Dao: Journey to the Top of the Universe

Vol 7 Chapter 447: Beheaded

"Well, I agree with the words of Yi Lou Siyue, but I don't know where Xiao Chen hid?"

Montai whispered, "Damn, this means of hiding Xiao Chen's life is much better than his cultivation. It must not be found by me, otherwise he must be tried by my blood prisoner!"

Less than a hundred feet away from the Three Realms monk, a black stone lay quietly on the ground. {[ W}.> 8? 1] ZW.COM

But at this moment, the physical light flashed, a figure appeared directly, and said lightly, "Xiao, the blood prisoner's means, has already been taught a lot. If Taoist friends want to make a shot, I will naturally give you this opportunity."

The sound was bland, but there was a lingering chill lingering in it, and it was clearly transmitted to the ears of all the exotic monks here.

Montai's body was stiff and suddenly lifted, looking at the blue robe monk leaning down to pick up the stones, his face was stiff, and the fear of shrinking pupils was difficult to hide, but he was quickly suppressed by a wave of shame and anger!

Why should he be afraid!

Why should you be afraid!

Xiao Chen is really powerful, but now he is not alone. Jelson and him are both the peak of ancient pole eight songs, and there are also the help of monks such as Changhe Minghui, Yilou Siyue, Lin Huan and other ancient peak seven songs. Your Majesty has nearly one hundred ancient monks!

This power, even in the face of the most powerful, also has a battle force, Xiao Chen dare to show up is to find his own way!

But ... if anyone can kill him first, he can take the source of the world from him ..

Meng Tai hit Jelson with a subtle color, and a sneer sneered on his face instantly, "Xiao Chen! I didn't expect you to dare to show up! Kill my two people, Fros and Xu Li, you are in danger today ! "


In the roar, Jellson and his shot almost at the same instant.

The two have been in the presence of Augusto for many years, and they are extremely familiar with each other. At the moment, they are perfectly seamless. They shot up and strive to kill Xi Xiaochen before the others have responded!

The two monks at the peak of the ancient pole eight song shot with all their strength. No one in the world can resist except the ancient monks!

But at the moment they shot, the existing people reacted faster than them!

Xiao Chen feet stepped back, it seemed that they had already expected that they would take a shot, the external light flashed slightly, the figure turned into a streamer, and retreated.

The movement was flowing, and there was no thought of resistance at all, it seemed that the decision to escape had already been made.

Jelson and Monta were stunned, and their faces were instantly exasperated. If Ogudo knew that Xiao Chen had appeared in front of the two of them, and then swaggered and retreated, they would not spare them!

"Xiao Chen is off!"

"Come to come!"

The two monks of the Blood Prison roared and turned into Blood Rainbow, chasing away, but the fear in their hearts disappeared instantly.

It turns out that Xiao Chen will flee!

This shows that he does not have enough power, as long as the two of them join forces, this person is not terrible!

When the thoughts turn, they only feel happy. Based on their cultivation, since Xiao Chen appeared, could he not survive? ridiculous!

See where you run today!

Xiao Chen fled forward, Jelson and Montait followed closely, and they were the second echelon, with Changhe Minghui, Yilou Siyue, and Lin Huan as the third echelon, and then the Three Realms of the Middle Ages. There are five monks, the largest number of which are almost a hundred people.

Because Xiao Chen fled suddenly, the three monks and the joint strangling team were pulled into a long snake. Perhaps they are now immersed in the joy of killing Xiao Chen or the calculation of robbing the source of the world, but their power has not been dispersed. .

The peaks of two ancient pole eight songs, the peaks of three ancient pole seven songs, nearly a hundred estimates of six and five monks, if you fight directly, you can really shock the ancient monks!

But remember, it's positive, meaning that they need to concentrate all their strengths in order to compete with ancient times.

At present, this echelon-like team is obviously unable to do this!

But at the moment, no one is aware of it.

"Xiao Chen! Did you come here to perform a runaway drama in front of me? Are you ridiculed!" Jellson was angry and roared, this Xiao Chen did not know what kind of magical powers he had cultivated, degree Strangely fast, they ca n’t catch up with their cultivation, but they tend to be pulled farther and farther away. “If you have the courage, stop me and dare to fight with us in the face!”

Montai rushed forward with a stuffy head, and could not help secretly sniffing at her companion's words.

Stop, he will be sick if he will stop!

This battle, except for the ancient monks who had to see it, had to run, otherwise it would be a self-death.

But at this moment, in the stun of Monte Thai, Xiao Chen actually stopped and turned suddenly to face them.

Could it be that he really wanted to die?


Mengtai's heart shrank fiercely, looking at Xiao Chen's calm face, her heart suddenly gave a terrible premonition!

How could he behave so calmly at this time .. Mo Fei, there is fraud!

Xiao Chen's eyes flashed coldly, and he said lightly, "Because of this, this seat will give you a chance to confront me directly, I hope you will not regret it!" He exploded like a sun in his palm, shining brilliantly!

Xiao Chen was also curious about the horrific power that can emerge from the source of the rules, which is a combination of seventeen rule lines.

Backhand, shoot off your chest!


The moment when the source of the rules melted into his chest, Xiao Chen's breath soared wildly, like a terrible beast. At this moment, he finally revealed his cricket minions, released his true power, and rushed into Jiuxiao!

"Zhao, Huang Quan's grinding disc!"

Xiao Chen growled, with his current strength, he was definitely out of the limit of ancient extreme eight songs, at the point where he touched the threshold of the ancient realm. Although not fully reached, it did not prevent him from bursting out to the ancient realm of attacking power. !!

When Xiu reached this point, when he controlled Huangquan Dapan, he really had a comfortable feeling, and he could also push this supernatural power to the extreme state completely!

The sketch of the two-word pen of "Huangquan" is almost united, like two blood springs.

The unicorn soul beast is completely integrated with the source of strength, exactly it will devour the source of strength in the Huangquan Grinding Disk, making itself a source of strength, the more powerful and powerful, the roar of the sky, and its own dementing power!


Huang Quan's grinding disc turned into a phantom, and went straight to Jelson and Montai and fell!

Facing the blow from Huangquan Mopan, the two monks on the peak of the Blood Prison Guji Baqu suddenly changed their face without any trace of blood, screaming in horror, and the breath sensed from Huangquan Mopan left them all cold.

Ancient forces!

This is the power of the most ancient power, they have experienced it in Lord Augustus.

Xiao Chen .. has set foot in ancient times!


Faced with this level of power, they have no idea of ​​resistance at all.

The ancient pole eights, the ancient pole nines, the difference between the first floor, but the sky is different, otherwise why would Ogudo become the first person in the blood prison family, suppressing the ethnic group for many years, his majesty three ancient pole eight songs will fall For him to drive.

Both Jelson and Montai evaded to the sides at the same time, but couldn't retreat from the whole body. In the roar, the blood mang flashed out with a punch, their faces were pale, and their bodies were smashed from a distance.


Both of them were overjoyed at the same time. But the next moment, when Huang Quan's big disc died, he continued to blast back to the rear. The two turned pale for a moment, and finally realized Xiao Chen's calculations!

He had no intention of killing them, but wounded them with Huang Quan's disc. Xiao Chen's real goal was the monks behind them!

From appearance, to escape, and then at this moment, everything is in his calculations! In order to destroy the forces of the Three Realms monk who can fight to the ancient times, kill them one by one!

At the same time, Jelson and Montaign had a sense of fear. They didn't dare to stay there. They drove Lu Guang to flee to the entrance of the treasure madly, and in their hands, they sent out a letter of help from Augusto and others. simple.

The overall situation has collapsed, all they can think of is how to save their lives!

Xiao Chen stagnation, turned around and shot. Both Jelson and Montain were wounded and fled. Everything was born in an instant. When Changhe Minghui, Yilou Siyue and Lin Huan came back to life, Huangquan's big millstone was already booming. drop!

However, at this moment, Lin Huan's breath suddenly surged, reaching the level of the ancient pole octave, and escaping at the cost of trauma, but Changhe Minghui and Yilou Siyue could only fall in despair.

The power of the Ancient Seven Qiqus is the only death in today's Huangquan mill.

As for the nearly a hundred monks in the Three Realms of the Ancient Arctic Six and Ancient Arctic Five, there is no resistance to crushing them in the Huangquan Grinding Disc. The body light is easily torn, the magic weapon is broken by life, the flesh is broken, and the Yuan God is annihilated!

Except for a small number of quick reactions, the monks who were on the side barely saved their lives and fleeed madly.

The more yellow and yellow light scattered by Huangquan Da Mopan became denser and filled the sky, and the ghost of the dead soul cried screaming in it. If you look closely, it can be seen here, here are all the foreign monks who fell into the hands of Xiao Chen.

The word "huangquan" has been transformed into two true blood springs, "gudu" and "gudu" are constantly flooding with blood, and the two-word pen sketch is looming.

Xiao Chen stepped out of the next step, and the figure turned into a streamer.

Huangquan Da Mopan followed, and some souls wept and cried, like the **** of darkness came.

Above the void, murderous aspect!

When you were weak in the past, you waited until you deceived me and insulted me and forced me, but I thought that you would be chopped up by my body today and restrained the soul.

The day before yesterday, today, if there is no blood prison world, Sanshijie world, and Dongtian world monk's hard calculations, the more Chen Xiao will die, there will not be him today.

This blood blooms through the sky, all for fault.

Xiao Chenang, walking in the void, today he is going to take a shot and cut off all those who should be killed!


[Fourth, if there is anyone who can fight, jump out and scream, Lord Beacon ’s chrysanthemums are not too far away. Haha, thank you for your support today. It ’s really nice to touch the lord Chrysanthemums. Try it once? Alas, try the fifth more .. ask for a monthly pass! !! !! 】

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