Dao: Journey to the Top of the Universe

Vol 7 Chapter 656: Chase [Three]

What's the use of an hour?

Yan Mingyue frowned, and her eyes fell on the black stone on the ground, savouring Xiao Chen's last words, but she couldn't understand what he meant. [((8

Although Chengcheng is also puzzled, the feelings of the girl's first love, coupled with Xiao Chen's almost omnipotent performance recently, have given her a kind of emotion called blind worship. At the moment, she is calm and calm. An An leaned on the soft couch, holding a bamboo roll, but every so often, she always looked at that black stone three or two times, and she wondered whether she was really reading a book.

The room was quiet and silent, and in this quiet time passed little by little.


Left eyebrow dojo.

Xiao Chen did not waste any time, and sat down cross-legged directly, swallowed the tonic to restore the loss of the Yuanshen, and at the same time recovered the mana loss in the body with the help of the ascending spirit array.

For an hour outside, there are exactly thirty hours in the dojo. In terms of conversion, it is almost three days, and you can hurry up and even let him recover half of the power of the Yuanshen, and then continue to flee.


"Coming soon! Coming soon!"

The king of the sky burned a tremor from the arrow, which was a reaction only when approaching the target person, indicating that the distance between them at this moment was extremely close, and it would take at most a moment to arrive.

The black coffin moved forward in silence, but it had a cold spirit to kill it, making his silence seem cold.

As the corpse of Emperor Qin Emperor, the mighty king of the world, but he was so embarrassed when hunting down the junior creators of the realm, would he not be angry. But the emperor's body was reluctant to bear his heart, and obviously he still had to burn the Heavenly King.

But forbearance does not mean that you can ignore it. He had already thought about 187 kinds of torture, and they must let them try again before they die! Otherwise, how can he reduce his anger!


After an hour.

The ethereal light flashed, Xiao Chen's figure appeared directly, although his face was still slightly white, but his eyes had recovered a little. He waved his hands to put away the dojo, nodded slightly to Yan Mingyue and Chengcheng, and sat directly cross-legged without any delay. inverted.

The next moment, God came out of his body, his face changed slightly, and the Yinyue Liushu suddenly burst out of dazzling silver, whistling away.

Yan Mingyue's body was stiff for a moment, sensing the breath in Xiao Chen's body, her mouth widened slightly.

Primordial recovered almost half!

How did he do this in just one hour? Could there be some magical treasure in this mustard world!

Yan Mingyue nodded secretly. At the moment, only this explanation is the only way to explain it. The eyes suddenly became a little clearer. She fell on Xiao Chen and sighed: It really is a hidden guy! Originally sensing the breath of his mustard world, it is just an ordinary low-level world, but I don't want to hide this treasure in it!


Want to run!

The face of the King of Heavenly Burning became iron blue instantly, and his eyes were gloomy looking at the sudden burst of silver light at the end of the sight. The anger in his eyes could burn the whole world.

For an entire hour, they came happily, and they could catch up with it. At this time, they even wanted to run! If they let them run away, what face would the two great kings of creation have!

Gritting his teeth, Fen Tianwang smashed his chest with a backhand punch, and his shaved face became more white (why can it be white, it can only mean that Fen Tian Wang's face is not white enough), and Yang spewed a fine blood.

One-handed outstretched, the arrow was dropped fiercely towards the crimson, and this group of blood instantly merged into it, making the arrow's crimson flame suddenly flourish!

call out!

The redness drove the arrow sharply, turning it into a red rush across the space, whistling straight to the Yinyue Liushuo.

The mad burning of the essence and blood power, in exchange for an unparalleled degree in a short period of time, the red flashes made the arrow flash, and it has already caught up with the Silver Moon Flow Shuttle, without any pause, went directly into it.

Yinyue Liushu's own defensive force could not play a little role in the face of this scarlet arrow. It was easily broken by it and broke into the internal space directly.

Xiao Chen's eyes suddenly opened, and he snarled in the sleeve of the robe. The crimson drilled by this single palm directly caught the arrow, and a **** hand appeared directly. Holding the arrow in his hand, it looked like a ghost. It was passed through directly, without any pause, and flew straight into the girl's body but was not seen.

Yan Mingyue didn't even respond, things were a foregone conclusion, and her face became extremely ugly in an instant!

"Ha ha ha ha! Put the arrow into the body and bring the King's essence and blood, so I don't want to escape from the King's induction range again, I see how you can escape this time!" The burning king laughed, but his voice was like a ghost, Severely fierce, Teng Teng murderous cold biting.

At the same time, the body of the Emperor Qin had already shot, and the black coffin opened a gap, and a dead hand grabbed it from the depths in the direction of the escape of the Yinyue Liushuo.


The void shuddered, and the tumult of corpse burst out, condensing into a black ghost claw, falling forward arrogantly. All the meteorites were broken along the way, and the bang was intensive and endless. The sound was really terrifying!

Xiao Chen's face changed, and the robe sleeve waved without hesitation to take the girl directly into her hands. She stepped out and appeared directly in the meteorite stream. Yan Mingyue appeared at the side of Xiao Chen at the same time, and she did not dare to follow closely. Confused.

When whizzing forward to avoid the meteorite attack, Xiao Chen flickered with aura of light on his hands. He did not hesitate to take out the compass for many days. The golden light burst from it, and the horrible sharp breath rose into the sky.

I have not used the compass for many days before, not because I cherish treasures, but when I haven't gone to the mountains and rivers, or else Xiao Chen will not hesitate.

Just like the moment!

Facing the blow of the Emperor's Corpse, they had no resistance at all! If the "Broken Element" is exhibited again, it is unknown whether it can be resisted. Even if it is reluctant to get out, it will still be impossible to escape with the supplement of insufficient strength.

So when Xiao Chen seemed unsolvable, he was in despair! He did not hesitate to take out the compass for many days, then he would crush the ghost claw, and by the way try to see if he could use this treasure to kill the dead Qin Emperor!

But at this moment, Yan Mingyue moved faster, and raised a wave of aura with a raised hand, and suddenly dispersed, instantly freezing Xiao Chen, Chengcheng, and himself. Maybe it is too heavy to call it frozen, because this gelatinous, translucent object is soft and extremely elastic, and it doesn't have any discomfort against the body.

"Xiao Chen Daoyou's hands still use the compass for many days. The treasure in the hands is the guardian's treasure given by the teacher, which can protect you and me in this blow." Yan Mingyue quickly explained, All along the way, thanks to Xiao Chen's lifeguard, now when it is time to take a shot, how can he regret the treasure!

Xiao Chen's eyes flickered a little, and he put away the compass for many days without hesitation. As long as Yan Mingyue does not want to actively seek death, he will not exaggerate in this kind of thing, and he can also faintly sense a strange scent from this seemingly soft gum.

This thing is not trivial!

And at this moment, the Great Qin Emperor's Corpse Ghost Claw has arrived!


The terrifying magical power bursts instantly, but it is not a killing force, but a powerful feudal force. If you want to take down Xiao Chen and others directly, you will naturally leave alive and persecute the available God. The people of power lead them out of the chaotic star burial ground.

But at this moment, the plan of Emperor Corps is to be defeated.

Ghost Claw's powerful force caused the colloidal translucent substance to shrink suddenly. Fortunately, its texture was extremely soft, and it did not cause too much pressure on Xiao Chen and others. At the next moment, when the collapsed thing returned, When round, it has an amazing rebound!

The gelatinous translucent material broke away from the bounds of ghost claws and flew directly, just like a huge stone, flying towards the depths of the meteorite stream.

The power of the Emperor Corpse's closing town and the colloidal rebound force is superimposed. The power it now possesses can be described as horrible. All the meteorite that met it were flying by the bombs and colliding with other rapidly rotating meteorites. , And the meteorite that collided will collide with the meteorite on other tracks.

A chaotic moment erupted, and the entire meteorite flow belt fell into a collision with a bang, which completely cut off the pursuit of the emperor corpse and the king of the sky. The two great kings of the creation king broke into the chaotic meteorite in the roar of the powerful men, but were dizzy by a group of meteorites and turned to blood and turbulence. They had to retreat for the time being, and watched Xiao Chen and others under the shelter of the colloid Rampage left.

"Wherever you flee, don't want to get rid of the king's pursuit!"

In the rear, the revenge roar of the King of Heaven was heard!


The colloidal body is transformed by the patron saint, in which the power is naturally exhausted. After sending Xiao Chen's three tens of thousands of miles away, the sound of "snap" shattered directly like a bubble, and soon disappeared.

Xiao Chen responded in an instant, reaching out to stop the girl's soft waist, and ducking to avoid a blast from a meteorite.

Yan Mingyue immediately followed him, maintaining perfect synchronization with Xiao Chen's actions. At this point, the terrorist power carried by any meteorite was enough to allow him to enter a serious injury state instantly, and he was naturally afraid to carelessly.

With a flash of aura in his hand, he took out the Silver Moon Stream Shuttle, and the three entered it. In the control of Xiao Chen, he continued to flee to the depth of the meteorite stream.


The range of this meteorite hidden in the dust cloud is far beyond the expectation of Xiao Chen and others. It has been in it for nearly half a month, but it has never penetrated it. With the continuous deepening, the flow of meteorites is getting faster and faster, and the power carried by it is extremely horrible.


[Third change, today's update is complete, see you all tomorrow! 】

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