Yan Mingyue's face changed, and he knew quite a bit about Brother Mingyue's dedication. Presumably, Her Majesty Yan also let him preside over the chaos of the starry sky burial ground. If he changed to another person, he might not be able to stand this. lonely. Bayi ((Middle.) 81ZW.COM and he could hear that Xiao Chen did not take Xiao Chen's eyes into account in his brother's tone. As a practitioner in Da Yan, he was also a disciple of the teacher, and he did not regard Xiao In the eyes of the small subsidiary nation, the Grand Duke is not a big deal.

But this one doesn't work!

Although it has been promised that the lady will not let anyone know what is happening in the starry burial ground, but it does not mean that he can really forget. Yan Mingyue has determined that Xiao Chen's identity will not be limited to this in the future, there must be a time when the sky is soaring. Although Rong Guozhu is also considered to be one party and he is not weak, he may not be able to suppress Xiao Chen. Maybe in the future, Dayan will have another powerful subsidiary country.

Even if he doesn't mention his identity, the forced cultivation revealed by himself is enough to call it the strongest under creation! If you are really desperate ... thinking of that fierce and overbearing mystery and the surge in cultivation will make Yan Mingyue's heart shake!

In this state, even if it is a powerful person who can deal with the real world of creation, Xiao Chen may be able to fight against him! Moreover, on the black cultivation star that day, Xiao Chen fell into a strange state and a battle that he had never witnessed. Although Yan Mingyue didn't know the final result, the dazzling golden light and the surging sound of the black sea waves, even if they were far apart. In countless spaces, he could hear clearly, and he could feel a breath from it. This breath was very light, but it gave him an irresistible thought, and with a little tremor, he could wipe him out. Whether the object of the fierce battle was the Great Wei Emperor and the Great Qin Emperor's Corpse was unknown, but there was a kind of intuition in his heart. I am afraid that these two people can no longer come out of the chaotic starry burial ground. Therefore, in addition to admiring Xiao Chen, there is a deep hidden awe in his heart!

The awe of fellow monks may seem ridiculous, but it is.

As the thoughts quickly turned, Yan Mingyue's face turned into utter indifference, she slowly raised her eyes, and her gaze was solemn, "Brother Yuanling, presumably you have received some information from the teacher, knowing that your wife's identity is not trivial. And Rong Guoqing Yungong, right The wife has many gratitudes. In the chaotic starry sky burial ground, if Qingyun Gong had not shot, maybe the younger brother and his wife were already buried in it, and he could not leave safely. Not to mention that Qingyun Gong is seriously injured and unconscious, even if he is safe. In the event, the younger brother will also advise his elder brother not to think of his idea, otherwise his wife will inevitably be dissatisfied, and I am afraid there will be many troubles in the future. "

Brother Yuanling's face changed slightly, and he slowly said, "It turned out that it was thanks to my brother's mention, otherwise I was afraid that I would really offend the wife." He is more distinguished than Yan Mingyue. Madam's future status in the kingdom of Yan naturally understands that anyone who offends her in the future may not have any good fruit to eat.

Yan Mingyue hesitated slightly, still gritted his teeth, and said, "Brother Yuanling must not look down on Qing Yungong. The brother asked himself that he has always been a very visionary person, but these days, he gets along with him. If he thinks it is a contrast, it ’s a gap with him. You can't calculate it in the slightest! In the future, this Qingyun Gong will not be in the pool! "

Brother Yuanling was faint in his heart, "I know for my brother, thank you for reminding me." He is a bit higher than Yan Mingyue, but he also understands that this brother's cultivation talent and chance are never under him. The teacher valued it, I'm afraid he was better than him. If he can be treated so seriously, this Rongguo Qingyungong must not be a vulgar one! His eyes flickered a little, and a groaning expression appeared on his face. "Since time is tight, you and I should not delay here. There is also a starry boat given by my teacher as a magic weapon for my brother. As soon as possible, you and I will leave immediately. "

"Brother is going to return to Jidu?" Yan Mingyue looked surprised.

"Escorting his wife back to Dayan is naturally the most important thing. By the way, return to Ji Ji and report to the teacher. Why? Is n’t the master unwelcome?" Brother Yuanling smiled.

Yan Ming's face was skeptical. "I'm afraid the main purpose of Brother is to inquire about the chaotic starry burial ground on this road."

"Haha, if you are lonely along the way, I think you should not refuse this request from your brother. And for your brother, you are also very curious about this Qingyungong in your mouth, and want to see what kind of character it is. Actually let the younger brother value so much. "

"Then please ask Brother to arrange something quickly. Brother will go outside and wait." Yan Mingyue was helpless on her face, but she was slightly relieved. Although the fire and corpse killings have been passed, there is not necessarily no other danger. This time, there are brothers and sisters, and the security will naturally increase greatly.

Half an hour later, when Brother Yuanling was properly arranged, the two left through the back door.


"Chen Yanyuanling, see Madam." Yan Yuanling is also a big Yan ancestor. The royal blood in the body is a bit more refined than Yan Mingyue. It is the blood in the royal five suits, but she is still respectful to the girl at this moment.

Yan Mingyue stepped forward and said, "Madam, this Lord Yan Yuanling, is the secret agent who my Da Yan arranged on Qi Yuan Xing, and is also Brother Weichen. The rest is on the way back to Dayan, Brother Will **** his wife along with WeChat. "

Cheng Chenggao sat down, his face was calm, and he applied light makeup a little. He nodded with grace and grace, and said, "So, thank you Master Yan Yuanling."

"Mrs. speaks heavily, these are the duties of a minister." Yan Yuanling was a little stunned, and secretly said that this lady was indeed not an ordinary figure, but this demeanor was by no means comparable to ordinary women, filling the imperfections of Yan Huang's luck Coupled with such a beautiful face, how can we not win the favor of the king, the status in the future palace, I am afraid that it is extremely high, the more respectful the present look.

"Although Qi Yuanxing is the scope of the activities of the spies of the State of Yan, but there are often traces of detailed activities of other countries. In order to ensure the safety of his wife, he will no longer be in trouble, he asked his wife to leave as soon as possible."

Cheng Cheng heard the words and did not lift up, looking at Yan Mingyue.

Yan Mingyue naturally understood his wife's meaning, and arched her hand. "Mrs. don't worry. Although Guo Guo is in a coma, his internal injuries are recovering. He can only wake up when he recovers. Hurrying will not affect his injuries."

"The minister also asked his wife to leave very early to ensure completeness."

Cheng Cheng nodded his head and said, "So, as the two adults said, let's go now."


Yan Yuanling and Yan Mingyue saluted at the same time, but could not help but feel a solitude in their hearts. It seems that the wife really took the Qing Yungong very seriously, but fortunately, she was reminded by her younger brother before that, otherwise, she might cause trouble.

Yan Yuanling opened a small mustard world on her body and said offended, letting his wife enter first. Yan Mingyue helped Xiao Chen to follow.

In the world of thousands, although the mustard world is not too cherished, it is by no means an ordinary monk to own. Although the level of supplies of Yan Yuanling is not low, the range may not be equal to that of Xiao Chen.

After clearing the room, Yan Yuanling took this mustard world quietly to open the Yuan Xing, took out the starry boat, and let the three of them come out. This thing suddenly appeared a little star, turning into a ghost, whistling And go.

This star-shaped boat rank is higher than Yinyue Liushuo, and its internal space is larger. It has barely built a small courtyard, divided into a main hall, a master bedroom, and a guest bedroom.

Chengcheng lived alone in the master bedroom, took out the geocentric jade bed, and lay on it quietly at this moment, feeling the warm scent of warmth overflowing from it, hugged a fire dragon jade in his hand, forcing him to see Xiao Chen's Impulsively fall asleep slowly. From today, she must know her identity, and only in this way will he not bring disaster to him.

Xiao Chen was in a coma, but fortunately, his breath gradually stabilized and he was placed in a guest bedroom.

Yan Yuanling and Yan Mingyue are in the main hall. The former controls the starship and the latter is responsible for telling the matters in the chaotic starry burial ground. The two spoke from time to time-talk a little, Yan Mingyue will learn something, skip everything that can't be said, and shout out, it is enough to make Yan Yuanling's face look dignified, and the danger level of the starry burial ground is still still Above his imagination.

In the stars, Fan Xingzhou rushed towards the border of Dayan.


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