Dao: Journey to the Top of the Universe

Vol 7 Chapter 460: Dead Corpse


The corpse screamed in his mouth, stepped forward, and fisted out!

In this battle, he made up his mind and beheaded Xiao Chen in the shortest time to try to recover the damage suffered by the corpse. Eight {(一 中文 网 [W] WW.81ZW.COM] So this fist shot seems normal, and Tian Bo Zhe will already go all out!

The corpse was tumultuous, and the horrible horror turned into black waves that swarmed overwhelmingly.

The whole sky is suddenly dark!

Xiao Chen's face was dignified, his dark eyes were calm and calm, and there was no mood swing, such as the dark and deep sea, as if he was dazzling and dazzling, as if starry!

In the face of the corpse, he was shocked. He did not retreat, and took a step forward, letting the robe of the blue robe hunt and scream with the violent wind of the corpse, the black rising rose and writhed, his expression was cold and indifferent, and the horror broke out.

In sight, seventeen regular lines appeared instantly, simple and unremarkable, coming from the void, submerging into the void on the other side, running through the heavens and the earth.

A single palm in the robe sleeve grabbed forward, and the seventeen rule lines were included. The vast terror of the sea suddenly burst from it, releasing a dazzling light like the sun, and a source of rules appeared.

Xiao Chen looked pale and had no stagnation in his hands. The backhand incorporated the source of the rules into his own body.



To the ancient realm!

This is absolutely the strength of the ancient realm. The source of the rules is turning sharply, like a strong heart. Between contraction, it releases an extremely powerful force, raging and flowing among the flesh and blood, powerful and irritable!

The surge of power will raise people's idea of ​​violent belligerence. If it is unusual, Xiao Chen will repair it with an absolutely powerful state of mind, but now, instead of preventing it, he willfully urges it The violent idea is infinitely amplified.

Powerful warfare broke out, like a horrible barbarian with sharp-minded minions, roaring in the sky, arrogant and domineering, wanting to tear the world apart, and wanting to kill the life!

Among the primal gods, the word of war suddenly burst into a dazzling aura, an ancient, vast, seemingly straddling the breath of endless space and time suddenly descended on this world, Xiao Chen's external warfare suddenly trembled, and then a more horrible explosion The way grows wildly.

This warfare is so strong that the sky cannot be town, the ground cannot be buried, and people cannot be perished. They can fight against heaven, fight with the ground, fight with people, swell, and don't bow your head or shrink back.

The thin, finely colored scarlet armor automatically emerges, covering every corner of Xiao Chen's body, and the blood is flowing, and it is extremely solid, just like the real thing.

So far, after suffering trials and hardships, there are many distress and distress, but the idea of ​​climbing the avenue has never wavered, and an unyielding thought in my heart has never been stronger, like a finger pointing to Tianxiong Peak, letting your billions of years pass, also Don't shake it a bit!

At this moment, Xiao Chen was so wary and shocking!

At this moment, Xiao Chen's murderous prosperity, frozen through the sky!

Right now, Xiao Chen has reached an unprecedented peak state, suddenly lifted up, looking at the corpse to break the sky, the cold surge in his eyes.

Because today, he is going to slaughter to ancient times and kill half a step!

The terrible breath swept across the sky and filled the entire sky, covering the entire earth. At this moment, there was a slight pause in the battlefield killing. Millions of soldiers shouted in unison, and they should drink the breath of adults.

The **** eyes of the **** corpse in the old corpse revealed anxiety and panic. Under this breath, they made them feel a sense of panic and fear of collapse and death!

The corpse's heart was already cold and not beating. The heart shrank fiercely, his scalp was numb, and his mind was instantly shrouded in the shadow of death. It seemed that the next moment, he would die and die!

This corpse strongman finally gave birth to panic, Xiao Chenbao's strength was beyond his imagination!


The corpse smashed a punch into his chest, spit out a stream of corpse blood, dark in color, thick like ink, and shot suddenly during the tumbling, merging into the overwhelming corpse gas tide. Get the blood of the corpse to melt in, and the power of the corpse will soar, just like the raging waves of the angry sea, roaring and surging.

Xiao Chen lifted, his face was cold, his palms pressed down, and he pulled slightly.

This battle, he wants to destroy it!

In this battle, he will strike the sky!


The surging mana in Xiao Chen's body was like a **** in the river, flowing out from the palm along the meridian, and was swallowed up.

But this power is still not enough!

The force required to pull the seventeen rule lines is too scary!

Xiao Chen's face was suddenly pale, his eyes were slightly dim, but there was no panic. "Sacrifice Shou Yuan, integrate into the supernatural power, replace the monstrous mana, split the sky with seventeen stacks, open me! Open! Open!"

Roaring and roaring echoed between heaven and earth, in the flesh, powerful vitality swept out.

In a short span of time, 100,000 yuan was lost!

One type of supernatural power, even ancient forces, can only be opened with the fusion of 100,000 yuan. However, because of this, once this supernatural power is deployed, the power that can be burst out must be shocking!

Xiao Chen is also very curious, can this blow cut the corpse?

When you let go, the red blade suddenly appeared. In a flash, it directly cut through the space and cut into the corpse. The power of terror devastation suddenly burst. Even if the corpse tumbling and shaking, it couldn't escape the slightest.

The corpse turned Tianbo's pale face into a blue instantly, the magical power was swallowed, and it was wounded under the traction of the air machine. The blood from the mouth and nose swelled, and the pupils contracted, revealing the sense of fear and panic.

"Do not!"

Roaring in this corpse, the figure evacuated!

Xiao Chen's blow had already caused him to fear and fear. This power was strong enough to kill him! The corpse practice is unusual. From the low-level corpses that only knew that they were killed, they were born wise and evolved into today's corpses. There are many difficulties. The more difficult it is to get, the more you don't want to lose.

"My flesh and blood, my corpse king is still alive. If you dare to kill me today, you will surely fall into the hands of corpse king in the future. Never die!"

The corpse will threaten to scream.

But it's all too late.

call out!

The crimson blade penetrated, and after swallowing the corpse, there was an extra black silk thread running above the blade. No matter how the corpse escaped the sky, it still could not escape the magic lock, and the corpse was finally desperate!


The fierce corpse roared out, and this strength was comparable to that of the ancient heavenly corpse, which suddenly collapsed its body and was killed by it!

Just as the corpse fell, the old corpse formed from the dead city collapsed. Even if the blood armor corpse tried to control the situation, the tide of defeat was unavoidable.

"The five commanders of Bingjia, with their sergeant, killed and killed the old corpse of the corpse city. Do not let one go! This city will be razed to the ground!"

Xiao Chen's internal loss is very heavy, but the general trend in the outside world is to slay the corpse in an instant to reach an unprecedented peak, with a deep voice and a clear introduction into the ears of millions of soldiers.

"Sir, order the siege of the discs, besiege the corpse city, block all sides, not let go of a corpse, and level this city!"

The five leaders of the Bingjiadao silent investigation, Dieshan, Suwon, Moge, and Wanzuo roared in unison.

"Don't put a dead body to the ground!"

"Don't put a dead body to the ground!"

"Don't put a dead body to the ground!"

Millions of soldiers clamored around the world, and the five-party battle formations followed, turning into a circular grinding disc, siege the entire dead city, the gun shadows poured out, and all the corpses trying to escape were spread. Kill as many as possible.

Leng 12 sneaked into the corpse tide with the killing path, assassinated the blood armor corpse, making the old corpse of the entire corpse completely collapse.

If hundreds of thousands of old corpses explode in a concentrated way, their strength is strong. Even if one million soldiers can be shot to kill them, it must inevitably kill an enemy one thousand and damage eight hundred. The army of old corpses can only be called a naked massacre!

But even so, this battle still lasted for three days and three nights.

The corpse old corpses broke out several times and were all shattered by millions of armors at all costs.

The five leaders of Tancha, Dieshan, Suwon, Moge, and Wanzuo were all pale, but lingering with enthusiasm, as if killing the gods, millions of armors were not damaged, but no one backed up, no one evaded.

He did not defend, tore the space with a horror spear, and beheaded hundreds of thousands of old corpses. The entire corpse city had been turned into ruins and rocks in this crazy pouring indiscriminate attack.

Xiao Chengao was sitting on a chariot. After killing the corpse with his own hands to break the sky, he never shot again. Although his body was weak, his waist was still upright and he was sitting high on the coach.

Silence, but can maintain the morale of the million soldiers at its peak.




One million soldiers fell on their knees at the same time, and the heavy armor collided to form a tsunami-like shock.

call out!

call out!

call out!

The spear was raised, pointing to the sky, and the sound of breaking through the air was trembling.

"Master Uighur, the dead city has been destroyed, and no corpse has escaped, our army has returned to a million soldiers!"

The silent investigation was the commander-in-chief of the Bingjia Road, and Shen Shen opened his mouth, the sound of waves rolling endlessly.

Xiao Chengao was sitting on the top of a hundred-zhang chariot. One million knees on the ground fell on one knee. Hundreds of thousands of old corpses were lying here. His eyes swept away, and a sense of pride came from within his chest.

With his cultivation today, the avenue can also be cut from ancient times!

His Majesty One Million Armor, where the blade is, is the place to charge, no one can resist!

With such power, the world is so big that he will have no fear except to be destroyed!

"Today's battle, you all have great achievements. After you are done here, you can go to the punishment road to receive military achievements and exchange them for the rewards you deserve!"

"Master Xie rewarded!"

One million soldiers shouted in unison, got up and sat down, stayed on alert and entered a state of recovery. After three days of fierce fighting, even with the perseverance and endurance of the soldiers in the armored armies, they were almost at the edge of unsupportability.

Leng Twelve led the monk to turn around and disappeared into the valley. Although the old corpse has already counted a few volts, the necessary defense is indispensable when the army is training.

Xiao Chen nodded slightly, his eyes flashed a little praise, and he was quite satisfied with his caution. At this moment, his hand flashed a little, took out the wooden box, and reached out to open the demon suit.

The look of anticipation flashed through his eyes.

Killing hundreds of thousands of old corpses and devouring the armor power left behind, may the demon suit be able to recover as before?


In the wooden box, there has always been a silent demon suit, but at this moment, a simple and violent joy is sent, and it automatically floats, and the power of terror devastation suddenly bursts from it.

Over the ruins of the dead city, hundreds of thousands of armored tremors suddenly trembled, black light overflowed, and roared overwhelmingly. Once approached, they were swallowed up!

With the addition of this terror power, the edge of the demon suit is creeping and growing like flesh and blood, the demon armor has been completed, and the demon helmet and demon sword have been repaired with an amazing degree.

At this point, the demon set is three in one, completely complete!


[I took a call from a high school teacher, and I haven't been in contact for a long time. It's been almost an hour, and the update is complete. Don't be surprised Blackjack, third on time! 】

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