Dao: Journey to the Top of the Universe

Vol 7 Chapter 463: Ducha's crazy revenge

The black sea, the turbulent waves in the gust of wind, stretched out endlessly, one after another. {〔 W}.> 8? 1] ZW.COM

Except for the rumbling waves, the whole world is silent!

But at this moment, in the void on the sea surface, a spatial crack appeared silently, with aura shining, and a figure in a green robe strode forward with a calm expression, and a trace of joy flashed in the dark eyes.

Finally home!

This monk is naturally Xiao Chen.

Starting from entering the wilderness, he has been away from the Palace of the Gods of War for several years. I don't know what the situation is now.

When he first entered the wilderness, he was an ancient five-melody monk. Even if he used all his hole cards, he could only walk cautiously on thin ice in front of Augusto, Dongfeng Rubreak, and the Three Kings of Dongtian, ready to fight to the death or turn his head and flee at any time. .

But returning today again, he has officially entered the realm of the ancient seven songs. His strength is so powerful that he can kill to the ancient power, and all the strong in the blood prison, the three stone realms, and the cave sky are all dead!

This kind of result must have been predicted beforehand.

Xiao Chen lifted up, a faint smile appeared at the corner of his mouth, and a sense of confidence was born in his chest.

Returning to the Palace of the Gods of War this time, let's look at the cultivators of the Five Realms, who dares to show any disrespect to him!

Taking a step forward, the light suddenly rose, and the figure turned into a stream of light, breaking through the air.


Above the earth and below the sky, a group of blood rolled and raged, and the horror aura spread out from it, cold, tyrannical, resentful, and bloodthirsty.

Not far away, a dozen celebrity cultivators team looked pale, and their eyes showed an unquenchable panic.

"Any human monk who dares to set foot in the wilderness must serve as a blood food and be swallowed by the life of my blood prison clan! Die!"

The blood mass is hundreds of miles in size, scarlet and sticky, and its breath is terrifying. A low roar that resembles a human being came from it, covering the entire void, and the face of a dozen celebrity monks suddenly paled, and there was no more blood. .

The next moment, the blood glow flashed, and the center of the blood mass of hundreds of thousands of feet was sunken, and the two sides protruded like the mouth of a devil, and went straight to the human monk to swallow it.


The desperate scream came from the human monk.

With their strength, there is no way to resist it.

However, at this moment, a cold snort suddenly spread, and a vast aura rose to the sky, and the powerful Qi Qi Ji instantly locked the blood ball firmly.

At the same time, the moment when the breath was sensed, the blood mass movement suddenly stopped, and then there was a roar of fright and resentment, "Xiao Chen!"

The whole blood ball tumbling violently, a hideous and terrifying face slowly emerged, his eyes fixedly looking at Xiao Chen, hideous and stern.

Although this face is distorted and deformed, it is not difficult to recognize his identity, it is actually the first blood in the blood prison! I don't know what means he is currently using to condense a lot of blood and energy, and the power he possesses has also skyrocketed.

There was a green robe repairing the inner foot from the void coming from the void, frowning and looking at the blood ball, his eyes sharp.

"Master Xiao Chen! It's Master Xiao Chen!"

The human monk who had escaped from the dead, after seeing the incoming people, all shook their bodies, and when they recovered, they burst into cries of surprise and liking.

The host looked excited, but he did not expect that he would suddenly show up at this moment of crisis.

News has already been received in the Palace of the Gods of War. Back then, Master Xiao Chen used the power of the Three Stone Realms and Dongtian Realms to fight against the Blood Prison Clan in order to save Guzhu, Yun Ji and others. However, no news came after that. No news.

Later, news came from the Floating Six Realms that Master Xiao Chen went to a treasure in the Three Realms under the coercion of the monks of the Three Realms, and had a fierce conflict with him. Using magical powers, he killed all the Qugu monks in the Three Realms, even if Ogudo and Dongfeng. The powerful monks such as Po and the Three Kings of Dongtian also failed to escape to heaven.

When the news spread, naturally no one would believe it and would just treat it as a joke.

The cultivators of the Blood Prison, Three Stone Realm, and Cave Heaven Realm even sneered.

But one month has passed, and two months have passed.. One year, two years, three years.. The three realms who left still have no news, as if they have disappeared forever in the wilderness.

The monks of the Three Realms who sneered at the news of the Floating Six Realms at the beginning gradually shut their mouths, their faces getting more and more ugly, but they gradually grew panic and fear in their hearts.

Could it be that the rumors are true?

The thoughts that came up in his mind made the monks of the Three Realms like an ice pit, and their bodies were cold!

But now in the eyes of the human monks, since Master Xiao Chen has appeared, he has proven the authenticity of the news from the side! Although they don't know what happened in this, one thing is clear to them.

Since the adults have appeared today, no one can hurt them!

Du Cha was smashed into a sea of ​​blood by Xiao Chen, causing the soul to wither and collapse, almost directly ruining his own life.

Ogudo put it in the blood pool and used the power of the blood pool to repair the injuries in his body, so that he could barely save his life. But on one day, Lord Augusto's mark in the blood pool disappeared..

Others were not careful about the news of Lord Augusto's death, but they all knew that it was true, and Lord Ogudo was beheaded.

But he did not believe that this was what Xiao Chen did. At the beginning, he could only explode the power of the ancient trilogy realm by relying on the secret technique. Now, in just a few hundred years, how could he kill Lord Augusto? There must be hidden secrets!

But in the same way, Docha felt desperate! The time of the blood prison has been getting less and less, and Ogudo has fallen, and the clan still has not found a way to maintain the continuation of the blood of the race.. Maybe it will not be too long, they will be silently accompanied by the destruction of the blood prison Perish in interest.

To bear this fate, I can't be reconciled!

He has resentment!

Xiao Chen!

Everything is Xiao Chen!

If it weren't for him, he would not be badly injured and lose the qualification to meet the demon god, and Lord Augusto would not perish.. It was his reason! At the juncture of despair, he was completely insane. He gave up the body of the blood prison clan, merged the soul into the blood pool, and became a monster with powerful power. Only a thousand blood prison clan remained. The power of the strong has condensed into this blood group that covers the sky and the sun.

He wants revenge!

Take revenge on the human monks!

Since Xiao Chen could not be found, then use the blood of a human monk to reduce the hatred in his heart!

And this kind of massacre had been secretly started for a long time, a group of human monks who entered the wilderness, never returned, and there was no more news.

All Cha enjoyed the thrill of slaughtering the human monks. Looking at their desperate expressions and horrified roars, he could relieve the resentment in his heart a little, but these were not enough.. What he wanted was to personally insert Xiao Chen’s chest. His heart was dug out and held in his hand.

I thought there would be no more chance, but I didn't expect him to appear at this moment!


All of them roared frantically, hundreds of miles of blood boiled suddenly, turned into a **** mouth, and swallowed suddenly!

With this swallow, he would take Xiao Chensheng into the blood mass, corrode his physical body, seal the original spirit in it, endure endless torture, and die in pain and wailing!

Only in this way can the hatred in his heart be dispelled!

Xiao Chen faced Chen Rushui, with sharp glow in his eyes. Facing these hundreds of miles of terrifying blood, he never stepped back. With a pointer on his hand, the Huangquan grinding disc suddenly appeared, tearing the space in an instant, and whizzing away.

However, it is comparable to the strength of the ancient eight songs realm, and he dares to be presumptuous in front of him!

act recklessly!


The Huangquan millstone trembled suddenly, and the horror and decayed aura rose to the sky, and its shape rose wildly with an astonishing degree, from a hundred meters in size to hundreds of miles, thousands of miles, like a trial millstone standing between the sky and the earth. The controlled blood mass is directly enveloped.

The withered aura of destruction poured down, forming a town, suppressing it all.

This time, Xiao Chen will not let any of them go.

"Huangquan Damopan, turn it around for me, with the power of destruction, annihilate vitality, crush the flesh, and devour the soul!"

"All slaughter, not one left!"

Senran lowly drank, and with a wave of his robe sleeves, the Huangquan grinding disc began to spin around. The withered yellow spiritual light rolled and rippled like a wave of flowing water, and a stern roar came from it.

"How is it possible! Xiao Chen, how can you have the power to kill me!" Du Cha snarled, "I am the proud son of the blood prison clan. What qualifications do you have to kill me? I am unwilling! I am unwilling!"


The blood mass collapsed, and the blood gas turned into a monk of the blood prison clan. Under the yellow spring mill, the flesh was shriveled like charcoal, and life passed away, welcoming death in endless pain and fear.



The body of a cultivator of the famous blood prison clan collapsed, and the soul was taken away by the Huangquan Damopan in the miserable howling, merged into the withered yellow aura, raging and tumbling.

Xiao Chen smashed all the blood prison cultivators with a single blow, but he did not stop at this moment, his eyes surged, and pointed like a knife, he slashed into the void in front of him, "Call, kill the dead soul!"

Cultivation kills lives, and there is the power of cause and effect in the world to condense the dead soul realm. This realm does not exist in kind, and coexists with monks. Only when the cultivation level reaches a certain level can its existence be sensed.

The so-called killing cultivator, offering sacrifices to the heavens in exchange for the power of rules, is precisely to kill the dead in the dead soul world as a sacrifice.

At this moment, Xiao Chen already had the qualification to open it.

The soul world was opened, and Xiao Chen's breath was sensed. In the soul world, the soul fell into his hands and roared at the same time, wanting to tear him and devour it!

"Humph!" Xiao Chen snorted and stretched out his hand. The Huangquan grinding disc suddenly appeared and fell on the gap of the dead soul world. "The blood prison world, the three stone world, and the cave world fell into the hands of the dead souls in this seat. Give me suppression!"

Huangquan Damopan withered and yellow spiritual light suddenly skyrocketed, releasing a powerful devouring force. During the roar, ghosts of dead souls flew out of it and were swallowed by Huangquan Damopan.

Among the souls of the dead, there is Xuya who fell in Xiao Chen's hands first in the turbulent flow of space, the river map in the endless sea, and Fros, Jelson, Montai, and Chang Heming whose treasure space was beheaded by him. Hui, **Dongri, Yilou Siyue and others.

But the most astonishing one is the slightly vague figure of Wudao!

When the eyes fell, they could still be identified.

Augusto, the East Wind is like a broken, the three kings of the cave!

The three of them had indeed fallen. Although they did not die directly in the hands of Xiao Chen, they died because of him. Part of their souls also condensed in the soul world. At this moment, they seemed to have some residual spiritual wisdom, and roared bitterly and bitterly at Xiao Chen.

But despite their struggles, they couldn't escape the suppression of Huangquan Damopan and were imprisoned for life.

Xiao Chen flicked his sleeves to close the ghost world, slowly turned around, looked at the repairs of the human races, and spoke lightly, "Class Master Daoist, do you know that there is teleporting mana nearby, and return to the War God Palace?",

The class leader watched Xiao Chen summon the souls, his complexion flushed, and his body trembled slightly with excitement, "There is a teleportation circle not far from here, please come with me!"

At the end of the speech, this person led the human monk to lead the way.

Xiao Chen's face was cold, and he walked, and the Huangquan grinding wheel slowly turned behind him, and the dead souls of the Three Realms monks were crying bitterly in the withered yellow spiritual light.


[Today's codewords are very stuck, and I have been writing a chapter for nearly three hours, and I am speechless. I didn’t eat dinner, and continue to code Chapter 3, but the update time may be later. In addition, there are 8 monthly passes today, ask for two more, and four more tomorrow! 】

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