Dao: Journey to the Top of the Universe

Vol 7 Chapter 659: Break through

Xiao Chen looked at the girl in her arms, only he had a moment of hesitation before he could watch her kill herself, and then let herself escape from danger. Bayi Middle School [文 W? W] W]. } 8} 1> ZW. COM looked at the smile on her face, still calm and content in his eyes, and his heart shook fiercely.

Chengcheng is going to use her death in exchange for his safety. If he turned a blind eye to it and watched the girl die in his arms, he would feel guilt and regret in his life.

So he shot in an instant, grabbed her wrist, stared at her, and slowly said, "Trust me, I will take you out of here, and it will definitely not make you trouble!"

He looked at his black eyes sincerely. At this moment it was full of sincerity and gentleness, and there was a trace of pity hidden in the depths. This is Xiao Chen's promise to her, no matter what will happen in the future, but now he will take her away from here.

After half a ring, she nodded slightly, buried in his arms, and clasped his waist tightly with his hands, tears flowing from his eyes, soaked in his clothes, slightly wet, slightly astringent, but full of happiness and safety .

Yan Mingyue remained silent, but her eyes fell on Xiao Chen, but it was full of complexity, but that admiration accounted for the largest proportion. Living in a different place, he asked himself, can he make the same choice at this moment? But in the end it was a bitter laugh and whispered.

Such a man is worth a woman to like.

At this moment, he even doubts whether what he did was correct and whether he really should tell the Master about his wife's affairs. Otherwise, there will be many things today.

But things are a foregone conclusion and cannot be changed.

Xiao Chen's expression returned to calm, his gaze looked deep into the meteorite flow, and his dark eyes were calm, absolutely calm, without any waves.

The next moment, an astonishing breath burst from his body, and it went crazy up with a very fast degree, just like a hurricane born on the ground, turning wildly, releasing more and more strength.

"Broken Element"!

Suffering heavy blows and severe power loss, there is no power reserve in his body. Xiao Chen shot this time. Although he had not put himself into the mortal situation of the extreme "Broken Element", he still took great risks, even if he did not die afterwards. The cultivation of his creation, I am afraid it will also cause a large drop.

But this time he was calm, without hesitation.

Xiu is dropped, with a gold seal in his hand, and he can practice again soon, but if a person is gone, it is always a pity.

Reaching out to grasp Yan Mingyue, the girl lay on his back, Xiao Chen flashed aura outside her body, whistling towards the depths of the meteorite stream.

The momentum is overwhelming!

The mana flowed between the flesh and blood, in the space of the Yuanshen, the pale golden Yuanshen released the dazzling golden light.

The remaining strength in the body is madly burning and burning, and it will form an extremely horrible loss in each rest time, but it is this crazy release of mana in a short period of time that will allow Xiao Chen to explode away from his own realm at this moment. Even the injuries sustained in the body were forcibly suppressed by this surge of power. Before the ruthless power produced by "Broken Element" has disappeared, this injury will not affect his combat power ... but when the power is exhausted and it explodes again, it will become more rapid and tricky!

The detection range of the consciousness and his own reactivity, accompanied by the skyrocketing strength, naturally increased with it, allowing him to cope with the more terrifying meteorite flow in front of him.

In Xiao Chen ’s body, like the spring rain, he covered himself as the center of the world and covered it for thousands of miles. Within this range, the movement trajectories of all meteorites clearly appeared in his mind. Quickly deduced and calculated their movement trajectories, showing these easily. Find the most suitable way forward in your mind. His face was calm, his eyes were steady, and his steps were firm and firm.

A huge meteorite with a pointed tip and a round shape whistled like a huge stone cone. In the state of emergency operation, the power contained on it is enough to directly kill any monk below the creation world!

There was no change in his attitude, and he never even glanced at the meteorite. A single palm in his robe sleeve protruded and shot down in front of the meteorite.

And just at this moment, another smaller meteorite whistled, and the dark palm print fell directly on its side! In the loud noise, the palm print was carried by the meteorite and the horror impact force was broken. However, a deep palm print was also left on the meteorite. The strong anti-seismic force caused the direction of this meteorite to burst suddenly and detached itself. Its trajectory, its forward direction, is a must for cone-shaped meteorites.


Two meteorites that surpassed gold and iron met in Gao Benz, accompanied by a roar of thunderous thunder, and rocks were flying. Each one was mixed with extremely powerful forces, colliding with other meteorites, and a dense "嘭 "" 嘭 "muted.

As a result, the trajectory of the two meteorites changed at the same time, avoiding the route chosen by Xiao Chen, allowing them to whistle through.

Several pieces of gravel came from the laser and hit the external aura, making the aura dim, and then a more dazzling light burst! Xiao Chen's body vibrated slightly, her brows frowned, and she had no other response.

For the last distance, Xiao Chen frantically released the surging force in his body. One punch and one palm, seemingly casual and simple, can exhaust the power of his body and release the most terrifying power!

The loud noise never stopped for a moment! Meteorites carrying terrorist forces screamed behind them in front of and behind, and left and right, and any mistakes would cause the three to fall directly into despair.

Xiao Chen's face was as calm as ever, and the girl buried her eyes safely. Although Yan Mingyue tried to widen her eyes and calm herself, her pale face and rigid body were enough to show the tension in his heart at this moment.

This state of walking between two mountains like a pedal wire made him afraid. He is on the verge of life and death anytime, anywhere. He can even sense the thick death yin and yang, and it seems that he will be swallowed next moment.

But soon, Yan Mingyue burst into joy because he saw the end! I saw that dark and stark field that was extremely dark! This blackness is so pure and thorough, like all the darkness in the world converging, and has the power to devour everything!

And now they are not far from this dark star field. Wherever you can see, with the lightness of a monk, you can pass between light and flint. But at this moment, Yan Mingyue's bright eyes suddenly widened, and his eyes fell on the obstruction of the last layer of meteorite flow outside this black sky.

Because it cannot be evaded!

The degree of whistling rotation, compared with the meteorites in the meteorite stream at this moment, has skyrocketed several times. Even with the power of consciousness, they can no longer capture their running trajectory. To pass this final test, what is needed is the power of!

With strength and resistance to the impact of meteorites, you can rush out from this horrible to extreme meteor stream!

Otherwise, you can only be smashed by this crazy rotating meteorite here and die out!

Chengcheng sensed the rigidity of the atmosphere, looked up to the last layer of meteorite flow, and her eyes were instantly worried, but when she looked at Xiao Chen's face, she saw nothing but calmness.

A little hesitant, she still suppressed what she wanted to say. Now that he is sure, he can definitely pass here safely. The reason is so simple, but the girl firmly believes it.

Xiao Chen's mind was as calm as his expression, because long before he arrived here, he had already sensed the existence of the last layer of meteorites with the help of divine knowledge, and had already known that it could not avoid passing through.

So at this moment, there was no pause at his feet. The figure was wrapped in aura of light, carrying the young girl in his arms, and Yan Mingyue grasped in his hand, and rushed forward.

The black and white aura burst out, condensing into a bead of the size of one side, wrapping up all three of them.

Xiao Chen finally showed a trace of madness in his eyes, burning two hot flames of madness, all the remaining power in the body, in this instantaneous tumbling, along his flesh, frantically infused into these black and white color beads !!

Incorporating a number of forces that can be called horror, this black and white ball suddenly shines, the black and white colors flow wildly, and a round and natural guardian power bursts out!

He wants to break out!


At the moment of entering the last layer of meteorite flow, the first impact came at the moment. The horrible impact force on the meteorite suddenly deformed the black and white beads, and the two-colored brilliance flowing there appeared an instantaneous stagnation, and a strong backlash The power caused the entire meteorite that collided with the beads to collapse directly in the loud noise and turned into a gravel!

Xiao Chen's body suddenly stiffened, and she moaned, her face turned pale.

But immediately followed by the arrival of a second meteorite impact.

In the low dull sound, the more severe the deformation of the black and white beads, the black and white emeralds suddenly become dim, and the brilliance of the beads also decreases.

Xiao Chen's body was shaken fiercely, blood leaked from her mouth and nose, but she gritted her teeth tightly and never made a sound.

The second meteorite collapsed and the rubble flew, but at this time, the impact of the third meteorite has arrived. His eyes were wide, and the blue veins at his neck bulged high. A dazzling burst of light suddenly burst into his dim eyes, and a roar came from his mouth!

The deformed black-and-white shield that flickered on the edge of the collapse, resisted the impact of the third meteorite, rushed out of the last distance, and broke into the dark starry sky.

Yan Mingyue's white face suddenly gave birth to two blushes of excitement, showing ecstasy in her eyes!


They successfully passed through the last layer of meteorite flow!

Chengcheng's face also has joy, after entering this dark star field, they have a chance to escape! But the next moment, she disappeared bit by bit with joy, and her strong waist surrounded by hands suddenly became weak at this moment.

She jumped fiercely in her heart, suddenly lifted, and now the man in front of him has become black and gray, and his face is vicissitudes, and it seems to be getting old in an instant. The dark and steady pair has never revealed any panic eyes, in her gaze Close slowly.


With a light noise, the dim black and white bead shield suddenly broke.

He fell down.

"Xiao Chen!" Chengcheng screamed, shouting his name for the first time, holding his hands in his arms in a panic, sensing the frenzied scent in his body, so panic in her heart, at this moment the whole The world seemed to be dark and there was no light.

Chengcheng is scared!

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