Dao: Journey to the Top of the Universe

Vol 7 Chapter 462: Break the Kingdom of God

Xiao Chen stood on the spot with a groaning on his face, but at that moment he suddenly turned around and looked at the people behind him, with a faint smile on his face. "This busy time, but I forgot about you ... 8} 1ZW.COM. But now I can promise you new students. The agreement of the day should be considered complete. "

"Dear Xiao Chen, the Buren tribe is willing to serve you as the only deity and ask you to give a new life." Yeyue the Great Master knelt down, sketching out a perfect and attractive body, and a plump buttock. The angle of Xiao Chen's eyes seemed tempting.

The Buren tribe fell down at the same time.

"Dear Xiao Chen, Bafeng Tribe is willing to treat you as the only deity, and asks you to give a new life."

"Dear Xiao Chen, the Royal Fire Tribe is willing to serve you as the only deity, and asks you to give a new life."

"Dear Xiao Chen, Ben Lei tribe is willing to serve you as the only deity, and asks you to give a new life."

The three tribal masters, such as the wind-breaker, the fire-proof, and the benlei, scolded the girl for her quick movements and clever methods, but did not dare to have any hesitation. They led the people to kneel and offered their humble and devout awe.

Going deep into the mountains and going through the battle, until now the corpse city has been destroyed and destroyed, Xiao Chen's status in their hearts has risen wirelessly, and has reached a level comparable to the true gods. At this moment, they choose to surrender, and they are willing.

Xiao Chen naturally looked to detect their piety, waving a smile in their robes, and the pale golden portal slowly emerged, "This is the promise I gave you new life. After entering this portal, you will become my servants. Resist my will, otherwise there will be a ruined end. Now you can enter it, and someone will guide you inside. "

"Praise the powerful and omnipotent deities!"

The monks of the four tribes spoke at the same time, and looked excited, respectfully stood up and walked under the leadership of the four great masters into the golden gate. This was like the road to the kingdom of God, with solemn majesty.

When they walked in, Xiao Chen waved the portal to disperse, thinking slightly, and turned towards the corpse.

The four tribal masters and others entered the dojo, and they witnessed the vast new world. After returning in the future, they will naturally become the best lobbyists of Xiao Chen, conquer the four tribes, and other tribes will smell the wind. .

All the believers in the kingdom of God who died Mohammed, all received by Xiao Chen.


It has been more than half a year since the battle in the Corpse City, Xiao Chen did not choose to stay in the Corpse Demon Hall, etc., and went into retreat in the dojo.

Because of the existence of the stone tower, Xiao Chen was soared in a short period of time. Its length cannot be said to be unprecedented, but there are few comparable people. But the more so, the more cautious he was in his heart, the more he did not dare to take the slightest care.

Although the soaring power is excellent, after all, it is based on external forces. It takes more time to master and polish than to climb one step at a time, so that the foundation is solid.

The road of road construction, such as building on flat ground, can not tolerate any negligence and unstable foundation. After walking to high places in the future, the road will become narrower and narrower, and it will collapse and ruin everything.

Xiao Chen had already thought of this, so he was not proud and arrogant, and practiced quietly in the dojo, and did not rush to continue to improve, but slowly felt and verified, which is equivalent to a little bit of skyrocketing strength Go through the process again.

This process is boring and tedious, even though it seems unnecessary to many people, but Xiao Chen is meticulous and crosses his knees in the closet alone. He neither meditates nor crosses his knees, so he feels the power in his body.

This kind of near-seated and clear-minded taste is a great test for the monk ’s idea. If you change to someone else, you may be able to persist for a few days, January, or half a year, but Xiao Chen has persisted in the dojo for a full thirty. year.

This requires terrible self-will control.

On this day, his closed eyes slowly opened, and although there was no growth, his body breath became introverted and rounded. There was no sharp feeling when he was a breakthrough before, like a sheath. The sword, for the time being, hides its own edge.

But once he shoots, at this moment, his explosive power will be counted as before. This is the difference between a fully controlled power and a soaring power.

Thirty years of hard feelings, almost masochistic, have brought similar returns.

Xiao Chen rose up, his face remained calm. For thirty years, he not only realized Xiuwei, but also honed his state of mind. The more stable he was, as there was no wave in the ancient well, everything in the world could be dealt with lightly. The front does not change color.

With a wave of his sleeves, the door of the temple opened. Leng Twelve respectfully stood outside the temple, kneeling down on one knee, "Sir, adult, the shop woke up, let me call you."

Xiao Chen nodded slightly, waved his sleeves, stepped out next, disappeared with Leng Twelve.

The old corpse site, a new humble city rises flat, but this city is not simple.

It was built by the Zuo Mei forbidden road and the monk of the Taoist Pathway in the coordination of millions of armors, and its defense is strong. open.

It took eight months before it was cast.

It should be pointed out here that after seeing the vast territory on the second floor of the dojo and the vibrant world, the monks of the four tribes have regarded Lord Xiao Chen as the only true god. .

In their capacity, it is not difficult to do this.

At this moment, the ethereal light flashed, and Xiao Chen's figure appeared directly. He consecrated carefully and saluted, and put the dojo body in his hands.

Taking back the dojo, Xiao Chen glanced a little, and headed straight for the dead temple.

The monks saluted along the way, their faces were full of respect and awe.

With the help of Huangquan's great grinding disk, Xiao Chenmai walked in and saw that a group of auras on the right side of the sarcophagus had disappeared. Obviously, the power of condensing the ghost had been absorbed. .

"Brother you are here."

Xiao Chen nodded slightly, and sat down in front of the goods, "how, how much strength recovered?"

"Five or six minutes. This is still under the premise that the Corpse Demon Temple has helped me to gather strength. It will take me at least hundreds of years to do it myself." He smiled slightly and revealed a white tooth. "But now the power That's enough, and with my brother shooting with me, breaking the kingdom of death should not be a problem. "

Xiao Chen frowned. "Can you do it? Otherwise, you will continue to rest for a while, or you will not be in a hurry anyway, so as not to damage you."

The little one was angry and said, "Nima, how can a man say no, he has to do it, he has to do it!"

Xiao Chen laughed and scolded, this scum can always distort the topic to the level of his understanding.

A little "hehe" laughed.

"Now that you think you can shoot, let's do it, will you leave with me?"

"There is still my power flowing here. I want to stay here and continue to absorb it, and the demon suit has not been restored. The corpses in the sarcophagus are also growing. I can take care of them here."

"Okay, I will leave a million soldiers, forbidden monks, and monks killed, and they will be able to support me even if there is an accident."

"Haha, I wanted to say that, Chongshan, the corpse king, is not dead yet. If he comes, I am not an opponent. Now I can be assured."


Xiao Chen reluctantly shook his head and turned to go out, "Let's go, we want to go where I came, chop the space, I will go back the same way."

The hesitation flashed on the shop's face, but hesitated slightly, and finally did not speak.

Stepping out of the Corpse Demon Hall, Xiao Chen passed the order, and the five commanders led a million soldiers and thousands of forbidden monks, stationed here, and obeyed the order of the shop.

Seven people, such as tacit investigation, Dieshan, Suwon, Mo Ge, Lun Zuo and Leng Twelve, and Wonderful Fairy, respectfully said.

Xiao Chen nodded slightly.

"Haha, I still remember that when I was in the Mu family, I used to be a sword. You and I ran through the woods. No one dared to stop the slightest. How about letting us show it again today? Let's see if we can find the feeling back then . "The shop laughed and was upset.

Xiao Chen's face was reminiscent, thinking that when he was young and crazy, he could not help showing a faint smile. "So, let's go now."

The shop said "Hey," and suddenly manifested itself in a leap, turning into a huge sword with a mighty breath permeating the void.

Xiao Chen stepped forward and stepped on the blade.

call out!

The piercing sound of the air suddenly sounded, and when the aura of light flashed, one person and one sword had swept across the sky and whistled away.

On the Jiu Xiaoyun, there was a violent turbulence, and a giant sword broke through the air. The monk in the blue robe stepped on the sword, carrying his hands on his back.

One person, one sword, as in those days!

Originally a named disciple of Luoyun Valley, a teenager who was still struggling to survive in the small realm of Zhao Guo, now he has grown into a giant in the spirit world. He can fight in all directions!

The long sword, which was transformed into a jade hall, is now restored to its original appearance, but today the shop is no longer a magic weapon of the Dao Dao step. As pointed by the sword, it can cut the sky and shatter the earth, making billions All souls are destroyed!

There is no better way to do this.

Good and evil will eventually be reported, not to bully young people.

You may be powerful today, but who can tell the future?

The sword shadow broke through the sky and whistled away.


A dazzling ray of light glides across the gray sky, powerfully suppresses the void, dispels all the turbulent wind, and a little dust cannot be contaminated by it.

At this point, Xu Guang suddenly converged, revealing one of them.

The next moment the sword body disappeared, turning into a young man with a slick face, with a proud look, "Brother, the prestige of the two of us will not diminish that year!"

Xiao Chen had a faint smile on his face, and sighed softly. In the early years, he was much more oppressed and tortured, but now he wants to come.

If it hadn't been for the first time, how would you smile and be proud of the world today!

Now when I want to come, I put all this into a faint smile, there are vicissitudes and emotions, but more is a peace after years of suffering from precipitation.

Affected by Xiao Chen's breath, the shop's madness faded, a little solemn.

"Well, I was here when I first came here, shattered the borders of God's kingdom, and should be able to return to the Temple of War. In that case, you and I will shoot." Xiao Chen spoke to the void, faintly.

But this time, the shop did not answer immediately, silent for a moment, slowly raised, "My identity, my history, everything that year, brother, do you have nothing to ask me?"

Xiao Chen returned, his face was calm, and the sun was mild. "You are a shop, you are my identified brother, and you will not harm me, so why should I ask you? If you want to say what I can say, I will naturally know, otherwise I won't make you embarrassed. "

The dignified meaning on the shop's face disappeared bit by bit, turned into joy, and nodded vigorously. "Brother is right, I'm the shop, why bother with many others, just be myself."

"Come on, Brother and I work together and smash the walls of this kingdom!"

During the talk, the aura of light flashed, the shop manifested itself, and three feet of green front fell into Xiao Chen's hands.

Xiao Chen's face was slightly dignified, facing the void, the body's breath was crazy, the source of the rules instantly condensed, and the strength of the body soared to the peak level, stepped forward and slashed out!

call out!

Jianmang shot, and the void trembled.


A dark crack the size of a hundred feet suddenly appeared.

Xiao Chensong hands, the shop turned into a human figure, his foot stepped forward, and he instantly fell into the cracks. Only a faint voice came, "You and my brother went to the avenue together, and my brother owed a lot to you. I'll pay him back later. you."

During the conversation, the figure submerged, and the cracks in the space disappeared quickly.

The shop was low and whispered, "Brother, you don't owe me .. I'm a shop and I will definitely not harm you. I hope you can trust me in the future ..."


[First more! I'm asking for a monthly ticket at the beginning of the month. I hope everyone will be excited and give me a chance to burst into four more, hehe! 】

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