"Weiyuan Hou don't need to be polite. My father came here today to discuss with the two. When the mission will leave, my father should prepare in advance. Bayi Chinese Website (W>W]W).> 8? 1>ZW.COM" Xiao Chen took a seat, glanced over the two of them, and spoke lightly.

"This lord has already discussed with the angels. Three days later will be an auspicious day. If you miss it, you will need to have a suitable day next month. Taking into account the urging of Emperor Yan's will, we have chosen three days later as the day to leave Beijing. , I don’t know what the state will do?"

"Three days later?" Xiao Chen frowned slightly and pondered slightly, and said: "Is the time too hasty? The mission gift has not been prepared yet. The Hou Mansion's marriage to the Emperor Yan requires a good arrangement. There must be no difference, everything can be done in time. ?"

"The lord of the country has agreed to leave Beijing three days later, and has ordered the court ministry to help the Houfu prepare to send off the family. Although it was a bit hasty, it can be done."

"In that case, I have no opinion."

Yan Mingyue has never spoken, Yu Guang is always paying attention to Xiao Chen's demeanor and behavior, but he hasn't noticed the slightest abnormality. Could it be that this Lord Qingyun really has no intention of treating Mrs. Cheng, or that the city is too deep to hide so cleverly. dew. But no matter where it is possible, since he can understand the current situation and make a wise choice, it is naturally best to avoid a catastrophic disaster.

Not to mention how important Mrs. Cheng is to Emperor Yan, even if she is an ordinary concubine, she is also the woman of Emperor Yan.

There is only one dead end if you dare to be unruly towards Yanhuang's woman!

"The official and the grandpa see it right at first sight, and are sighing that they left too early and don't want to go back to Dayan with the grandpa. On this road, I have to trouble the grandpa to take care of it. When I return to Jidu, the official will make a custom. Dong invited Guo Gong to have fun!"

All the way back to Dayan, the teacher has already reminded, I am afraid it is not easy. If Xiao Chen could cut off the little love between Mrs. Cheng and Mrs. Cheng cleanly, Yan Mingyue would naturally welcome such a strong cultivator along the way.

"The angels are polite. The prince of my country was ordered by the king to send Dayan as an envoy, and there are many places that need angels to take care of."

The two looked at each other, with a slight smile on their faces at the same time.

After discussing about leaving Beijing three days later, Xiao Chen pondered slightly and said, "Since my grandfather has arrived at the Weiyuanhou's Mansion, he will naturally go to meet Mrs. Cheng. I wonder if there is any evasion?"

Yan Mingyue's eyes flickered, and she smiled: "The Duke is not only an envoy but also a person to send off his relatives. If he is the wife of his wife, he can naturally visit him. The official also has to go to the inn to make preparations, so he won't stay long."

All the way back to Dayan, Xiao Chen couldn't get along with his wife. If he was really double-minded, he couldn't prevent it. In that case, he simply asked him to see him. Now he is in the Hou Mansion, and Wei Yuan Hou will naturally pay attention to it. If there is any abnormality, he should be prepared as soon as possible.

Weiyuanhou sent Yan Mingyue away and ordered someone to report to Mrs. Cheng first, and then he personally led Xiao Chen to the Chunnuan Pavilion.

"Chengcheng has now received the Emperor Yan's decree, and his status has become the woman of the Emperor Yan, and his status is respected. Even if the prince meets, he must be the courtesy of the emperor and his ministers. The world's fortunes are changing rapidly. People are embarrassed in their hearts." Wei Yuanhou whispered, as if expressing his feelings, but also as if he meant something.

Xiao Chen shook his head secretly. It seemed that Wei Yuanhou had also misunderstood the birthday banquet the other day, and took this opportunity to secretly mention something. Now he had no choice but to pretend not to understand, and nodded to deal with it.

Seeing that Xiao Chen's expression was calm and flat, Weiyuan Hou felt a little calm, and during the conversation, Chunnuan Pavilion had arrived.

"Guo Gong has been to visit his wife since he went to visit him. Ben Hou has been waiting for Guo Gong, and there are still some things to discuss with Guo Gong." Wei Yuanhou smiled and arched his hands.

Xiao Chen nodded. Although he was not happy about his caution, he could understand, and walked behind the maid towards the courtyard.

The woman was already waiting outside the flower hall. Seeing Xiao Chen coming over, she bowed a bow and said, "Please, please, madam is waiting for you in the hall." The voices are a little more respectful and respectful than before.

Xiao Chen nodded slightly to her, but there was no pause under his feet, and he walked directly into the flower hall, his eyes directly on the upper girl.

A day later, when we meet again, the weather has been very different.

The weak and lonely girl at the birthday banquet is now in a beautiful dress. Yun Gao pulls her hairpins and wears beads. She has less powder and dailies on her pretty face, covering the paleness without blood, making her look more beautiful.

With grace and dignity, she seems to have the demeanor of the master woman of a country. Compared with before, she is really different.

Xiao Chen's heart moved slightly, but he didn't think deeply. He slightly arched his hands and said: "Chen Qingyun, I have seen my wife." Emperor Yan decreed to be a madam. Although not too high in rank, she was ultimately a royal woman, and her identity was natural. Respect. As Xiao Chen Guogong, there is no need to worship, but the proper etiquette cannot be abandoned.

Chengcheng thought that she was ready, but seeing him coming from outside the hall, Fang Xin couldn't help beating fiercely, a sorrow and pain permeated from it, making her whole body slightly stiff, and she barely suppressed it after a few breaths. The mood fluctuated, and he said lightly, "Duke Qingyun does not need to be polite, please sit down."

"Mrs. Xie." Xiao Chen frowned slightly. Although he was not a great favor, he finally added the fire dragon jade to the front and the birthday banquet to help. This lady Chengcheng's attitude changed too quickly. . How could he not notice the alienation in this indifferent tone. It seems that Ms. Chengcheng has other reliance on being canonized by the Emperor Yan, and her vision has also improved a lot, and he no longer regards his tributary country in his eyes. Secretly shook his head. Although he didn't understand the reason for this, Xiao Chen didn't want to think too much. He didn't mean to ask for credit in return, so naturally he didn't have much feeling at this moment, but there was a lot of expression. A bit of indifference in business affairs.

"According to the angel, Weiyuanhou and the Honourable Gong, and the country's master nodded his head, the envoy will leave Beijing three days later. As an envoy, the Honourable Honourable will also **** his wife to Dayan."

"I already know about this. On this road, I have to bother Guo Gong."

"Madam, you don't have to be polite, this is a matter for the minister."

Xiao Chen's words fell silent. After thinking about something that needed no more words, he stood up and said, "If the lady has no other orders, the minister has to go on a mission to deal with things that need to be busy, so let's leave."

Chengcheng felt a pain in her heart, her face paler, but she couldn't see it under the cover of the best rouge blush, nodded, and said: "Aunt Yun, send the country off."

"Yes, ma'am."

The figure of the woman appeared at the entrance of the flower hall, and said respectfully, "Master Hou, please."

Xiao Chen nodded slightly, strode out of the Flower Hall, and followed the woman out of the Chunnuan Pavilion.

There was an expression of surprise in Wei Yuanhou's eyes. He never thought that after Xiao Chen entered, he would retreat so quickly, but he was completely relieved in his heart. It seems that Duke Qingyun also knows the seriousness of the matter, and has reduced some of his thoughts.

In this way, nature is the best result.

The woman watched Xiao Chen and Wei Yuanhou leaving with a hesitant color on her face, and finally sighed slightly, turned and walked hurriedly towards the flower hall.

Chengcheng is still sitting on it, but the previous indifference and grace have completely faded at this moment, his lips are tightly pressed together, and a layer of paleness appears.

"Madam, are you tired? I will help you go back to your room to rest."

Chengcheng nodded, and got up from the seat, but her feet suddenly felt soft. If the woman hadn't gotten a hand, she would fall to the ground directly.

"Madam, are you okay? Would you like to call the royal doctor to have a look."

Chengcheng looked sad, shook his head, and walked forward without a word.

The woman had to hold her carefully and send her into the bedroom.

"You all go down, no one is allowed to approach the bedroom without a lady's summons." The woman waved her hand and beat all the servants of the Hou Mansion away, opening the restrictions in the bedroom, and then turned to look at the girl leaning on the bed. , A bit of regret flashed in his eyes.

Gently walked to the bed and said: "Miss, if you feel bitter in your heart, just cry. No one here will know. You can't keep all the bitterness in your heart."

Chengcheng shook his head and said in a low voice, "Auntie Yun, I don't feel bitter. This is my own choice. I have already figured out what consequences I will face." Although the voice tried to keep calm, he thought The indifference between his slightly frowned brows and behavior still made her feel so painful and her voice trembled slightly.

The woman stretched out her hand to caress the girl's show, her face was full of intolerance, "Miss, why do you have to bear this alone, tell the grandfather what you want to say in your heart, even if you can't get together, you can let him know that miss you Mind."

"Auntie Yun, don't say it, I can't do this." Chengcheng raised her head, smiling **** her face, "I almost couldn't help but rush into his arms when I watched him walking today. And tell him that I am willing to give up everything now and leave here with him forever. But am I doing well? He didn't see my disguise, and now I must think I am a selfish and snobbery The woman who loves me, he must not like me anymore, and he will even hate me from the bottom of his heart, feeling that he has been blinded before. This is good, this is the result I want."

She smiled hard, but her eyes became crystal clear, tears washed away the light makeup on her face, revealing a pale face without a trace of blood.

"Miss, otherwise, I will tell the grandpa and tell him what you want. I think if the grandpa really likes you, he will definitely be willing to take you far away. When that happens, you will be an ordinary couple incognito. No one can find you."

"No! Don't!" Chengcheng reached out and hugged the woman's waist, "Auntie Yun, in my heart, I have always regarded you as my mother. You must promise me this time, and you must never tell him this. I just want him to forget me completely, and it is enough to find a woman who really likes him."

"Now I am the woman of Emperor Yan, with a distinguished and sensitive status. If I really go with him, it will cause an uproar. The entire Weiyuan Hou Mansion will be implicated. Although I have no feelings for them, I can't just watch them because I died in vain. And I know that he is the man who made great things, and the vast world is the battlefield for him to fight hard, instead of simply giving up everything for a woman, this life is destined to hide and chase Through the killing. Even if I choose again, I would rather he completely forget me, so that no flaws will be found, and I will not become a disaster that will bring disaster to him."

"Auntie Yun, you promise me."

The woman stretched out her hand to embrace the girl’s thin waist, tears in her eyes, and nodding, "Okay! Okay! I promise you, miss you, you can’t get too excited, the doctor said you should rest well and you should not have too much ups and downs. ."

"Auntie Yun, I want to cry, so I will cry this time, OK?"

"Miss, you can cry if you want to cry. It's better to cry out than to hide in your heart."

Chengcheng nodded slightly and hugged the only relative beside her. Tears shed and soaked her clothes... I don’t know how long it has been. When the woman put her on the bed carefully, the girl was already haggard and fell asleep, just a pair of jade hands subconsciously. Holding the fire dragon jade in her arms, her body curled up slightly, it seems that only it can make her feel warm.

The feelings of a girl's first love, but the taste is so sour and bitter.

The flower has withered before it blooms.


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