Dao: Journey to the Top of the Universe

Vol 7 Chapter 451: The shop was seriously injured

"Wait a moment. [[Bayi? {<中文 (网 W) W) W].) 8} 1] Z} W] .COM" Xiao Chen frowned slightly, "Why did they die?"

Chalk looked up at the Lord Master carefully and whispered: "Master Lord has no idea. The Kamen tribe is just a small tribe. There is no even a god. There is no way to get rid of the corpse poison inside them. They kill, and they quickly become murderous monsters. "

"The tribe has no money to ask the moving master to remove the venom, and they can only kill them before they have mutated."

Xiao Chen's eyes flickered slightly, and he took a deep glance at Chalk, which gave him a mood that was completely seen by the Master of the Master without any secret feeling, and even the thoughts in his heart could not escape the Master's eyes.

Chalk was pale and deep.

"Let's get them up, I'll take the corpse poison out of them." Xiao Chen said lightly.

Chalk sighed and screamed in a hurry, "You are not hurrying, do you want to wait for yourself to become a walking monster? Do you want me to cut off your heads? Remember, it is the Lord Master who saved your lives, you Be grateful all my life! "

"Thank you Lord Master!"

A dozen Kamen tribe warriors shed tears on the ground.

The other soldiers also fell on their knees at the same time and sent the highest respect and gratitude to the Lord Master. These people may have their friends and relatives.

Xiao Chen Yuanshen sensed that there is no mana cultivation in the body of chalk and other people. Another power flows between the flesh and blood. At this moment, the sense is revealed, it is easy to check their physical condition clearly, and wave their own mana to perfuse into several people. Clean up the dead body from the wound.

In the process, his consciousness easily penetrated into the soul of a Kamen tribe warrior, searching for everything he wanted to know, and these were not noticed by anyone.

"Well, the corpses in their bodies have been cleaned up, let's go back to the tribe now." Xiao Chen slowly spoke, and one of the information gleaned from the soul of the Kamen tribe warrior caught one's attention.

Divine giant handsome?

The corner of his mouth could not help but smile a little, but there was relief in his eyes.

This guy, I do n’t know how to come to this place.

Chalk led the tribe to respectfully salute, holding the Lord Master to the new tribe site. After Xiao Chen rescued the Kamen tribe warrior, he had been respected by everyone from his heart.

Although they are weak, their recovery power is extremely amazing. They have recovered more than half of their speed and are getting faster and faster. Even if they occasionally encounter an old corpse, there is no need for Xiao Chen to shoot, and they have been embraced by tribal warriors and killed in precision cooperation. dead.

After traveling for more than half a day, they finally reached their destination.

This is a sheltered mountain stream, surrounded by high mountains, and the strong wind is blocked out.

Two Kamen tribe warriors came forward and struck on the stone wall according to a certain rule. After ten sounds, they faced the stone wall.

"Master Chalk, you are finally back. We thought you were in trouble to cover the tribe transfer and are preparing to gather the power of the ethnic group to rescue you." An old man with a coarse linen robe on his beard and stubble took the lead He was greeted. Behind him were the only remaining fighters in the tribe, even teenagers.

"Elder Heli, we are indeed in danger, but the **** God visited and let the Lord Master come and rescue us." Chali stood behind Xiao Chen and called out his distinguished identity aloud to avoid being struck by the clan, "God The Normal University will be training in our tribe for a while, Di Sang, please go to organize the best room for the adults and arrange for the adults to rest. "

Lord Master!

The Kamen tribe people stayed for a while, with deep awe on their faces at the same time, and bowed down respectfully, "Thank you Lord Lord for saving my warriors and saving the life of my Kamen tribe."

If Chalk and others die, the Kamen tribe will also be destroyed, and that kindness is indeed very serious.

Xiao Chen waved his hand, waved his robe sleeves, and gave birth to a soft force. He lifted up the Kamen Tribe and others with a slight smile on the corner of his mouth. "You do n’t have to thank me, I will do it because I am with your Kamen Tribe. It has some origin. Your sacred giant is a very good friend of mine. We have lost contact for a long time. "

Entering the Kamen Tribe, and feeling the breath here, he can already be sure.

The shop is here!

Although he didn't know how to hide his breath by any means, even if he noticed it, a person who is not familiar with it cannot see his identity, but this is naturally invalid in front of Xiao Chen.

"Master Holy Divine!"

Chalk, Elder Crane, and others looked dull, and then expressed ecstasy. "Are you a friend of the Divine Giant?"

Xiao Chen smiled and nodded. "Well, I know he's here. Take me there."

Chalk nodded again and again, but he didn't know what he thought, his face was hesitant, "Master, I have no intention of offending, but Lord Holy Master has commanded before falling asleep, you must not reveal his whereabouts .. you may tell Me, how many moles are on the face of the Divine Giant? "

Xiao Chen thought of the appearance of the oily noodles after the transformation of the shop. The smile on his face was a little heavier. "Where's his mole? Don't try it out. If I am an enemy, I already shot now, how would I say more here? . "

Chalk smiled awkwardly, respectfully leading the way.

The elder of Heli showed a thoughtful expression on his face, nodded, and hurriedly whispered to a few women, taking them along the other martyrdom.

The new site of the Kamen Tribe was dug from the hillside to the ground. The entire space occupies a large area, and the people are continuing to dig.

There are some crescent-shaped stones on the inner wall, each of which is faintly fluorescent, although not bright and dazzling, it is enough to illuminate the underground space.

"The sacred giant Marshal is the only true **** of our Kamen tribe. Because of the existence of the adults, we have saved our lives several times. If the adults had fallen into a deep sleep to restore strength today, we would not be so embarrassed." While whispering, his voice showed sufficient respect, "Here, here is the hall we prepared for the sacred giant handsome man. Lord master please follow me."

Chalk stretched out his hand to open the stone gate, and bent slightly to salute, Xiao Chen stepped into it first.

This is a wide stone room, each corner is smooth and smooth, there are vent holes to circulate air, clean and spotless.

On the stone platform in the center is a sculpture of a long sword. The sword's edge points to the sky. Although the building method is quite rough, it shows the unpretentious momentum in that brazen and overbearing eyes.

At the rear is a beautifully carved ornate stone chair, the size of which is more than enough. It is rendered into a dark golden color with some material, calm but not restrained, revealing a madness from the inside out.

Look at the layout, it is indeed a stingy character of the shop!

Xiao Chen shook his head with a smile, his eyes fell on the stone chair, and looking at the quietness was like the small shop that slept in the past, but the smile on his face was convergent and clean, the gloomy cloud like thunderstorm, a coercion slowly He was released from the body, but was converged within Fang Yuanzhang because of concerns about disturbing the shop to heal.

Yes, it is healing.

Xiao Chen was already curious, with a small shop showing his domineering temperament, how could he be hidden in the small Kamen tribe in a low-key manner, and now he finally understood that the store was injured and the injury was very serious!

According to Xiao Chen's vision today, although the body of the shop's sword body is fine, the interior is covered with fine cracks. From this, we can see how powerful he was that day! If the body is not so strong, I am afraid that it has been broken by life and the spirit and **** have disappeared and died.

Actually, someone, almost, kill, shop!

Xiao Chen's heart was madly raging. Since he practiced, there have been many disasters and disasters. If it wasn't for the shop, I'm afraid it would have been ridiculed. He will never forget the wooden house of that time, and the store that he did not hesitate to explode in order to save him ... and he will never forget the battle when he soared to the Thousand Realms.

Damn it!

Whoever dares to hurt the shop must die!

Xiao Chen slowly raised, "Tell me, who injured the Divine Giant Marshal?"

Chalk was stiff, his face was pale and there was no trace of blood, his mind was like a sailing ship in a stormy sea, and he seemed to be overturned at any time. If the breath was not targeted at him, his soul had already collapsed.

Seeing what he looked like at the moment, Xiao Chen was slightly silent, his body sloshing breath was suppressed by him, but the coldness in the dark eyes was heavier!

Chalk escaped from the shroud of momentum, like the rescued drowning man, his shirt was soaked with sweat, his complexion was pale, and he could not help lowering his head, revealing a respectful awe on his face.


What kind of powerful man is the Lord Master, and even the momentum alone can make him feel like he is facing death!

Perhaps they all underestimated the power of the Lord Master!

"Master, you asked who was killed by the Holy Ghost, this is not known in chalk. This is already the case when the adult comes to our tribe. Maybe you have to wait for the Holy Ghost to wake up and ask yourself He can do it. "

The current chalk did not dare to delay in any way, and detailed the passage of the shop to the Kameng tribe, without any concealment.

Xiao Chen's face was ugly, and he nodded slowly after a while. "Okay, I already know this. Go ahead first, and don't let anyone approach here without my orders."

Chalk said respectfully that he took a few steps before turning away, not forgetting to take Shimen carefully.

Out of the stone hall, his face was soft, and he almost did not fall to the ground. He reached out and wiped his forehead with cold sweat, and hurriedly ordered the guards to be taken away to keep them away from the palace.

After doing this, he hurriedly sought the elders of Heli. This is the wisest person in the tribe. Whenever there is something that cannot be solved, Chalk returns to ask his opinions.

Xiao Chen nodded slightly, this chalk was quite obedient, but he hesitated slightly, still waved a layer of restraint, walked quickly to the shop, carefully detected a trace of knowledge, and checked his injuries at this moment.

The more he checked, the more frightened he became, and the murder in his heart also skyrocketed!

Just a little worse!

If the shooter is stronger, or the shop responds a little slower, I'm afraid it has been destroyed at this moment.

This shocked the fundamental injury. Xiao Chen didn't know how to help him, but only allowed him to accumulate strength in his deep sleep and wait until the shop woke up.

"Diandian, rest assured, since I have already arrived, I will never allow anyone to hurt you for the slightest. I will repay you everything you have suffered before!" Xiao Chen groaned, and the cold in his eyes was surging.

One day later, Xiao Chen slowly opened his eyes, rose to his feet, waved his robe sleeves, and opened the door to the palace.

Chalk was hesitating outside the door. At this moment, when the door of the temple opened automatically, he hurriedly bent down and saluting, "Master God forgive me, I disturb you to rest."

"Anyway, what are you doing here?"

"The tribe people heard that the Lord Master came to the Umong tribe and had prepared a rich lunch. I hope you can dine with them so that they can thank the Lord personally. This is their supreme glory."

Chalk has already guessed that the identity of the Lord Master must be the noble and invincible character, but as Elder He Li said, this is the only opportunity for the Kamen tribe and the only opportunity to fulfill his father's wishes.

So he came biting his head.

Xiao Chen frowned slightly, and was about to refuse, but saw the desire on this person's face, thinking that they accepted the store when they were in crisis, only to let him persist to this day. In his mind, Microsoft said, "Okay, I happen to be Taste the food of your Kamon tribe. "

Chalky salute, ecstasy, "Master, please, the people are already waiting for you!"

Xiao Chen got up and led away in Chalky respectfully, not forgetting to wave his hand to repair the restraint, in case someone disturbed the shop's injuries.


[The monthly ticket list actually won the championship ... very excited and grateful. I will thank you for a single chapter in the next chapter! I hope that the brothers can support the buns, go step by step, and go higher and higher, thank you! 】

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