Dao: Journey to the Top of the Universe

Vol 7 Chapter 457: Kingdom of death

"Dear lord, we have no intention to offend you. All things today are caused by God Wuyuan alone. I was just tempted by him, not from the original intention. Please also forgive us for forgiveness. [(八 〔 (One Chinese? <[8} 1? Z? W.COM ': Master Ueuei speaks respectfully, with enough awe and fear on his face.

The mysterious Qingpao Master can kill Wuyuan Master with a single strike. Under this might, they have no force to resist, or even no chance to escape.

In this case, expressing fear and awe and begging for mercy is naturally the best explosion right now.

Previously, this adult did kill them together, which shows that there is no room for turning things around, just to see if they can seize the opportunity to deal with them.

"I have waited for your offense, Lord Master, to ask for your understanding."

The monks from the three tribes of pulling wind, fire, and thunder fell on their knees at the same time, with a humble posture.

The Buren tribe people hesitated slightly. Seeing that the disciple of Lord Wuyuan Master had already kneeled, his heart was relieved, and he lowered his arms to the ground.

Xiao Chen's face was dull, his eyes slowly swept through the grotto, but he did not speak. The atmosphere in the grotto became more dignified, and a certain kind of coercion was created in the void. Although silent, it was almost irresistible.

Rain on the forehead, the red robe, and Bahri's foreheads gave birth to a layer of fine sweat beads, and the gorgeous robe lining had been wet with sweat.

In their noble status, they never imagined that this day would require three people to stand on the ground and ask others for forgiveness. But Xiao Chen downplayed that the act of killing Wu Yuan hit their minds like a curse.

Since he can wipe out all traces of Wuyuan in this world, he can also kill all three of them together.

This torture between life and death can be called a great terror.

Xiao Chen still didn't say anything, but the shop sneered in the grotto. "You offend such a powerful god-like existence. Do you think it would be ridiculous to ask for forgiveness for forgiveness and forgiveness?"

"His Excellency The Sword, we are willing to accept all the punishment of the Lord Master to forgive our sins, and also ask the Lord to give us a chance." The Master of the Red Robe spoke humblely, although the tone of the shop was not good, but it revealed The matter is not meant to be unsolvable, which pleases the three great masters.

They are struggling to survive in a world full of destruction and killing, and they have the status they have today. They have a very clear understanding of suffering and the more they cherish everything they have today.

Escaping from the shadow of sorrow, for this, they are willing to all punishment.

"My great master has the power you can't imagine. He will prove the path of the gods and one day he can step into the realm of eternal life. Now I will give you a chance to forgive sins and become the servant of the master. Believe him, support him, treat him as the only deity, and contribute to your faith. Only in this way can you forgive your disrespect for adults, otherwise there is only a ridiculous ending. "

The shop's voice was somber, and it gave out a breath of supreme majesty, which was very different from his usual opening, and even called Xiao Chen as the main person to show solemnity.

Rain on the well, red robe, and Bahri's complexion changed, and the meaning of panic and fear appeared in his eyes, suddenly lifted up, it seemed that this condition was not expected.

"How? Maybe you do not want to accept the guidance of the adult and become his slaves. This is your only chance. If you miss it, I hope you will not regret it!" Will shoot.

"Dear Lord Sword, please do n’t be angry. It ’s not that we do n’t want to accept the guidance of adults, but that we already have a **** we believe in. That ’s the great Mohammed God. Betrayal, Mohammed will drop his wrath and destroy our tribe. "Bahri said suddenly.

There was a little silence in the shop, and it seemed to be thinking about something, and then quietly spoke after a while. "You were indeed a believer of Mohammed, but now he has fallen, and the kingdom of God has withered and died. Maybe you haven't At this point, or I have been deceiving myself. The kingdom of death is no longer a paradise for your life, but a grave to bury you. Muhammad has fallen, he no longer has the power to shelter you, and my Master, the great Lord Xiao Chen is in front of you. This is your only chance to even get a new life and leave this kingdom of death, which is about to be destroyed. "

This world, or a kingdom of God, a kingdom consecrated by a powerful monk named Mohammed, and the remaining tribal people are believers in his kingdom.

The shop can know this, it should be the cause of his sudden memory.

Xiao Chen's eyes flickered a little, and he brought out a lot of secrets from the words of the shop. He should know the owner of this kingdom of death, and there is his overflowing power here, obviously there are too many secrets in it.

But now he didn't ask, if the shop was willing, he would tell him everything, otherwise he wouldn't force it.

The faces of the four tribe monks revealed incredible meaning at the same time, and Yu Shangjing, Red Robe, and Bahri even had uneasy panic in their eyes.

As the great clergymen of the top tribe, they do have a lot of things that ordinary people do n’t know. The vague data of the Holocaust and the kingdom of God that gradually withered and died also gave them such conjectures.

But no one has ever said that, the statue of Muhammad still stands among large tribes, accepting worship and belief from the people. But today all this has been said, and they also fully believe that the God of Mohammed is ridiculed.

The Great Master of the Red Robe hesitated, and gritted his teeth after a moment, respectfully speaking, "Master Xiao Chen, if our tribe is willing to serve you as a new deity, I wonder if you can bring us a new life and rescue our people. leave here?"

As the shop said, the owner of the kingdom of God has died, the kingdom of God has died, and the situation has reached an unsustainable level. If he continues to stay here, all the available resources in the kingdom of God are exhausted, and the only thing waiting for them is death .

At this time, they have to think more about themselves.

So the red robe wanted a guarantee.

Xiao Chen frowned slightly, slowly speaking, "Now I can't guarantee you, but I will work hard and it is being verified ... I can give you a chance to follow me to verify, if I can give When you make a promise, you will become my slave again, and I will give you new life. "

The disappointment flashed in the eyes of the red robe, but his face was full of gratitude, "Master Xiao Chen, thank you for not deceiving us, but telling the truth, but this is enough to prove your noble character. "

"I am the red robe of the Great Tribe of the Royal Fire Tribe. I am willing to follow your steps to verify. If you can fulfill the promise, our tribe is willing to serve you as a new deity. Unless you ridicule or expel, we will never violate your will."

During the speech, the great master of the red robe respected the salute.

Behind him, the Yuhu tribe worshipped at the same time.

As the great **** of the tribe, the red robe is the spokesperson of the gods, possessing an extremely honorable status and power. He said that it can completely represent the choice of the royal fire tribe, and even the chief of the tribe cannot violate the will of the great red robe.

"The Windward Tribe is willing to make the same choice as the Royal Fire Tribe."

"The Benlei tribe is willing to make the same choice as the Royal Fire tribe."

Yu Shangjing and Bahri have led the people to salute.

As for the Buren tribe people, they were caught in a brief confusion.

The Great Master Wuyuan was killed. They did n’t know whether to choose hatred or obedience, but all of this should have a guideline, so the only disciple of the Master Wuyuan or the mistress stood up, and she was the Night Moon Master.

"Master Wuyuan is disrespectful to the gods and is punished by God. I am the tribe ’s maiden and the only disciple of Master Wuyuan. I will automatically inherit the status of the Great Master. The Buren tribe is willing to surrender to Lord Xiao Chen and guard against the fire. The tribe completes the agreement with you. "

The newly-proclaimed Yeyue Master shouted salute, and her large and delicate robes could not hide her seductive curves.

Buren tribe people salute behind the great priest.

Xiao Chen's eyes did not stay too much on Yeyue Master, and he nodded slightly and said, "Well, this is an agreement between you and me. If this cannot be done, I will not force you to believe in me as a god. "

If you ca n’t leave this dead kingdom of God, it does n’t make sense to establish your own kingdom of faith. It all depends on whether the shop can return to its peak state and whether it can use its power to blast the wall after it is restored.

"Let's go and continue deep into the mountains. Our destination is not here." Xiao Chen said, turning and heading out.

According to the shop's induction, there is a presence in this mountains that attracts it, and there is a strong force in it. If he can get it, maybe the injury will soon recover.

The people of the four tribes tribe, respectfully followed under the guidance of the Lord Master. Although they have not yet completed their appointment to become servants of Xiao Chen, they behave with awe and do not dare to surpass at all.

The howling winds rolled up gray dust and turned it into a dust wave covering the sky, blocking the sight.

Between mountains that stretch like the back of a beast of death, more than a thousand people march forward in silence, and their goal is in this mountain range to the depths.

After traveling for ten days in a row, they came to a valley where they could barely withstand the growing winds and rest a little here.

The soldiers allocate things to hurry up to restore physical strength, while the master is relying on the spirit stone to supplement the mana loss in the body.

Xiao Chen stood with his hands in his hands, bathed in a faint aura of light outside his body, enough to isolate all the wind and sand, looking at the depths of the mountains, wondering what was in his mind.

"Master Xiao Chen, this valley is called the barren valley. It is the deepest place where our four tribes have jointly explored. If we go further, there will be countless powerful dead corpse monsters. Should we continue to move forward? The Great Master of the Red Robe asked questions that everyone was paying attention to, and the eyes of the four tribe people came together.

Xiao Chen didn't turn around and reached out and pointed somewhere behind the countless barren mountains, "Our goal is there."

The Great Master of the Red Robe silently drew his breath, respectfully saluting, "So, we obey your orders."

Half a day later, several offensive old corpses were hunted and the team was on the road again.

Xiao Chen still walked at the front, his brows slightly wrinkled, one hand stretched out in the robe sleeve and pointed forward.


The Huangquan Mopan suddenly appeared, turning into a withering stream of yellow light and blasting into the dust and gray waves, and the dying roar of the old corpse suddenly came, paving the way for the team to move forward.

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