"Guo Gong left a probing rune to judge whether it was safe behind, and now the people behind him must have determined our position.? 8) 1> ZW.COM ”Yan Mingyue whispered, his eyes flashed like stars,“ The rune left can judge whether the enemy has arrived, but it will also become a beacon of their direction to judge you The way forward. "

Xiao Chen Qing said "um", his eyes collided with him, and he whispered: "The beacon that can guide the road, sometimes it may not be right."

Yan Mingyue's face was full of admiration. "You thought about this long ago?"

"Just in case, just in case I realized a little gadget, I just used it." Xiao Chen smiled, but his eyes were cold, there was no temperature, "their degrees are very Hurry, the journey of three hours is comparable to that of you and me.

"In that case, we have to hurry up."

Yan Mingyue opened her voice in a deep voice.

Even if the creators of the world want to keep them, they still need to see if they have such a means!


The burning of King Tian was extremely ugly.

It was only the consciousness that swept through. Such a small amount of power actually touched the balance of power of these runes. The seven runes were broken at the same time, and the fugitives in front must have noticed their existence.

Damn it!

This rune may seem simple, but it is tricky to deal with! Unless the monks below the creation world have special magical powers, they will not be able to appear even if they are swept with the knowledge of God. The monks of the world of creation and above, although they can detect the existence of the runes, but because the power of the consciousness is too strong, the endurance limit of the runes has been exceeded. The runes will collapse immediately when the consciousness passes by.

The black coffin remained silent, paused for a few moments before slowly speaking, "Our whereabouts have been exposed, and they are likely to change the direction of escape ... and there will be such warning runes along the way, unless you and I can Find a way to crack, or you can never get close to them. "

"Blood eclipse, are you sure that under the premise of this rune, it will not cause it to collapse?"

Among the corpse monks, a thin body, the monk stepped out of the realm only at the beginning of the creation, and said respectfully, "Master Emperor Corpse, although his subordinates are not fully confident, they can try their best. But this rune collides with external forces, The spiritual fluctuations and even the spiritual fluctuations are extremely sensitive. I also ask the adults to restrain the team to minimize the fluctuations of the mana in order to prevent the runes from being induced unconsciously. "

"Yes, everyone will obey your instructions for the time being." Emperor Corpse slowly said.

The king of the sky burned slightly, frowning slightly, and said, "Scented bait, you are here to help."

"Yes, King."

The feminine voice spoke, and a woman wrapped in tight red shirt approached her body, and her figure was drawn with a perfect seductive curve.

Blood Erosion glanced up at this woman, her body was straight, her clothes were clear, her consciousness broke out instantly, and she turned into countless dense and compact Yuanshen attacks, and went straight to the fire tribe.

The bait laughed a little, but there was no fear of it, and the consciousness rushed out without hesitation, and directly confronted the corpse assassin.

In a few short breaths of time, God's consciousness could not be touched thousands of times. The two sides shot with all their strength, but they won and lost each other, and no one could win the opponent.

The two stopped their hands at the same time and whispered blood erosion, believing that the woman had resorted to saluting the black coffin.

The fire female nun is still a smile full of smiles, but her pretty face is mostly covered by red gauze, but those twinkling eyes are more and more intriguing.

After a short pause, the two families intercepted the team and continued on the road.

Blood eclipse and incense bait each got treasures, and they flew in front of them. The consciousness such as the fine spring rain kept falling, and they were carefully explored.

Three hours later, the faces of the two changed slightly, and they raised their hands at the same time. The team behind them stopped and stopped.

The two closed their eyes slightly and sat down cross-legged. The consciousness turned into a ray of thread breaking out of the body. Although the bodies were not moving, their faces quickly became pale, and they opened their eyes at the same time.

Seven runes, four corpse blood eclipses, and three fire clan baits, the two teamed up to isolate them with the power of the gods, and searched carefully to make sure that there were no omissions, which relieved them in their hearts.

"Master, the corpse has been dealt with." During his speech, his mind moved slightly, and a faint corpse suddenly appeared outside the four runes.

The Fire Nun Xiu nodded to the King of the Burning Heaven, and a red scarlet flame rose from the remaining three runes.

"Very good!" The voice of Emperor Corpse came from the black hall. "As long as they can detect their whereabouts without damaging the runes, they can lose their judgment of your whereabouts. If they can relax their vigilance, It may not be possible to wipe them all out. "

"The Emperor's corpse said that since they had found a way to crack it, they wouldn't want to escape!" The King of the Flames whispered, the redness in the eyes flashed past, and the murder was astonishing!

The team continued on the road, cracking five runes in succession, making the hearts of the monks of the two races. But moving forward, the team suddenly lost the runes that guided the direction.

The black coffin remained silent, and the king's face was sinking like water!

They managed to find the direction that Xiao Chen and others were going. If they suddenly changed their escape direction after they noticed the rear pursuit, they would no longer know how long it would take.

The team paused.

Blood eclipse and incense bait turned pale. Although they were not at fault, if they lost their targets, they would naturally be angry.

After waiting for the order, the two have called each other and led some monks back to the fifth place where the runes are present, using this as a center to find the surroundings. At the same time, the fire and corpse sent some monks to continue to move forward, in order to prevent the target from being confused.

After spending most of the day, news came from the blood eclipse of the corpse, and the presence of the early warning rune reappeared deep in the star field west of the fifth rune!

The monks of the two races were shocked and went immediately to continue along the new hunting and killing line. They stopped on the way and searched continuously. The warning runes were intermittently displayed. Decrease in activity. Fortunately, the target has lost sight of it, and we have to walk around the bend, and we may not be able to pass them faster. According to the reports of Blood Etching and Bait, the runes have been placed shorter and shorter, indicating that they are getting closer and closer to the target!

The corpse in the black coffin and the King of the Burning Heaven sneered, even if they were as cunning as foxes, they still wanted to get rid of their pursuit!

"Master Emperor Corpse, this rune arrangement is nothing more than an hour, and we are close to the target!" Blood Etching reverently opened his eyes, but his eyes flashed with firm light. This is his absolute confidence in his follow-up investigation!

"It's true." The bait echoed in a low voice, bending slightly, and the exaggerated contrast between the lumbar limbs of the Yingying and the hips and hips became more shocking.

"Hahahaha!" Wang Tianyang laughed, only to feel that the suffocation in his heart finally had a chance to vent! I think he was the grandest king of the world and was so played by the two monks of creation!

Today they are going to crush them!

The sound of billowing waves is shaking.


With a light sound, they instantly fell into the ears of all monks of the corpse and fire clan, making their faces change instantly.

The laughter of the king of the sky burned abruptly.

The eighth rune!

Shocked by this laughter, shattered directly.

The blood eclipse and incense bait turned pale in an instant, and they had explored it carefully, but had never noticed the existence of this eighth warning rune!

The next moment, the matrix wave came in an instant.

The golden blade, the blue water splash, the blue rattan ... are obviously hurriedly laid out. The weak one can not even harm the ancient monks, but more than a hundred monks of the two clan are snoring at this moment.

Until the baptism of the formation law passed, the space was still dead and there was no sound.

I originally thought that I had found a way to quietly approach the target and wipe out the target, but I didn't know that other people had already seen your tricks, just to cooperate with you intentionally.

what is this?

This is ** naked mockery!

The reason why this simple array is laid to attack "remind" them is simply because others are already tired of it.

The black coffin maintained absolute silence, seemingly cold, but an intimidating breath of coercion emanated from it, covering the entire space.

All the corpse monks could clearly sense the anger of the Emperor Corpse and the absolute pressure from the bloodline, which made them horrified. Under this breath, they could not support it, and they fell on one knee and looked pale.

Suddenly, the blood-stained eyes widened, fear and despair appeared in his eyes, and there was no sound in his mouth, and his body exploded. Even the Yuanshen had not escaped the slightest point, he was directly killed.

"Find them! Kill them!"


The hoarse, low voice came from the black coffin. Although calm, the anger and killing in it could tear the whole sky!

As the body of Emperor Qin Emperor, he has majesty that cannot be provoked. Whoever dares to touch it must pay the price of death!

"Yes, Lord Emperor Corpse!"

The corpse monk suddenly drank, turned around and drove away the treasures of the Bone Duo, and chased away in all directions.

The King of Heaven's burnt face was as gloomy as water, and an agitated hot breath was exuded from his body. His eyes had turned red, and the light of God's light was like two blazing flames. The ethnic lines at the center of the eyebrows flashed crazy!

The horrific assassinations skyrocketed, making him look like a raging Vulcan!

The incense bait was tarnished, and the watery eyes were full of despair and begging, but did not dare to run away, kneeling on the knees to the void, sketching the perfect delicate body shivering.

But at this moment, her beauty could not evoke the mercy of the King of Heaven.

A crimson flame suddenly emerged from her feet, wrapping her entire body inside, burning quietly. It was in this flame that the body of the Fire Nun Xiu was directly burned to ashes, and Yuan Shen was refined into nothingness in a scream.

"My king is going to do it with his own hands, draw souls and refine souls, and let them die without burial!"

"Go find them!"

The monks of the fire tribe got up and spread in response to drinking. The red flames of the temperatureless flames were burned outside, and the figure disappeared in place, whistling away in a direction that the corpse monks had not taken into account.

The two powerful kings of the world of creation are simultaneously plunged into complete fury!

Three hours later, the two families searched for the monks and returned without success. Even if they swept the entire space several times, they still had nothing.

Apparently after playing with them, the target monk had fled far away.

The black coffin was silent, and the Heavenly Burning King was silent.

The two Kings of the Realm of Creation and Kingship jointly pursued the killings. Instead of having made any achievements, they were played away calmly by the two creator juniors. If the news spread, they would lose their faces and laugh with regret!


But now the anger could not solve the dilemma in front of them, and they came to each of them, even at the expense of directly violating the provisions of the Eight Holy Lands co-construction, only to successfully kill the woman who filled the luck of Yan.

If things fail, even as they are, they will be severely punished!

For a long time, the black coffin took the lead to break the silence. "Heavenly Lord, this seat leads the corpse monk to take a step first. Your cooperation with us will be stopped and we will hunt by means of each other in the future." Clan monks followed.

The King of Heaven burned the corpse and his party away, his eyes flickered slightly, and finally turned into a sneer.

The Daqin Emperor's corpse retreat at this moment must be thinking of other ways to find the target, but he was unwilling to share it with the Huo.

But this means is not necessarily just what you have!

There was a flash of aura in his hand, and two reds made the arrow appear in his hand. The king of the sky burned his teeth slightly, throwing his hand up, and an arrow suddenly appeared, instantly turning into a stream of red streamer, whistling away in one direction.

it's here!


[Third change, today's update is complete, see you all tomorrow! Because Mengmeng's rewards have not been fulfilled yet, jinrong Taoyou has arrived again ... continue to owe more, and strive to return sooner ... Ah, ah, recently the code word Kakaka, stuck! 】

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