Dao: Journey to the Top of the Universe

Vol 7 Chapter 660: Superstar

She clearly felt that the life force in his body was going crazy with an amazing degree! She was afraid of losing him because of this. Although she was destined to not have him in her life, she definitely did not want to watch Xiao Chen die in her arms. [[Eight? (One (Small <{[? 说 网 W] W] W.81ZW.COM If this is the case, she would rather be the one who will die at this moment!

"Master Yan, save him! Please save him!"

Cheng Cheng thought he would be fine, just like when the last time the Sun Star was smashed, he also used this method in exchange for unparalleled power in a short time, but he could recover in a short time afterwards.

But this time, how could it be so!

There is only one thought in Chengcheng's heart. If he really leaves, she will never live alone, because there is no longer a figure in this world that can make her feel warm.

Yan Mingyue's face changed drastically. She stepped forward without any hesitation, crouched down, pressed her hand against Xiao Chen's body, her body was shaken slightly, and her expression instantly became rigid.

In his induction, there was no trace of power in Xiao Chen's body, and Yuan Shen's fluctuations were extremely weak, and even the vitality contained in the flesh directly dissipated most of it. He finally understood why Xiao Chen could excite the power of the creation monk in a short period of time. What he used was such an overbearing method! In addition, the injuries he had suffered before were forcibly suppressed by the surge of power. At this moment, the power disappeared and exploded again, but it was more fierce and fierce. With Xiao Chen's current situation, he could not resist at all. Yan Mingyue's thoughts moved slightly, and the mana in his body suddenly rolled out and merged into Xiao Chen's body.

Chengcheng Qiao's face was covered with tears, a drop of slightly salty tears dripped on Xiao Chen's face, and her eyes fell nervously on Yan Mingyue, for fear that she would hear bad news from his mouth.

After half a ring, Yan Mingyue slowly opened her eyes, her eyes were slightly dim, and it was difficult to hide the tiredness. In order to help Xiao Chen to suppress the injuries in his body, he suffered a lot of mana loss and greeted the girl's worried eyes slightly He nodded and said, "Mrs. don't worry, although Xiao Chen Daoyou is seriously injured, he is not at risk of death." He couldn't help but sigh slightly in his heart. Although his life is not dangerous, this body is afraid to fall.

In his mind, he should have thought of such a result before shooting.

Yan Mingyue looked at the surprise on the girl's face, looked at the tears on her face, and then looked at Xiao Chen, who was pale and fell asleep, and sighed slightly. Such a man is indeed worth your tears.

"Mrs. Xiao Chen Daoyou will not fall asleep because of the serious injuries. Let's leave first."

Chengcheng nodded slightly, not that she didn't fail to hear the point mentioned in Yan Mingyue's words, but still didn't let go and hold Xiao Chen's hands.

Yan Mingyue sighed, her hand flashed a little, she already took out the Yinyue Liushuo, swung her robe sleeves, and took Chengcheng and Xiao Chen directly into it. The next moment, the silver light flickered, and the silver moon stream shuttle turned into a silver awn, whistling away to the depths of this dark star field.

Xiao Chen was drowsy, and they had lost the ability to distinguish directions. Now I only hope that the meteorite flow can block the body of Emperor Qin and the Heavenly Burning King, and can support Xiao Chen to wake up, otherwise the situation is still not optimistic.

Yan Ming sat cross-legged on her knees, her brows frowned slightly, and she sighed after half a ring, depressing her anxiety.

Chengcheng squatted before the soft couch, carefully sensing the breath in Xiao Chen's body, and determined that although he was extremely weak, his breathing had been gentle, and he was truly relieved after he had escaped from danger. But a pair of eyes still fell on him, never moving away.


Meteorites in the stream.

The black coffin emperor corpse and the king of the sky burned into a black stream and a red streamer, where they whistled forward, and those who could dodge avoided it, and those who could not avoid it relied on repair.

With the continuous deepening, the danger in the meteorite flow is constantly increasing, and the distance between them and the target is continuously shortening. As for now, in the induction of the Heavenly Burning King, they are only a short distance away from Xiao Chen and others, and they can be worn in a short time. Too. This made the emperor's body and the Heavenly Burning King invigorate, but they did not despise the idea at all. So far, they have realized the intractability of Xiao Chen and others. If they are not careful, they may escape.

The king's face was extremely pale, revealing a deep blue, which was the reason for the excessive loss of sperm and blood in the body, which was hit by meteorites along the way, and the internal injuries could not be treated but continued to deepen. In his eyes, an extremely fierce flame was jumping, resentful and fierce, without any temperature.

But at this moment, his face suddenly changed, and a panic appeared in his eyes. Because, in the primal sense, the breath that belongs to the target task suddenly disappeared. It's like a lighthouse in the dark that guides you. It suddenly extinguished at this moment. There was no sign of it. It was completely gone. No matter how he sensed it, he didn't even notice it!

For a moment, he did not dodge in time, and a rapidly rotating meteorite rushed to the ground, smashing the Heavenly King to death. Fortunately, he noticed the current state at the moment of the impact. The flames were in full bloom outside, bursting out the power of the creator of the world, crushing this meteorite.

He murmured in his mouth, his face was a little more blue, and it was gloomy like a gloomy cloud!

"What happened to the burning king?" The hoarse voice of the emperor's body came from the black hall. Looking at the burning face of the burning king at this moment, he suddenly had a terrible premonition in his heart.

The king of the flames took a deep breath and slowly spoke word by word, "The breath of the target person disappeared!"

The black coffin went silent, the two docked on a meteorite, and the atmosphere became extremely depressed for a while.

The target character's breath disappears. There are many possibilities. Have you found a way to lock the arrow breath? Temporarily blocked by some means? Or, she's already ridiculed! But no matter which one, it is never good news for them. If they really lose their sense of breath to the target person, they will not be able to find them, and the possibility of retreating from the chaotic starry burial ground is greatly reduced.

After a while, Emperor's corpse opened his mouth and broke the silence between the two. "No matter what the matter is, we can only go forward now, maybe we can find the reason why the breath suddenly disappeared, and then we can deal with it."

"The emperor's corpse said yes, we continue to go out!" Shen Tianwang said with a sound, and the two turned into a rainbow again, marching deep into the meteorite stream.

After a while, they were close to the end of the meteorite stream. The two stood on a meteorite and looked at the pure black at the end, their faces changed slightly, and their pupils contracted with fear and fear.

Only the eyes fell, but this extremely dark star field instantly gave the two people an invisible pressure. Based on their cultivation, they felt the chest as a mountain under this pressure, as if in this dark star field. In, there is a great danger!

The emperor corpse and the king of the sky looked at each other, and they saw the sorrow in each other's hearts!

This dark star field is by no means simple.

But at the same time, a joy was born in the hearts of the two, and the sudden loss of the sense of the target person's breath was probably due to the existence of this dark space. If no mistakes were expected, they should have entered them now.

That being the case, they have no choice.

The eyes of the emperor corpse and the king of heaven fell on the last layer of meteorites outside the dark star domain at the same time, and with their eyes, they could easily perceive the danger contained in it. But Xiao Chen and others can break through here, and the two of them naturally have no fear.

In the low hum, the two people's external breath burst instantly, and the next step came out, the figure wrapped in the aura, and rushed towards the crazy rotating meteorite stream!




The muffled thunder, the rumbling, the corpse energy and the aura of light frantically frantic, the anger and roar of the Emperor Corpse and the Heavenly Burning King came, they seem to belittle the tragedy passing through this last meteorite flow ...


The Silver Moon Stream shuttle whistled forward in the absolutely dark star field, becoming the only alien color here, and the entire space was quiet without any sound.

Yan Mingyue frowned, constantly changing her perspective through the banning of Yinyue Liushuo, observing the outside world, but along the way, in this pure black background, he didn't see anything at all.

The dazzling nebula, the rotating stars, the whistling meteorite and even the floating and rolling dust ... everything is gone.

Here, it seems to be an absolutely empty space, and the only thing left is darkness!

But at this moment, when he changed his perspective again, his entire body suddenly became stiff, his pupils contracted sharply, and his face was shocked.

A star appeared in his sight.

But this is not the reason for his shock ... this is a pure black cultivation, just like a black pearl embedded in a black sky, and its blackness is even more absolute than this sky! And its volume is so huge, even if it is the Emperor Star of the Yan Dynasty, the only sacred character of the entire Great Swallow Star, its volume can be more than a hundred times that of the ordinary Chinese star, and it is already in the large circle. One of the biggest stars. But compared to the black star in front of the darkness, which is embedded in the dark sky, it is less than one tenth the size!

No wonder it can attract such an amazing number of meteorites and generate such a terrible rotation around it. Only such a star-like giant star can possess this horrible traction.

After a long time, Yan Mingyue reluctantly suppressed the shock in her heart, and a dignified color appeared on her face.

This weird planet may be the core of the entire meteorite flow. He was considering whether to enter it, but at this moment, a strong suction suddenly burst, his face suddenly changed, and he tried to urge Xiu Wei, silver. Moonstream Shuttle releases dazzling silver light, wanting to break free from this attraction. But this attraction is so strong that it does not give Yan Mingyue any chance to compete. The Silver Moon Liushuo is like a shooting star, burning with a flaming silver flame. Pulled by this attractive force, go to that The immensely dark, star-studded star fell.

"Be careful, I think we are going to force 6!"

Yan Mingyue roared in her mouth, her body's mana billowed out, and she poured into the Silver Moon Stream Shuttle as much as possible. This treasure suddenly burst into a powerful aura, offsetting that pulling force to slow down the impact of the ground.

Cheng Cheng reached out and hugged Xiao Chen, holding him in his arms, flashing anxiety in his eyes. The development of the situation was somewhat unexpected, breaking through the meteorite stream and entering this black star field, things did not seem to be exhibiting in a good direction.

From the dark sky, a silver meteorite with a long tail winged across the sky towards the dark ground. Since the birth of the planet hundreds of millions of years ago, no creature has stepped on it.


There was a muffled sound and the ground trembled. Under this impact force, the Yinyue Shuttle flickered and eventually completely disappeared. This treasure was finally destroyed in this collision after suffering in the meteorite stream. However, such a violent impact force could not cause any damage to the ground. The humble black land has a texture that is more than heavy.

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