Dao: Journey to the Top of the Universe

Vol 7 Chapter 458: One hundred thousand armor

Yu Shangjing, Hongpao, and Bahri were all stunned. They didn't even see how Xiao Chen shot, and a yellow streamer rushed out, followed by a booming muffled sound and the death of the old monster. roar. (? [{[Bayi Chinese {W] W> W>.> 8> 1? Z] W>.> C] O] M>

This sudden force made them tremble for a while. If they faced this force, they would be killed directly.

Xiao Chen's cultivation is really terrifying!

Huang Quan opened his way ahead, Xiao Chen moved forward with his hand, and the four tribe people carefully guarded, followed the steps of the adults, and did not dare to fall behind.

The fluctuation of strength, the overflowing of anger, the temptation of blood food, and the roar of death, gradually seduced the old corpses in the rolling mountains. Among them, the lowest-ranked ones were also half armors, and all armors occupied the vast majority.

The number gathered more and more, the death was soaring into the sky, and the roar and roar was shocking.

If an ordinary monk falls here, under the dense siege of the old corpses, even the ancient monks will eventually end up with the depletion of mana and be killed by life. But Huang Chen's polishing in the hands of Xiao Chen was a strange existence.

It can explode amazing power of destruction, and can supplement itself by devouring the power inside the hunting object, and has almost no loss of monk power.

Therefore, even if the old corpses continued to flow like a tide, they could only be crushed and crushed to death under the Huangquan Grinding Disk.

Xiao Chen has taken out the wooden box, and the demon suit is lying quietly in it. Once the old corpse dies, the power in the armor will be swallowed by it, and it will become its own strength to supplement the growth and repair of armor.

His complexion was pale, his robe was sloshing, his black eyes were like a dark sea, undetectable.

Thousands of old corpses died as soon as they reached.

The four tribe monks went away in fear, looking at the upright back in front of them, with pious awe on their faces.

I am afraid that only real gods can have this kind of power.

Following the adult Xiao Chen, they suddenly developed a long-lost sense of dependence. It seems that no matter how big a thing is, there is no need to be afraid. Following the adult, they can reach where they want to go.

This feeling is really good!

Between the mountains, Aung forward, thousands of old corpses came together, but they could not stop them at all, and continued to advance towards the core of the mountains.

But on this day, Xiao Chen paused slightly, slowly raised his head to look forward, put away the wooden box and reached for a move, Huang Quan Da Mo Pan returned to him instantly.

At the same time, the siege of the old corpses seemed to have received some order, and the siege was temporarily stopped.

On the rocks not far away, three figures stood side by side. The fuchsia flesh and the horror wounds that turned out were enough to prove their identities, but the most shocking thing was that their armor was bloody!

Blood armor corpse!

The three blood armored corpses also seemed to know that their whereabouts had been detected, and at the same time Yang had a sharp growl in their mouths.

The stagnant old corpse was like a soldier in the armor who had accepted the order. He yelled in his mouth, and the figure flashed again.

However, this time their shots are no longer chaotic and disparate, and they cooperate closely with each other, but they form a kind of existence like a battle array, and the extinction of anger in the body is faint.

The three blood armored corpses were directing them to fight, apparently possessing their own wisdom!

Xiao Chen's eyes flashed fiercely, and the power revealed by the fighting corpse was extremely horrible. With his own strength, he was able to protect himself, but he could not protect the four tribal people.

But he had to do it.

Xiao Chen did not choose to open the dojo and directly gained their faith, in order to convince them with great power, to gain the awe and gratitude of the faithful people, and to gain the most pure and powerful faith power! And this way forward, when he shows his strength, if there is death or injury, his plan will be greatly reduced.

The people of the four tribes were pale, and even the rain on the well, the red robe, Bahri, and Yeyue showed horror that could not be hidden.

"Blood armor!"

"A blood corpse!"

As the great priests of the four major tribes, they naturally know more secrets, and the horror and power of blood armored corpses. If they rarely leave this rolling mountain range for some reason, I am afraid that all tribes have been wiped out. !!

Because of this, they will be desperate!

Lord Xiao Chen is powerful and may be able to retreat, but they must die!

But at this moment, the four tribal people heard clear and low drinking. "You have to wait for the contraction and retreat, you must intervene in today's battle." The voice did not fall, and the whole sky suddenly alighted. .

Within the void, 100,000 figures suddenly appeared, heavy armored spears, powerful!

For five people, wearing black battle armor, there is a terrible power in each of them!

Zuo Meibing said!

One hundred thousand soldiers, the weakest are also in the three realms of heaven and man, the peak of the ethnic group, and even the ancient monks are not undercharging.

Raising soldiers for thousands of days, today is the time for their generosity!

Xiao Chenpao waved his sleeve and drank in his mouth, "Dare to stop the advancers of this seat, kill as many as possible!"

"Follow the Lord's Order!"

One hundred thousand soldiers roared, the sound of the world shook, the spear pointed at the sky, and the five leading leaders of Inquisition, Dieshan, Suwon, Demon, and Zuozu yelled. The one hundred thousand soldiers divided into five and swept the surroundings, just like five raging A tumbling dragon.






The five parties growled, the word exited, and the spear fell sharply!


Thousands of gun shadows fell, such as a torrential shower, a dense mahjong covering the whole sky, countless old corpses were pierced through their chests, and their bodies were torn apart.

A shot was fired, and the stab fell without stopping and swept across.

The gunman, the king of the soldiers in the army, can attack long stabs, and sweep the thousands of troops!


One hundred thousand spears swept across, with neat movements, but shot like the same person, whistling with waves, and rising into the sky.

The five guns swept across, and the roaring old corpse was cut and cut off by life. Even the hard armor on the body did not have any resistance under the horrible superposition of this power.

But this is still not the end.

Simultaneous investigation, Dieshan, Suwon, Mo Ge, and round left simultaneously raised their hands, and the soldiers behind him made a shooting gesture.

call out!

call out!

The piercing sound of the air suddenly sounded, and each off-hand pistol was infused with their most powerful power, screaming out loud, chasing souls, and being irresistible!



The spear penetrated the purple red flesh, inserted the surviving old corpse raw holes into the ground, and the powerful forces carried by the gun bodies such as wave boards suddenly spread, starting from the inside, tearing their flesh into powder.

The whole space is quiet for an instant, and no more noise comes!

At this point, the old corpses gathered in the mountains are dead.

The faces of the four tribe people were dull, and their eyes were at a loss. When they returned, their faces turned red instantly, their bodies trembled slightly, and their hearts were in a state of turbulence!

This army is simply the most terrifying war machine in the world. All the actions are neat and uniform. It seems that one person shot it. I don't know how long it takes to sharpen and cooperate to cultivate this almost invincible terrorist legion! If they do, it will take a short time to sweep all the tribes! The so-called four tribes, without any resistance in front of them, will be destroyed and destroyed.

And they are the legions summoned by Xiao Chen .. What does this mean? It shows that adults have inherently strong powers and are willing to accept them as believers, without any intention of using them.

Moreover, the adult summoned 100,000 legions at will, indicating that he was carrying his own world of faith around him. As long as the portal was opened for them, he would lead them out of the kingdom of death when he left in the future.

Thinking of this, the people of the four tribes are naturally excited, just like the drowning man got a life-saving straw, and the blind see a ray of dawn in the sky.

But at this moment, Xiao Chen didn't pay attention to the change of their attitudes, took the next step and pulled forward with one hand.

The mighty mighty waves from the sky diffused the entire space, the turbulent wind, the rolling sand and dust, and gradually subsided after losing the driving force. The whole sky turned into an absolute dark color, a little starry stars emerged, sprinkled A touch of starlight.

Xiao Chen stood in the air, the green robes swelled, and the black fluttered. As the shrine came, the mighty breath broke out and plunged into the sky.

Lift slowly and drink low in your mouth.

"The stars that belong to the East condense the starwood of Aoki, manifest the origin of the genus of wood, and condense the blue dragon of the beast!"

Belonging to the stars, the bluewood stars suddenly burst into aura, dazzling and dazzling, condensing into a blue dragon's shadow, long and dazzling, wearing blue scale armor, nine claws under the belly, and the sound of wind and thunder can be heard between breaths.

"The stars that belong to the West condense Geng Jinxinghui, manifest the metal origin, and condense the beast white tiger!"

The dazzling Geng Jinxing Man suddenly appeared, and each strand was exuding a terrible sharp tearing breath, just like a sharp sword, condensing the white tiger ghost image, the eyebrow "Wang" word magnificent, sweeping the world !!

"The stars that belong to the south condense the flames and starlight, and the manifestation of fire belongs to the origin, condensing the beast Suzaku!"

The crimson flame suddenly appeared, turning the entire southern sky into the color of crimson, and each star turned into a source of flame, poured freely, and gathered to turn into a crimson fire group. A scarlet gem with a pale white flame burning on it.

"The stars that belong to the north condense the earth's stars, manifest the earth's origin, and condense the beast and basalt!"

The light of the earth's stars is scattered, although it is an invisible light, it gives people a heavy pressure, deep and obscure, and between the fluctuations, there are terrorist forces bursting, condensing into an old turtle, lingering between the world.

The applause dropped, and the stars in the sky burst as many as possible, manifesting the illusion of the four elephants and beasts, each of which was ten thousand feet in size, and filled with horrible fluctuations.

In the mouths of the three blood armor corpses, fear, irritability, and roaring turned into blood, and in a flash they wanted to escape to the depths of the mountains, but at this moment, it was too late.

Xiao Chen shot, the text narration was cumbersome and slow, but in the real world, the roaring growled in one go, and the ghost images of the four great beasts appeared at the same time, roaring in their mouths!

Qinglong looked up at Long Yin.

The white tiger looks down at the tiger howling.

Suzaku spread his wings.

Xuanwu roared.

The entire space suddenly became rigid, and was imprisoned by a sudden burst of force, and everything was suppressed.

Even with three powerful blood armor corpses, at the moment, the violent screams continued, but they were unable to escape the slightest.

Xiao Chen lifted his eyes, his eyes flashed sharply, and his mouth yelled, "Extermination!"

The Quartet's phantom came roaring, collided and fused with three blood armored corpses as its core, and turned into a mass of miscellaneous energy. The blue dragon, white tiger, Suzaku, and basalt phantom turned wildly on it, and the dragon's beast roared endlessly.

Integrate the power of the four origins, reverse the yin and yang, manifest the Quartet's beast, and transform it into the power of annihilation!

The dark sky gradually disappeared, and a ray of light shone on the earth. The disparate energy group transformed by the shadow of the four gods and beasts slowly dissipated. Three blood-colored armors fell to the ground. As the old corpse dried up, it had turned into dust and disappeared .

Three blood armor corpses, cut off!

Xiao Chen flickered with aura of light in his hand, took out the wooden box, and the demon suit suddenly exuded horrible devouring power, and the evil power in countless armors was swallowed up, making its broken edges grow fast like flesh and blood.

The demon armor is fully restored, and the demon helmet and demon sword have begun to condense.

As for those armored beasts on the ground that had lost their strength, the breeze blew and turned into dust.

Xiao Chen reached out to put away the wooden box, and said lightly, "Keep moving forward."

"Follow the Lord's order, keep going!"

One hundred thousand soldiers reached out with one hand, and the spear that pierced the earth shot back suddenly, fell into their grasp, moved forward in silence, and the air of destruction filled the world!

The mighty army of soldiers, such as the flood of the embankment, brought Mo Mo to resist, and swept!

Those who dare to resist, the slaughter is over!


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