Dao: Journey to the Top of the Universe

Vol 7 Chapter 450: Kamen Tribe

Xiao Chen's thoughts turned, and then he converged. Now in this strange space, this thing seems to have the effect of astringent breath. If it was not Xiao Chen's sensitive response, he would have been successfully attacked by him just now, and the power of this old corpse should not be underestimated watch for. 〔< 〔Eight (One [(Small [Speaking Network W? WWW.81ZW.COM

Xiao Chen shot before, although he did not do his best, but Gu Ji Qiqu Wei could not do fake, but could not kill the old corpse, which is enough to know its strength.

The retired old corpse disappeared without a trace of breath, but Xiao Chen knew to his heart that the object did not leave, but was looking for the right time to slay the killer.

This horrible old corpse has a passion for blood food, and he has already learned.

After a while, Xiao Chen's eyes flashed, and the old corpse finally couldn't hold it, but this time it didn't want to escape again!

With a wave of the sleeves, Huang Quan's large grinding disc suddenly appeared, and went straight to the left and fell!

An angry roar emerged from the old corpse's mouth. It seemed that Xiao Chen could not see its course one after another, but the roar stopped abruptly, and the body was crushed.

A thick swell of vitality overflowed and was directly swallowed by Huang Quan's large grinding disc. The power in this old corpse seemed to supplement the power it lost.


The body of the old corpse collapsed and annihilated, and a ragged armor fell to the ground.

Xiao Chen looked around and suddenly remembered that he had received a **** nail when he was in the Umong tribe in the bloodline land. This thing can swallow the broken nails of the old corpse and grow. I wonder if there is still this effect. ?

There was a flash of aura in his hand, and a wooden box appeared in his hand. He reached out and opened it, exposing one of the half-colored armors, and using the chest goggles as the core, he derived a chain armor that could cover half of the body.

After collecting the fragmented armor in 108 stone towers, it was created by this object.

When the wooden box was opened, the old corpse shattered on the ground suddenly trembled, but there were several dark jets of light overflowing and directly merging into half of the blood armor. After devouring these black rays, the damaged edges of the blood armor squirmed like flesh and blood, but did not grow much, and it stopped changing.

Xiao Chen groaned slightly, and gave a trace of consciousness to the bombardment of the blood armor carefully. The next moment his face changed slightly, and he did not hesitate to cut off this ray of thought.

Along with the increase in volume, the swallowing power released by this blood armor actually increased a lot, and it is impossible to resist the fact that he is now a protoss.

This blood armor must be a fierce thing!

But treasures are not evil, and if they are used well, they can become sharp weapons.

Xiao Chen swept away, determined that the old corpse had left nothing else, and then turned around and stepped forward, turning into a stream of whistling away.


In the dead world, there is no vitality, only the roaring wind blowing in the void, rolling up the whimpering sound.

The vast world, one person alone.

This mentality of the monks will form a great test. If the mind is not strong, under the pressure of loneliness and death, once the mind collapses, it will undoubtedly die!

In March, Xiao Chen walked on foot. In order to find a way to leave, only by walking step by step can you see the truth. But along the way, he saw no hope of getting away except for the growing number of old corpses.

Xiao Chen squinted the corner of his mouth, and in front of him were the bodies of six old corpses, and the Wuguang scattered in the broken armor was devoured by the blood armor.

In the past three months, walking on the ground, Xiao Chen did not know how many old corpses were beheaded, and all the broken armor obtained was devoured by the Scarlet Armor. Now its volume is larger than before, and the shape of the entire Armor is visible.

This is a set of fine blood-colored armors with scales. Each piece of scales has exquisite texture, and there is a trace of blood and blood flowing in it, gorgeous and noble.

Perhaps, it won't be long before he can restore the Scarlet Armor to its fullness.

At that time, this thing will inevitably produce some changes.

Xiao Chen looked at the blood armor in the wooden box, but at this moment, his face changed slightly, and he suddenly turned to look forward, his eyes showing joy.

In this direction, there are angry fluctuations!

If you are angry, then there are living beings here, and even monks will exist. If you find them, you may find an opportunity to leave.

Xiao Chen retracted the wooden box with his backhand, stepped forward, wrapped his body in the light, turned into a streamer, and hurried forward.


"The tribe is evacuating and transferring, we have to hold on for a while, we can't take a step back!" A burly young man holding a long knife, resisting the bite of three old corpses, his body is strong and strong, a long sword dance The airtightness of the body is so powerful that it cannot fall into the wind at all.

"Yes, Lord Chalk!"

"Fight with these monsters!"

"The wife and children are behind him, whoever takes a step back will become a tribal sinner!"


More than 500 savvy men shot wildly in the roar. They could not fluctuate in their bodies, but they flowed with a strange power. The flesh was strong. With flesh and blood alone, they could resist the crazy attacks of dozens of old corpses. .

However, the old corpses were not afraid of death, and they were not exhausted. They were flesh and blood, and it might not be difficult to resist for a while. However, with the passage of time, the power loss in the body became more and more serious, and casualties gradually appeared.

In the tragedy, a strong man was arrested by the old corpse, followed by a burst of horrible flesh and blood and chewing.

A strong **** smell spread.

"Master Chalk, we have to retreat. There are too many old corpses, and everyone has reached its limit." A man with a pale face and chopped a knife in his hand forced the old corpse to retreat and opened his mouth gasping.

"No, I can't leave now. You and I step back. The old and weak women in the tribe are in the face of these monsters without any resistance!" Chalk snarled. "Unfortunately, the sacred giant handsome has fallen asleep, otherwise the adult is unmatched. Powerful enough to kill all these monsters, and now we can only rely on ourselves! "

"Stop the front, don't let any old corpse let you and me defend!"

"Yes! Lord!"

The fighting continued. Although several old corpses were dismembered and killed, the chalk side suffered more damage and nearly two hundred young people were killed. This is an unbearable loss for the entire tribe.

Chalk suddenly roared, and the blade of his hand burst into bright silver light, chopping off the arms of the two old corpses in front of him, his face pale, and his eyes black.

This is the performance of physical overdraft, gradually reaching the limit.

"let's go!"

Chalk greeted the tribe to retreat, but he did not leave, struggling to pick up the long knife, and broke off for the tribe.

More than three hundred young men survived and fought back and forth, but their physical strength was overdue. Under the attraction of the breath, the number of old corpses gathered around them was increasing.

Chalk and the tribe's heart are desperate!

If they all die, the tribe loses all its fighting power, either being killed by the old corpses or being annexed by other tribes and becoming slaves in the other's hands.

But at this moment, a withered yellow light burst through the space and got into the group of old corpses. As if in no one's realm, any old corpse that touched it, the fuchsia's flesh that surpassed the steel was directly broken.

Dozens of old corpses died in an instant, and the yellow streamer returned in the same way.

At the time when Chalk and the clan were shocked and confused, a faint footsteps came from the dust of the sky. Before people arrived, there was a faint aura of light permeating the surroundings, shielding all the sand.

Black eyes, dull complexion, hit the blue robe, without staining a little bit of dust.

"Master Lord, the Chamen tribe of the Kameng tribe would like to express my sincere gratitude to you!" Chalk fell to his knees, and all the young men kneeled behind him, showing sincere awe and gratitude on his face.

Xiao Chen looked dull, but did not anticipate the scene in front of him, but based on his current state of mind, his thoughts have moved to calmness, and his sleeves waved, and said lightly: "No need to be polite, get up."

"Thank you Master!"

Chalk led the tribe to stand up carefully, standing slightly restrained, slightly lower, and did not even dare to look up to see the Lord Master, for fear that it would cause the Lord Master to be unhappy and kill them here.

Just now the Lord God shot and killed dozens of shattered armor corpses lightly. This kind of power must be a high-level Lord God. In the presence of such a distinguished adult, they naturally dare not let go of anything. .

"Master Lord has saved the life of the Kameng tribe, and I ask the adults to accept my invitation to the Kameng tribe, and let us thank you." Chalk whispered, but his face was quite disturbed.

Inviting a distinguished adult to be a guest, always only a strong tribe has this qualification. They are a small tribe such as the Kamen Tribe that even the gods have never owned.

Unexpectedly, Xiao Chen groaned a little and nodded his head. "Okay, I've been driving for several months in a row, and I'm tired, so I'll take a break from your place."

"Ah! It ’s our pleasure that Master Shen can go to our Kamen tribe!" Chalk covered his face with joy, then thought of something, and glanced behind Xiao Chen. "Master, You said that you had been walking in the place where the old corpse was running for a long time .. Could it be that you are alone, without any guards around you? "

"It's true. Why, what's wrong?" Xiao Chen frowned slightly, and spoke slightly.

Chalk's heart jumped fiercely, and he hurried to salute, saying, "Please Lord Master forgive me for being rude. I must think you have tremendous strength and can fear the threat of the old corpse. I think so much."

"That's it, sir, please come with us."

The soldiers of the Kamen Tribe showed joy at the same time, and it would be a great honor for them to invite powerful **** masters to visit the tribe.

But at this moment, there were more than ten Kamen tribe fighters kneeling at the same time, "Master Chalk, we have been poisoned by corpses, and I am afraid that they will turn into blood-thirsty bodies in the near future. The wives and children in our tribe will ask adults to take care of them in the future. "

The joy on the face of the Carmen tribe warrior disappeared instantly, the sadness in his eyes appeared, his eyes turned to Xiao Chen, but he stopped speaking with chalk.

"Just rest assured, I swear by chalk that I will definitely treat your family well in the future."

While speaking, he pulled back his long knife and walked to the soldiers, his eyes could not help showing sadness.

Dozens of soldiers on the ground knelt down and fell down, crying.

In the face of death, these fighters who can fight the old corpses will also be afraid.


[Second more today, when the buns have not been updated, I can still receive the monthly tickets of your brothers. This is very heart-warming, let us fight together! 】

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