Dao: Journey to the Top of the Universe

Vol 7 Chapter 676: Travel to Jidu

After the border camp was suspended for three days, the wife of the Royal Forest Guard left and returned to Jidu, where the Rongguo delegation accompanied her. (? [{[Bayi Chinese {W] W> W>.> 8> 1? Z] W>.> C] O] M>

The mighty force of the one-million Royal Forest Army was imposing, and Lin Lin was ahead, his face was calm, and he had not shown anything at all because of the loss in Xiao Chen's hands a few days ago, and commanded the army to move calmly.

Chengcheng entered the army to drive luxuriously, driving with six dragons, the canopy topped, and the golden mantle fluttered in the wind, showing a luxurious and noble atmosphere. On both sides of the car, two teams of maidservants followed, holding a flower basket, constantly looking into the room, and sprinkling multicolored petals, and the faint floral fragrance diffused in the wind.

Going further, the Imperial Army soldiers guarded the drone, and spies spread around the army to ensure that the drone was safe.

Following the drive, Rong Guo mission.

Xiao Chen rode in a BMW of red blood, Daoxian followed, and the officials of the surrounding missions all bowed slightly to show their awe of the state. The 300,000 Baihu Army silent guard was on the side, but the momentum contrast was completely suppressed by the Yulin Army.

King Xiaoyue still did not show up, but sent his Majesty officials to see him off, and ordered the army along the way to act as a guard until the wife and his party were sent out of the garrison.

The team left the Dayan border galaxy and rushed to Xiuxing, where the thistle is located. The Yulin army and his team took the special starship ship that was equipped with extraordinary power and magnanimity, and its volume was much larger than that of the Rongguo mission.

Behind the big one, the small two starships, there are three military starships dispatched by the Yan Guobian Army, each of which has tens of millions of soldiers, escorted into the depths of the star domain.

Seven days later, the last three military starships in the rear turned away after saying hello, implying that the party had left the area covered by the border camp and really entered the territory of Dayan. Howling for two auras.


In March, the time passed quickly. The two starships did not stop, they had moved away from the border and entered the hinterland of Dayan.

The Royal Forest uses four starship ships, with respect for its sincere identity. Of course, the maid costume alone lives on the fourth floor. The third floor is where the generals and the next generals live, while Yan Mingyue and Yan Yuanling are placed on the second floor.

In the independent courtyard, Yan Mingyue and Yan Yuanling sat in the hall. The former frowned slightly, and then spoke slowly after half a whisper, saying: "Now the Starship has entered the Zhangwu galaxy, not far from thistle. All the way to be safe and sound, it seems that this time maybe you and I have been too careful. The lady in the palace has always been known for her meticulous means, and she must also understand the current situation. Once you take the shot, she can't get away anyway. . "

Yan Yuanling nodded. "Mingyue's brother makes sense, but he hasn't arrived at Jidu in a day. You and I can't relax every day. Be careful. It's good after all."

"Yes, brother."


"Leadership, Pingxing Ship entered the Zhangwu galaxy, not far from the intended location." Gu Lun respectfully saluted, his face was pale and a little cyan, apparently the internal injuries had not recovered.

She Lin was in the main seat, and she nodded slowly when she heard the words, "This thing must be done seamlessly, and you must not show anything, you go and prepare."

"Yes, leader!" Gu Lun should, taking two steps back before turning around and striding away.

Gao Lin's eyes narrowed slightly, and the slightest flickering flashed in it, the corner of his mouth showing a hint of helplessness, but there was no meaning in his heart. Even because of this, his future will be affected in some way, but the status of the family today is closely related to the honor and disgrace of the maiden in the palace. If the maiden loses power in the palace, the entire family will be hit hard. Compared with family interests, personal honor and shame can only be set aside for the time being.

"But this time, I won't take the responsibility alone and say I won't pull you all together."

In the low groan, the man's eyes were cold like tides!


His wife left, and the Rongguo ambassador starred at the starship. The third floor was no accident to become the place where Xiao Chen lived alone. He had issued a strict order, and no matter what mattered, no one should be disturbed.

In the secret training room, Qing Yungong, who announced the retreat, disappeared. Only a black stone fell on the corner of the ground.

In the left eyebrow dojo, Xiao Chen sits cross-legged in Shengling Jiyuan array. After his adjustment, the array of Yuanyuan has soared from one million to five million, so as to provide a continuous and stable spiritual torrent for him for a long time. Devour and absorb, refining and integrating into one's body.

Since the breakthrough of the creation of the world, his mana has not been replenished at all. Now, he hurried to Dayan and the Royal Forest Army of Yan State opened the road. The danger was naturally reduced to the extreme. Taking this opportunity to supplement the lack of mana in the body was naturally an excellent opportunity.

The envoy Dayan, although it may not be too dangerous, but there is no absolute thing. Just as it was intercepted by monks and fire tribe halfway, accidents may occur at any time. He must restore his state to the highest level as soon as possible. In order to calmly deal with everything. And now Xiao Chenxiu is a newcomer to the world of creation, he has soared and has not yet fully controlled it, and he is not fully aware of the power of creation.

If you want to create a kingdom of God, you need to first cultivate yourself completely and firmly in the virtual world. This is a step you must go through.

Today, the promotion of the virtual world, opening up the kingdom of God and melting it into the magical power, so that the combat power soared to achieve the true creation of the world, is the best way for Xiao Chen to quickly improve his strength in a short time. Do this in the shortest time.

Although he has set foot in the creation of the world, he still has a very long distance from his goal. Naturally, there can be no slackness.

The power contained in the five million yuan crystal was forcibly drawn by the formation method, and merged into a row of powerful spiritual beams of light, which were swallowed up by Xiao Chen. At this moment, Xiao Chen, like a horrible black hole, is devouring all forces.

The thick, dense fog-like spiritual power has enveloped his whole figure, but the river-like surging and swell waves, the more dazzling, the more shocking!

But at this moment, the figure sitting cross-legged on the core of Shenglingjiyuan array suddenly opened his eyes, his mind moved slightly, the large array operation stopped directly, and the dense fog-like spiritual power quickly became thinner with the naked eye's visibility. In the end, nothing was left, and all was swallowed up, revealing which one of the cyan figure, ruddy complexion, and long and slow breathing.

Xiao Chen's brow frowned slightly. He had ordered not to be disturbed. At the moment Daoxian came, there must be something that could not be resolved. His mana replenishment was almost completed. There was no delay at this moment. The next step was taken. The figure appeared directly in the cultivation. In the back room.

Taking the left eyebrow dojo into his hands, he waved to break the restraint of the back room, pushed the door and walked out to the front hall.

Dao Xian had waited in the hall respectfully, seeing Xiao Chen appear, and hurriedly bowed down to salute, saying: "Subordinates see Guo Gong." He has a rounded breath, and a strong momentum is looming between circulation. After the breakthrough, it is still unable to achieve perfect control over its own power.

Xiao Chen took a seat, waved his hand slightly, and said, "No need to be polite. What happened to you today?"

"Back to the Grandpa, on the starship in front, the leader Lin has sent a boat to invite you to discuss the temporary docking. The reason seems to be that there are some accidents on the starship in front, and the reserve Yuan Jing is 30% less. It ’s not enough to support the Starcraft to reach Jidu. ”Daoxian spoke respectfully, trying to make things as brief as possible.

Xiao Chen's brow frowned slightly, the starship shuttle shuttled between the stars, urging forward to defend the enemy, all need Yuan Jing support, Yuan Jing reserve is naturally the top priority. Before going out, it is necessary to prepare many times, but now there will be the disappearance of Reserve Yuanjing, which must be tricky.

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