Dao: Journey to the Top of the Universe

Vol 7 Chapter 426: Return favor

Xiao Chen took a breath and shook his head slowly. There are many secrets hidden in this. Once it is revealed, it will be earth-shattering, but now is not the time, and he has not touched the power of this level of secrets, blindly demanding, perhaps not worth the loss, even provokes Catastrophic disaster, self-defeating. ? Bayi Chinese? W) W> W). 〕8]1]Z]W>. )C)O>M]

Standing up, he took the next step and reappeared, already outside the Temple of Heavenly Demon.

The ancient demon clone is still at a deep retreat level, but Xiao Chen can sense his constantly powerful aura, which is enough.

Slightly pondering, he took another step and appeared where the funeral flower was.

A trace of Xiao Chen's primordial spirit was conceived in the beautiful burial flower bone, and there was a mysterious connection between the two sides. Xiao Chen could clearly feel that the primordial power in the burial flower bone was as strong as it was conceived in an embryo, but the spiritual intelligence was in a hazy state of being blocked, unless one day Xiao Chen died, the primordial power conceived in the burial flower Only the gods can be reborn from the cocoon, open up their spiritual wisdom, and transform into another completed soul.

And Xiao Chen could also be reborn again with the help of this primordial power.

The funeral flower is a life-saving card left by the tree uncle to Xiao Chen. The defense is strong. Apart from Xiao Chen in the dojo, only Ganoderma can enter to keep the funeral flower growing safely.

Xiao Chen glanced at the funeral flower, then stepped out again, tearing the space, and appeared on the first floor of the dojo, where the tree uncle's body was.

The breath is weak, the vitality melts, and from time to time, withered yellow leaves fall, and the ground is covered with a thick layer.

Xiao Chen lifted up, and guilt flashed in his eyes, "Uncle Tree, Xiao Chen has now entered the Palace of the Gods of War, and has finally found an opportunity to quickly improve his cultivation. Don't worry, when I ascend to the great world, I will definitely find it for you. The water from the Aoki Sacred Spring will restore you to the original state."

Under the decayed old locust tree, Xiao Chen was silent for a moment, bowed respectfully, his expression turned solemn, turned and stepped out, left the dojo, and returned to the Temple of War.

With a flash of aura, his figure appeared in the room, waving his hand to put away the dojo.

At the same time, a series of prompt fluctuations came from the deep blue bracelet, which lasted for a full quarter of an hour before ending.

Weinan Changhu delivered 1,518 crystal coins to release the challenge contract.

Dongshengri delivered 1,518 crystal coins to terminate the challenge contract.

Miyakami delivered fifteen hundred and eighteen crystal coins to release the challenge contract.

Wuhua Taoist handed over 1,518 crystal coins to release the challenge contract.


Pieces of information are densely packed and flowing from top to bottom like a waterfall.

Xiao Chen opened the crystal coin balance option, and couldn't help showing a smile at the corner of his mouth, which grew bigger and bigger, and finally turned into a long smile.

Two thousand six hundred and ninety-one thousand and two thousand six hundred and fourteen!

This is such a terrifying wealth. Thousands of crystal coins can be exchanged for one stone tower insight, which is exactly 261,912 times. Each time it takes one month to perceive it, it is enough for Xiao Chen to cultivate in the stone tower. No more than 21,826 years!

In this game, Xiao Chen recklessly blatantly angered the Four Realms, defeating the ten blood in the Blood Prison with fierce and decisive means, and shocked all the challenging monks in the Four Realms.

This is a game. Xiao Chen uses himself as a bait to give it a go. If he fails, he will fall into a situation where he will not be restored!

But after all he has won, then all the tragic situations that may occur will disappear, and more importantly, with the terrifying number of coins in his hand, no one will be able to stop his rise!

With his insight into the profound meaning of stone tower combat skills, Xiao Chen believed that it would not take too long for him to truly stand at the peak of the God of War Palace, and no one would be able to harm him by then!

It seemed that there was a force in the dark that made him come here, and the stone tower in the Palace of God of War, standing here for billions of years, seems to have been waiting for his arrival.

This feeling was mysterious and mysterious, with no trace to be found, but it clearly appeared in Xiao Chen's heart.

This will be the biggest chance for him since he began to cultivate!

Xiao Chen lifted up, the divine light in the pitch-black eyes gleamed, and his aura rose from his chest.

Now that the challenge has been revealed, the crystal coin crisis has been lifted, and there is an unexpected and amazing harvest. An urgent practice has developed in his heart, he wants to enter the five elements realm and continue to understand the opportunities in the stone tower.

But before that, he still has something to do.

With a soft breath, Xiao Chen waved his hand to break the restriction and pushed out the door.

"See Master Xiao Chen, my clan's adults are offering ten Qianyun Meditation Pills. Congratulations to your lord for raising the power of the war temple and helping me in the spirit world!"

"See Master Xiao Chen, my clan will offer three Hetang Water Moon Fruits. Congratulations to your lord for raising the power of the Temple of War and helping my spirit world!"

"See Master Xiao Chen, my clan's adults are offering ten body tempering and detoxification pills. Congratulations to your lord for raising the power of the war temple and helping my spirit world!"


Outside the temple, monks of all races were waiting respectfully, and at this moment, they spoke with humility.

Jing Yangzi raised his eyebrows for joy, thinking of the hostess's advice. Although he tried to keep calm and stable, he should not be seen as a joke, but the triumph between his eyebrows is obvious.

On that day, he borrowed crystal coins and Xiao Chen, and was disliked by the two adults, Chunyang and Xiling. Even the monks who had been friends with him on weekdays were quite alienated from him, and his expression was much indifferent, but the facts proved that he was right again. treasure.

Master Xiao Chen was really terrible, and he had damaged the ten blood in the Blood Prison. He was so famous. Thinking of Chunyang and Xiling's embarrassed expressions as if they had eaten flies, he felt a dark refreshment in his heart.

Moreover, after this incident, the prestige of the two adults, Tai'a and Mingxia, skyrocketed, and they all eliminated the fight, firmly grasping the power of the ethnic group, and he was also favored, and the status of the family rose greatly. Now anyone who has seen him is not obediently approaching and politely pleased.

In these twenty-odd days, Jing Yangzi was really happy and happy.

Now in the midst of a group of monks flattering and flattering, seeing the door of the temple opened, he suddenly got the spirit, and hurriedly stepped forward to salute the green-robed monk, "Congratulations, Lord! Congratulations! God battlefield defeated ten blood prisoners, Congratulations from my spiritual community, such an honor has never appeared. It should be known that adults are now shaking the five realms, and no one can match!"

Xiao Chen smiled helplessly, "Xiao didn't know that Taoist Jingyangzi was so eloquent, but this is too exaggerated. Besides, you and I are old knowledge, why should Taoists be so cautious."

Jing Yangzi's face was embarrassed, but his heart was full of pride. At this time, Master Xiao Chen can be called the old knowledge, this is the face of the sky, "Hey, even the old knowledge, but the strong in my cultivation world is Respect, Master Xiao Chen’s supernatural powers are far from being comparable to that of an old man. Naturally, you should be more respectful and polite. Masters such as Tai Ah, Ming Xia, etc. have already ordered that once you leave the customs, please go to the hall to discuss matters and let me be here. But I think you'd better hit these gift-giving guys now. Although this kind of icing on the cake is commonplace, the treasures are all rare good things."

Xiao Chen nodded and shook his hands to the surroundings, "Thank you, fellow daoists, and please come back to Xiao Chen to thank you."

"Master Xiao Chen is polite."

A gift was offered with both hands, Jing Yangzi held the jade slip to record, and was busy for almost an hour before knocking away the monks of all races.

The two of them hurried straight to the hall without delay.

"Haha! Xiao Chen, you finally finished receiving the gift. The old man and the others have been waiting for a long time. How, how does this feel like receiving a hand cramp when receiving a gift?" The Taoist smiled heartily, and his words showed closeness.

Fairy Mingxia covered her mouth and smiled, her eyes filled with splendor.

During the battle with Ducha that day, Xiao Chen's injuries were so serious that his vitality was almost depleted. After just over 20 days of retreat, he has actually recovered to the same level as before. It seems that he must have hidden a great secret. what.

Her eyes swept across Xiao Chen, and the woman shook her head, directly dispelling the curiosity in her heart. Since Xiao Chen didn't talk about it, it was obviously a secret that she didn't want to be known, so naturally she wouldn't be bored.

With the amazing length that Xiao Chen showed, it didn't take too long to be on an equal footing with her or even a higher position, Fairy Mingxia naturally had to think a little more thoughtful and cautious in her heart.

As for the other human Qugu strong men, except for the class owner, most of their faces were a little embarrassed. They refused to provide Xiao Chen with the crystal coins needed for cultivation that day. This led to the current situation, even if they wanted to make up for it. For a while, I didn't know how to start, and laughed so sad.

Xiao Chen respectfully gave a gift, "Master Tai joked. If these gifts were sent before, Xiao Chen would be grateful, but now, no matter how precious they are, they won't be in my heart for me to remember."

Daoist Yangchun and the ancestor of Xiling became stiff and hurriedly covered his gaffe. The smiles of the others were naturally harder to look at.

Friends Tai Adao swept his eyes and sneered secretly. Because of today’s results, everything was due to selfishness and blame and blame, and couldn’t blame others. He didn’t look at their faces at the moment, and nodded with a smile, “It’s true. Affection."

Xiao Chen nodded, "The junior was recovering from his injuries. He originally wanted to enter the stone pagoda to practice immediately. Today, I came here to return the favor of the two adults, Tai'a and Mingxia. But before that, I asked the adults to take Guzhu and Yunji. Brothers, Humen, Huguan, and Jingyangzi Taoist friends are called into the temple, so that the younger generation can settle their debts and enter the stone tower with peace of mind."

Tai Adaoren's eyes lit up, smiled and waved his hand, the class leader immediately got up, Shi Li turned and left the hall.

After a while, five people, including Gu Zhu and Yun Ji, were like the temple, saluting respectfully, their eyes fell on Xiao Chen, and they all showed joy.

Xiao Chen bowed his hand to Tai A and Ming Xia, and then turned to look at the five people, "On that day Xiao Chen's crystal coins ran out, and the five Taoist friends had each borrowed 100 Xiao Chen's crystal coins. Xiao Chen remembered the friendship in his heart, and now it is time to return it. Time."

Speaking and walking to the five people, they completed the delivery of crystal coins with a dark blue bracelet.

"One hundred thousand!"

The Humen and Huguan brothers exclaimed, their expressions shocked.

The two of Gu Zhu and Yun Ji were also dizzy, and their minds went white.

After all, Jing Yangzi had the highest cultivation level, so he recovered first and waved his hand again and again, "Master Xiao Chen paid too much, and this return is too heavy, the old man really dare not accept it."

Xiao Chen smiled faintly and waved his hand to stop the five people from speaking, "If you didn't lend me a hundred crystal coins that day, Xiao would have no harvest today. These one hundred thousand crystal coins are what you deserve and you don't need to refuse." Yu Luo turned around. To Tai'a and Mingxia two respectfully salute, "The two adults have a lot of affection for Xiao Chen, and Xiao Chen keeps in mind that he can't forget it. There is no retribution at the moment. I would like to offer a million coins, and the right to thank you , And ask the two adults not to refuse."

Millions of coins, just for return!

Xiao Chen gave a gift, but it was too big a handwriting. Even Yitai and Mingxia couldn't help their minds shaking.

"Haha! Okay, Xiao Chenzhili accepted it. One hundred crystal coins rose ten thousand times in a short time. This bet is too profitable."

The Daoist smiled and said.

Fairy Mingxia nodded slightly, and the two of them looked at each other inadvertently, and they could all see the feeling of joy in their hearts.

Young and ambitious, not overbearing, not overbearing, respectful, courteous, respectful, and even knowing to know the rewards of grace, this character is commendable!

The two couldn't help but feel fortunate at the decision to get Xiao Chen up close.

As for Yang Chun, Xiling and others, they were already shocked and unable to speak. A bitter taste came out of the mouth, slightly low.

Perhaps Xiao Chen wouldn't be embarrassed with them for the sake of the same human race, but they knew in their hearts that they had lost the opportunity to befriend him, so no matter how beautiful and beautiful he looked at in the future, they had nothing to do with them.

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