Dao: Journey to the Top of the Universe

Vol 7 Chapter 444: Last whetstone

"Master Frost, according to the information guide, Lord Xu Li is approaching us urgently!" A blood monk monk spoke with a deep voice, his eyes were full of shock. Eight [One [中 ?? <文 W] W] W ?. 8) 1) YW. Com

Xu Li's information indicates that he has already shown Xiao Chen's whereabouts and has even fought against him. But now he was approaching them, apparently not the situation that should have occurred in combat.

Perhaps the perfect explanation is that Xu Li and others are fleeing, and only Xiao Chen can force them to flee.

Frost's eyes flickered, "Xu Li really lost my blood prisoner's face, and was actually chased down by a tribal junior! You go on, the old man goes one step ahead, and see what Xiao Chen can do! "

Whispering, the blood prisoner cultivated for the strongest second to Augusto, reaching the peak of the ancient pole eights, stepped forward, turned into a rainbow of blood!


Treasure entrance.

Ogudo tried to keep himself calm, otherwise there would be a slight difference in color, which could be detected by the old immortals such as Dongfeng, the three kings of the sky, and the 6th moon prince, but the ecstasy of his heart could not be suppressed.

The blood prison monk is here!

Not long ago he felt the news from the letter Yujian. Although I do n’t know which of the four monks of His Majesty has shown his whereabouts, this is not important. With their strength, any team is enough to bring Xiao Chen Kill!

Perhaps at this moment, the source of the world has fallen into their hands!

Thinking of this, the old man was slightly low, so as not to be aware of the joy in his eyes.

It seems that this time, it is still his blood prisoner who cares more, and will become the biggest winner of this treasure trip.

Calm up, um, we must calm down, absolutely can't let them see something strange, these poor guys are still waiting for Xiao Chen to show up here, wondering if he can never come here again.

Ogudo had already decided that once he received the letter from Yujian, he would meet the monk monk directly, and then take the opportunity to leave the treasure space.

The most important treasure had already fallen into his hands, but the old man was reluctant to grow side by side, causing the other three realms to compete.

Come on!

It's not clear how Yujian has arrived.


In the clouds, the thundering sounded like a thunder roar, and the sound spread far away, shaking the earth.

A fierce **** demon ghost whistled, but at this moment his movement was slightly embarrassing. From time to time, a withering yellow light burst down, and the demon ghost would resist with the shield in his hand, and did not fight back, just blindly escaped. .

If you look closely, you can see that this withered yellow light is wrapped in a one-hundred-foot millstone, and the word Huangquan is **** and deceptive.

In the rear, the monk Qingpao walked in the vanity with empty feet, his face was cold, his eyes were cold like tide, and his space filled with murderous power.

Xu Li and other blood prison monks fled in the blood and condensed the deities. Xiao Chen drove Huang Quan to chase after him. The two sides have crossed the endless space. At this moment, with each attack of Huang Quan's chasers, the power of the Scarlet Devil It will be swallowed a little, and now its thousand-foot shape has been reduced to the size of eight hundred feet, its strength has been seriously weakened, and it is no longer Xiao Chen's opponent.

Even if he stopped fighting at this moment, he could not escape!

Therefore, he has only one way left, which is to escape, continually flee, and join the cousin's blood prison monks to save his life.

Xiao Chen Yuanshen moved slightly, inducing the **** monk who was approaching, the corners of his mouth slightly tilted, revealing a touch of radiant color.

If Xu Li chooses to fight in the beginning, even if Xiao Chen can kill him, he will certainly be injured, but now he has lost this opportunity.

Perhaps it was the breath of the responder, the Scarlet Devil suddenly flared with flames of blood, and once again improved, going crazy!

Although the Scarlet Demon is a joint effort of the blood prison monks, at this moment Xu Li is the only one who keeps his mind awake and controls his actions!

The moment he confronted Xiao Chen, he understood that everyone had miscalculated Xiao Chen's strength. If he stayed to death, he might be traumatized, but he would certainly die.

He didn't want to die, so he chose to escape.

Frost is coming, as long as they meet, Xiao Chen can't escape today!

Although this will be divided into half of the credit, it is the best way Xu Xu can think of right now.

Now that he has decided to flee, he will naturally not have a counterattack, and in this way he can show weakness to the enemy and induce Xiao Chen to hunt down and wait for Frost's arrival!

But what he didn't know was that Xiao Chen already knew about the arrival of Frost, but he was still in a hurry to hunt after him. Obviously, he had absolute certainty and could kill him!

But if this is not the case, how would Xu Li flee in a safe and steady manner, obediently let Xiao Chen wear away his power little by little, instead of fighting desperately to resist.

After all, Xiao Chen still counted him. Now Xu Li doesn't know, but his tragic ending is already doomed.



Huang Quan's great grinding disc attacked madly, devouring the Scarlet Demon's power to replenish into the source of power. The loss and replenishment were almost the same. Xiao Chen almost didn't need to use his mana.

The two sides pursued the killing with all one's strength.

One buried himself and fled, killing and refusing to turn back.

Therefore, the speed of travel is extremely fast, and there is no difference with full speed.

Xiao Chen slowly lifted his eyes, revealing the sense of sensation. In the sense of Primal Spirit, Frost was already very close to them, and if there were several parties, they could be far away from each other.

Asahi was ecstatic in the centrifugal, he also felt the breath of Frost.

Xiao Chen!

See how you escape this time!

As long as Xiao Chen is killed and the source of the world is captured, no one will accuse him of fleeing now, but will treat it as a trick to seduce the enemy, and United Floss will kill Xiao Chen!

Such a big credit is enough to restore him to his former position!

Xu Li even thought about the situation after killing Xiao Chen, his eyes were hot and stunned!

In front of the sky, a blood-colored light spot appeared, and it became clear sharply. It was Floss!

The blood prisoner Gu Ji Ba Qu peak strong, now finally arrived!

Xu Li was about to call, but at this moment, his body was suddenly stiff, his face turned pale, and suddenly turned, just to see Xiao Chen suddenly stop, with an unobtrusive meaning on his face.

Hold out with one hand, hold the air in the air, and pull gently.

Seemingly empty, but Xiao Chen's complexion suddenly turned pale, and the breath in her body was even more frantic.

Xu Li thought of Xiao Chen's battle with the first blood son in the battlefield of God that day, and the final terrifying blow from the earth shook his eyes with despair.

"Do you think you can escape? Now that your mission has been completed, there is no meaning to continue, die."

Xiao Chen whispered, and passed it into Xu Li's ears clearly.

Finger, release!

A blood-colored arc suddenly appeared, like a blade, utterly cut off.

This attack was the power of Xiao Chen to pull 13 regular lines with the ancient Qi Qiqu Xiu, which exudes a horrible breath, which instantly tears up the surrounding space.

The treasure space that has lost the source of the world has gradually withered and died. The monk fighting method will absorb spiritual powers in a big way, and the destruction waves generated will destroy the integrity of the space, which will increase the destruction of the treasure space.

Just as Xiao Chen shot at this moment, the surrounding space was severely torn, but there was no trace of repair. Instead, the scope of the torn space continued to expand.

Frost clearly sensed the horror of the Skybreaker, and even he didn't dare to take any notice.

The blood-colored demon formed by Xu Li and other blood prison monks is not far ahead, and it only takes a few breaths to merge with him. But if this is the case, he will have to guard Xiao Chen ’s magical powers without precaution, even if He is the peak of Gu Ji Ba Qu and will inevitably end up seriously injured.

That being the case, it can only be wrong.

There was a flash of aura in Frost's hand, a **** giant axe suddenly appeared in his hand, how tall was a person, blood-colored, countless mysterious textures engraved on the axe, and a horrible tearing breath came out of it .

Xu Li knows the huge axe in the hands of Frost. This is the high-level ancient treasure given by Augusto himself when he worshiped His Majesty. In Frost's hands, he can let him explode infinitely close to the ancient Jiuqu. .

But at the moment watching Frost take out the big axe, there was a frightened scream in his mouth, "No!"

But it's too late.

Frost stepped forward, with a huge ax in his hand mixed with the power of destroying the world, and chopped forward with an axe!


A scarlet axe fired a illusive axe, which turned into a streamer and shot forward, tearing as much space as possible along the way.

Xiao Chen took the shot, and Frost also took the shot. Both supernatural powers tore through the space. From a distance, it was seen that the blade and the axe rushed away, causing the space to tremble and collapse along the way, turning it into a powerful image.

One person did not think so.

That is Xu Li between the two supernatural powers.

Because Xiao Chen took the lead to stop, pulling the regular lines to break the sky's edge, so relatively speaking, Xu was closer to Frost's position, and it was precisely because of this that this blood prisoner ancient pole seven strong man It wasn't that he died in the hands of Xiao Chen, but was directly chopped by the axe shadow and fell into the hands of Floss.

The savior originally thought to have appeared, but ultimately killed his life by himself, I have to say that this is a rather funny and tragic thing.

But Xiao Chen didn't care. As he said, Xu Li had no meaning of existence, because he had already found the best opponent for him!

Not bad!

Xiao Chen deliberately did not kill Xu Li, in order to attract Frost to come here, he will use his strongest power to fight the **** monk ancient pole eight peak monk!

Even if he knew that he did not have any hope of winning in this battle, Xiao Chen did not want to give up at all!

A few days ago, he fought against Sanshijie ** East Japan. Xiao Chen killed him in order to avoid a direct battle. He also suffered a minor injury, but he was experiencing a very subtle change in his nourishment.

The bottleneck of Qi Weijing seems to have become looser. Although not big, it is enough to surprise him!

After careful consideration, Xiao Chen found an explanation.

He felt in the stone tower that although he could quickly get the upright meaning inherited from the stone tower by virtue of some characteristics, he had not experienced the real life and death fight. He could not fully integrate these upright meanings, and formed a trance that prevented him from continuing to improve.

And the sharpening of life and death can undoubtedly maximize the exciting potential and complete a breakthrough in one fell swoop!

So he led Frost to come to help him take the last step as the last whetstone with the power of the ancient realm of the Eight Peaks.

This decision was extremely dangerous, and even plunged him into the abyss of death, but Xiao Chen did not choose to step back.

The monk practiced the path and walked through the thorns. There is no great danger. How can he gain precious insights in life and death and take a solid and powerful step out of the road!

This battle he has been waiting for!

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