Dao: Journey to the Top of the Universe

Vol 7 Chapter 634: Mrs. Cheng

The girl's eyes were dark and she was helped by the woman before she fell. 8} 8} 1ZW. Com

Wei Yuanhou and others were shocked. They did not know why Yan Huangtu had the intention to accept the girl as his wife.

Yan Mingyue's declaration was completed. When everyone in Weiyuan Houfu had no response, he smiled and said, "Weihou Houye, please take the order."

Weiyuanhou then returned to God, hurriedly led the people to show gratitude, and took the divine order with both hands. The moment when the imperial edict was touched, the mighty coercion emanating from it was sensed, and there was no doubt in the heart any longer. This intent was by no means hypocritical.

"Hou Ye, Your Majesty has a lot of admiration for his wife, and there must be a reward in the future. He has focused on urging the decree to let the minister choose Ji Riying to return to Jidu. This matter needs to be discussed with Hou Ye." Arched and laughed.

"The angel's words are reasonable. You must not let your Majesty stay long. Please also invite the angel to enter the Hou House and discuss it again." Wei Yuanhou arched his hand.

"Houye is extremely true." Yan Mingyue nodded, but did not immediately enter Hou Fu, but at least in front of the woman, respectfully salute, "Chen Yan Mingyue, see Madam!" Awe.

Decree, change your identity.

The original Miss Hou Fu has now become the woman of the world's Lord Yan Huang, respected status, and can afford the gift.

"Mr. Weiyuan, although your wife is your blood relative, your princes and ministers have changed. You have to pay your respects to your wife."

Weiyuan Hou nodded and said: "The angel said yes, it should be so." Whispering, carrying a person from Hou Fu, etc., to pay homage to the new lady, but Mrs. Hou Fu and Ms. Er, their faces are It was white.

The girl looked gaunt, and her face was pale, and she had not recovered from the news at all. The imperial edict of the Emperor Yan, the promotion of his wife ... Sudden change of events, interrupted all the thoughts in her heart instantly, since then, she has become the woman of the Emperor Yan!

This point can no longer be changed!

"Mrs. was overwhelmed by surprise. Xu Shi didn't respond for a moment. She also asked her aunt to return to Houfu for a rest. When the time of the departure was agreed, the court would go to see him." Yan Mingyue knew the thoughts of the girl in front of her, but After that, no matter how she thought about it, she couldn't reveal anything.

The woman nodded hurriedly, reached out to help Miss, but saw that the girl had recovered a little in her eyes, and said lightly, "Aunt Yun, I'm fine."

While talking, she glanced at the people in Weiyuan Houfu House, "Let's get up." In Xiaoqianjie, she is also the princess of heaven above one billion people, and naturally became a body The noble temperament is now sealed by the Emperor Yan, and he will be blessed by Yan Yanyun in an instant. His temperament will become more graceful and luxurious, and he will turn around and step back, and return to Houfu.

Yan Mingyue, Weiyuanhou and others followed.

When entering Chunnuan Pavilion, the girl took the upper seat, glanced down, and said lightly, "Master Houyuan, I was a family thing before I was poisoned. You can decide it, but now that my grandson is Madam Yan Huang, this matter It is a provocation and disrespect to the entire Yan royal family. I wonder if Houye will change his attention and re-examine the matter thoroughly. "The girl has always been a soft-skinned man, and now she has a sudden change, her mind is hard to control, but at the moment it suddenly Calm down.

The decree has been made, and whether she wishes or not, things are a foregone conclusion, and no one will ask her the thoughts in her heart. According to the will, she may not be able to stay in Houfu for a long time, so she will follow the angel to leave Rongguo and go to Dayan. There is not much time left for her. Before leaving, she had to fulfill her promise, Li Shu and they couldn't choke to death.

Yan Mingyue's face became gloomy for a moment, and her eyes were frightened. "Poisoned your wife? Such an outrageous thing must be investigated thoroughly, and you will find the black hand behind the scenes to punish you! Grandpa Weiyuan, this official will return to truthfully. Your Majesty, please ask Hou Ye to deal with it justice! "How important is Mrs. Cheng to the Emperor Yan. If he is poisoned before the declaration, it must be the Emperor Yan's anger that greets him, and even the teacher may not be able to protect him This anger came from the heart.

Wei Yuanhou's face changed slightly, looking at the girl's indifferent expression, the corners of his eyes twitched slightly. When he entered Hou's house, the granddaughter's encounter was clear to her, and she had no feelings for Hou's house. What's more, the matter was justified in the first place. If he shied away, once the young girl became resentful, the whole Hou government would not be afraid of a terrible disaster.

"Mrs. and angels can rest assured that Ben Ho will give an explanation to the satisfaction of the two."

The lady's face turned pale for a moment, but she didn't dare to show the slightest difference, so she could not say anything.

Miss Er's body was paralyzed, her face dull, and her mouth suddenly screamed, "It's me! Both times I made people poison! Cheng Chengcheng, I wish I could poison you little bitch! You are just a **** Girl, what qualifications compare with me! "

Yan Mingyue's face was gloomy and watery, her eyes shone coldly, and she sneered silently.

The girl looked calm and fell indifferently on Cheng Ying, and said lightly, "I'm Madam Dayyan Tianzi now, and she has a high status. You are just a young Miss Hou Fu, just an ant in my eyes."

"It's poisonous, it's a lot of trouble. Although you are my aunt, but to maintain the majesty of the Yan royal family, you can't let you live in the world."

Cheng Ying frantically frantic, the girl's calm and indifferent voice, like a sharp sword, severely crushed the madness and toughness she disguised. Fear grew uncontrollably from her heart and expanded wildly, spreading her entire body instantly.

"Mother! Save me, I don't want to die!"

"Father, I am your biological flesh. I am the eldest daughter of Houfu. You have loved me the most since you were young. You must rescue me this time! Kill this little bitch, and then kill this bird. Mingyue, then no one will come to kill me again. Father, you killed both of them, kill them! "

She is completely crazy.

Yan Mingyue's face changed, her next step was taken, her figure was directly in front of the girl, she said in a deep voice, "Master Weiyuan, since the black hand behind the scenes has been found, please take the shot yourself and clean the portal."

Weiyuan Hou flashed a bit of pain in his eyes, but was depressed by him, his eyes fell on Cheng Ying, and he slowly raised his hand.

"Master! Yinger is your own flesh and blood, even if you make a big mistake, you can't kill her!"

"Master, I beg you, forgive her!"

Mrs. Hou Fu hugged Weiyuan Hou's feet and screamed in her mouth, "Yinger, you should run away, otherwise Hou Ye will kill you!"

Cheng Ying suddenly returned to his heart, looking at his father's embarrassed face, and suddenly jumped in his heart.

Weiyuan Hou flicked his sleeves and swept away Mrs. Hou Fu directly, and patted him in the direction of Cheng Ying's escape. The atmosphere of the creation's perfection suddenly exploded, and the void twisted directly enshrouded the shocking rainbow of Cheng Ying.

This woman was immediately obliterated, and only a ray of the gods could be saved, integrated directly between heaven and earth, and reincarnation.

"Mrs. Cheng Ying is ultimately my daughter-in-law. I also ask my wife to look at her bloodlines and forgive Ben-Hou's crime of letting her reincarnation." Wei Yuanhou arched his hand, and after doing this, he looked all Older.

If you do not kill Cheng Ying, there will be great difficulties for the entire Hou government! Even if he didn't take the shot and Yan Mingyue was here, how could Cheng Ying escape? He killed it with his own hands, at least he could leave her a ray of reincarnation to reincarnate, without ending up in the shape of a god.

Thinking of the death of Uncle Li and the third brother, the girl forced her heart intolerance and nodded slowly.

The lady lost her soul and suddenly spit out a spit of blood, her face pale and without any trace of blood.

"Mrs. Fu returned to the hospital to rest. Without Ben Ho's order, no one was allowed to disturb his wife's cultivation during this time."

"Yes, Lord Hou." The steward suddenly responded, waving his hand to let the two maids come forward, and helped his wife to leave. This is already a ban on the wife in disguise, it seems-after this incident, the status of the wife of Hou Fuzhong will be much worse than before.

"Cheng Ying's **** Yin Yangzi killed my loyal servant Uncle Li, and the close maid Huai'er repeatedly instigated the assassination. Three Hou Fu slaves framed the guard around me, so that he was in the death penalty room. Hope Hou Grandpa can vindicate the dead and bury the dead, and punish the perpetrators. "

Weiyuanhou nodded, and Shen Sheng said, "Yin Yangzi killed, Huaier and the three sons-in-law were fighting together. I wonder if the wife is satisfied?"

The girl nodded her head, and really reported all the resentment. She suddenly felt empty and silent for a moment, and slowly spoke. "The matter of leaving for the thistle city was discussed by the angel and Hou Ye. I was a bit tired."

"Certificate resignation." Yan Mingyue saluted respectfully, but she was in a solitude. It seems that this fragile Mrs. Cheng is also a person who can do great things, at least this cold hand is awesome in my heart.

Wei Yuanhou arched his hands, sighed in his heart, and turned away.

Today's results, in the final analysis, is because Cheng Ying was so deceived that he sought his own way of death. If he was not sheltered by Cheng Cheng, now she might fly to a branch and turn into a phoenix, and it may be her who ends miserably in the future. That being the case, how can he develop resentment in his heart ... The only thing that can be blamed is the coldness of this Houfu ...


Yan Mingyue did something in the early morning and spread it all over Beijing. The declarative reading is not secret, and the content is naturally known to everyone.

The Emperor Yan had orders, and Cheng Chengcheng, Feng Weiyuan's Hou government, was his wife and called into Jidu. For a time, the envy was unknown!

The seven most powerful men in the world are naturally the seven emperors except the Empress Tang. With this relationship, Weiyuan Hou will inevitably rise in the ranks of Rong. No matter what your heart is, as long as you don't really want to tear your skin with Dayan, the Rong Guozhu will have to treat Weiyuan Hou with courtesy. Only after this incident, although Weiyuan Hou Rongchong is heavy, I am afraid that he can only be a leisure Houye, and he cannot control the domestic power.

There are gains and losses.

But at this moment, there are still many sights converging in Qingyun Mansion, waiting for the response of the father-in-law.

A few days ago, Weiyuan Hou Shouyan, Qing Yungong and Ms. Weiyuan Hou Chengcheng loved each other. The good news about Qin Jin's marriage had already spread. Now the Emperor Yan suddenly joined the sword to win love. Courage.

But their respective small abacuses are doomed to fail.

Xiao Chen heard the news, although she was surprised, but she just shook her head slightly. She secretly said that even without her own help, this lady Cheng Cheng is also a wealthy man, so she will be regarded as a destination in the future.

As for entering the Imperial Palace, whether there are intriguing calculations, it is not his ability to intervene.

Ming Daoxian sent a congratulatory gift to Weiyuan Houfu, and the matter was set aside by him. Now that Rong Guozhu has officially set up his capital in Beijing, a little chaos in the country has subsided soon, and he should set off for the fiefdom.

However, the army was transferred, and the owner was asked. The preparations for many arrangements were also extremely complicated. I was afraid that it would not be possible to complete them without a few days.

Once in the fiefdom, even if he was barely out of the control of Rong Guozhu, as long as he was careful and coupled with the help of Dao Mo and others, he would definitely be able to expand his power in a short time. At that time, just waiting for him to enter the creation world, he can divide the territory and create his own kingdom! With the kingdom of God in hand, he can quickly gather strength and have the qualification to compete in this vast and vast realm.


[Second more, thanks to Mengmeng for giving a reward. If you do n’t change it today, you will change it tomorrow ... I did slow down the code recently ... I guess it ’s going to stay up late, I recovered the biological clock for two days, ohh . 】

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