Dao: Journey to the Top of the Universe

Vol 7 Chapter 666: Qi Yuanxing

"Three guest officials please come in. Our old Liu Restaurant in Qiyuan City has a long-established reputation of more than 100,000 years. The ancestors of the owner are all monks of Qiyuan Star. The prices are fair, safe and tidy, and they will never let you down. A Chinese website W] W] W.81ZW.COM "

Xiaoyi greeted him with hands and feet, bent slightly, and a series of words in his mouth were extremely smooth.

The middle-aged monk nodded. "If you didn't know the reputation of your home, the three of us wouldn't come to stay with you. Arrange a good courtyard, be clean and not disturbed."

"Successful, guest officer, please inside!"

The three followed behind the little sister-in-law and chose the courtyard. The middle-aged monk walked away with a few yuan crystals and let the little sister-in-law go with joy.

The door was closed and the prohibition was opened carefully. Although it was a bit crude, it was enough to isolate the enlightenment. The middle-aged monk hurriedly entered the room. The woman had taken off the gauze, her face was pale, but she still could not hide her beautiful appearance. At this moment, she was taking care of the unconscious young man, and her eyes were full of tenderness.

The middle-aged monk looked at the scene in front of him and was slightly silent, but still respectfully said, "Madam, now we have got rid of the hunt and left the chaotic starry burial ground. If you are really good for Qingyun, you should know how to do the best."

These three monks are the three Xiao Chen who escaped from the chaotic starry burial ground!

On the day of the black cultivation star, Xiao Chen used the cotton-like force to break through a black channel and entered it, and after that, she left the chaotic starry burial ground after leaving.

Xiao Chen went into a coma directly after he escaped, and Yan Mingyue carefully checked the star map, which is not far from Qi Yuanxing, and the three went straight here.

Chengcheng naturally understands the meaning of Yan Mingyue, her delicate face is slightly stiff, and her eyes are painful, but she takes a deep breath and nods slightly, "Master Yan, rest assured, I know what to do."

Speaking of which, the girl paused slightly, then raised her eyes and looked calmly at Yan Mingyue, "Master Yan, although I don't know what kind of secrets I have hidden in my body, it must be unusual, maybe in the Yan Palace in the future, I can get a place This time, I have been assisted by many adults, and I have some kindness in my heart. If I have a chance in the future, I will definitely return to the adult. But I hope that the adult will be able to guarantee that he will never mention it to anyone in the future. and."

Yan Mingyue was faint in heart, he understood the meaning of the girl, and nodded suddenly, saying: "Mrs. rest assured, the official and Qingyun Gong escorted his wife into the chaotic starry burial ground, only to be able to get away with luck, Qingyun Gong was seriously injured to rescue his wife And nothing else. "

The wife is the person who fills the luck of Yan Huang. If it is not shallow, it is not impossible to become the lord of the harem in the future. But even so, it cannot prevent her from becoming the most favored woman in the Yan Palace!

She meant that Yan Mingyue naturally did not dare to disobey, otherwise there would be no place for him in the future. Even the teacher may not be able to keep him.

Moreover, along the way, he has repeatedly received the gratitude of Xiao Chen. If it was not Xiao Chen, he would have been buried in the chaotic burial ground of stars! Yan Mingyue is not an indifferent person who knows grace and does not report recklessness. Based on these, he will also conceal everything in the chaotic sky burial ground.

Chengcheng nodded slightly, his eyes fell on Xiao Chen's face again, sensing that his weak breath was recovering at an extremely rapid rate. He was slightly relieved in his heart, but was born with a bitterness, but was depressed by her.

Yan Mingyue is right. If she doesn't want to hurt him, she should keep a sufficient distance from him. No matter how you think in your heart, you can't show any trace.

"Madam, please stay here with Qingyun Gong for the time being. If not necessary, please don't leave the inn and prepare for what we need to return to Dayan." Yan Mingyue sighed slightly, saluting respectfully, and turned away from the room. , Striding away.


On the nearest spiritual stars near the Chaos Star Burial Ground, the eight empires arranged absolute secret agents to carefully explore the hidden secrets in the Chaos Star Burial Ground, and even every so often, the dead were sent to the Chaos Star Burial. Field, although few of them could return, they still failed to curb the interest of the eight empires in the chaotic star burial ground.

Apparently a long time ago, the Eight Empires really showed something that interested them.

Qi Yuanxing is where the secret investigation of the State of Yan is dormant. If the teacher's status is not respected, Yan Mingyue has no knowledge of this matter, and what he has to do now is to get help from the agent of the State of Yan.

The Silver Moon Liushuo has been destroyed. In order to hide their whereabouts, they need a walking treasure to hurry.

After leaving the inn, Yan Mingyue swayed on the long street and looked around. By the way, she tasted some special wines on the Qiyuan star, which took almost half an hour, and confirmed that there was no small tail behind her. Lonely Long Lane.

The alley is long and deep, and there will be a lonely door every so often.





Yan Ming Yue silently counted, the figure stopped outside the seventh door, reached out and knocked on the door.

Not long after, a faint sound of footsteps came, and the banquet of aura of light had been lifted. An old man in a man's costume opened the door, his eyes fell on Yan Mingyue, and said, "Excuse me, but I want to see my master. Not from the main entrance? "

"I'm from Jidu. This is my official identification. I'm sorry for your inconvenience. My official has something to ask for." During the conversation, he flashed aura of light on his hand and took out a small seal.

The old man's face changed slightly, the waist of the bent camel was straight, his eyes were dazzling, he reached out to take the seal into his hand, and hurried away.

After a while, the door opened again. It was not the old man who came, but two middle-aged monks, nodded slightly to Yan Mingyue and led him into the courtyard.

"Master Yan, my family is waiting for you in the study." The two monks who led the way respectfully saluted, then turned to stand aside, but there was some surprise in their hearts. I don't know what is the identity of this master Yan, and the matter with the collar was actually Not even they knew the qualifications.

Yan Mingyue nodded slightly and pushed in.

In the study, a white-faced monk sitting behind the desk, with Yan Mingyue's letter on the table, slowly speaking, "Mingyue, it's been a long time."

Yan Mingyue stayed a little, then showed ecstasy, "Brother Yuanling, why are you here?"

The monk behind the desk smiled and nodded, "I came to Qi Yuanxing secretly for the sake of my brother and presided over the matter here. Because the matter was confidential, I declared it was closed. You and my brother haven't seen each other for nearly a thousand years. .If I had n’t seen you today, I would have thought that someone else had come to your letter. "Speaking of this, Brother Yuanling's eyes fell on Yan Mingyue," Mingyue, as far as I know you lead your wife back to Jidu , Was intercepted by the corpse and fire clan creators in the middle of the road and forced to enter the chaotic star burial ground. Now that you are all right, it must have been rumored. By the way, how do you avoid the hunting, madam Where is it now? "

Yan Mingyue smiled slightly bitterly, and groaned a little, saying, "This time, I am afraid that my brother is thinking wrong. The younger brother and Qing Yungong led the wife to flee. They were cut off by the corpse and fire tribe. They did break into the chaotic star burial ground. "

"What!" Brother Yuanling exclaimed, "You have entered the Chaos Star Burial Ground, how can you still stand here now?"

"Brothers do n’t have to be shocked. Brothers and others just have a bit of luck and accidentally escaped from the chaotic starry burial ground. To prevent the eye-catching, I left my wife and Qingyun Gong in the inn. This is a magic weapon to travel back to Jidu. "

The shock in Brother Yuanling's eyes dissipated, the two hot flames raged and burned, and his eyes fell on Yan Mingyue. "You actually broke out of the chaotic sky burial ground! Brother, tell me, what is hidden in that nebula? What kind of secret is it? For my brother here to preside over things for tens of thousands of years, no fewer than ten thousand people have been sent into it. Few people can return alive, mostly in the marginal areas, and have never entered the depths of the nebula. "

Yan Mingyue's face changed slightly, and her eyes were scared. "Specific matters, it is not easy to elaborate now. After returning to Jidu, my brother will definitely record the details in it and give it to his brother. The most important thing now is Is to return to Jidu with his wife. "

"My brother said something good, but he was too anxious for my brother." Brother Yuanling nodded slightly, his eyes flickered, and said, "It would be better for my brother to leave the Rongguo Qingyungong and let him cooperate with the research on the chaotic sky burial ground. Prepare treasure for your brother, and send your Majesty monks to **** you and your wife. "

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