Dao: Journey to the Top of the Universe

Vol 7 Chapter 698: Never return

The momentum was rolling, and there was the power to swallow the heavens and the earth. [八一 (Chinese? [? [W] W] W].] 8> 1] Z] W] .COM

Xiao Chen's face instantly turned into a dignified, and under his induction, the figure seemed to shift instantly and enter another world! The intangible momentum of excitement and rolling seemed to engulf him.

This power is extremely strong!

If you sense it carefully, you can even notice that this force is not a simple explosion. It is a regular and organized power flow after the integration of spiritual will. Under the premise of being overbearing, the power that can be released is undoubted. Stronger!

At this moment, Agudamu fought with momentum, more like arousing some magical power.

No wonder this person is so confident that he has this hole card in his hand!

With pure momentum, he can even burst out of his own power.

Xiao Chen's heart was stunned, but his appearance remained unchanged. In the face of this horror, which seemed to be able to devour some horror, he didn't hesitate under his feet and stepped forward! With this step falling, all his mind was absorbed into his own breath, spraying frantically in a sloppy situation. The momentum outside the sky, like a dragon in the abyss, flew into the sky, revealing his own mighty power!


Inside the chest, majestic warfare was born, and it was absolutely fierce, never going forward! As much as possible into the outside breath, release incredible courage!

For Xiao Chen, this battle with the Agudam of the Huns was a silent killing. And this battle, he must win, because Xiao Chen Xiangcheng promised to send her scenery to the Yan Palace.

Perhaps this is the last thing he can do for Cheng Cheng, and do his best.

Turning all of his spiritual will into a mighty and endless war will have shown Xiao Chen's strong attitude! Today's battle, he will fight the blood to the end, and never step back!

The explosion of powerful warfare instantly merged into his external ascension momentum, and directly assimilated it with a very fast degree, condensing into a powerful and unmatched warfare, surging wildly, and surging momentum!

In the weather of Agudam, Xiao Chen's in-vivo warfare rose up into the sky, shooting into a bullfight, powerful and steady like a rock. No matter how amazing the devouring power released by Agudamu's momentum, he could not shake his external warfare at all.

Numerous people inside and outside the pilgrimage palace paid close attention to the monk ’s heart. When the pupils contracted, they looked at the sky, and at the same time they had a thought in their hearts. Today, I am afraid that this battle will not end.

Rong Guo Xiao Chen's in-vivo warfare has already demonstrated his unwillingness to retreat, even if he fights to the end, he will not shrink back!

This cold and strong will shocked many concerned monks, and soon turned into a bloody, trembling blood surging! Xiao Chen is so tough in this warring country, and with the personality of the Xiongnu monk, he is even more desperate!

The battle will be divided into victory and defeat.

This battle is what they want to see!

There is no fancy magical fighting method, no thunderous thunderous sound, nor the energy aftermath of the roaring and raging, so in the quiet and interestless, the two strong men's spiritual will will directly confront each other.

The strong win, the weak lose!

The same thrilling!

Xiao Chen ordered the battle to enter the fierce heat directly at this moment, and forced the Hun Nu Agudam into the chosen Jedi. If he was afraid, he would retreat directly! If you want to fight, let go and kill!

Through the confrontation with each other's momentum, Agudamu immediately understood Xiao Chen's meaning, and felt the absolutely strong will!

But at this moment he wasn't shocked in his heart, and his eyes were surging deep.

I'm afraid that you will not retreat and miss the opportunity to defeat you. I don't want you to take the initiative to come to your door. How can you miss this opportunity!

With a sneer in his heart, Agudas stepped forward again, and his body turned like a whirlwind of horror. At the moment when Xiao Chen's war was bursting out, he soared again in an amazing way!

The volume of the whirlwind suddenly increased, and the breath of engulfment released was terrifying to the point of suffocation.

Agudamu didn't say much, but showed his attitude with the change of external momentum!

The end of the battle!

The fierce and fierce will of the monks of the Hun State received the most vivid expression on him.

The whirlwind of Agudam appears to be ordinary, but in the sense of Yuanshen, it is surging! An illusive wolf shadow slowly condensed on the whirlwind, sitting in the void. At this moment, the mouth opened wide and his mouth expanded rapidly with an amazing degree, like a deep black hole, a gray spiral of gas. Constantly overflowing from it, and all the devouring power of the entire vortex seems to be concentrated on this wolf shadow. Open your mouth wide, it seems that this whole world can be swallowed up!

This is a force that devours everything, tears everything, and destroys everything!

Powerful and scary!

Agudamu's eyes surged violently. In the early years, he and many monks entered a shard of an ancient fairyland together. He died a lifetime, and few people could leave from it, but most of them gained something. What he got from it was a Extremely supernatural.

Cultivate your own momentum outside the body, control the simple release of the oppressive power in your hand, condense into the demon wolf's shadow, open your mouth to swallow the sun and the moon, the momentum is amazing!

This supernatural power was broken when he reached his hands. He could only condense the ghost wolf's shadow, and could not take the key step from illusory to solidification. Even if he wanted to use the means of void creation, he had no idea and couldn't complete it. But even so, the illusory demon wolf can devour the spiritual will of the monk, and this alone can be called horror!

Supernatural power, with the help of the magic wolf phantom, seemingly simple momentum confrontation, but for Agudamu has already gained the absolute upper hand! In the battle between the Huns and others, with the help of the demon wolf, he did not know how many powerful enemies he killed, so he could go step by step until now.

With this secret technique, how can he be invincible today!

The devil wolf opened his mouth to devour everything, Xiao Chen snorted suddenly, his face paled slightly, and his body shivered slightly outside his body. Under this swallowing power, there were some signs of volatility and instability. And the war will collapse, all his spiritual will will be devoured by the devil wolf!

Xiao Chen frowned, but his eyes were still calm, his eyes looked coldly at the demon wolf's shadow, without a trace of temperature.

Taking a step forward under his feet, a low growl erupted in his heart, "Fight!"

At the center of the eyebrow, the battle word secret hidden in the flesh and blood suddenly flashed at this moment, and the Ambilight was like a tempered fetish. A breath burst out from it and directly entered Xiao Chen's body.

It's a Xeon will!

Fighting days!


But life is boundless!

Take care of everything and defeat it in one battle, without fear or bow.

Along with the integration of this will, Xiao Chen's slightly trembling warfare intention was instantly solidified, and he went crazy up again with an amazing amplitude, climbing all the way, there seemed to be no boundaries! Even if the demon wolf roars, he can no longer shake his warfare.

The devouring power of the devil wolf collided with Xiao Chen's war-fighting madness, and the two powerful forces slaughtered, forming a terrifying primordial coercion. This is the explosion from the fusion of the two willpower, which makes people palpitated!



The green bricks on the ground centered on two people, and suddenly began to crack, collapsed without warning and turned into powder, and spread quickly to the surrounding areas.

This is a spurt of power that the momentum of the two people collided with, but the power released by this power is truly terror. This was not caused by the blast, but was crushed and crushed by the spiritual will of the two men.

Incorporating spiritual will into one's own breath, materializing and possessing such terrifying power is already an astonishing realm! At this moment, if there is a monk near the two, the physical body may be perfect, but the spiritual will will be erased by instantaneous bombardment!

And this is not even possible for ordinary creation monks!

In other words, the strength of the breath revealed by Xiao Chen and Agu Damu at this moment is almost close to all the power of the powerful king of the world.

The entire pilgrimage palace instantly turned into a dead silence, and under this shroud of breath, countless monks snored. His complexion was pale, and he could only hold fast to his heart, and then he could barely protect himself under the shock of this turbulent spiritual will. In his eyes, he was full of fear and awe.

The strength of the two men's battle has far exceeded their expectations!

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