Dao: Journey to the Top of the Universe

Vol 7 Chapter 657: Pursuit [Four]

Even if Xiao Chen had the benefit of Yuanshen, he couldn't do perfect evasion. Yinyue Liushuo was only swept a little by a small meteorite, then the aura of light flashed, and the silver light became much bleak. , I am afraid that this treasure will be destroyed directly. {{ W]. ] COM

Xiao Chen and his party were still so difficult. The duo behind the Great Qin Emperor and the Burning Heaven King duo naturally felt even more sad. If they were not bothered to become a powerful mess, they would be the powerful kings of the creation world. I am afraid they have already been buried in this meteorite stream.

But at this moment, relying on the sense of sincerity, he was able to bite Xiao Chen's three degrees, and he was never left too far.

Who can persist until the end.



The tail of the Yinyue Shuttle was swept away instantly while crossing the meteorite. The already dim Yinmang was on the verge of collapse and could be extinguished at any time.

In the internal space, Xiao Chen's eyes opened, and Shen said, "Silver Moon Shuttle can't support it anymore. We have to give up the treasure and go forward alone. Come here."

Both Yan Mingyue and Chengcheng looked dignified, and got up to walk to him.

Xiao Chen didn't delay, reaching out to block the girl's waist, grabbing Yan Mingyue's arm with the other hand, stepping forward, leading the two to leave directly into the meteorite stream. Side by side to avoid the attack of several meteorites, Yan Mingyue took the opportunity to take away the Yinyue Shuttle. The three bodies were wrapped in aura of light, like swimming fishes dodging in the gravel pile, and rushed forward.

The meteorite flow is getting faster and faster, and the three people's advancement is forced to decrease a lot. Even though Xiao Chen has the benefit of consciousness, he will encounter a dangerous danger that cannot be avoided in the process.

Xiao Chen's brow frowned slightly, letting the girl embrace his waist, and shot it to the left with no warning.


The hundred-foot-sized black palm print penetrated the space of the five meteorites, and shot abruptly on a lasing meteorite. There was a sudden debris flying in the loud noise. Although this meteor did not collapse, the direction of the meteor appeared. Change, rubbing past the corners of the three's shirts.

The muffled sound of "嘭" and "嘭" was the sound of a meteorite fragmented blast blasting on the aura shield. Xiao Chen and Yan Mingyue suddenly had a dim light outside, and each murmured in their mouths. Only when the two people work together to break up a small piece of gravel can the impact force carried on the gravel be barely resisted.

Xiao Chen didn't pause, took a breath, and the figure flashed forward.

However, with the in-depth, the three were in distress more and more times. Xiao Chen shot the meteorites several times, but they were barely completed by the slightest difference. .

Xiao Chen's face was pale, not only due to the loss of Yuanshen, but also due to the injuries caused by the rubble in his body.

Yan Mingyue's luck was even worse. She was previously bombarded by a mill-sized crushed stone and suffered a minor injury directly. The corner of her mouth was still bloody.

Only Chengcheng was safe under the protection of the two. At this moment, it was slightly low, making it difficult to see the change in her face.

She raised slowly after half a ring and said, "Put me on a meteorite, you can go." The girl's face was calm.

In the rear, the body of the Emperor Qin Emperor and the King of Heaven could burn and kill the three, because she was shot with the crimson arrow. As long as she left, Xiao Chen and Yan Mingyue could get rid of their pursuit.

By then, with the cultivation of two people, under the direction of Xiao Chen, there is a great chance to leave from the chaotic starry burial ground safely. How long can I stay with her again? In the end, I'm afraid I can't escape.

She was an ominous person, and she was born a gram-mother, with cold poison, and was tortured by her patients. Although his father had pity, he couldn't bear Huan's knees and entered the Daqian Realm because of the pain of cold poison. She was humiliated when she was admitted to the government, and she died because of her. It was so easy to meet a man who was emotional, and when they reunited with each other, their affections moved, they were destroyed by a decree, breaking all the beautiful imagination of the future in her heart. She became the puppet of the Emperor Yan, and Mrs. Feng Cheng was going to Jidu to enter the deep and dark Yan Emperor's Palace. I don't know what kind of chaos and pain will be tortured afterwards.

Having said that, dying here seems to be a good destination for her. At least this way, she could keep the man by her side and let him escape from the fierce land, and she would be satisfied.

So at this moment, Chengcheng is very calm, not a superficial disguise, but a kind of tranquility from the inside out.

When the horrors of life and death were seen, there was nothing in the world that could scare her.

Yan Mingyue's body was suddenly stiff, she only felt her mouth dry for a while, her face was cloudy and half loud, she still spoke slowly.

Putting down the girl, you can withdraw and leave, Xiao Chen is very likely to retreat from the chaotic starry burial ground by her own means. Even though Mrs. Cheng's status is important, in the face of life and death, leaving her to die immediately can be abandoned, even if she knows that there will be endless troubles in the future, and even to give up everything she has now, it is not an unacceptable price. .

If Mrs. Cheng is abandoned, in order to prevent future hordes, Yan Mingyue naturally cannot stay. After leaving, we compiled a corpse and fire clan two creation powers to hunt together and enter the chaotic starry sky burial ground to die nine lives, and the story of angels and wives burying themselves is not without escape punishment. Or, if you do n’t do it forever, you change your face incognito, when Rongguo Qingyun Gong has also fallen into the assassination of the two races. Although she gave up everything she had, she at least saved her life.

As long as you live, there are countless opportunities to find everything you lost.

When you die, everything is completely empty.

In an instant, Yan Mingyue was full of thoughts, but the more she thought about it, the more she felt bitter and panic. According to his deduction, it seems that the best choice now is to abandon him and Mrs. Cheng and get away alone.

Although he did not want to admit it, this was the objective factual situation, which was before him.

So he just reminded him dryly that he didn't dare to show any threat, otherwise, once Xiao Chen was provoked, I'm afraid he would make up his mind instantly.

Different from Yan Mingyue's various thoughts, Chengcheng showed extremely calm. He looked up at the calm face of the man in front of him, and then frowned slightly. She asked in her heart, "Are you hesitating?"

Xiao Chen and she never made any promises, so even if he really abandoned her now without hesitation, he would not blame him sincerely, and this was what she expected in her heart. But even so, I still can't help but feel a little dim ...

The hands clasping his waist slowly loosened, but before Cheng Cheng pumped his hands away, Xiao Chen suddenly reached out and embraced her waist, and said lightly, "My father was ordered to **** his wife into Jidu, so Never let go of your wife to escape alone, and ask your wife not to think too much. "

The voice was calm, but it was firm, but it was in my heart.

Chengcheng lifted suddenly, looked at his calm face, only felt his heart twitching, and wanted to hold him like this, and hold him forever.

Since he didn't want to let her go, let's stay with him like this, even if both of them would fall here, it would be a sincere and great happiness to die with him.

Yan Mingyue's eyes showed complex colors, admiration, joy, ease, hesitation ... all inclusive. If it was only because of his wife's identity, Xiao Chen would ignore her life and protect her, and it seems that there is still one between the two. Unbroken emotions.

Watching the young girl holding Xiao Chen tightly, the whole Jiao's body was attached to him, her eyes closed, her long eyelashes trembling slightly, and her face was filled with excitement in the tranquility of her face, Yan Mingyue hesitated again and again, and finally did not speak, He sighed slowly.

In the current situation, the three of them do not know if they can leave alive. If they fall here, everything will be meaningless. In this case, why bother talking about their state at the moment and let them enjoy it again, perhaps the last time to get along.

Xiao Chen was not aware of the changes in the minds of Chengcheng and Yan Mingyue. He made the immediate decision and naturally had his thoughtfulness.

Rongguo Fenggong, occupying one side, and gaining a foothold in the great realm, all these are the foundation of his rapid rise. If it is not retreat in desperation, he will definitely not risk the need to give up all of this.

Sincere identity must be extremely secretive. Although Xiao Chen does not know the specifics, it is not difficult to guess that the two monarchs who are the kings of the world from the fire tribe and the body of the Great Qin Emperor will personally lead their monks to hunt and kill them. At this point, this matter is bound to matter. If something happens sincerely, I am afraid that everything he possesses will be directly destroyed, and even the suffering of many of his monks, and he can only escape the dead.

Furthermore, although the situation is now in crisis, he has not yet reached the point where he cannot turn around, and he may not have the opportunity to leave with Cheng Cheng and Yan Mingyue.

Perhaps aside from these objective reasons, it is also because of a touch of pity in my heart, and pity for the woman in my arms. The many days together was enough to make him feel clear what kind of girl she is. She may not be as graceful and snobbish as when she first met the wife. Yan Mingyue could see the faint feeling of friendship, but he would not be aware of it at all. If it was deduced from this, she was deliberately indifferent, perhaps in order not to cause him trouble.

Xiao Chen was silent in his heart. Although he had never touched the man and woman in his arms, he could not turn a blind eye to the beauty. He had limited space in his heart, and his four beloved wives had occupied all positions. He couldn't give the love that Chengcheng wanted, so he could only try his best to protect her.

In her capacity, she will become a distinguished woman when she enters the Yan Palace. Perhaps this is her destination. He shook his head secretly, depressing all these thoughts, the aura of light flickered outside, and he carefully walked through the stream of meteorite.


[Too tired, take a break. Today ’s update is only this chapter, and the update will resume tomorrow. Please forgive my friends. 】

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