Dao: Journey to the Top of the Universe

Vol 7 Chapter 677: Opportunity of choice

"Daoxian, how much Yuanjing reserve do I have on the Mission Starship, can I even distribute some of it to the Starship ahead and let them support the Jidu. 8W] W81.WYCOM.

"I used Yuan Jing on the Chen Xing ship to run out on the day when he attacked the King of the Fire, and the Yuan Jing used today was replenished on the trading star along the way and never entered the Dayan Barracks. You have to add, there aren't many left now. "

Xiao Chen groaned silently, and then spoke slowly after half a ring. "That being the case, my father followed them into the Starship to see how things would be resolved. After I left, you will take charge of the mission. Be careful. Beware ... My father thinks this is not easy. "

"Yes, Guogong." Daoxian arched his hand, and suddenly met his orders.

Xiao Chen didn't make any delays. He sent the mission starship into a floating boat. Although the ship was small in size and less than 1% of the defense of a large starship, it was extremely fast. After a while, it had already caught up with the front forest army. The star ship used was introduced into the ship in the awe of the guards.

The strongest among the thousands of realms is respected, and this also applies to the Royal Forest. And Xiao Chen's creation of the world is naturally an absolute strong man.

"Guo Gong, my family leader invited you to enter the four-story wife's residence together with two adults, Yan Mingyue and Yan Yuanling, to discuss the matter. Now you are only one Guo Gong. Please go there." The captain spoke respectfully before.

Xiao Chen nodded slightly, followed the man behind him, and climbed up the stairs to the fourth floor.

"Guo Gong invited in, and his subordinates can only take you here." The school captain respectfully saluted and turned back to the side.

Xiao Chen's eyes glanced over. The defense on the entire four floors was tight. The generals of the Imperial Forest were hunting outside, but they were not allowed, but they could not step into the courtyard for half a step, otherwise it would be a felony. He didn't pause at his feet, striding into it.

The beautiful maidservant stepped forward to salute, respectfully leading him into the courtyard.

In the hall, Chengcheng was seated, and she applied a little makeup to cover the paleness on Qiao's face, and she looked calm and peaceful, exuding a sense of grace and dignity.

The woman had been sent back, and was standing beside the girl to wait.

Beneath, Li Lin sings to the left alone, with a stern look. Seeing Xiao Chen's arrival, his eyes just moved away from him with a slight sweep, making people not see the mood in his heart.

Yan Mingyue and Yan Yuanling sat on the right side, but left their positions. At this moment, they stood up to pay tribute to Xiao Chen, and behaved a little more restrained than before.

The completeness of creation and the world of creation are seemingly the first line, but the real power gap cannot be calculated. The two sides are already very different worlds, and they will naturally have some awe in their hearts.

Xiao Chen nodded slightly to the two, saluted with fists, "Chen sees his wife."

Chengcheng's eyes were slightly bright, and he nodded gently, saying, "Guo Gong don't have to be polite, please sit down."

Xiao Chen thanked him and got up to sit on the right side.

Seeing the people coming, Qi Lin stood up to salute the girl at the moment, and said, "Madam, now that the adults have arrived, the general will make the matter clear and discuss with the adults. It is up to you to decide. how is it?"

Cheng Cheng had already known the conflict in the military camp that day. He nodded his head at the moment, and said lightly, "General Yu is blunt." The voice was calm, but the indifference and alienation in it were very clear, obviously because of this, his heart I don't have any feelings about this Lin Lin.

Xun Lin respectfully said that his face seemed calm without any notice, saying: "The Xingxing ship was originally prepared to have ample Yuan Jing, enough to travel between thistle and the border, but before checking Yuan Jing's reserves today, there was actually a 30% reserve Yuan. Jing disappeared out of thin air. The three monks who would have sent someone to investigate the matter immediately, but had already prepared for the matter of Yuan Jing, had committed suicide, and the clue was interrupted. "Speaking of this, his face was dignified.

"This thing is weird, and there must be some hidden feelings! Maybe someone wants to be detrimental to his wife, and deliberately made a fool on the Starship Reserve Yuan Jing, forcing me to land and supplement Yuan Jing, and they gave them a hand. Opportunity. For the sake of caution, Ben will propose not to land in Xiu Xing, but instead send a monk into Xiu Xing to ask for help, so that local officials will send enough Yuan Jing for Sun Xing to continue to use. "

Yan Yuanling's eyes flashed in different colors. As Lin Lin was able to make this suggestion, it seemed that he really did not have malicious intentions towards his wife. He nodded slightly now, "My official agrees with this to prevent accidents."

Yan Mingyue murmured, didn't express her opinion, but never objected to what Lin Lin said, apparently acquiescing to this.

Xun Lin nodded slightly, looking at Xiao Chen, and said, "I wonder what the envoy thinks about it?"

Xiao Chen's face was calm, but he couldn't help but frown slightly. This Lin Lin was by no means a good kind. He was able to stay calm and undisturbed by the humiliation of the day ... If he was generous, he had put down the matter, he is Definitely won't believe it. But at this moment he did nothing unusual, groaned slightly, and nodded slightly, "I have no opinion on this matter."

"Okay!" Lin Lin nodded, turned and saluting the young girl respectfully, "Madam, I and I have already negotiated, and sent a boat to carry a monk into Xiuzhen Xingzhen to get Yuan Jing to solve the present dilemma. I wonder what the lady wants?"

He nodded sincerely, "As the result of the discussion among the adults, I naturally have no opinion, so just do it."

"Yes." Chen Lin spoke respectfully, hesitated, and continued to say, "Mrs., the general will suggest that before Yuan Jing has not been replenished, I hope Qing Yungong can stay here. In the event of an accident, relying on Qing Yungong's Xiu Wei can also protect the safety of his wife. "

Chengcheng's expression was calm, and his eyes swept away from him. The heart could not help but "jump" and be able to spend more time with him, she was naturally willing.

The more frowning Xiao Chen felt in his heart, the more he glanced over that Lin Lin, the more he felt that this man was acting strangely, fearing that he had a secret plan. He nodded slightly at the moment and said, "Before Xingxing Ship has not been supplemented by Yuan Jing, he would like to leave the guard lady safe." He had already decided to **** her to Jidu, which was the only thing he could do for the girl's friendship. Promise, now naturally will not let her be harmed.

"That being the case, I'm tired of Qingyun Gong." Chengcheng thanked him slightly, not letting people see the slightest joy in her eyes.

Xun Lin saluted, "Madam, he will retreat first, and immediately send His Majesty a monk to complete Yuan Jing's supplementary matters." This man saluted, turned and quit and strode away.

Yan Mingyue and Yan Yuanling both stood up at the same time. "Since the Guogong is here, his wife is in a safe and natural environment, and the minister and the two immediately entered the ship to prevent accidents." The two words resigned, and they retreated.

The room quickly quieted down, and the woman who was waiting beside Chengcheng sighed in her heart, saluted the girl slightly, turned back, and stayed outside the room, leaving the two alone time.

Only Xiao Chen and Chengcheng remained in the entire hall. The atmosphere was quiet, but the atmosphere did not become embarrassed. It seemed that the two just got along in such a quiet way.

"Guo Gong, this time I can safely escape from the hunt, thanks to the help of the Guo Gong. I will keep all my kindness in my heart, and if there is an opportunity in the future, I will have a return." Chengcheng whispered, breaking the two Quiet on earth.

Xiao Chen lifted up, looking at the shell disguised by the girl, and gave birth to a slight pity in his heart. She slightly shook her head and depressed her thoughts, and arched her hand. "Mrs. don't be polite. Duty is incumbent."

Chengcheng bit his lip slightly, silently drew a few breaths, and slowly looked up at the man below, whispering softly: "Guo Gong and I have great grace. Chengcheng originally wanted to pay back for the rest of his life. But please be clear in Guo Gong ’s heart that if I can choose, everything is not what I want. In the future, if I am alone, I do n’t know if Guo Gong can call my name? ”These few words have already shown the young girl ’s mind. Chengcheng hesitated for a long time, after all, he decided to tell Xiao Chen positively that there was such a woman who had loved him. Even knowing that this is in vain in the end, just ask for peace of mind.

If not, she doesn't know if she has such an opportunity in this life ... Chengcheng doesn't want to regret her life.

Xiao Chen was silent and had a lot of thoughts in his heart. Although he knew that this was an extremely stupid choice, he still had this thought in his mind and it became clearer and clearer. Perhaps he had such a calculation before, just because the current situation had to suppress it. But with the improvement, Xiao Chen's state of mind obviously became stronger, and then this idea surfaced again, and there was an impulse to realize it.

He stared at the girl, slowly speaking, "Sincerity, if you don't want to go to Jidu and enter the Yan Palace, I can give you a chance to choose."

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