best to urge Huangquan's Da Mopan to have no upper hand!

Douza's second blow was blocked, and his figure was forced back by the wolf howl, but he was not angry and rejoicing, and his blood was a masterpiece.

Huang Quan Da Mo Pan is the strongest card of the human race Xiao Chen. Now he has shot, and depending on what means he can, he can resist his magical shot.

"Gathering the fire of the dead soul, burning, contaminating the gods, immortal!"

During the low drink, the man reached out with one hand and grasped hard at the place where Xuehai was!

With one palm grabbed, above the sea of ​​blood, a layer of faint pale flames suddenly appeared, without any temperature coming out, but giving people a feeling of coldness and bones.

In the burning of this pale flame, countless ghosts loomed, pain and sorrow seemed to endure endless suffering.

The fire of the dead soul uses the dead soul in the sea of ​​blood as the source of burning. The heavier the pain, the stronger the flame power. Once the monk spirit is contaminated, the soul flame can directly merge with the monk spirit, and it burns until the monk spirit. Wither and die.

This magical power is extremely insidious, and the practice requirements are extremely difficult. It also has extremely high requirements for the number of undead souls. All of them can be cultivated, and the number of beheaded souls in their lifetime must have reached a staggering level!

The flames of wraiths fluttered and went straight to Xiao Chen and fell down!

This fire burns the Yuanshen. It is invisible and qualityless. It is not afraid of magical powers. The magic weapon is difficult to resist. It is extremely tricky. Once the shots are shot, unless they are different from each other, they will be difficult to resist.

Xiao Chenxiu was weaker than Ducha, and the two magical powers were not badly injured. In his current state, how to counteract the fire of the dead soul, his eyes finally revealed an unstoppable panic, and he hurriedly avoided.

However, the fire of the dead soul is so strange that he locked Xiao Chen's air machine, and no matter how he avoided, he could not escape from the envelope of this object. It seemed that he had crossed the void and fell on Xiao Chen.


The fire came down suddenly, and filled Xiao Chen's body inside. The miserable white flame, the mournful soul, released the power to burn the Yuan God.

The fire of the dead soul will not make the monk fall in a short time, but it will continue to burn, and the monk will wither and die only after the monk has endless suffering.

This method will undoubtedly allow Lord Ogudo to dispel the hatred of his heart, and to the greatest extent, cause a devastating blow to Xiao Chen's Yuan Shen.

In the battlefield of God, it will be destroyed by the fire of the dead soul. Even if it does not die, it will shake the root of the gods. Even if there is a panacea, it will take hundreds of years of healing to recover, and more importantly, it will endure the death The damage caused by burning cannot be recovered!

Even if the loss of Yuanshen is restored in the future, the shaken foundation cannot be remedied. This kind of injury will cause a fatal blow to the monk and almost sever the possibility of continuing his promotion on the road!

Looking at the painful struggle of Xiao Chen in the flames of the dead soul, he couldn't help showing a faint smile on his face. He was the first strongest man in the ranks of the monks of the Five Realms.

The outcome of the battle seems to have been revealed.

Although Xiao Chen was defeated, the burst of power was already amazing enough. I am afraid that the monk of the ancient Gu Ji Erqu may not be able to kill him, but his opponent is the first blood son of the blood prison. !!

So he is destined to be miserable!

Teleport the square, watching the void curtain of light, the whole space screamed.

The faces of the two human races, Tai A and Ming Xia, were suddenly stiff.

Lone Bamboo, Yunyu, Humen and Huguan have pale faces.

In today's battle, if Xiao Chen hits hard, all previous efforts will be exhausted and put to waste.

The Five Realms aliens had complex faces, but were relieved in their hearts. The horror of Xiao Chen was so long that even if they were shocked and unable to speak, the potential of this anti-aircraft, if it could not be strangled earlier, would be a serious problem in the future.

Fortunately, he has now lost the opportunity to rise.

Augusto's gloomy complexion was relieved, and his eyes were filled with satisfaction, and he did not let him down!

Although something went wrong, everything is finally back on track now. One battle was defeated, and all battles were defeated. He wants Xiao Chen to fall into the abyss that will never turn over until he falls.

In the battlefield of the gods, the flames of the dead souls burned, Xiao Chen struggled in pain, but couldn't escape the slightest bit.

Ducha sneered, his face indifferent, waiting for him to be burned to ashes.

However, at this moment, no one noticed that in the fire of the dead soul, although Xiao Chen was struggling and roaring, his eyes were like endless deep seas, dark and undetectable, and there was endless coldness in him.

Into the shrine, he defeated the blood prisoners with the Huangquan Grinding Disc.

At the beginning of the challenge, he also defeated the Blood Prisoner with the Huangquan Grinding Disc.

It gives people a feeling that the strongest card in his hand is the Huangquan Grinding Disc. Once he has shot, he has no resistance and can only be slaughtered by anyone!

Douza thinks so, and the strong aliens who see the battle through the projection light curtain in Teleport Plaza also think so. But this is an illusion after all. Xiao Chen deliberately created an illusion. Although Huang Quan Da Mopan is one of the cards in his hand, it is not the only one.

This illusion will be fatal!

In Xiao Chen's painful tumbling, the figure gradually approached Ducha, but no one noticed it at this moment. Everyone thought that the result of the war had been revealed. Now he is just struggling in vain and endless suffering.

Suddenly, Xiao Chen's eyes flashed violently, and the figure wrapped by the pale soul of the soul suddenly stopped, and one-handedly fell down in front of the void, and pulled fiercely!

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