Dao: Journey to the Top of the Universe

Vol 7 Chapter 446: Ancient pole seven

Here comes the letter Jade Jane.

Augusto was so excited that he forced himself to show a calm and calm look, and raised his hands to take it into his hands, giving him a little insight into it.

The next moment, the old man's face suddenly turned red and turned into a pig's liver color. He wow a spit of blood against his face, and his face looked like a ghost.

Xu Li is dead, and Frost is dead!

It was as if two punches were blown hard and slammed into Augusto's chest.

The facts are too far from his expectations, so great that the Jiuqu Jiuqiu can't bear it, he didn't mention it, and almost passed out.

Dongfeng Rubao, the three kings of the sky, and the six-day moon Daojun's face suddenly changed. They had confronted Ogudo for many years, and had no idea how many times they had confronted him in the dark. Spitting blood!

It is funny to be able to vomit blood from the strongest person in the peak of the ancient Nine Songs. But at this moment, watching Augusto's anxiety, they don't think this thing is funny.

It seems that there are changes in the treasure space that they have no control over.

"August friends, what happened, but related to that Xiao Chen?" Hercules King Shen Sheng said.

Augusto suddenly turned, his eyes were red, and he stared at the King of Hercules. The breath in his body was agitated and agitated, and it felt like he was going to shoot at any time.

The immortal king and Xiaoyao king changed their faces slightly, and they took a step forward and stood side by side with the king of Hercules.

Dongfeng's brows frowned, "Augudou friends should not be excited. What exactly happened, let me tell you, you and I will work together to come up with a solution."

On the 6th, Yue Dao Jun nodded.

Ogudo gasped for a moment, and didn't look at the rear for a while. He pressed his heart violently, but his face was as cold as ice, and his body was smashed with murderous power. "The old man, His Majesty Xu Li, and Frost have stunned in Xiao Chen In your hands! "

"What!" Dongfeng Rubao suddenly discolored, "Xu Li Guqi Qiqu is repaired, Xiao Chen may still have a chance, but Frost is the peak of Guji Baqu, repaired, holding the opening **** axe you gave, has an approach To the strength of the ancient realm, how can Xiao Chen kill him! "

"Have the Augusto friends investigated this?"

Augusto said nothing, "The news came from both Jelson and Montaigne. Naturally, there will be no fakes. Old man hates it, why didn't he take the shot earlier and kill the kid!"

The Hellion has dominated the Five Realms of the War Gods Palace for countless years, and there are only three ancient octave monks, and Frost is one of them, even having the opportunity to set foot in ancient times. His death hit Ogudo. Extremely heavy.

Dongfeng Ru's face became extremely ugly in an instant, "What exactly can Xiao Chen do to kill Frost! No, since he can kill Frost, if you and my Majesty monks meet him, I'm afraid it will be impossible to escape. ! "

As the words fell, this weird face became extremely ugly for a moment, groaning a little, and said, "August friends, Xiao Chen didn't know why the power surged again. Except for you and me, I am afraid no one is his rival. Right now I We will soon have to recall His Majesty ’s monks, so as not to cause greater losses. "

Dongfeng Ruguan looked dignified and whispered.

"Recall? No!" Ogudol looked grimace. "He fought with Frost for a long time before killing him, indicating that he did not have the real power of the Ancient Nine Songs. Although he killed Frost, he faced his counterattack. , You will be seriously injured! "

"This is the best chance to kill him. If you do n’t want to take risks, the old man is not afraid! With the power of Jelson and Monte Thai, unless you face the ancient monk, you can fight as much as you want, and the old man does not believe in Xiao Chen. They can still kill them! I will let them continue searching. Under severe injuries, Xiao Chen will never be able to escape! The old man will catch him, restrain his primitive spirit, withstand the sea of ​​blood, and endlessly endlessly Never be born in pain! "

The three kings of the sky looked cloudy for a while, then looked at each other after a few breaths, and nodded slightly.

King Hercules took a step forward and arched his hand. "Oguduo's friends said very well, my cave heaven monk will go to help the blood prison clan friends to kill Xiao Chen!"

Dongfeng Rubao hesitated a little, he nodded, and said, "Well, since the two Taoist friends are going to make a shot, there is no reason for the old man to shrink back, so the monks in the Three Stone Realms will also search."

The strange eyes gathered around him, Yang Ri Dao Jun showed a bit of a bitter smile, slowly shook his head, "Except for the two husbands in the floating 6 realm, the Xeon is not in the realm of the ancient extreme Qiqu, even if he encounters Xiao Chen, he cannot help. On the contrary, it may be a hindrance. In this case, I will not intervene in this matter, and the old man will recall his monks as much as possible. "

Ogudol whispered and waved, "Since the two Daoists of Sun Moon Daojun do not want to join, then the old man and others will not be reluctant! You and I from the Three Realms have joined forces, even if they face the most powerful The power must kill Xiao Chen! "

Whispering, the old man waved his sleeve and typed out the letter Yujian.

The three kings of the sky and Dongfeng Rubao shot successively, gathered monks, and strangled Xiao Chen!

On the 6th, Moon Daojun's brows frowned slightly, and a little anxiety appeared in her eyes, and she lowered her head slightly to avoid being noticed.

After all, since he is the one chosen by his ancestors, he should not be a short-lived one. These people may not succeed if they want to kill him!

And he has intuition that Xiao Chen will be here soon.

Now that he will come, the monk sent to kill him will certainly not end well. But he is puzzled. What kind of realm Xiao Chen has reached now can actually kill Floss!

Soon, everything will be revealed!


Left eyebrow dojo.

In the ascending spirit array, Xiao Chen sat cross-legged, his body was like a black hole, and devouring surrounding spiritual powers.

Realm promotion, when the physical and mana accumulation reaches the corresponding level, the promotion is considered complete.

But in the process, he didn't waste time in vain. From time to time, his hands flashed a little, and he took out rice grains like blood crystals and devoured them.

Blood jade dragon tooth rice!

At that time, Xiao Chenxiu was inadequate in his realm, and the thirteen rule lines were enough for him, but now he has explored seven realms and set foot in eight wastelands. His strength has skyrocketed in comparison with the ancient seven-track monks. The limit.

Refining blood jade dragon tooth rice at this time is naturally extremely appropriate!

According to his current practice, refining this material is extremely fast, and it takes only a few breaths to refine one grain. And with each refinement, the fourteenth rule line of his Yuanshen becomes clearer.

It seems that a mysterious power emerged from the blood jade dragon tooth rice, integrated into Xiao Chen's body, deepening his perception of the power of the rules.

There were a lot of blood jade dragon teeth rice that had piled up on the hill before, but today it has become so refined like Xiao Chen that it seems to be stretched.

After three months of refining, Xiao Chen added four lines of space rules to the Yuanshen space, but the blood jade dragon tooth rice has been worn out. In this way, even if the treasure is fully refined, he can only control it at most. More than twenty regular lines.

But Xiao Chen learned from the Shu Bo the preciousness of the blood jade dragon tooth rice, which is a treasure that may not be possessed in the ruined realm. He hesitated slightly and stopped refining.

Seventeen regular lines are enough for his use right now.

And with the refining of blood jade dragon tooth rice, in addition to the increased rule lines in the Yuanshen, Xiao Chen ’s body has also received a lot of benefits. The flesh is more powerful and tough. Although the human body does not specialize in the body, but the body is strong. Many benefits.

When absorbing spiritual power or mana, you can feel more mellow and handy. It seems that the physical body has been improved on some levels.

For ten years, Xiao Chen has not stepped out of the ascension array. He is in a state of crazy devouring spiritual power every time and every moment, the stronger his breath is, the sound of wind and thunder looms between breaths and breaths. Come.

The mighty power flowed freely in his physical body. This kind of awakening between life and death stepped out of the bottleneck and felt the feeling of cultivation as an ascension, really wonderful!


In the ascension array, Xiao Chen's eyes suddenly opened, his eyes flashed, and his eyes were cold.

To this day, the injuries have only recovered, and seven poles have been promoted to the Ancient God. Seventeen lines of rules have been imprinted in Yuanshen. At present, Xiao Chen Xiudao has never achieved such a peak.

But he did not choose to go out immediately, but continued to practice.

"Five Elements Primitives" restricts the ancient ancestral realm to be qualified for refining the fourth origin, but it now seems that Xiao Chen has misinterpreted the meaning of Prince Zhou's Yuanshen. This ancient ancestral realm represents the ancient Limits, even the power of Qu Gu Realm.

Xiao Chen had not been successful before, but now he has this qualification.

In seven days, the origin of the complete refining gold made Xiao Chen's power grow again!

Although the state of Xiuwei has not been improved, the fusion of the four origins into magical powers will surely reveal a terrifying terror power, and it will also become one of Xiao Chen's strongest cards.

Standing up, dark eyes killer.

At this point, he was ready for everything and it was time to leave the dojo.

Presumably someone in the treasure space is already impatient.

Xiao Chen smiled coldly, stepped forward and disappeared.


"No! How could it not be? This circle is tens of thousands of miles long, and I have been traversed by monks from the Three Realms without missing any place. Didn't Xiao Chen have left here?" Jellson frowned, his face hard to hide his worry .

Xiao Chen's severe injuries were naturally their best chance, but the longer the time passed, the worse it was for them.

And for some reason, a bad premonition gradually developed in his heart, and the stronger it became with the passage of time, it seemed that something bad would happen.

It was because of this feeling that he became more agitated.

Sanshijie Yiyue Siyue, Changhe Minghui, Dong Tianjie Lin Huan and others looked dull, but none of them spoke.

"As the two Taoist friends Jelson and Montai said, Xiao Chen must have been seriously injured when he killed Frost Taoist that day. In this case, he must not escape too far. Therefore, I suspect that Xiao Chen was hiding in this area, but you and I never found him. "Yi Lou Siyue whispered, his eyes slowly sweeping around.


[The third change is still asking for a monthly pass. 】

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