"The Emperor Yan decided to marry the daughter of Weiyuan Houfu?" Rong Guozhu frowned slightly, his face baffled, "You Aiqing, in your opinion, is there any significance?"

The cabinet ministers lost their thoughts. After half a ring, one of them slowly shook his head and arched his hand. "The special envoy Xu Yan witnessed the beauty of Hou Fu's daughter, and was invited to contribute to the Emperor Yan and was accepted. Then he summoned him. Enter Dayan. Bayi (Chinese 1? Z} W].> C> OM is only a woman and should not have deep meaning. "

"Although the Marquis of Weiyuan is the Marquis, he does not control my real power. Even if the Emperor Yan wants to support the power in Rong, the landlord only needs to treat Weiyuan Hou and give him a high position, but he will not be exposed to power. , It's foolproof. "

"The ministers thought that was the case, and also asked the lord of the lord."

Rong Guozhu nodded slightly. He was no different from what the Minister of Cabinet thought. Now that he heard the words was more secure. It seems that this is just the moment when the Emperor Yan has risen and moved his love for beauty. Putting down this matter, he glanced at the court minister, groaned slightly, and slowly spoke, "The Emperor Yan cannot marry the daughter of Weiyuan Houfu. The solitary king cannot fail to show that he must send a pro team to show grandness."

"The lord said so much. Our country annexed the country through the assassination of an angel. Although well-known, it will eventually disobey the will of the emperor Yan, and there will be dissatisfaction in the heart of the emperor. Now the emperor cannot give anyone a little bit of handle. , Just in case the Yan Dynasty swayed. "

"It is better to send a pro-dealing team than to order the envoys to Jidu. One can serve as the pro-dealing team. Secondly, you can formally submit the national certificate, prepare a generous gift to show humility, reduce the dissatisfaction of Yan Huang, and urge The Yan dynasty officially ordered the promotion of our country as a subsidiary country of top grade. "

"This statement is good, but if the status of the minister must be a respected person in my country, and I personally sent the daughter of Hou Fu into Jidu City, we can show that China attaches importance to it and let the Emperor Yan Dynasty feel the sincerity of the country."

"As the first tribute to Dayan after our country's promotion, we must show sufficient sincerity in the tribute to prevent dissatisfaction from the monarchs and kings of the Yan Dynasty, and secretly guard against the suppression of our country."

Rong Guozhu tapped the back of his chair with his fingers, his face was somber, and he nodded slowly after half a ring, and said, "Zhu Qing is justified. The solitary king has no opinion on this, but who should this minister send?"

The cabinet ministers were silent, and the thoughts in their hearts turned, which was also the thought of the emperor.

"The lords, according to the old ministers, in order to show the importance of the lords to this tributary, sending envoys must be distinguished people. In our country, the lords naturally cannot go out, and there are three patriarchs down. The minister thought that this time, the envoy should appoint one of the three kingdoms to go to Dayan. "The one who spoke was the minister of the court, which was trusted by the lord of the state, and the mind of the lord was the most accurate during the daytime.

The man spoke, and the court officials naturally heard the wind and knew what it meant.

"The Lord of the Three Kingdoms, the Ding Guogong, the Wu Yigong are all my lieutenant generals. Now that the country is flat, there is a high probability of ups and downs. The two Guogong should not leave Rong Guo at this time. Envoy Dayan. Therefore, Qing Yungong is considered to be the most suitable person for this matter. "

"Although Qingyun has a lot of tactics, although he has a high degree of weight, he has not yet intervened in things in the army. Even if he pulls away for a while, it will not have a big impact on the movement of the army. The minister also believes that Qingyun is the best candidate for missions. . "

"I heard that there is the royal blood of Dayan flowing in Qingyun Gong. In this way, he is also regarded as the ancestor of Dayan. He led the mission to envoy Dayan, which can not only highlight the importance of the landlord, but also may weaken Yan because of the blood in his body. Dissatisfaction of the monarchs and ministers. "

"Secondary and so on!"

Rong Guozhu's face showed satisfaction, saying: "Zhu Qing thoughtfully and thoughtfully, so he passed on the solitary king Lingyu, sealed Feng Yungong as the minister, temporarily received a civilian title, and went to Dayan to pay tribute."

"Sacred Lord of the Lord!"

The victory of the Rongguo War and annexation of the Lao Kingdom. The fragmentation of the old system represents the reorganization of the original interest division group. This period of time is naturally a key period for the rapid development of strength, plump wings, and improvement of own strength.

At this time, Xiao Chen was dispatched to Dayan to pay tribute to Dayan, the lord of Rong Kingdom. It seemed that he valued and praised his identity, but when he returned from Dayan's envoy, the struggle for domestic interests had already settled, even if he had a state official. As for the position, if you want to regain the solid interests, you will be counterattacked by the entire Rongguo forces. In this way, he can be suppressed in the territories close to the alien starfield, and can only become a national guard under the border of Rong Guozhu, and there is no possibility of carp jumping into the dragon gate. As for this move, will the tiger return to the mountains and the dragon return to the sea? Rong Guozhuo didn't think so. What Xiao Chen has in Rongguo may not be available to the monk in his life. He would not give up easily.

Moreover, the news that Qing Yungong favored Miss Hou Fu had already been known. Through this incident, we should also remind Xiao Chen, what is a monarch and a minister?

The king is on the top, the minister is on the bottom.

Even if it is your beloved daughter, the lord of the kingdom has ordered you to send your relatives, you can only choose to agree, not defy. Passing this incident can also be regarded as a test for Xiao Chen. If he changes something, it is better to take this opportunity to take it down and stand on the righteousness.

All secret means of concealment are hidden under the bright and beautiful appearance.


Qingyun Mansion.

Xiao Chen was rewarded with money, and the servant who came to read Wang Ling was beaten away, his brows frowned slightly, and his face was solemn.

Return to the study, wave back and hold everyone back, and command that no one be disturbed without permission. Opening the study ban, Xiao Chen flashed in front of Xiao Chen, and the figure of Quan appeared directly, faintly speaking. "It seems that the Rong Guozhu doesn't treat you like he is on the surface."

Xiao Chen's face was gloomy. "Because of this grand reason, I can't make excuses to refuse."

Quan nodded. "You can understand this. Now that you don't have the qualification to meet Rong Guozhu, you can only choose to forbear."

"Be assured, if I am an impulsive person, I cannot survive to this day." Xiao Chen frowned, looked up after half a ring, his eyes fell on the spring, "I will go to the Dayan Dynasty, the matter of the territory, then Leave it to you. "

"no problem."

Xiao Chen's mind quickly thought about the many arrangements after leaving, "Before I left, I hope you can provide a perfect cultivation plan for the ancient demons and space avatars, and I hope they can get the improvement of cultivation as soon as possible."


"That's it, go ahead and prepare."

Chuan tilted her head slightly, and her eyes flashed a little strangely. "This territory is the foundation of your foothold in the Great Realm. Just give it to me so easily. Isn't it that I would make a mess for you or just finish it."

"If you want to restore your strength in the future, instead of being suppressed by a seal in a dark place, you should know how to choose." Xiao Chen looked directly at Quan's eyes. "And now, I have no better Choose, you can choose to believe only in you. "

Quan slightly nodded, is that so?

Finally, the great Lord Quan Quan's lofty ideal of governing the country and Anbang finally has the opportunity to realize, how can he miss such an opportunity!

Just an asteroid system?

No no no!

From the perspective of the great Master Quan, this is only the first step of a journey of thousands of miles. Before there is not enough power, the territory of the alien star field can be expanded. When enough power is accumulated, you can go back and swallow the Rong country .. . Then there is Manchu ... Hun State ... Koryo ... Oh, it seems that in the end, you can still confront the Yan Dynasty, if you can really fight Yan Dynasty, think about it!

Quan's eyes flashed with a dangerous luster, burning hot like a burning flame, leaving a sentence "I'm going to organize the exercises" and hurriedly returned to the space of Yuanshen.

Xiao Chen shook his head, and the corners of his mouth couldn't help showing a hint of helplessness. Quan's calmness and calmness sometimes seemed to fall into the sky, which didn't make him feel the slightest fluctuations, but sometimes his performance was like a paranoid lunatic.

But Rong Guozhu's shot has disrupted his current layout. If he cannot resist, he can only choose to respond.

Today, he can only choose to believe in the power of Quan, which can help him to take care of the fiefdom during his mission to the Great Yan.

If I let Quan know his thoughts, I'm afraid I can't help but jump straight?

But at this moment Xiao Chen didn't have much time to figure out his thoughts. The mission was imminent. He still had many things to prepare. With a wave of his hand to open the study ban, Xiao Chen said with a deep voice, "Come, order my lord and his lieutenant to come to the study to discuss."

"Yes, Guogong."

The soldiers should respectfully turn around and hurried away.

A moment later, His Majesty's General gathered in Qingyun Mansion.

After some secret discussions, it did not end until the sun was westward. Xiao Chen's ambassador only took Daoxian forward, and the rest went to the fiefdom with the army. Xiao Chen has ordered them to obey Quan's orders in everything. Although the generals were surprised by the sudden appearance of Master Quan, no one questioned Xiao Chen's decision.

Xiao Chen was closed in the First World War, Qingyun went straight up, and he had already fulfilled his original promise! Including eleven pro-generals of His Majesty, Zhang Liangdong, Fan Lin and others have also been repeatedly promoted to become real generals with heavy soldiers. Everything was bestowed by Xiao Chen, which also created their absolute obedience and awe to the father-in-law. In some respects, with the obedience of his Majesty, the entire Xiao Department was a soldier of Rong Guozhu, but it was also Xiao Chen's private army.

After arranging a response, Xiao Chen groaned slightly, and decided to go out to Weiyuan Houfu. Now that he has been appointed Minister of Rongguo's mission and receiving pro-teams, it is natural that he should first ask the mission's departure date and meet the new wife to make a response.

Leading a small number of pro-military forces, Xiao Chen stepped onto BMW in Red Blood and went straight to Weiyuanhouhou.

The order of Rong Guozhuo has been issued, and Weiyuanhou and Yan Mingyue have been notified separately. When Xiao Chen arrived, the two were discussing in Houfu main hall.

"I've seen the Grand Duke."

Wei Yuanhou arched his hands, but his eyes were carefully watching Xiao Chen's reaction. After learning that the state lord had appointed Xiao Chen as a diplomat minister and a family member, he was uneasy in his heart, for fear of trouble. Seeing him look as usual now, he was slightly relieved.


[Third change, update today ... or add it tomorrow ... continue to code. 】

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