Dao: Journey to the Top of the Universe

Vol 7 Chapter 461: Corpse King Chongshan

The repaired demon set is reddish, as if rendered by soaking in blood. (August? << 小 [<说 [(

The helmet has twin horns, and the blood-colored mask pierces the entire face, strangely indifferent.

The size of the sword body of the demon body is more than double that of the ordinary sword body, and the most amazing thing is that above this sword is actually a layer of blood-colored flame burning, cold and cold, without any temperature.

The dark, violent, and killing breath slowly emerged from the demon suit, covering the entire space.

Xiao Chen's eyes fell on this object. With the completion of the repair, it is very likely that an unforeseen situation will occur. He has even prepared to shoot at any time, and has not returned the million armors to the dojo. Just in case.

Everything can happen in this weird suit.

But at this moment, the completed demon suit suddenly flashed blood, and in the chaos and violence, the joy was quite clear.

It seems that there is something in the ruined corpse that has great temptation to him.

In a flash, the demon suit turned directly into a blood scream and rushed forward.

Xiao Chen frowned, trying to stop him, but the voice of the shop came from Yuanshen, "Do n’t stop, it ’s to find your scattered power .. The complete set of the demon **** that year should be This kingdom of death collapsed. "

The next moment, the light flashed slightly, and the shop appeared on its own.

"Brother, let's follow up and see. The power that attracts me is the same place as the demon suit."

Xiao Chen nodded and said: "You are waiting here, and no one is allowed to enter the dead city."

"Follow the Lord's Order!"

The shop turned into a streamer leading the way, Xiao Chen took a step forward, followed by the figure.

The corpse city is huge in size, afraid that it is enough to accommodate the lives of millions of monks, but now it is in ruins and there is nothing to complete.

The building collapsed, the ground cracked, and rubble was everywhere.

But at this moment, Xiao Chen's pupils could not help shrinking slightly, and her face was dignified.

In the middle of this ruined corpse city, under the cover of the gravel of the high hall, there is actually a slightly lower hall standing safely. A layer of corpse pervaded the surrounding area, but it perfectly converged everything. If no one had come here, no one would have thought of such a temple here.

There must be weirdness in this temple.

The demon suit has already entered it.

"Dead Hall .. I finally know why the power of the entire dead world is being incorporated here. It turned out to be this way." The shop whispered, "Brother, this layer of corpse seems to be simple, but it is above the corpse king level. The great magical powers that can only be cast by the strong corpses are very troublesome. You can summon the Huangquan Grinding Disk to cover yourself with this breath, and you should be able to pass it after you have isolated the breath. "

Xiao Chen's eyes flickered. The shop apparently has restored more memories, but believes that he will never harm him. He nodded slightly, reached out and summoned the Huangquan Grinding Disc, shrunk to the size of his spare head, hovered his head, and the yellowish streamer turned into one A layer of light curtain, flowing down, enveloped him all over.

The shop was in front, Xiao Chen stepped forward, and entered the Demon Hall silently.

Seemingly easy, but if the generation who does not know the details, bombard the Corpse Demon Hall with magical powers, it will not only fail to open it, but also draw back the power of the Corpse Demon Hall. If the physical body touches that layer of corpse, below the level of destruction, it will be instantly corroded and destroyed.

If you build this whole corpse city, if you think about it, maybe it is to protect this corpse demon temple!

The palace is dark and is piled with some black boulder. The inner wall is engraved with some weird formations. It is natural, not artificial, but more like a naturally generated thing.

A black sarcophagus is lying in the hall, and there is a group of virtual shadows on each side of it, which is a faint light, which is why it makes the black hall visible.

Xiao Chen's eyes dropped, his eyes flashed with a moment of shock.

The sarcophagus seems to be placed in the center of the hall, but if you look closely, you can see that the object is already connected to the ground. The body is also carved with fine and delicate textures, which is similar to the pattern on the inner wall of the corpse demon hall. Office.

In Xiao Chen's induction, the corpse demon temple is more like a huge gathering of spirits, but the gathering is not spiritual power, but some force scattered in the kingdom of death.

When these forces enter the Corpse Demon Temple, they will be broken down into three parts, one of which is integrated into the sarcophagus, and the other two are left and right into the aura of the two sides.

Two groups of auras, a blood-colored armor on the left, looks exactly the same as the Demon suit, even the atmosphere between the two is exactly the same, apparently from the same source.

At this moment, the demon suit is suspended above this scarlet armor, a swallowing force spreads out, slowly wrapping it up, swallowing and absorbing the power.

Inside the light group on the right is a sword.

Xiao Chen looked at the shop. The two are exactly the same, but the sword is not essential. It consists of pure power. Although it is realistic, it cannot hide Xiao Chen's eyes.

The shop sneered, "In the first war, the body of King Chongshan collapsed and fell, but now it seems to be a good plan. This old guy is not dead at all, and he has a good appetite. Take me all together. "

Xiao Chen frowned slightly, waiting for the store to explain this.

This sighed helplessly, "I now pop out a memory from time to time. The guy in this sarcophagus is the strong body of the corpse, Chong Shan, and the body was reunited after the body collapsed, and Chong Shan's body should no longer be Here. However, before he left, he deployed some means, using the power of the Corpse Demon Temple, in an attempt to consolidate the strength of the collapse of the demon suit and me. But his luck was obviously not good, and the core strength of me and the demon suit had not remained. In the kingdom of Muhammad ’s death, he might have succeeded otherwise. But this painstaking arrangement is indeed cheaper for us. ”

"Most of my body ’s lost power is here. Once absorbed, not only can the injury be restored, but the strength will skyrocket in a short period of time. As for the Demon Suit, although it has been restored, it has lost too much power. Jiayu is formed by its overflowing power. After devouring it, the demon suit can almost return to its peak state .. As for the reunited body of Chongshan, it is a rare treasure. Brother may wish to drip a drop The essence and blood merge into this corpse. This thing absorbs your essence and blood, and will gradually evolve into your appearance during the growth and evolution. It even has the same breath as you. All power is transferred to this corpse, and he will die on his behalf. You must know that even in the great realm, this corpse is extremely difficult to obtain. It requires the body of the corpse king and above to collapse in order to be slow. It grows slowly in the years and has an extremely important effect on the wounded corpse strongman. Once it is integrated into the corpse, the lost power can quickly recover, but the elder brother is Opportunity, this corpse is yours. "

"Haha, in the future, when Chongshan returns, the series of opportunities left by the hard work of that year have already been divided up, and it must be quite exciting."

Xiao Chen nodded, and already knew something through the store's words. Obviously, a fierce battle broke out in the kingdom of God that year. The fighting side should have Chongshan, Muhammad, and the store .. Maybe there are others, But he didn't know.

In the First World War, Muhammad slumped, the shop itself collapsed, and Chongshan, the corpse king, was also seriously injured. However, since the power of the demon suit has flowed here, it shows that it also had its place.

"The demon suit is the thing of Chongshan the Corpse King?"

Only this can explain everything clearly.

"Big brother is right. If the corpse ancestor had given the demon suit, how could I kill Mohamed and break my body only with the power of Chongshan. But the demon suit collapsed and reorganized, and all the breath has returned to its original origin. , Now Big Brother is its sole owner. "

The shop paused for a while, and seemed to want to say something, but in the end it did n’t say, "Brother, I ’m going to refine and integrate my own power. Maybe it wo n’t take me long to have the power to break the kingdom of Mohammed ’s death. You and Wait patiently for some time. "

"Well, you can rest assured that refining is that I will lead a million soldiers to protect the law for you."

The shop flashed, the sword body pierced directly into the aura of light, and gradually merged with the imaginary sword body, the breath began to rise slowly with a stable degree.

Xiao Chen was slightly hesitant. Before walking to the sarcophagus, a young monk was lying peacefully. He was handsome, pale, and bland. He could not be associated with the corpse of terror unless the shop reminded him.

A tiny bounce of fingers, a drop of essence blood dripped from the fingertips at the heart of this corpse, melted directly into it, and disappeared.

A blood-like feeling appeared in my heart, as if the body in the sarcophagus was part of his body. Although this feeling is very light, with the constant evolution of Xiao Chen's breath during the growth and evolution of this corpse, the two can even reach the same level to some extent.

For a moment, Xiao Chen carefully savoured, and some understood the meaning of the stand-in.

The corpse in the coffin seemed to him more like some kind of advanced avatar at the moment, which could transfer all the attacks the subject suffered to this object, let it bear everything, and make itself safe.

Not to mention, this is indeed a good baby.

Climbing the avenue is full of crises. Everyone has the possibility of ridicule. More life-saving cards are naturally the best choice.

After staying in the Corpse Demon Hall for three days, Xiao Chen summoned the Huangquan Grinding Disc in the same way, shrouded and isolated from his own breath, and stepped away.

According to the current situation, it is definitely not a matter of time for the shop and the demon suit to refine and absorb its own power. I am afraid that it will delay a lot of time. Although I was in a hurry to leave, there was no way.

"grown ups!"

When Xiao Chen's figure emerged from the ruins of the Dead City, people such as Silent Investigation, Dieshan, Suwon, Mo Ge, Lun Zuo and Leng Twelve saluted them politely. In the past three days, Xiao Chen had no news, but they were quite worried. Now he was relieved to see him appear safely.

"You don't need to be polite. You, the lead, one thousand mountains, Suwon, Suwon, Moge, and Wanzuo will clean up the ruins of the dead city, remember not to get close to the central hall, and use them as your defense."


Five people shouted, and millions of armors followed, and everything that happened was ruins, rubble, and other things were cleaned up, and a large array of defenses were laid.

"Twelve, you send your Majesty monks, and use the corpse as the center to send vigilance to the surroundings. If there is any change, return at any time."


Leng Twelve resignedly, the monks who killed the Dao gathered quietly and followed, disappearing behind him.


[Third change, today's update is complete, see you all tomorrow! 】

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