Dao: Journey to the Top of the Universe

Vol 7 Chapter 443: Scarlet Demon

With the passage of time, the pseudo-world, which had lost the support of the source of the world, became weak and aging, and then began to collapse. Z} W ?. Com

The great loss of spiritual power between heaven and earth has made everything into a process of rapid extinction.

The lush dense forest was blown by the wind, and a large number of withered leaves followed the wind, leaving only those lonely branches pointing towards the sky like a stubborn bone claw.

In the void, there is a dark smell of decay and death.

Dozens of blood-stained light screamed from a distance, for whom the blood prisoner Xu Li left!

The man had an ugly face, and although trying to keep calm, there was a trace of anxiety under his eyes.

Based on his ancient seven poles, he could not have a high status among the blood prisoners. It was only because the city government was very resourceful and resourceful that it won the importance of Augustus, making him even more important than Frost and Jerson. The three Montessers are even higher.

But this situation has obviously changed now.

Since Xiao Chen entered the War God Palace, not only has he killed his most beloved junior Xu Ya, but also made him make mistakes in front of adults, causing adults to be dissatisfied and his status plummeted!

Although Augusto did not dispose of him, Asahi knew that he had no qualifications to sit on a par with Floss, Jelson, and Monte. Even after the treasure was over, he would have to return to the Temple of War. Facing adult punishment.

All of this is because of Xiao Chen!

But now there is only one chance that he can help him return to his former low position and regain Ogudo's adulthood, and that is to kill Xiao Chen and take the source of the world to the adult!

Such great work will not only make up for all his previous mistakes, but also make his status rise again, becoming the first person under the seat of Augusto!

So he was far from the distance with the team of Frost, Jelson, and Monte, and led the search team alone, looking into the depths of the treasure space to find Xiao Chen's whereabouts.

He knew that Xiao Chen had killed a team of Three Stone Realms led by the ancient Qiqiqu strong, but was not afraid in his heart, but looked forward to the arrival of Xiao Chen, the power of the blood prison monks, the magical strangeness, let He has enough confidence.

Once Xiao Chen showed up, he could kill him!

Therefore, Xu Li took himself and the 13 blood prison monks behind him as bait and waited quietly for Xiao Chen's shot.

For some reason, he has a clear intuition in this direction. In this direction, he can meet Xiao Chen! Although this feels inexplicable, but for such a state of cultivation, sometimes some unexplained thoughts, on the contrary, represent some kind of induction in the meditation.

So Xu Li is here.

He waited secretly.

In the depths of the lonely yellow jungle, a branch of a hundred feet of ancient wood, Xiao Chen sat cross-legged, his position was directly in front of Xu Li. As long as he doesn't change direction, the two will soon meet.

He had been observing for a long time in secret, waiting for him to lead the monk deep enough into the area, even if the rescue signal could not be obtained in time, he decided to give up.

Yes, Xiao Chen's target is blood prison.

The monks from the Four Realms entered the treasure land to search for his whereabouts. Now, in addition to the blood prisoners, the monks from the Three Stone Realms and the Dongtian Realm have gathered together. They are extremely powerful, and it is obviously not a good choice to contact them.

The scattered blood prisoner, Xu Li, who went deep alone, naturally became his best choice.

Moreover, Xu Li is a think tank that Augusto is well-known for relying on, and the blood prisoners have repeatedly acted. If there is no secret calculation of this person, Xiao Chen will never believe it. The means by which he avoided the predicament of injustice was by this man.

That being the case, he certainly deserves it.

In silence, cross your knees and adjust your breath, your heart is murderous, and you are getting richer in the process of brewing.

After a while, Xiao Chen suddenly lifted his eyes, the cold flashes in his eyes, the horrific killings broke out, and he was outrageous!

Xu Xu contracted fiercely from the pupils, and the two eyes looked away from each other.

"Xiao Chen!"

Xu Li yelled in his mouth, his eyes instantly turned into blood, and his thick blood covered his body instantly.

At the same time, under the cover of this breath fluctuation, his hand flashed a little light, a blood-colored jade appeared instantly, and the person directly crushed it with a little force.

The blood prison monks spread the letter to Jade Jane. Once crushed, all blood prisoners in the treasure space will be guided by information and come here as quickly as possible.

Xu Xu was angry and wanted to kill Xiao Chen with his own hands, and made this great feat, but this man was cautious and did not lose his reason.

Encounter today, not so much because of his bad luck, it is better to say that Xiao Chen took the initiative to show up .. Or maybe he has been on this road, waiting for his arrival!

No matter what, it is not good to come! Xiao Chen dared to do so, and he must rely on it, so he shattered the letter Jade Jane, just in case. If Xiao Chen really can't stand up to the enemy, he can fight while fleeing to get the ethnic monks to take him out of danger The environmental possibility has greatly increased. Even if he was worried, by the time Fros, Jelson, Montai and others arrived, the battle would be over and there would be no credit for him.

This old man has a good plan!

The fluctuation of the breath released by crushing Yujian was already very weak, and his outside breath was covered, even though Xiao Chen didn't notice it.

But then he frowned slightly, his eyes flashed.

Just because of the Yuanshen induction, the other three blood prison monks came straight at the same time, apparently Xu Li passed the news through some means.

But there was no fear in his mind, and just as Xu Li thought, he also had a calculation in his mind. Such a distance, even if the nearest blood prison team wants to come here, it takes an hour, this time is enough.

Xiao Chenpao reached out with one hand in his sleeve and grabbed hard in front of the void!

The thirteen regular lines of the Yuanshen were manifested in his sight at the same time, coming out of nothingness and submerging into nothingness.

At the moment I grabbed it, and the thirteen rule lines were all in my hand.


Regular lines represent the supreme power in this world. Every increase will increase the explosive power that can be superimposed, and this surge will continue to expand with the increase in the number of regular lines!

Therefore, in the realm of Xiaochen Guji Wuqu, thirteen regular lines are already his limit!

The dazzling aura burst from his hands, the source of the rules condensed, was shot by his backhand, and merged into his chest.

Thirteen regular lines form an ellipse at the same perfect angle. Between rotations, a powerful force is released, like adding a second source of energy to Xiao Chen's body, making his breath suddenly soar, reaching ancient times in one fell swoop. Extreme Qiqu peak realm!

This is the real power of Xiao Chen. Even Ogudo, Dongfeng Rubao, Dongtian Three Kings, and Fu Dao 6th Moon Daojun did not expect it. After bursting his hole cards, he has the power that is comparable to the peak of Gu Ji Seven Qu!

Because they can't touch the regular lines, naturally they can't understand the terrorist power it can exude!

Xiao Chen shot directly to Xeon Mighty Power, the green robe roared hunting and hunting, the black tumbled, the terror and terror raged and writhed, as if the gods were coming!

Stepping out at this moment, your fingers suddenly fell forward!

Huangquan big grinding disc!

call out!

In the void, this object was summoned by Xiao Chen instantly. With the power of the peak of the ancient seven poles, this object was horrible. If not, he would not be able to kill the Three Stone Realm on the same day. day.

The Huangquan Grinding Disk turned into a withering streamer, cut through the sky, and carried an irresistible force.

Asahi jumped fiercely in the centrifugal, screaming screamingly in the mouth, "Blood, **** prison!"



Including this person, the fourteen blood monk monks collapsed on their own, turned into sky-blooded blood, and converged into a blood-gas mass during the rolling.

But things haven't ended so far. The blood gas mass rolls up, condensing into a thousand feet, the first horns, the body is burly, and the **** eyes disperse this terrible evil!

Taking Xu Li as a monk in the blood prison group, he was condensed into a ghost image of the demon **** with the blood prison demons, holding a shield on his left and a knife on his right, and raised a terrible roar towards the sky. !!

In the face of Huang Quan's brutal assault, this demon ghost shadow cut off with a long knife!


The **** destruction force, madly strangled with the force of Huang Quan's annihilation of life, the loud noise burst, like the fury of thunder, and the wave of destruction formed by the horrifying mana hedge spread madly in all directions.

The ancient wood that had fallen out of leaves was uprooted by this force, and the tree was thrown into the air, which was directly crushed into powder.

Within this shroud of strength, all obstacles on the ground collapsed as much as possible. The entire ground was extremely flat, and the surface was extremely solid, forming a thick layer of crystals like glass but ten thousand times stronger than it.

Huang Quan Da Mo Pan backed up, the Scarlet Demon Void backed up again and again, the two sides seem to be evenly matched, but the real result is that Xiao Chen has the absolute upper hand!

The Scarlet Devil's power was devoured by Huang Quan while he was shaking with Huang Quan. Although not many, it was already amazing enough!

Maybe once or twice will not cause damage to the strength of both sides, but for a long time, the situation of evenly matched opponents will be completely broken, when Xu Li and others will fall!

And the most important point is that this blood-colored demon is composed of Xu Li and the thirteen blood prisoners themselves. Each of the power swallowed by the Huangquan Grinding Disc is the result of their hard cultivation. At that time, they will suffer extreme pain, as if the body gods were cut by life!

Therefore, in a single blow, the Scarlet Demon stepped back, without any pause, the figure directly turned into a blood rainbow, and fled madly to the rear.

According to the induction of Xiao Chen Yuanshen, the direction of this object is the closest one among the three monks who came from the Blood Prison.

They are obviously afraid!

Xiao Chen flashed in the eyes of Xiao Chen without any pause, stepped forward, cut through the space and chased him away, raised his finger, and Huangquan's great grinding disc fell again!

Today, he wants to leave as many people as Xu Li!


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