Agudamu's face suddenly became extremely gloomy, and his heart became angry. {(Eight {一 Chinese W) W} W>. ) 8) 1] Z〉 W}. > COM By inquiring about the cause of the First World War on Causeway, he thought that Xiao Chenxiu was at best just walking into the world of creation with him. With the help of the demon wolf, he could release a momentum almost equal to the power of the king of creation. , Will definitely defeat Xiao Chen's spiritual will. But at this moment he appeared, and he seemed to despise the Rongguo Qingyungong. He was able to contend with the devouring power of the devil wolf, and the horrible warfare outside him made him feel a sense of suppression!

If he hadn't relied on the ghost wolf, he might have been defeated at this moment. His eyes flashed in succession, and finally turned into a shrill! This battle is to maintain the dignity of the Hun State and the dignity of the saint. He cannot be defeated, otherwise the entire envoy will be wiped out, and he will be reduced to a laughingstock!

Such things are definitely not allowed to be born.

There was a muffled roar in the mouth of Agudah, as a tiger like a wolf. With the roaring sound, he suddenly raised his body. There was no wind in his robe, his head was raging and wafting, and the blue veins around his neck were high. It even wrapped him in the entire room, and the outside world looked at a vast expanse. Above the vortex, the squatting demon wolf suddenly solidified, and its fur ends even gave birth to a faint red blood. The deeper the opened mouth deepened into the darkness, the obscure swirling air currents merged with each other, becoming a mass of cotton-like power, and the more horrible devouring power came from the mouth of the demon wolf!

Because of the insufficiency of supernatural power, forcing a stronger force to force it will cause a certain back bite to oneself. The stronger the force, the heavier the back bite. With the repair of Agudamu, the fur coat of the demon wolf is red, which is his limit! Even if he wins this battle, his own spiritual will will be impacted, and he will suffer severe injuries. And in exchange for this price, it is the crazy surge of demon wolf's release of devouring power within a short time!

This is enough for Agudam!

His eyes fell on Xiao Chen, and he entered this state. Even the ordinary King of the Realm might not be able to resist, he did not believe that Xiao Chen could continue to persist!


Xiao Chen's face was pale, his pupils shrunk slightly, and the battle-word tactics hidden in his brows became more glorious. When the spiritual will was shrouded in engulfing power, his entire **** seemed to tremble.

This trembling is not awe and fear, but an excitement after a challenge and before a battle!

Along with the battle-word tactics releasing the skyrocketing aura of light, the powerful will that burst out from it also surged with an astonishing degree, allowing Xiao Chen's entire mind to enter a weird calm state at this moment, looking at the Agudam where Some are just a kind of ruthless arrogance. It seemed to him that none of this was worth mentioning. If he wanted to destroy it, he could do it.

Xiao Chen's eyes flashed sharply in the depths. Since you want to swallow, I will give you this opportunity, depending on whether you have enough strength to swallow my spiritual will together!

At this moment, he is not impulsive, but a decision made in a state of absolute calmness of his own thoughts, because he has absolute confidence in his heart, and the horrific warfare inspired by the battle word tactics, after being incorporated into his body, this ghost wolf cannot swallow. !!

Turn your mind, and take action in the next moment!

Outside of Xiao Chen, the vast ups and downs of war-fighting warfare seemed to collapse at this moment. There was no pause, and the turbulent waves swept into the mouth of the devil wolf and was swallowed directly!

His eyes were closed directly, and he stood so empty, although there was still a powerful force in his body, but no spiritual fluctuations came out. It seemed that this physical body had now become an empty shell.

The fight is over?

At the moment when Xiao Chen ’s momentum disappeared and his spiritual will fluctuated instantly, many onlookers who were still immersed in the devastating assassination attempt at the moment were awakened at this moment, their eyes fell on the figure of the blue robe, sensing The empty body of an empty shell, the pupils could not help shrinking slightly, and the complexion of shock, fear, and incredibleness appeared in the eyes.

The killing of each other's spiritual will in the breath was so crisis and horrible. With Xiao Chenzhi's intensive repairs, he was defeated and the entire spiritual will was instantly swallowed up.

The physical body is still there, the Yuanshen is still there, but the whole person's mark is directly erased. This may be called undead, but it may also be called complete death.

Inside and outside the pilgrimage palace, all monks remained silent.

And at this moment, there are countless powerful monks among thistle!

The imposing confrontation here can't conceal their reaction, betting on the gods' thoughts early, and paying close attention to the dangerous murder between Xiao Chen and Agudam. Now the result came to an end, but the looks on their faces were different.

Great Yan Emperor Palace.

Yan Huang looked at the pilgrimage palace, was slightly silent, and turned away without expression.

Xiao Chen is a worthy talent, he is naturally willing to solicit. However, the ambassador of the Huns was able to obliterate him, which shows that his luck is not like this. Even if he cultivates the origin of chaos, he cannot achieve the chaos world.

That being the case, it is not worth regretting that you die.

Dongsheng Road Palace.

Le Yi frowned slightly, her face showing the groaning color, and when she looked closely, there was a little puzzled between her brows and eyes. From what he knows about Xiao Chen, although the Huns Agudam is strong, he still has no power to defeat him.

Now how did he fail?

But the fact was right before him and he couldn't believe it.

It's just a pity that such a potential monk is so ridiculous.

Dongcheng family.

In the space that overlaps with the family house courtyard, an old man in black sits cross-legged. At this moment, the end of the battle is sensed, his eyes are closed slowly, and some breath fluctuations in the body quickly converge and dissipate.

Xun Long, Xing Xing, and Xun looked at each other suddenly, their hearts suddenly relieved. Xiao Chen's strength was beyond their expectation. Even his uncle was unwilling to embarrass a great creator, and it was natural to be less troublesome.

In the courtyard, the stern face was expressionless, and the eyes flashed coldly.

Xiao Chen, even if you do n’t die today, I wo n’t let you leave thistle alive!


Throughout thistle, countless strong men in the bright and dark places have withdrawn their thoughts at this moment. Since the battle results have already appeared, naturally they will not continue to delay here.

Agudamu's face was slightly white, and his own spiritual will was not badly injured under the back of the demon wolf, but at the moment his mouth was slightly raised and his face was sneer.

Dare to enemies with the Hun State Mission, it is doomed today!

Xiao Chen, you can go with peace of mind!

In the Rongguo mission, all monks turned pale and pale, with no trace of blood.

The Grand Duke of the People was defeated!

In the car, Chengcheng had her head covered by her head, her face was slightly white, her lips were tightly pressed together, but she was still trying to keep calm!

Brother Xiao Chen promised to send her scenery into the Yan Palace. He never talked and counted, and this time it did not!

He must be fine!

As time passed, the girl's atrium slowly contracted into a ball, making her face paler and heavier.

But at this moment, the disappearing breath suddenly appeared!

Chengcheng's tight body suddenly loosened, leaning against the inner wall of the driver's car, gasping gently in her mouth.

On the thick whirlwind, the squatting devil wolf suddenly trembled at this moment, revealing a pain and fear.

Agudamu's complexion changed suddenly and suddenly, his pupils contracted violently, revealing a sense of terror.

The breath of Xiao Chen was suddenly exploded from the devil wolf at this moment. At first, he was weak, and then went crazy with a horrible degree. The mighty mass can destroy the powerful warfare that covers everything, and it seems to be tearing out of this world Everything hinders!


The demon wolf suddenly collapsed, and the devouring spirit will come again in this world, although it is slightly weaker, but more firm and powerful! The tumultuous atmosphere did not decrease compared to before, but an extremely horrible skyrocket appeared!

The whole thistle, all the distracted attention, came together again at this moment.

They remained silent, but in the fluctuation of consciousness, there was a shock that could not be concealed!

At the pilgrimage palace, all the monks bowed down at the same time under this sudden pressure, with pale faces and awe in their hearts.

This spiritual will, even if they did not actively exert pressure on them, but the natural overflowing breath made them nervous and trembling. If they want to be detrimental to them, fear of a turning of thought, they can easily Erasure!


[Today ’s update is complete. Goodbye everyone, tomorrow. 】

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