Dao: Journey to the Top of the Universe

Vol 7 Chapter 704: Cherish the present

Since Xiao Chen had already spoken, he would not continue to hide it, and slightly nodded his head to admit it. Bayi Chinese Net W>W>W>. >81ZW. COM

Yan Mingyue drank a cup. He had already guessed that Xiao Chen was not in the pool, but he had never thought about it. In a short time, he had already reached the point where he was ready to create the kingdom of God. He entered the Imperial Forest Army and was given the command of command. It seemed extraordinary, but compared with him, the gap was huge. Fortunately, he had experienced this many times, and soon recovered, frowned for a moment, and slowly said, "Brother Xiao's current cultivation base must have caused the Lord Rong's jealousy. Choosing to stay in Dayan for the time being and not return to the Rong country is not a shame. A wonderful move. But staying now, I'm afraid that you will want to get away in the future, it will not be an easy task."

Xiao Chen's hand holding the wine glass stiffened slightly. Yan Mingyue had revealed a lot of information in this statement. He obviously knew something he hadn't noticed, so he took this opportunity to mention him.

Staying in Dayan is not easy to leave...Who made it impossible for him to leave easily?

He frowned, and soon had the answer in his heart.

Emperor Yan!

Yan Mingyue knows his power. Once he is promoted to the creation realm, his strength will increase dramatically. At that time, the only one who can stop him is the master of the Great Yan Empire, the supreme Emperor Yan. !

At this point, it was clear that Emperor Yan wanted to recruit him, or that he wanted to keep him in the country of Yan and become a minister of the great Yan and serve him.

But this is something Xiao Chen cannot accept.

He needs to create his own kingdom of God to rise step by step. If he is stuck in Dayan, his ideal blueprint has not yet been developed, and it will be destroyed. Dayan's national strength is unfathomable. Once he enters it, when can he regain his freedom!

Seeing that he had noticed, Yan Mingyue did not continue to say more, nor did he make any suggestions to him. This kind of thing still needs Xiao Chen to judge for himself and then make a choice.

After a while, Xiao Chen sighed slightly. Since Dayan could not stay, it seemed that he had to find an opportunity to escape temporarily, so as not to trouble his upper body. After all, the matter is not right now, nor can a solution be thought of within a short period of time. He thought about one or two, so he suppressed the matter for the time being.

Toasted to Yan Mingyue, "Thank you very much."

"You and I are friends, right?" Yan Mingyue smiled and toasted.

The two nodded at each other and drank at the same time.

But at this moment, there was a knock on the door outside the room. Yan Mingyue flicked her sleeves and opened the restraint. She saw a woman in a light blue dress standing quietly outside the door with a smile on her face, although her expression was still calm. But his eyes fell on Yan Mingyue, but he couldn't hide his excitement.

"When Brother Yan went back, he hadn't entered my restaurant for half a step in these years. I only thought you had forgotten that there was an old person here." Although the woman's voice was calm, there was a sense of resentment.

Yan Mingyue faced Xiao Chen with a slight embarrassment, and stretched out her hand to introduce: "This Miss Yunlian is the owner of the restaurant here, and I have known each other for many years, but I haven't seen each other for many years now."

"Yun Lian, this is Brother Xiao, a friend I have met recently. Today, I specially brought him to taste your wine, and by the way, we will finish the celebration banquet that I had promised that year."

Yun Lian bowed to Xiao Chen, with a blush on his face, only to remember that Yan Mingyue was not the only one here. Fearing to leave a bad impression on his friend, she glanced at Yan Mingyue and decided to let him go for the time being, but there was a slight joy in her heart. She waved her hand and said, "Put the wine and vegetables down, go down."

Several small servants behind him stepped forward one by one, put down the dishes, and a table full of them, before they bowed out and carefully closed the door.

The curtain of cloud fell next to Yan Mingyue, and backhand took out a wine jar carved with sapphire. It was translucent, and you could see the slightly viscous wine. "Brother Yan can only get Binghan wine. Piansheng hides like a baby and doesn't want to exchange it with others. Today, I also asked Brother Xiao to taste the wine made in the little girl's home. The taste may be comparable to his cold ice wine."

Xiao Chen glanced over the rather bold Yun Lian, smiled slightly, and said, "Since it is Miss Yun Lian's wine, you can taste it yourself."

In order to break the embarrassment at the moment, Yan Mingyue swept her eyes on the table, her eyes were a little surprised, "These dishes seem to be some of my favorites, Yun Lian, you remember?"

Yun Lian stretched out his hand to pour the drink for Xiao Chen, paused after hearing the words, and spoke softly, "When you came here for the last time, you told me that if you win a battle, let me make a celebration dinner for you and choose you all. Favorite dishes."

In this softly whisper, there was a hint of affection that was difficult to hide.

The embarrassment on Yan Mingyue's face was even worse, she hurriedly stretched out her hand and took a bite.

Yun Lian's eyes swept across him with a slight resentment, but after all he couldn't bear to make him embarrassed, he sighed in his heart and never continued to speak.

Sitting on one side, Xiao Chen shook his head and chuckled. He probably knew a little bit about the situation between the two of them. It seemed that he was afraid that the banquet today would not last long.

But if this matter can be resolved, Yan Mingyue must also be able to get out of the shadow of previous events.

The three of them changed the subject, mostly Yan Mingyue and Yun Lian were talking, Xiao Chen listened quietly, and occasionally said something when the topic came to him.

Mentioning that Yan Mingyue has been named the leader of the Imperial Forest Army, Yun Lian was surprised and raised his glass to congratulate him. The beauty is drinking, her pretty face is red, and she looks a bit more charming at the moment.

Yan Mingyue smiled and drank the wine in the glass. Seeing Yunlian's more beautiful face, her brows suddenly wrinkled slightly.

She had a light makeup, and the long dress on her body was ironed decently and exquisitely, which was completely different from the cloud curtain in his impression. Would a persistent woman like her change her persistence one day?

"Being meticulously dressed like an ordinary woman is always the thing you don't want, let alone applying rouge and gouache on your face. Yunlian, when did you have these changes?"

The curtain of clouds was low, and after a long time, he suddenly smiled, saying: "My father had moved out of Jidu Xiuzhen star a long time ago, and returned to Simon to concentrate on developing various fine wines. Most of the family's power was also transferred back. But I was a little reluctant. This restaurant in Jidu has been staying. A lonely woman, she will naturally be harassed in Jidu. Today, a guest named me to accompany the wine. If I refuse, I am afraid this restaurant will not be able to open. I am a weak woman. How can I withstand their oppression. I have no choice but to dress up, hoping that I can move these distinguished guests and raise my hands high."

Although she said lightly in her mouth, the bitterness and sorrow in the front of her speech could be clearly sensed.

Yan Mingyue frowned and tightened her eyes a little more dignifiedly, and slowly said, "Yun Lian, it's just a restaurant. Could it be that you can please people by yourself for this?"

The smile on Yun Lian’s face receded bit by bit, and he sighed slightly, and said, “Brother Yan, do you think my move is too worthwhile? If it wasn’t for someone to wait here, I would have returned to Simon with my father. , Why stay in Jidu and be humiliated. Since Brother Yan also speaks like this, today is the last time you and I meet. Tomorrow Yunlian will close this restaurant and take his subordinates to leave Jidu and return to Simon, this life No longer enter Dayan for a half-step."

Yan Mingyue's heart was shocked, her face stiff, she looked at the woman in front of her, she didn't know how to speak for a while.

Was it to wait for him?

Xiao Chen glanced over the two of them, and slowly said, "Brother Yan, what you said before is a bit heavy. Judging from Miss Yunlian's performance, she is definitely not a woman who easily compromises and is threatened. You know her, can you not think of this in your heart. Miss Yunlian stayed in Jidu, waiting for you to have suffered, and now listening to you like this, did Brother Yan know the misery in your heart?"

The bodies of Yan Mingyue and Yun Lian were slightly stiff at the same time. Their relationship after reuniting was quite delicate. Now they were directly provoked by Xiao Chen, and each felt a little at a loss.

Seeing the performance of the two, Xiao Chen stood up and said: "Brother Yan, born in the world, should be a pity to take the person in front of you, don't go far away in the future, and taste the regret in your heart alone. Xiao Mou first go outside the box to wait for you, Today, you should also give Miss Yunlian an explanation."

After speaking, he pushed the door and left without giving them a chance to speak.

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