Dao: Journey to the Top of the Universe

Vol 7 Chapter 428: Wild clouds and mountains

There was concealment on Xu Li's face, and he entered the hall with respect and salute, "Master Oguto.? Eight

Above the throne, Augusto's eyes opened, and a bright color flashed across his eyes. "Xu Li, if you come at this moment, is there something that happened to Xiao Chen?"

"Master, Xiao Chen is still practicing in the stone tower and never left half a step."

"Huh! What are you doing here? The old man said, you can focus on Xiao Chen with all your strength, and you don't need to intervene in other things!"

Xu Li was a little low to show his awe. "The adult is angry and listens to the details of his subordinates. Although Xiao Chen still hasn't appeared in the stone tower, four friends around him have left. According to reliable news, he will follow the human race. Only hunting teams enter the wilderness. "

Augusto's eyes flickered slightly, and a thoughtful expression appeared in his eyes. "Do you mean to make articles with the four of them? Then Xiao Chen will put himself in danger for them. I am afraid this is not appropriate."

"Adults can rest assured." Xu Lichan raised his face with self-confidence. "According to the information that his subordinates have investigated over the years, Xiao Chen is extremely affectionate. When he entered the shrine, he Obviously concealed his identity, and still appeared for the solitary solitude of Zhuzhu and Yunji, leading to many battles, which is excellent evidence. The full supervision of this incident will inevitably leave Xiao Chen obediently leaving the God of War. Adults can kill him! "

"Okay, so that ’s it, you ’re going to arrange it. Do n’t expose the sound of the wind, you can use it as a strong ethnic group.” Augusto said in a deep voice. “Remember, you must not fail this time, otherwise you should know the consequences. . "

Xu Li shook from her body, saluted deeply, got up and took a few steps back, turned and hurried away.


"Master Jingyangzi, please keep the news of entering the wild this time. Don't expose the wind to avoid causing unnecessary trouble."

The lone bamboo spoke in a low voice, and looked slightly dignified.

Although there may not be an accident, it is good to be careful in the end, and it is too late to regret it if something goes wrong.

"Hey, lonely bamboo, you can rest assured that the old man has arrangements." Jing Yangzi smiled slightly, his hand flashed a little, and more than ten black robes appeared in his hands. The uniform style was enough to cover the monk's figure. "" We will leave with several Terran squads later. They will wear the same black robes as you and me. Even if someone keeps an eye on them, they will not be able to detect the movements of the four of you, rest assured. "

Guzhu looked slightly pleased, "My grown-up thinks long and far, but I think too much."

"Master Jingyangzi, your brothers are ready, we can go out at any time." A monk walked in quickly, respectfully.

For three hundred years, Jing Yangzi Xiu was promoted to the peak of ancient poles, only one step away from Qu Gu. Under the skyrocketing strength, the team leader Kun Yuan also respected him, and both sides faintly sat on an equal footing.

"Okay, come out!"

Jing Yangzi took the lead and came out of the hall with four solitary bamboos, joined with Kun Yuan and others, and put on black robes.

A few moments later, dozens of human race hunting squads, with dozens of them wearing uniform black robes, drove Juguang straight to the transfer square.

The Five Realms of the Battle God Palace confronted each other, and there was deep resentment between each other. Some monks had resentment with others, for fear of being hunted down in the wilderness, they would wear a black robe to cover up when they went out.

The robe is produced by the Palace of War Gods. It has one piece of ten coins and has a single function. It can prevent monks from entering and viewing the repairs. It is only valid in the Palace of War Gods. However, this is sufficient.

So above the square, the number of monks wearing black robes in and out of the teleportation array is no longer small.

Several human race squads mingled in the crowd, just like dripping into the sea, even if they were interested in watching, they would never want to find them again.

According to the countermeasures discussed in advance, Lone Bamboo and others dispersed each other, and then gathered in a transfer point somewhere in the teleportation array, the light flashed, and a group of dozens of people disappeared.


"Sir, the target has left the Ares Temple and entered the wilderness, and the location is in the Yunwu Mountain." A blood prison monk looked down at Yujian in his hand, and spoke respectfully.

Xu Li's eyes suddenly opened, cold and cold.

"That being the case, you and I will go now. Don't delay too long. The patience of adults is not much."

"Yes, Lord Xu Li!"

Dozens of strong blood prisoners spoke respectfully.

The next moment, a dozen or so people went straight to the square, disappeared into the teleportation circle.


"Although the Yunwu Mountain is an old place for hunting, the more you can't take care of it, be careful, otherwise there will be an accident and there will be no place to buy the regret medicine." Kun Yuan said in a deep voice. The surrounding monk nodded slightly, understanding it.

Perennial hunting and killing, they naturally understand the horror of the wild, and even a little bit of care may fall here!

The ridicule of a famous player and the **** facts lay before his eyes, and no one dared not take it to heart.

"Let's go." Kun Yuan and Jing Yangzi stared at each other. The two were at the front. They led a group of monks such as Lone Bamboo and Yun Zheng out of the teleportation area and entered the sphere of influence of the wild beast.

Step out, there is no guarantee of safety, and you can only rely on your own strength to survive.

The pathfinder was a late ancestor monk. This person apparently practiced some extremely powerful Yuanshen magical powers, which could sense the breath fluctuations of the wild beasts, and probably distinguished their strength and weakness. The line indicates the direction.

"There are wild beasts in front of them, seven of them, one of ancient poles, one of late ancestors, and the rest are Taikoo realm." The Pathfinder monk returned, his face hidden with excitement.

Jing Yangzi smiled, "It seems that this is a good time. Just when I entered Yunwu Mountain, I actually encountered such a small group of wild beasts. The brothers shot together and beat him to make a splash, which is also the beginning of the hunt. . "

Kun Yuan waved his hand, and a group of monks immediately began to converge on their own breath. In the land where the wild beasts were rampant, if they couldn't do it perfectly, they would really be seeking their own way.

It should be noted that the savage beasts with wisdom are extremely horrible. Some of them even have incredible abilities. The monks explore their tracks for hunting. These guys obviously have plans to slay monks.

The identities of monks and wild beasts, their prey and hunter in the wild are not static, but change constantly as the situation changes.

The seven wild beasts are cloud beasts unique to the Yunwu Mountain. They can spray clouds and spit, and have the effect of corrosive treasures. Although it is difficult, Kun Yuan and Jing Yangzi have hunted this beast for many years. ready.

Seventeen monks joined forces to form an array to block the breath, and then surrounded them, entangled the six ancient beasts of the ancient and the ancient, and concentrated the strong to kill the ancient polar cloud in the shortest time by means of thunder. Beast, then spread out and kill the remaining Cloud Beasts one by one.

From the beginning to the end of the battle, it took only a short time, and it was very clean and smooth. There was no difference.

"Hey, it really is a good sign. It seems that this hunting, we must be able to gain something!" Jing Yangzi waved his hands with a smile. Naturally, after the monk took out the beast crystals, he cast the barbarian carcass and then made a special income. Storage ring.

Note that in addition to the beast crystal, the materials on the beast blood, bones, skins and other wild beasts also have their own value. They can be sold to the Temple of War, and they can also be traded with other monks. Crystal coins.

Hunting brutal beasts is a game of life, and every point cannot be wasted. This is the most basic quality of all hunting teams.

The items were quickly packed and organized, and a group of monks carefully withdrew from the isolation formation. The figure submerged into the clouds and mist, and went towards the depths of Yunwu Mountain.

If nothing else, they will be here for two years of wild beast hunting, and they will not return to the Temple of War until they have completed their expected goals.

Shortly after Jingyangzi, Lone Bamboo, and others penetrated the Yunwu Mountain, the teleportation light flickered a little, and dozens of figures appeared directly here, and the light converged, revealing the figure, which is Xu Li as the strong blood prisoner.

"Sir, they are in the Yunwu Mountain, not far from us, and they tried their best to catch up with them at most an hour." A blood prison monk said respectfully.

Xu Li nodded slightly, stepped forward, and the blood outside his body began to rise. He first turned into a blood rainbow, and a number of strong blood prisoners followed.

However, they did not know what means they used to cultivate their breath. They all converged in the body, and there was no sound in their advance.


"Be careful, this big guy is about to die. Now you are thinking about pulling on your back before you die. Don't make that bad luck." Kun Yuan drank aloud, his eyes were full of excitement. .

This is a big guy, an iron beast at the peak of ancient pole.

As a small number of barbaric beasts in the Yunwu Mountains that can compete with the cloud beasts, the iron armored beasts are extremely powerful, and ordinary magical treasures can't hurt them at all. The fangs and giant tail are its most powerful attack methods, which can be easily torn. Split the monk's defense, causing effective killing.

The severely wounded, desperate iron beast is undoubtedly more horrible, with pupils contracting like needles, big mouth breathing between the nose and nose, and the whole body being irritated.

After a while, Jing Yangzi Yang hit a magic weapon with his hand, turned it into an aura and inserted it into the iron beast eyes, shattering his brain directly into a paste.

The iron beast roared dying, and the hill-like body fell suddenly, smashing the ground into a deep pit, arousing the dust of the sky.

"Good guy, this iron beast is definitely a pinnacle of ancient pole power, but unfortunately did not enter Qugu, otherwise 100 crystal coins were in hand." A hunting monk slightly shook his head, quite sorry.

Kun Yuan laughed and cursed, "Do n’t be fooled, you are really an iron beast in the ancient realm. We are afraid that it ’s too late to escape, and we dare to provoke him. The hunting luck is good, and we have met in just a few hours. To the two ancient Gourmet beasts that have single orders. "

The savage beasts with wisdom are not far worse than the monks. When they learn that they will be hunted, they will choose to attach more powerful savages to protect themselves.

Most of the beasts in the ancient polar realm are attached to the Qugu realm. It is extremely difficult to hunt. This is also the main reason that it is extremely difficult for monks from various parties in Ares Palace to get coins. Three iron beasts were hunted, and the hunting team monks smiled.

The faces of the four people, Guzhu, Yunyu, Humen, and Huguan, are also excited. Now they have become the main force for hunting wild beasts, instead of being protected by everyone as before, they feel naturally different.

But at this moment, the monk in charge of exploring the road changed slightly. "Be careful, some monks have come over, and they are extremely fast. It should be our whereabouts."

Jing Yangzi's face went down instantly, and he said flatly, "Swallow Lingdan, and recover the internal loss as soon as possible!"

Although the hunting team monks were distressed, they didn't hesitate anymore.


[Third change, today's update is complete, see you all tomorrow! 】

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