Dao: Journey to the Top of the Universe

Vol 7 Chapter 427: Three hundred years

"The two adults, Tai A and Ming Xia, Xiao Chen is about to go to the stone tower to realize the cultivation of combat skills. It may take a long time to retreat. If there is something important, please ask the adult to go to the stone tower to find me. [August 1 W] W]. 8> 1ZW.COM "

Xiao Chen respectfully saluted and turned away.

"Adults, juniors, etc. followed Xiao Chen Daoyou into the stone tower, and retired first."

The brothers Lone Bamboo, Yunyan, Humen, and Huguan spoke at the same time, their eyes full of excitement. When Xiao Chen was given a gift of 100,000 coins, they naturally went to the legendary stone tower to see what was magical about it.

Take Xiao Chen as the teleportation array to reach the stone tower.

"Because of my affairs, I may be implicated in you. During this time, it is best to stay in the Temple of War to avoid accidents. Stone Tower is a magical place. If you understand it well, you will definitely gain something." Xiao Chen asked, saying Step up and enter the Five Elements Realm.

Lone Bamboo and Yun Zheng respectfully claim to be in the same realm with Humen and Huguan brothers.

Xiao Chen appeared in the stone tower and started retreat again. The news spread quickly throughout the war shrine, once again causing a great shock.

The strong aliens who lifted the challenge contract were all blessed. They secretly canceled the contract early, otherwise, at this moment, they may end up in an extremely miserable end.

However, more monks could not help secretly cursing a good metamorphosis, but it was still difficult to hide the fear and fear in their hearts.

The tide that shakes the monks in the Five Realms of the War God Palace, accompanied by Xiao Chen's re-entry into the stone tower and slowly came to an end. On the surface, everything seems to be calm and calm, but under this calmness, how many undercurrents are hidden, it is unknown Already.


Blood Temple, underground blood pool.

The blood in the pool was obtained by Ogudo's life to kill the strong, and combined with mystery and many treasures, he can form a blood pool of one thousand feet in size. The blood is thick and thick like juice, and every drop contains powerful power.

In the blood pool, they all sat and watched, and a burst of blood poured out of the blood pool, sinking into his flesh.

Ogudo stood on the side of the blood pond, his eyes were slightly dim, I do not know what method the ancient ancient Jiuqu strong man used, he actually repaired him as much as possible to resolve the fall and the collapse of Yuanshen, although all the investigations were still weak , But there is no danger of life.

But Augusto's heart was still bleeding!

The real situation is only clear to him. Unless he breaks through to ancient times, he will not be able to completely heal the injuries that have been observed. He can only maintain his vitality with the power of blood pools.

Moreover, even if it breaks through, all investigations can be restored, but in the future, it can never go further and set foot in Qugu.

Xiao Chen's ten-folded lines and the horrified rule power that has been excited have completely shaken his avenue roots, and even broken the white bone tower monument, which is the most serious trauma.

The blood prisoners have reached the end of their survival time. In order to obtain the qualifications to survive, all the blood prisoners are in retreat, striving for breakthroughs in order to find opportunities that can change their lives against the sky and ensure the continuity of the ethnic group.

In addition, another great sage of the Blood Prison has proposed a completely new idea.

Twelve descendants with the best qualifications are selected, based on the sea of ​​blood, to consolidate the gateway to the demon gods. Before the collapse of the blood prison world, the twelve descendants summon the twelve demon gods at the same time, and set up the twelve demon gods. The power of the United States has condensed a new world, completely shielding the breath of destruction caused by the collapse of the blood prison world, unable to seduce the imprint in the blood of the blood prisoners, and can give them more time to find ways to maintain the continuity of the community in the new world.

This plan has begun a million years ago, exhausting the power of the blood prison ethnic group, and finally found twelve monks who can be recognized by the power of the devil, carefully cultivated, and prepared silently.

And Ducha was the twelfth descendant who greeted the demon god, and he was approved by the **** of the underworld.

The Bone Bone Pagoda has been preliminarily created, and it will take up to 10,000 years for him to meet the qualifications for the coming of the true God of the Underworld. However, it has now been dismissed, the Bone Pagoda has collapsed, and the blood prisoners have spent millions of years. The game of chess was broken by one after another.

The blood prisoners haven't had enough time, and all of them are abandoned, which is equivalent to breaking their hope that they can survive!

Augusto's eyes were red, and he turned away from the pool of blood and returned to the hall.

"Xu Li, where is Xiao Chen now?"

"Return to Lord, today he has gone out of the customs and entered the stone tower to practice." Xu Li opened his mouth carefully, and he did not dare to stand in the slightest respect.

Augusto nodded slightly, his eyes slowly falling on this person, Xu Li's body suddenly trembling violently, his complexion was on his knees, and he was lying on his knees, apparently suffering from severe pain, but did not dare to say anything.

A few moments later, Augusto retracted his gaze, and Xu Li stopped shuddering. His robe was already wet with sweat, but he did not dare to show the slightest bit of resentment, and bowed down respectfully.

"This is a punishment for you. Remember, this seat will let Xiao Chen fall into my hands completely and devour him bit by bit, and he must die!"

"His subordinates will do their best to complete the order of the adult. Now he cannot hide in the Ares Palace, his subordinate will find all means, and once he has gained something, he will return to the adult immediately."

"Don't let this seat down again this time."



"Return to the Lord, things have come to fruition." ** Dongri quickly stepped into the temple, saluting politely, "After the high priest used the key to perform a search for telepathic powers, he could be sure that the second key was in the God of War Palace."

The upper seat of the palace, Dongfeng Rubao, sat on it, his face slowly and solemnly, "So, it seems that the key really fell into Xiao Chen's hands."

Speaking of which, the old man paused slightly, his eyebrows frowned, and the light in his eyes flickered, apparently his thoughts were turning sharply.

"My lord, please make a decision early, and you must take back the key earlier, otherwise once Xiao Chen rises up later, it will be difficult for you to do this for thousands of years!"

"My three stone kingdoms have endured hundreds of thousands of years for this treasure and ridiculed many powerful people before they came to the last step. If I fail, I can't wait!"

"My lord, this matter is too long!"

His Royal Highness, the three stone kingdom strongmen began to speak in a deep voice.

Dongfeng was astonished, and she said in a deep voice, "The old man you said is clear, but now that Xiao Chen is in the stone tower, we must not rashly rush, otherwise things will not be frustrated. At the moment, apart from us, presumably Augusto He is even more eager to kill Xiao Chen. He will definitely look for any chance to shoot. For the time being, we will endure, look for the opportunity, and wait for Ogudo to take the shot, and regain the keys from it! We will continue to closely monitor the development of the human race and the blood prisoner. , All day long, don't have any intentions, once something is abnormal, immediately return to me! "

"Yes, sir!"


The stone tower was silent, and the billions of years of standing on this earth are in this silence.

The three hundred years of history are fleeting.

The seventh floor of the stone tower, seven places.

Xiao Chen's eyes slowly opened, his eyes flickered slightly, revealing a hint of helplessness.

Since the Four Realms, the difficulty of Stone Tower Uprising has skyrocketed. Even if he can directly perceive the texture of Upanishad, his progress is still extremely slow.

It took 17 years to break through the Five Elements Realm.

It took 83 years to break through.

But in these seven states, he has been stagnant for two hundred years, and he has clearly realized that he has reached a very deep state, even stepped out of the boundary of the seven states in half a step, but could not break through.

Xiao Chen understood that he had encountered a bottleneck.

The bottleneck is the obstruction of the monk's avenue. No one can avoid it. Only with a steady and silent attempt will the bottleneck be promoted to a higher level and a sharp upgrade.

After entering the stone tower, he was promoted to the seventh place, and he went straight up to the Gu Ji Wu Qu. The bottleneck appeared in Xiao Chen's expectations. He was not afraid, but he could not break through the meditation for two hundred years.桎梏 Continue to climb the avenue, need some other opportunities .. As for what, he has no clue.

Frowning slightly, hesitating a little, he once again entered the state of perception, and realized it carefully.

Although this didn't help him break through the gap, it made him know a little bit about the Seven Realms, and when the opportunity came in the future, it would come naturally and smoothly when he broke through.

After a few more years of comprehension in the stone tower, if you still have no clue, you have to think of other ways.


Lone Bamboo, Yunyan, Humen and Huguan walked out of the stone tower, all with excitement on their faces.

For three hundred years, the four did not perceive cultivation as often as Xiao Chen did. Instead, they followed Jing Yangzi's suggestion and entered the stone tower every three years. The remaining time was used for self-perception to figure out the best results.

There is no hardship, the four people's cultivation has improved by leaps and bounds.

Lone Bamboo Taigu Peak Xiu jumped to the realm of ancient poles in one fell swoop. With the terrifying power of the Red Lotus Extermination Sword, the combat effectiveness is amazing.

Yun Zhi's chill is heavier all over his body. His ice-powered magical powers become more and more amazing. In the middle of the ancient times, the repairs skyrocketed to the late ancestors of the ancient ancestors.

The Humen and Huguan brothers were repaired in the middle of the ancient times. Qiqi reached the beginning of the ancient ancestors. The two had the lowest realm. After understanding the combat skills, they could gain faster improvement. The body was more burly and stronger. Once the giant body was manifested, Definitely capable of bursting into horror!

"It is indeed the legendary stone tower. It is really mysterious and mysterious, and it is the mystery of combat skills that has made you and me soar to the realm of soaring in just three hundred years!" Guzhu opened his mouth and looked with emotion.

Yun Zheng nodded slightly, and with the deepening of the ice-based magical powers, his temperament became more and more indifferent. In the face of solitary bamboos and others, he was cold to others, like a beautifu sculptured by ice. I don't know how many innocent monks came to hurt.

"Brother Gu Zhu is right, our brothers are no better than others, but they have never seen such a high degree of cultivation. No wonder the monks in the Palace of War are so high in cultivation. Now we can be regarded as detached. With the weakest chip, how can it be regarded as a middle-level monk. Hum, I used to go out hunting with Lord Jingyangzi. Although the guys in the team didn't say anything, I felt they looked down on us, and I see them now Who dares! "Humen is a younger brother, and his temper is extremely hot.

Hu Guan stretched out his hand and slap on his head, scolding: "If it wasn't for Brother Xiao Chen to help you and me and give you 100,000 coins, you thought that our strength could be raised so fast, don't start with a little strength. There are more people than us! "

Although Humen has a bad temper, he is quite respectful to his only brother, and he is not annoyed when he is reprimanded. He stroked his head and laughed, "I remember Xiao Chen ’s goodness to us. Besides, I just complain. I didn't say what to do with them. "

The lone bamboo shook his head and has been around for more than 300 years. The four have been familiar with each other. They have long been accustomed to the way of communication between the Humen and Huguan brothers. "Now you and I have run out of crystal coins, it is also time to go to the wild and sharpen it. It ’s over. Xiao Chen's friends got the coins, but they fought and gave you 100,000 of them, which is already a big favor. How about asking again and again. This time, you and I have to rely on ourselves when we enter the wilderness. Power to hunt beast crystals. "

Yun Zheng nodded. "The words of the lonely bamboo Taoist are extremely true."

Humen and Huguan brothers nodded one after another.

"Let's go, Lord Jingyangzi should have not yet entered the wilderness. You and I went to seek him to act with the hunting team, and it can provide a little more security."

The four of them drove Jiguang and went straight to the place where the people lived.


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