Dao: Journey to the Top of the Universe

Vol 7 Chapter 700: Thistle is shaking

Such a strong spiritual will has exceeded their limit!

If Agudamu was severely hit, he took a few steps back and forth, and blood spewed out from his nose and nose. His outside breath dropped like a balloon that was punctured.

The tearing of the demon wolf's shadow is equivalent to his entire spiritual will being smashed!

This kind of damage to the mind is more terrible than the consequences of the more common supernatural killing! At this moment in Agudamu's heart, he was already filled with deep fear of Xiao Chen. Unless one day he could kill Xiao Chen himself, this fear would become his demon and prevent him from being promoted again! The defeat of this battle not only lost all face, but also nearly ruined his future path!

As Baichuan returned to the sea, the majestic warfare brought Xiao Chen's own spiritual will into his physical body, and the closed eyes opened instantly, although slightly dim, but still calm. ? Bayi [(中? <文 〔

But in this calm, there is a strong and unshakable confidence!

This is a strong will that has gone through toughness, with a firm mind and self-confidence, that can break all obstacles and tear all suffering!

This time of fighting with Agudamu's spiritual will, again fighting the power of the word formula, made Xiao Chen's own will undergo a new tempering promotion. The firmer the mind, the more immovable and rock-like it is!

He slowly lifted his eyes, looking at the Huns' ambassador, looking at him, but when he met the monks, he felt a slight sudden rush, and hurriedly lowered his feet to take a step back. In their eyes, those calm and calm eyes had endless coercion.

"This time, my wife Rongguo goes first." Xiao Chen said lightly, her voice calm, and clearly passed into the ears of no monk, "Go."

As the words came to an end, he marched forward, and the stalled chaser followed him, bypassing the curve and moving forward.

The Xiongnu state was in a dead silence, and looking at the upright back, everyone looked pale and dared not move.

Many onlookers at the same time bowed their hands, saluting respectfully.

After walking outside the pilgrimage palace, Xiao Chen slumped to the side, saluted her hand, and said in a deep voice, "Mrs. Chen can only take you here!"

Chengcheng strives to calm down the sourness in his heart, squeezes his lips tightly, and does not let himself make a sound. Raise slowly, place the big red hijab on your head, eyes closed slightly, "Brother Xiao Chen, goodbye."

Nianjia and his party did not pause. They rose into the sky in the aura of Emperor Guangguang, and as the petals scattered, they whistled and went straight to the Great Emperor Palace.

What Xiao Chen can do, that's all.

Looking at the distant driver, he said quietly in his heart, and no longer attached, turned and left.


The battle between the two ambassadors of the pilgrimage palace divided the victory and defeat, but this incident caused a mild shock among the Jidu monks.

The Agudam of the Huns showed enough power, and Xiao Chen's power was even more amazing. Although they have never witnessed the miraculous slaughter between the two, this battle is enough to prove their strength.

Yan Huang's eyes flashed with satisfaction. Although he learned about the extraordinaryness of Xiao Chen from Le Yi, he heard nothing but seeing is believing. The emperor had extremely careful and cautious judgment and did not want to be influenced too much weight.

Even if Xiao Chen really has great draw value, he still needs to see the confirmation himself before he can start to prepare.

And Xiao Chen's performance at this moment undoubtedly made him very satisfied.

"The Huns, I do n’t know for what reasons you sent Xiao Chen to Jidu, but since he is here, I wo n’t let him leave easily. Your courtier will stay in my big swallow, Let's do it for you. "Yan Huang whispered, and her heart was determined to attract Xiao Chen. As for whether he can succeed, he has no doubt at all. As the master of Yan Tianzi, one of the largest powerful nations in the entire world, there must be no monk to refuse his solicitation. Moreover, this solicitation is not only a respect for Xiao Chen's courtesy, but also contains his powerful and irresistible will. If Xiao Chen is smart enough, he should not refuse.

But if he could, Yan Huang would not want to force Xiao Chen, so as not to leave him a gap. After all, such a monk who is worthy of training and has the potential to grow into the Xeon of Creation is enough to get the emperor's attention and respect.


"Xiao Chen, the old man has never misunderstood you." Le Yi smiled lightly on his face. "My big Yan can get this person, and he will definitely be able to add another strong man who will increase the national transport. In the future world competition, also It's a light weight. "

Having said that, he turned to look at the Imperial Palace, and whispered, "Presumably His Majesty has seen it personally at this moment. He should have no doubt in his heart, and when he can make up his mind to start to recruit Xiao Chen."

As an emperor, when talking about the emperor's mind, Le Yi has few people in Yan country. Sensitive and cautious about this emperor student, he knew well, so he kept careful enough to never make him dissatisfied.

"Mrs. Rongguo has entered the palace, and I should prepare for it." Yu Yi turned and stepped forward, her figure disappeared.


The eyes of the ancestors of the family ’s ancestors opened again, and their eyes seemed to penetrate the space. They looked towards the pilgrimage palace, silent for a while, and still sighed softly in their mouths. Powerful. Now is the best time to wipe him out. In that case, it is better to provoke him less, so as not to give birth to right and wrong for his family. Although the old man is not afraid, he does not want to interrupt the cultivation because of him. "Yu Luo, He took back a jade bamboo slip, backed up by the consciousness, and thrown up his hands. This jade bamboo slipped into this layer of water directly and emerged from this overlapping space.

Home study.

Xun Long, Xing Xing, and Xun gathered together, and their faces were full of worry.

"His Majesty ordered that the Virgin Hun and Madam Rongguo be admitted to the palace. On the surface, it seems that the Virgin Hun is better than the Virgin, but the Rongguo is reused. Madam, you only need to mention a sentence in the will to enter the palace at the same time, so that the two are equal in status, and you can avoid today's battle. This negligence, even if your subordinate commits a crime, is there no one to remind? "Wu whispered. With a puzzled look on his face.

Xing's brows frowned, and her stiff face was more dignified. "When the Huns and their relatives are about to win, and the importance they attach to Mrs. Rong Guo, this should not be missed unless it is intended by Her Majesty. Of it. "

The faces of Xun and Xing both changed slightly at the same time. I wondered what I thought of in my heart, and looked at the elder brother.

Xun Long slowly nodded and sighed, saying: "Our Majesty, really wanting hunger and thirst. Today, a test by the Huns Agudam has proved that Xiao Chen has the qualification to let His Majesty take his own income. His Majesty The successful recapture of Xiao Chen can once again lower the momentum of the Hunnic ambassador. Negotiations on future cooperation will inevitably occupy more initiative. The masters of the Great Yan State are not ordinary shrewd. "

Alas, the more ugly Xing looks.

The Xi family and Xiao Chen are enemies. After entering Jidu City, they even made secret calculations, and combined with the death of Qi Lin, I am afraid it is difficult to die. If he receives the appreciation of His Majesty, it will be difficult for him to try to get rid of him in the future.

And at this moment, the space in front of Pu Long suddenly collapsed inward, and a jade bamboo sprung out from the black and faint hole. The faint breath on it suddenly made the three house owners stand up at the same time, slightly lowered in awe.

Yonglong put Yujian into his hands and quickly recovered in space.

A little consciousness was found and entered into the jade bamboo slips, and his eyes widened, and he said lightly, "The ancestor ordered to temporarily reduce the resentment between Xiao Chen and Xiao Chen, and watch for changes, and then respond." Handing Yujian into the hands of Xing Xing and Xun Xing, they both looked at each other and nodded.

In his family, three things are common, but those who truly control everything are ancestors.

Since the ancestor ordered his will not change, things are doomed.


He was slightly low, unable to let people see the look in his eyes, and said softly, "Yu Lin, no wonder you will be killed. The original shot was such a tricky guy. But you can rest assured, as a big brother, All I can do for you is to kill the person who killed you. I will do my best to do this, even if the family will not allow it ... maybe it won't be long before he will accompany you underground. "

A faint voice spreads out, calm and secure, but the cold slaughter contained in it is so pure and fierce!


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