Dao: Journey to the Top of the Universe

Vol 7 Chapter 442: The hunt begins

Treasure land, where the lake is. Eight W] W. 81ZW. Com

Five Sanshijie monks looked dignified and came to control the light. This was a monk of the Seven Sects of the Ancients, and the four behind him were all in the realm of the ancient Punes of the Five Songs, forming a temporary team secretly searching.

Although many people are not weak, they dare not have the slightest intention. After all, they are facing Xiao Chen! Even if he only had Guji Wuqu practice, but his ability to challenge beyond level, even Guji Qiqu monk did not dare to carelessly.

** Dongri held a rough stone with blue emerald light, and frowned slightly. After searching for a while at the lake, he felt a little relieved, waved his hand, and led some people to want Keep going.

But at this moment, the surface of the lake was shattered, and one hundred millimeter-sized grinding disc smashed out, turning into a yellow streamer and heading for the residual wind Xiaoyue!

"Enemy attack!"

** Dongri roared. After all, this man was a seven-pass ancient man. He had a flash of aura in his hand, raised a hand to hit a treasure, and went straight to Huangquan.


The terror wave suddenly burst from the fighting between the two sides and swept away in all directions.

At the same time, a figure suddenly broke through the water waves and rushed to the four Sanshijie Guji Wuqu strong men. Before the figure arrived, the magical power had already been shot.

Swallow a finger.

Cover your hands.

Tear the sky giant hand.

The three types of supernatural powers merge the three series' origins, and they are bursting. Driven by Xiao Chen's repair today, his power is comparable to that of the monks in the realm of Gu Qi Qi Qu!

The fused hands that covered the sky fell violently, covering the four ancient pole five monks and three stone monks.





The sound of torn bones and broken bones was chilling in the heart, and the whole body was cold. The monk of Gu Ji Wuqu gave a hard blow to Xiao Chen. Even if he hurriedly resisted, he could not escape the collapse of the soft body.

At this moment, Huangquan Da Mopan smashed Fei Dongri, and instantly turned into a stream of whistling, engulfing four Sanshijie monks Yuan Shensheng, and directly replenishing them into the source of energy. Xiao Chen turned around and faced ** Dong Ri.

In a short span of time, he and Huang Quan Da Mopan shot at the same time. One of them restrained the three Shijie Guji seven-knot monks, and one of them shot and killed the other four to eliminate interference. Together with perfection, it caused extremely terrifying lethal power.

The four Gu Ji Wu Qu strong men immediately fell.

** Dongri's complexion is faintly white, and his eyes have panic that cannot be concealed.

In today's situation, this Xiao Chen actually dared to shoot, and the means were so fierce and fierce, and the power revealed was so powerful!

I am afraid that Dongfeng Rubao adults still underestimated his power, which is definitely the power of the ancient Qi Qiqu realm!

Xiao Chen lifted up, looked at the person in front of him calmly, and didn't say much. He stepped forward and shot it with a palm of his backhand.

** Dongri suppressed the uneasiness in his heart, and shot arrogantly in the roar.

The entanglement of the powers of the two ancient pole seven songs instantly entangled, and the horror burst into the sky.

After a moment, Xiao Chen paled and took off the dark blue bracelet from ** Dongri's hand. A fireball popped up at his fingertips, and the person's body was incinerated. This was a step forward, and the figure turned into a rush and left.

Soon after, Changhe Minghui and Yilou Siyue rushed to the other two three-stone realm search teams, feeling the unrelenting fluctuations in power, and their faces were extremely ugly.

** East Sun is gone!

"Bring this matter back to your lord, you and I will join forces, don't separate any more!" Changhe Minghui said in a deep voice, with a deep hidden fear in her eyes.

Xiao Chen can kill ** Dongri, and he can also be killed!

I'm afraid adults haven't expected this kind of power.

Yi Lou Siyue slowly nodded, took out a special jade bamboo slip from the Three Stone Circles, branded the matter into it, and raised it with a hand.

Yu Jian's light flickered, and the ghost disappeared into an instant.


A terrifying rainbow came and fell on top of a mountain somewhere, and the light converged, revealing one of the green robe monks, pale, and dark eyes slightly dim.

This person is Xiao Chen.

"Taking my current practice as a card player, I can suppress the monks of the ancient seven poles, but beheading him cannot retreat from the whole body." Xiao Chen groaned and shot today. Kind of verification.

Although he tried his best to kill ** Dongri, he also suffered minor injuries under the counterattack of this man.

If other people are seriously injured in this situation, it is naturally extremely dangerous. Once they are tracked, it is a near death, but Xiao Chen is not afraid, and God sees the body and swipes around to make sure there is no difference. One step forward, the figure directly entered the left eyebrow dojo.

Having a dojo in hand is not only an absolute safe place for retreat, but also a gap of thirty times the time flow, which can make him feel better.


Treasure entrance.

Dongfeng Rubao retracted the consciousness from Jade Bamboo, his face became extremely gloomy, the corners of his mouth twitched for a moment, and he silently opened his mouth slowly. No one survives.

While talking, this weird heart is bleeding!

One ancient pole seven monks, four ancient pole five monks, how many powerful people in the entire Three Stone Realm, only one person can be born in the billions of souls, and each group does not know how much it takes to get trained.

Now Xiao Chen is directly beheaded!

This loss is an unbearable burden for the entire ethnic group!

Augusto, the Three Kings of the Heavens, and Fu Yue on the 6th Yue Dao's face slightly changed, his eyes were extremely gloomy, and his thoughts turned quickly.

"It seems that you and I still underestimated his power. Gu Ji Wu Qu was modified to kill the Gu Ji Qi Qu realm. This is really terrible." Hercules King Shen Sheng said, Dong Tianjie except him and the immortal king Outside the King of Xiaoyao, the Xeon is the monk of the Seven Sects of the Ancients. If he meets Xiao Chen, would it not have entered the tiger's mouth and killed his life? . "

This old weird word, took out a few pieces of jade Jan Yang to play.

Yangri Daojun looked calm and could not see the slightest difference. At the moment, he also took out Yujian and typed it, but what he typed was only known by himself.

Augusto was gloomy, but his heart was ecstatic.

His blood prison monks already have three ancient octave strong men: Floss, Jelson, and Monte. The monks can transform into flesh and blood, and set up the blood prison magic circle, even if they face the strength, they can not be afraid!

Now the monks in the Three Realms panicked to gather their strength, it was when his monks of the blood prison race showed their skills!

As a result, Augusto typed Jade Jane, instead of ordering Frost, Jelson, Montaign and Xuli to gather, but let them spread out, expand the scope of the search, and even intentionally induced Xiao Chen to appear.

This old man has enough self-confidence. Once Xiao Chen appears, he is doomed to escape!


In the First World War that day, Xiao Chen suddenly appeared to obliterate the three stone world ancient pole Qiqu strong as a squad, and instantly deterred the four realms of the foreign powers. The originally scattered search team immediately concentrated all their powers and did not dare to be scattered.

Only the monks of the Blood Prison rely on their strength and continue to do what they want.

However, the strong from the Four Realms came together, and searched in the area where Xiao Chen appeared, and turned upside down, but there was no trace of Xiao Chen. He had to decide that he had fled the area and secretly cursed and dispersed. , Search for the surrounding direction.

However, they have determined that although Xiao Chen has successfully wiped out the Three Stone Realm Search Squad, he has also suffered a minor injury, and should now be hiding in a dark corner to recover the injury.

And this time is undoubtedly the best time to kill him!


On the top of the mountain, a black pebbles was inconspicuous among the rubble. Even if Yuanshen swept by, he would not notice any strangeness.

At this moment, the light flashed, a monk's figure appeared directly on the top of the mountain, his eyes swept away, he didn't notice the danger, and reached out to put the stone into his hands.

The **** came out of the body. Although he didn't notice any monk figure, Xiao Chen could faintly feel a little chaos from the surrounding environment. Obviously, a lot of monks came here not long ago to stir the spiritual chaos.

But the current situation is that they cannot find Xiao Chen, and Xiao Chen cannot find them. Treasure space is immense, and I am afraid that a lot of time will be wasted in the process of searching for each other.

Xiao Chen frowned slightly, but then his eyes flickered slightly, and his face was a little surprised.

Yuanshen space, like the source of a small sun world, gently emits an invisible wave. When this wave touched Xiao Chen Yuanshen, he seemed to have countless eyes, or was integrated with the whole space.

In the treasure space, no corner is in his sight. With only a slight movement of his mind, he can see anywhere he wants to see, and can even clearly sense the position of all monks here.

Whether it was the gloomy Augusto, Dongfeng Rubao, etc. at the entrance of the treasure, or the monks distributed in the treasure space to search for him, they were all under his eyes.

What's even more amazing is that under this attention, even the ancient monks of Oguto and Dongfeng did not notice the slightest!

In this situation, it seems that Xiao Chen has become the **** of this space, and all the subtle movements are in his induction!

Xiao Chen opened her eyes, depressed her heart, groaned slightly, and thought of a reasonable explanation.

This space is supported by the power of the source of the world. It can also be said to be a pseudo-world extending from the source of the world. Although it is almost the same as the real world, it cannot produce any living beings.

But it was ultimately born from the source of the world. This thing melts into Xiao Chen's Yuanshen space. With its power, Xiao Chen's senses can spread to the entire treasure space, leading to this magical result now.

If one day, Xiao Chen would open up the source of the world and form a new world. As the master of this world, he could also possess this kind of power, and now he just contacts in advance in this treasure space.

But how can the source of the world detect Xiao Chen's thoughts and help? Could it also have its own intelligence?

Xiao Chen raised doubts in his heart, but he turned away a little while turning. Now is not the time to ponder these things, but with the help of the source of the world and possessing this magical power, the problem he is facing is solved.

He can easily see anyone in the treasure space, but they can't see him, or even know that he can see them. In this situation, the status of the prey and hunter on both sides will not change.

Xiao Chen lifted his lips, showing a touch of coldness, "Hunting, started."

After the words came down, he took the next step and turned into a shocked rainbow and headed for somewhere.


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