Dao: Journey to the Top of the Universe

Vol 7 Chapter 655: Chase and escape【two】

When Xiao Chenyang swallowed a pill of tonic pill, urging mana to refining medicine, his divine consciousness was still sensing the changes in the rear. Z}W?. COM noticed the breath coming from behind and chased after a slight pause. Deep in his eyes, a sharp light flashed.

With the help of the weird monsters, it is naturally impossible to leave the two world-sharing kings strong, but after this block, the distance between the two parties has been widened. This is enough.

In this dark dust cloud, there must be more than one danger, and there will be opportunities in the future. Moreover, there was a faint feeling in his heart that the Burning Heaven King and the Emperor Corpse could now lock their positions. It should have used a special method, and this method is by no means unusual or unsustainable. Otherwise, they would be able to use it long ago, and they would be able to kill them all without giving Xiao Chen and the others a chance to enter the chaotic starry sky graveyard.

If so, the longer the delay, the better it will be for them.

Silver Moon Flowing Shuttle whizzed forward in the clouds, Xiao Chen's divine sense exploring the way, naturally there was no danger all the way, but in order to find the crisis hidden in the clouds, his divine sense detection range had to be expanded a lot, and the degree of loss also followed. Promote. Even with the supplement of the Tonic Pill, it has already lost nearly 30% at this moment.

But at the cost of this, the black coffin emperor's corpse and the Burning Heavenly King were intimidated by ancient monsters for three times, enjoyed the taste of the wind whirlpool twice, and even nearly collided with a house-sized meteorite once. .

Even later, as long as Yinyue Liushuo's forward direction changed, the hearts of the Emperor Corpse and the Burning Heaven King would jump, and they would directly enter a 120,000-point alert state, guarding against unknown crises that may come at any time.

The distance between the two sides is constantly changing as they approach and stretch, but they almost maintain the original state. Xiao Chen couldn't get rid of the pursuit of the emperor's corpse and the Burning Heavenly King, and the latter couldn't get close to completing the goal of taking down the target character and then forcing them to leave the chaotic starry sky funeral.

And as time passed, the situation of both parties gradually became difficult.

Xiao Chen's face was pale, and his soul power had been consumed by 60%. Even if he had narrowed the scope of his spiritual exploration, he could not support it for too long. Once the power of the primordial spirit is exhausted but cannot be replenished, things are really going to be troublesome.


King Burning's face was pale, his eyes fell on the crimson arrow in front of him, sensing the fading power in it, a look of helplessness flashed in his eyes, but he could only flick his fingers slightly, and suddenly a blood sword shot out, directly blending into the crimson. In the arrow. The Lingjian, whose original strength was almost depleted, rose sharply in an instant after absorbing this blood sword. Although the loss of strength was more than twice as fast as before, it still kept that Qi machine locked. Function, clinging tightly behind the silver moon flow shuttle, has not been thrown away.

After shooting this blood sword, King Burning Heaven's pale complexion became a little bit more blue, his eyes were full of exhaustion, and the blazing flame of the family pattern on the center of his brows became much dim.

The three ling arrows given by the national teacher can extend the use time with the help of essence and blood. However, as time goes by, the strength required to maintain the ling arrow will increase. Even if he is cultivated to be tyrannical, he still needs to be injured before Under the condition of successive shots of blood, he couldn't last for too long.

Now that the arrow burns essence and blood faster and faster, if the target Xiao Chen and others can maintain this way of fleeing for a long time, I am afraid that before catching up, King Fen Tian will be exhausted and die.

Damn it! With their advancement degree, they are definitely much faster than their goals, but because they have been repeatedly introduced into danger, although the two of them rely on their cultivation bases to break through, they are still delayed for a lot of time. If not, they have already caught up with the goal ahead.

You must not fall into the hands of this king, otherwise I must make you hard to survive or die!

The bitterness in King Burning's eyes was almost condensed into substance, and a bitter and bitter roar appeared in his heart.


The thick dust cloud in front of me suddenly disappeared, and through the prohibition of the Silver Moon Flow Shuttle, I finally saw the long-lost brilliance. After rushing out of the cloud, what appeared in front of him was an endless belt of meteorites.

call out!

call out!

call out!

This is the sharp whistling sound of meteorites, which is enough to show how terrifying their rotation at this moment is!

But Yinyue Liu Shuo didn't pause for a while, and plunged into it instantly with a brazen attitude.

The frantically rotating meteorite belt is much more dangerous than the dust cloud. The sharply rotating meteorite can be preserved under the ravages of the wind. The iron bumps are not pure minerals, but the rocks that are stronger than gold and iron. The shapes are large and small. , Once it is mounted frontally, its terrifying impact is enough to match the destructive power of any magical power!

But this kind of danger is exactly what Xiao Chen and others need. The more dangerous a place is, the easier it is to find a chance to get rid of the corpse of Emperor Qin and King Burning Heaven. The Silver Moon Flowing Shuttle is like walking through the bushes of thorns, and while ensuring sufficient degrees, it must make precise dodges, whizzing forward in the gap between the meteorites.

And this kind of environment can undoubtedly extend the advantage of Xiao Chen Yuanshen's power to the maximum!


A long-lost joy arose in King Fentian's heart, and finally rushed out of the **** dust cloud. As long as there were no dangerous obstacles in it, their speed was enough to catch up with the target in a very short time.

But in the next instant, the joy that had just risen in his heart, before it had time to spread, was extinguished by a basin of cold water.

Looking at the meteorite whizzing like a spiral in front of him, the whistling sound brought by the terror made King Fen Tian's complexion extremely ugly instantly, as if he had eaten dozens of coptis, his mouth was bitter, his voice bitter, and his heart bitter.

Just out of the dust cloud, who wants to enter the meteorite stream again!

Xiang wants to catch up with the goal, he doesn't know how much more blood he has to lose! Upon thinking of this, King Burning Heaven's face completely turned blue.

Monk's essence and blood, no matter what the realm, is a vital force in the body, every drop of loss requires a lot of time to recover through a little warming, and a large amount of loss can even cause the self-cultivation to decrease. Before leading the way, at least tens of thousands of years of cultivation of King Burning Heaven has been lost! But at this moment, he had no choice. Crimson Lingjian had already rushed into the meteorite stream, and King Burning could only rush in with the corpse of the Black Coffin Emperor.

The responsiveness of the powerful person in the Creation Conferred King Realm is astonishing with its induction ability. Even without the judgment of the gods, in this meteorite stream, you can also make a lightning dodge and move forward along the vacancy.

The meteorite whizzed in, swept the corners of his clothes, and brought a gust of wind to his face. The terrifying impact contained in it, even with the cultivation of Emperor Corpse and King Burning Heaven, couldn't help but frown slightly, they didn't want to taste the taste of being hit.

It's just that as it continues to deepen, the meteorite stream turns faster and faster. Even if the Emperor Corpse and the Burning Heaven King react quickly, they cannot truly compare with the detection of the power of the gods. They were bombarded by several meteorites on the flesh. The straight King Fen Tian was blood boiling, and the black coffin creaked. Once hit by a meteorite, it is often not a piece. After waiting for the two to stabilize their figures, the distance between the two has been widened silently, and it is still increasing with a steady degree.


Inside Yinyue Liushuo, Xiao Chen's complexion was pale, without the slightest blood. His soul loss has reached 90% of the horror, and only the last 10% is still struggling to support it. It is a great miracle to be able to hold on to this moment without fainting! It takes amazing mental cultivation and tenacious will power to withstand the weakness of the soul, and it is necessary to complete accurate spiritual exploration in this state.

If it were to be an ordinary monk, I am afraid that it would have been unable to persist. And Xiao Chen's support to the present is also the end of the force.

Yan Mingyue's face was solemn, her eyes fell on Xiao Chen, faintly admiring and shocked.

This tenacious mental idea moved him again!

In all fairness, if the two were to get along in a different place, even if he had all the power that Xiao Chen possessed, he would definitely not be able to support it until now. This kind of formidable endurance made him convinced!

Chengcheng's eyes fell on Xiao Chen, and her slightly pale pretty face was full of worry. Seeing Xiao Chen's struggling support at this moment, she seemed to have suffered endless torture in her heart, and she only felt painful and emaciated.


Xiao Chen closed his eyes and opened them instantly. His eyes were dim, bloodshot and flushed, and he said hoarsely, "My soul has been supported to the limit. If I continue, I may fall asleep due to the protection of my soul at any time, so at this moment I have to make a decision to temporarily stop the Silver Moon Flowing Shuttle on top of a meteorite, and use the meteorite's fast motion to continue to advance. Although this will inevitably be approached by the chasers behind, but fortunately we are already They have opened a lot of distance, and with their advancement, it should be possible to guarantee that they cannot catch up within an hour.

Speaking of this, he paused slightly before continuing to speak, "I hope you can guarantee that you can keep things confidential about what you see next, and if you can, never tell anyone."

He stayed silent, controlled the Silver Moon Liushuo to slowly approach a small meteorite, gradually adjusted the speed to synchronize with it, and then slowly landed on it.

After doing this, his heart was slightly relaxed, and Xiao Chen's eyes became dark under the attack of the sense of weakness from the soul, and he opened his mouth and bit the tip of his tongue. Only after he recovered from the severe pain and **** smell, he took out one backhand. The black stone, the mind moved slightly, and the figure disappeared.


Crimson Lingjian is targeting the woman who can fill the aura of the Lord Yan in the dark. While fleeing, the direction of Lingjian will continue to make subtle adjustments according to the escape direction of the target ahead. So every moment it is in a slight tremor, either left or right, or up or down. But at this moment, the emperor's corpse and the Burning Heavenly King suddenly appeared. The crimson arrow, which had been trembling up and down, suddenly became quiet. Instead, it firmly pointed to a similar direction, slowly and continuously in the direction of the meteorite stream. Smooth changes.

There is only one explanation for this change.

The rushing target in front finally stopped and fell on a meteorite, whistling away in the direction of the meteorite stream's rotation, in order to get rid of their pursuit.

The emperor's corpse and King Burning's hearts were shaken, and they almost cheered!

damn it!

Finally can't run!

Especially King Burning Heaven, his heart was greatly relieved. In order to maintain the ability of Crimson Lingjian, the strength loss is getting faster and faster, and the number of times he needs to donate his blood has also begun to become more frequent.

This level of loss has reached a point where he can barely bear it.

He has no doubt that if this continues, it probably won’t take too long, and his cultivation level will even fall below the creation and conquest realm. If this is the case, he might become the first in the entire Great Thousand Realm because Those who are chasing and killing others but have to vomit blood and vomit to the point where they have fallen from the cultivation base are bound to become the laughing stock of the entire Great Thousand Realm.

But at this moment, he has put all his worries down, and what is left is just a hideous sneer and extremely vicious conjecture. When you catch the target, leave the one that can guide the direction. The rest must be cramped, then peeled, steamed, then fried...

As his thoughts turned, King Fen Tian couldn't help but feel so happy, the more he wanted to catch Xiao Chen and the others earlier, so that he could really implement it.

"Emperor corpse, you and me, and you must not miss this wonderful opportunity, and you must capture them in one fell swoop!"

"it is good!"

Inside the black coffin, the hoarse voice of the emperor's corpse came out. Although he tried his best to keep calm, the trembling and excitement in it couldn't cover it all.



The breath of the two of them rose again in an instant, and their forward speed was actually a little faster, and they galloped away along the direction of the red arrow.

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