Yishenyuan sat cross-legged on the meteorite, looking at the distant star domain, and frowned slightly. Eight. 〕 8) 1> ZW. Although COM was unwilling to admit it, Xiao Chen's fortune was indeed still above him and entered the Great Thousand Realms. He took advantage of the corpse's convenience and devoured the emperor Lu Le's corpse to repair it today, but Xiao Chen could Rising in the battlefield of Rongguo, the World War I sealed the public and went straight up, and Xiu Wei achieved the perfection of the creation. The combat power is amazing! He believes that the progress has been amazing, but compared with Xiao Chen, the gap cannot be calculated.

Be sure to kill him as early as possible, otherwise the longer the delay, the greater the power gap between the two, the less likely he can kill Xiao Chen.

This time, using the power of the Emperor's Corpse is the best opportunity to chop him down, and he must never be left alive!

After confirming the escape direction of Xiao Chen and others, he was only able to wait to spread the letter to the Emperor's Corpse. Although he was anxious and anxious to start immediately, the difference in strength between the two sides made him afraid to move. Otherwise, even if they catch up, I am afraid that not only will they not be able to stay, they will also kill their lives.


The Emperor's Corpse received the information and will soon arrive.

"Xiao Chen! See where else you can escape!"

"This time, you must die!"

Yishenyuan roared in his heart.

A day later, the black coffin screamed, accompanied by the fire clan king and his party.

"See Lord Emperor Corpse."

Yi Shenyuan led the corpse assassins behind him, respectfully saluting.

"Shenyuan, you have sent a letter to this seat, but you have confirmed their whereabouts." In the black hall, a hoarse voice came from the corpse of the emperor. "This matter is of great importance, and there must be no accidents, can you know?"

"Master Emperor Corpse rest assured that his subordinates would not dare to send a report if they were not confident. Xiao Chen and his party detoured the remote and desolate star field and returned to Dayan, avoiding most of the sight. The subordinates can be sure, they are on this route Go up. "Yi Shenyuan said in a deep voice.

"Okay! This place has clear rewards and penalties. Now that you have the target whereabouts, this is what you deserve!" The black coffin opened a gap, and a drop of black corpse blood directly floated out.

Yishenyuan was overjoyed, hurriedly kneeling on one knee, rolling his body corpse to pull that drop of blood into the body. Having this drop of emperor corpse blood has countless benefits for the corpse monk corpse monk, and it can be more aware of the power of a corpse, which will be of great benefit for future cultivation and promotion.

Including the Black Moon Corpse King, the surrounding corpse monks are full of envy.

The burning of King Tian's brows frowned slightly, and Da Wei and Da Qin also had a faint rivalry relationship. He didn't have much favor in the heart of the corpse. He only chose to cooperate for the time being because of the interests. "Emperor Corps, now that the direction has been determined, Do n’t continue to delay, do it as soon as possible, so as to avoid night long dreams. ”

"Heavenly King made sense, and we set off immediately."

Taking the Emperor's Corpse and the Heavenly Burning King as monks, the monks of the two races drove the treasures to follow, and went straight to Xiao Chen and others to chase away.


A touch of golden streamer whistled, its speed is extremely fast, and it can cross endless space in a flash. If you look closely, you can see that this golden light is a flat golden disc-shaped treasure. From the direction it came, it should be from the big swallow.

Suddenly, the golden disc trembled suddenly, and the surrounding star domain space became instantly sticky, and a layer of water waves appeared.

Anger and roar came out instantly, "Master Brother Zhao, is it possible to stop my father from trying to be my enemy Yan Da?"

"Ha ha! Ling Yuangong's words are bad, my big Zhao Nai is an ally of Wei, and your big Yan is an enemy and a non-friend. This block is to stop you, but it's just a matter of reason. I heard that Ling Yuangong is a competitor. Feng Wang, I intend to ask for some advice, so please ask Ling Yuangong to linger here for a while? "

"court death!"


The sound gradually lowered, and the water wave-like space ripples gradually subsided, and finally calmed down, no more waves.


Vast starry sky, a monk walks, wide robes and long sleeves, swing naturally between walks, chic.

Dare to run alone through the stars, this is the absolute confidence in their own strength.

He was slightly hesitant to star the thief, and after all he dared not take the shot. He hesitated and chose to step back, and he ignored it. There was also a star thief who wanted to kill his heart. He wanted to intercept and kill the person, but he played down the robe sleeves lightly and killed them completely.

But from start to finish, he had a faint smile on his face, there was no slight change, and he didn't stop moving.

But at this moment, the monk suddenly stopped and looked up. His smile was even better, "Master Zhao?"

In the space ahead, a layer of ripples suddenly appeared. A slender monk with a calm expression appeared and arched his hand. "This seat is here to order. Please stay here for a few months, and also ask the Taoist friends for permission. This seat is difficult. "

"My father came at the command of the emperor. If he stopped, he would be afraid to escape punishment in the future."

"This matter is simple. It's better that you and I have fought each other, or that we can prove each other's actions. I don't know what friends think?"

Brother Chang smiled and nodded, "Since Zhao Guodao friends don't want to let him, my father has to fight with you."

The two feet stepped forward and disappeared instantly.


In the Silver Moon Flow Shuttle, Yan Mingyue sat on the floor, leaning on the soft couch, holding an altar of king liquor in his hand, taking it out of the bottle from time to time, with a slight smile on his face.

"Although Guogong's medicine king wine is not good for me and other monks, but it has a unique flavor." According to the creation of the product, the excellent wine in Xiaoqianjie is just good, and it can't be repaired. A little help.

Xiao Chen nodded, "This wine is made by a monk from the Majesty's Xiaoqianjie, turning the wine into a paste, which is a rare skill. In the future, let him use various treasures from the Daqianjie to replace the brewing ingredients, presumably The quality of this wine will be improved a lot, and then come to the angel to taste it. "During the speech, he did not pause for a moment, his fingers were dexterous, and two black and white runes appeared, attracting each other. They also repelled each other, slowly rotating at a distance of an inch, and in this rotation, the slight breath of the two runes themselves canceled out and disappeared completely.

This disappearance is not concealed with the help of a certain force, but the smooth flow of yin and yang is formed naturally. Because of this delicate balance, the balance between the two runes will be broken after receiving any impact. For example, the impact of external forces, strong spiritual power fluctuations, or enough powerful consciousness swept ... and the balance is broken, the two runes will collapse and annihilate in an instant.

Looking up at Yan Mingyue, he nodded his head to show that he understood, with a slight flick of his fingers, the space in front of him suddenly fluctuated, gradually turning into a transparent color during the fluctuation, and he could clearly see the situation outside the constellation.

Xiao Chenyang threw his hand. This group of small things consisting of black and white runes was wrapped in a thin layer of Yin and Yang's original power, quietly penetrated that layer of transparent film, and fell into the star space.

Upon reaching the outside world, the layer of yin and yang power weakened and abated, and soon disappeared. Only two black and white runes remained silently outside.

Xiao Chen's movements were very fast. For a short period of time, seven pairs of black and white runes had been thrown out, and they were scattered on the passing path. After this, he nodded slightly, Yan Mingyue waved, and the transparent space disappeared during the peristalsis.

This is the fifth time that Xiao Chen has shot a rune.

"Guo Gong's methods are really exquisite. Just condensing these two runes and completely dissolving the two forces to eliminate the fusion, you need to have a good array of accomplishments. My official is beyond reach." This is not the first time I have seen, but my face is still hard to hide.

This black-and-white rune condensed seems simple, but the effect is not good. He tested it in person, using his primordial cultivation, and swiping the consciousness, he could not detect the slightest. For detection purposes, it can't be better.

Xiao Chen's expression was calm, there was no color when he heard the words, and he said lightly, "The angel is ridiculous. Only because of the special strength of the cultivation in his body, the father can gather these two runes."

Yan Mingyue smiled, but didn't say much, raised her bottle of wine, swallowed her mouth and swallowed an amber-colored ointment.

It was a very correct decision to take a long way around the remote and desolate starfield, and it was still safe and sound until now. I hope the rest of the journey will be fine until they reach Dayan.

Xiao Chen backhand took out a few yuan crystals, slowly replenishing some of his body's power loss. In the state of being hunted down in the star field, naturally it is necessary to ensure that the body is full of strength. Perhaps because of this little care, it can save its life in a crisis.

But at this moment, his face suddenly changed slightly, the movement of drawing spiritual power was directly interrupted, and his body was slightly rigid.

Yan Mingyue's face faded away easily and comfortably, but her eyes were dignified, waiting for Xiao Chen to speak.

After a few breaths, Xiao Chen exhaled softly, nodded slightly to him, and said, "The first rune has been shattered. It is still unclear whether the whereabouts were exposed."

Yan Mingyue's eyes flashed, "Wait then."

The two kept their eyes closed and silent, and there was an invisible pressure in the air, like the tranquility before the storm.

After three hours.

Xiao Chen's eyes suddenly opened, and he slowly said, "They're here!"

The second rune was broken again. And the breaking time is extremely fast, almost at the same instant, it should be caused by the sweep of the consciousness.

A monk who can directly break the balance of power between runes with his consciousness must practice Xiao Chen and Yan Mingyue.

Fiction World ... or higher!

Xiao Chen told Yan Mingyue his calculations, his face was stiff, his breathing was disturbed for a moment, and when he was calm, his face was somber and scary.

The two looked at each other and felt the sorrow in their hearts!

Creation world strong!

Once this absolute power comes, they will be wiped out directly if they have no resistance at all.

"You have to find a way to get rid of them." Yan Mingyue said in a deep voice, her brows frowned.

Xiao Chen nodded. Although he didn't know how to be found, now is not the time to take care of it. How to get out safely is the key.

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