Dao: Journey to the Top of the Universe

Vol 7 Chapter 425: Force of tenfold

Pull the regular lines, burst out the power of destruction, and turn it into a razor-sharp front, without destruction, without destruction!

Under a pull, Xiao Chen's external flame suddenly extinguished, it seemed that there was a strange force, which was merged into Xiao Chen's internal strength in a strange way to devour, and exploded together. Bayi Chinese W] W> W. 81ZW. Com

At the same time, his face suddenly turned pale, and the source of the bright rules in his chest suddenly dimmed. This was a sign that the power was about to run out!

Xiao Chen gritted his teeth suddenly, "Sacrifice my life to 150,000 years, integrate into the source of the rules, superimposed strength, the power of the folds of lines, open me! Open! Open!"

Three consecutive roars and roars, showing how ruthless.

The body is full of vitality, overflowing from the flesh and blood into the source of the rules of the chest, transformed into an extremely powerful force, blasting, and bursting out along the meridians of the arms!

Palm tremor, pull slowly!

Tenfold lines!

This is Xiao Chen's hidden killing trick. The magical powers act to show the enemy's weakness. Huang Quan's big mill disc disintegrates the opponent's heart and hesitates to be cautious.

He struck out with a blow!


The breath of horror suddenly came to the battlefield of God, Xiao Chen released his finger, a red crest suddenly appeared, the middle was raised, and the sides were bent backward, like a blade, chopped off!

Once this sword comes out, who wants to fight!

Ducha's eyelids jumped fiercely, and a chill suddenly emerged from his heart, spreading to the flesh and blood of the whole body, making his spirit nearly frozen!

He never thought that Xiao Chen still had a hole card, and the power burst was so horrible that it trembled his heart and even gave him an irresistible feeling!

This blow can threaten his life and death!

Thoughts turn, seemingly tedious, but everything is only in one thought, in the electric light flint, the strongest response force has been revealed.

"The Steak of the White Bone Tower, draws the power of the blood sea, opens the gate of the underworld, and summons the **** of the underworld!"

They all looked stern and roared violently, their bodies trembling violently, as if they were suffering endless pain!

In the sea of ​​blood, the ghost of the White Bone Pagoda monument trembled and devoured the power of the Blood Sea. During this process, the ghost of the White Bone Pagoda monument suddenly solidified, and the original ambiguous runes appeared in the sight of everyone. .

The tens of thousands of white bone pagoda monuments, each with a size of more than one weird rune, twisted and twiddled with each other, gradually condensing into a portal phantom, imprinted on the white bone pagoda monument.

Now, with the shrinking sea of ​​blood, the evil evil forces permeate into this portal.



The towering tower monument trembled more and more, and the portal formed by the runes gradually opened, opening a very narrow gap, completely different from this space's power overflowing from the portal.

Coldness, destruction, decay, death!

This is the power of the underworld!

I wonder if all the magical powers have been cultivated, with the sea of ​​blood as the source and the white bone pagoda monument as the medium, which opened a passage to the legendary underworld! At the moment when the channel was opened, a terrible will will come instantly.

This strong will, far beyond the limits of imagination!

Behind this portal, there is a terrible underworld creature, who wants to enter this world through the portal!

A scream of violent scream came out, and the bone bone tower monument once again absorbed the power of the blood sea soared again. The volume of the whole blood sea was shrinking madly with a clearly visible degree. All the bodies were gradually dried up and the mouth was roaring madly.

If enough time is given, the door will be opened, and the horrible creatures of the underworld will come down smoothly, but at this moment, the red arc-shaped swordmang, carrying the power of destroying the world, has already arrived!


The blade is facing, it is exactly that bone bone tower monument!


The creatures in the underworld seem to feel that things are not right. The growl growls more violently. A bone claw protrudes from behind the door and inserts it into the half-open portal. It is frantically forced to open the door completely.

The next moment, Daoman fell!

The entire battlefield of God trembled violently, and the sound of terror was roaring like a thunder, blasting wildly in this world.

An unwilling and roaring roar came from the portal, and the Bone Pagoda Monument shuddered under this blow, and the forces of devouring blood seas stopped directly. The cracks appeared on the tower body, and the portal formed by the rune disappeared and disappeared.


The White Bone Pagoda suddenly collapsed, and the whole sea of ​​blood collapsed directly, all of them were savage and miserable, and the body collapsed like that sea of ​​blood!


At the teleportation square, all the priests returned to the throne, and Yang spewed blood. His flesh dried up as fast as in the battlefield of the gods. At the same time, his body's breath fell with a crazy degree!

Shoot down repair, or even simply drop a level!

What's even more frightening is that his Yuanshen wave is unstable and trembling, the more it weakens, it has already reached the edge of withering and falling!

The first blood son of blood prison now ends up like this.

Ogudo was furious, and shot with the back of his hand. He used Gushu as the general to check the body and imprisoned instantly. I do n’t know what great magical power he used. It was even the breath of his body and the collapse of Yuanshen. Go on.

The old man's eyes were red and looked at Xiao Chen deeply, turned around and took a step to take a step, the figure turned into a blood rainbow and left instantly.

The blood prison monks receded into the tide and left.

At this moment, when Xiao Chen Yuanshen returned to his throne, his blackness suddenly turned pale, like autumn withered grass, blood squirting between the nose and nose, his face was pale and there was no trace of blood, and a pair of bright eyes like stars also became dull.

However, her back was still upright, her brows frowned slightly, and she seemed to endure internal pain.

Right now he is in an unprecedented state of weakness, but no one dares to despise, his eyes are full of awe and fear!

They are scared!

Can't be afraid!

All the blood prisons are aware of what a terrible and powerful existence, but now it is an almost ridiculous end in the frontal fight, and all this is given by the monks in front of worship.

Today ’s battle, the picture is deeply imprinted into their primitive gods. The mighty supernatural powers are fiercely fighting, and the flickering flashes and trembles. The destructive force spilled out is enough to easily wipe them out. If they bear this supernatural power, I am afraid At this moment, Yuanshen has withered and completely fell!

Xiao Chen's dim eyes glanced around, slightly silent, and whispered, "If you want to cancel the challenge of the contract, Xiao can agree, and in addition to the one hundred and eighteen crystal coins, 500 yuan will be offered. The contract is cancelled. If you want to continue the challenge, I will fight again after a month, and I will never die. "

After finishing his speech, he moved towards the edge of the square and teleported to the edge of the square. As the figure arrived, the exotic monk stepped back and did not dare to stop the slightest.

"Human residence." Xiao Chen began to weary, and the monk conveyed his respectfully salute. His hands and feet completed preparations in the shortest time, and the light flashed, his figure disappeared.

The entire transmission square is still dead.

The east wind of the Three Stone Realms was dignified and shook his head slowly in sighs, but it gave birth to a sense of the twilight of the waves before and after the waves. He shook his head slightly and said, "Three Stone Realms, cancel the challenge contract. Clan withdrawal. "

The weird got up, took a step, and disappeared.

To the ancient Jiuqu Dongfeng Rukou, undoubtedly has a very powerful force, even he let the monks in the Three Stone World give up, apparently determined that they have no hope.

Originally there was that luck, hoping that Xiao Chen Yuanshen was seriously injured and unable to fight again. At this moment, as if poured by a basin of cold water, the spirits fought a chill, thinking how powerful the ten blood prisoners were, but they all ended today. End.

Even if Xiao Chen is seriously injured, if they win, they will have more than a thousand coins. But if he recovers as usual after months, waiting for them will be a tragic end, and it will be inevitable that they will be dropped to save their lives. Not easy!

That's it .. or come down.

When the first Sanshijie monk set out to terminate the contract, many challengers who had already been completely defeated by their psychological defenses would no longer dare to delay it, fearing that a certain evil star would suddenly return, banning the opportunity to terminate the contract.

The crash frenzy began and was out of control.


Among the dojos.

Xiao Chen sat cross-legged in Shengling Jiyuan's array, while absorbing spiritual power, he tried his best to refine the medicine in the body, supplementing all the losses.

Mana is exhausted, Primordial is dead, and vitality in the body is almost exhausted.

He was seriously injured.

For two years, with such crazy supplements, I just barely recovered, but the vitality in the body needs to be slowly recovered in the blood flow, and the fatigue in Yuanshen also needs more time to heal.

Xiao Chen's eyes widened, and the moist color passed instantly, the matrix operation stopped, but he didn't get up, his frown slightly.

How powerful is the power of rules?

Realizing the mystery of the stone tower warfare, although the magical powers seen in that picture are different, but after reaching the roots, they can reach all the roots, but they can show that all the magical powers are composed of regular lines, so it has such terrible power. can.

The more lines, the stronger the power.

In other words, this so-called combat technique is just a fusion of the power of regular lines, and the monk just excites the power contained in it.

But because of this, Xiao Chen would be confused.

The mysterious power left behind in the stone tower can master the means to stimulate the power of the rules. He can also use the simplest method to move the ruled lines to excite powerful and unmatched power, which means that they can access the power of the ruled lines. Existence .. But this is obviously not a universal phenomenon.

Ancient monks can sense the existence of regular lines, and even use their power to make monks burst out of power. But just with the help of them, although the magical powers they display contain the power of rules, they are not used directly.

Borrowing the power of regular lines and directly using regular lines are not only a matter of strength, but more fundamental reasons? Why Xiao Chen can touch the regular lines in this world, and the mysterious power left behind by the stone tower can also be contacted, but others cannot.

There must be a secret in this.

In the face of this doubt, the first idea that Xiao Chen had in mind was the golden Yuanshen. The mutant Yuanshen gradually revealed his powerful power along with his ascension, which was extremely mysterious.

Because of the golden primal god, he can induce the stone tower to be recognized. Because of the golden primal god, he can see the texture of the combat skills to reach the essence of the thrill. Because of the golden primal god, he can touch the regular lines. Perfect.


[The third update today, the update is complete, goodbye to you all tomorrow! 】

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