Closing the box door, Xiao Chen stood under the porch and watched the monks coming and going by the window. There was an extra wine jar in his hand, and he took a sip of his hand and shook his head slightly. ? Bayi Chinese? W) W> W). ] 8] 1] Z] W>. ) C> ​​O> M] At this time, he has broken through a layer of window paper between Yan Mingyue and Yun curtain. It is best if the two can get together smoothly, otherwise they can cut off the relationship with each other very early and delay The longer they hurt each other.

Don't want to one day, he sometimes has a red line for others.

Yang took another sip, and his face gradually calmed down, but a little thought came to his heart.

When you can grasp it, when you cherish it carefully and wait until you lose it, you will understand how precious it is.

Ziyan, are you all right?

As soon as I thought about it, the wine became sour, and it filled the chest.

But at this moment, Xiao Chen frowned slightly and turned to look at the end of the corridor. Several monks came with a robe of monks who looked like monks came. The monk of Jinpao patted his hand, and the sound of a slap hit the ground far away, his face turned pale.

"It's in this box, and I'm going to invite someone out. I want to see it. This lady Yunlian brushed the face of the boy, who is the VIP who is with him?" Jinpao said with a sneer. A monk strode out behind him and went straight to the box.

Xiao Chen shook his head in his heart. The boy in Jinpao must have been the so-called distinguished guest in Yunli ’s mouth. He bullied the lonely woman. And at this moment, when Yan Mingyue and Yunlian broke through their relationship, how could they be disturbed.

He stepped forward, changed from a neglected passerby to a blocker, and said lightly, "The guests in the box do not want to be disturbed, you go." Today, he will be a guard, if he can complete the two, No matter what.

"The monk said where the monk came from, it turned out to be a group of monks in the box, I'm afraid it was the backer that Miss Yunlian invited. I'd like to see, you have a few pounds or two. Dare to intervene in our affairs and win me! "

"Yes, son!"

A few monks stepped forward with a smile, surrounded Xiao Chen, their eyes flashed with ruthlessness. They usually follow the young master's side, and it's not unusual to take a shot to hurt people. There is a backing behind them, and no one dares to retaliate, and his hands have always been very heavy.

Without warning, several people shot at the same time, seeing that the breath was actually a monk who was above the ruins.

Xiao Chen's face was slightly heavier, Dayan was prosperous and prosperous. Naturally, many maggots spawned in the bustling. Depending on his identity background, he was lawless. He did not want to meet him today.

In the cold hum, he waved a layer of restraint and isolation on the outside of the box. He watched several monks rush to him, waved his sleeves without expression, and the void suddenly produced a powerful force. If several monks were severely hit, they were as if The sprinting bull slammed directly into his chest, and a terrible figure flew out, smashing several windows directly, and landed on the long street. Although the restaurant entrance is deep in the alley, it occupies a large area. These boxes have been laid out, but they have reached the street.

The monks from the long streets have noticed the upstairs fighting, and a "wow" spread out, leaving enough open space and looking upstairs with excitement. For monk Jidu, watching the excitement is always a joyous thing. However, they dare to fight in Jidu City, thinking that the Royal Forest Army is vegetarian, and these people are afraid of being unlucky.

The face of the Jinpao boy changed instantly. Although the guards around him were not terrific, but they were not weak, but they did not expect that now they have suffered a big loss in the hands of this unremarkable green robe monk and were directly overturned Throw it out.


He drank in his mouth, but stepped back a few steps under his feet. He had a distinguished identity and naturally didn't want to take any risks.

Cheng Jiang is his Majesty's guard leader, but his mother can easily ask his father to protect him. The creation of the Great Realm of Creation is enough to help him smooth out all the troubles. As for bigger troubles, he would never go wrong. Because of this, even though his father knew his mischief, he opened his eyes and closed his eyes and ignored him.

The whispered monk in black at the rear had lifted his eyes and fell on Xiao Chen, his eyes shining brightly. But at this moment he did not act lightly, because now he could not see the depth of the monk in front of him. He stood here just like this, the outside breath was not obvious, but it could give Chengjiang an extremely dangerous feeling, like being locked in the jungle by a beastly viper.

This is a master.

"What are you still hesitant to do? Hurry up and get me down! I dare to shoot this son of the son, today I will let this unknown thing know what is regret!" The son of Jinpao said angrily, his face cold.

Chengjiang smiled bitterly, but now he can't help himself, although he is not sure of winning, but by his own means, it must be enough to protect himself.

The thoughts turned, but there was no change in the look on his face, and a punch blasted forward. Because he didn't know the depth of the opponent, he took a punch, naturally he didn't dare to have any reservations.

This fist seems to be ordinary, but it has a supernatural power like a surging wave stacking, which is actually a special means of borrowing power to superimpose. It can make his burst of power increase to a certain extent, which is extremely amazing.

But Chengjiang's face was not light at all, because the opponent was too calm. From the moment he shot, he stood so quietly in the distance, and his eyes never flickered as his breath rose.

Did you look down on his strength?

Chengjiang didn't sneer, his face was more dignified, and his heart was filled with anger.

But soon, his anger was poured out by a basin of cold water.

Xiao Chen looked at the monk in front of him, a bit surprised in his eyes. This man's method was similar to the strength when the endless black sea waves came and went when he performed the rising of the Black Sea to the sun, but the superposition of power was discussed. To a lesser degree.

Based on his current practice, there is not much interest in monks below the world of creation, and there is no intention to continue with them. With a wave of robes and sleeves, there is no other action. The power emerging from the void has already punched Chengjiang. Zhiwei resisted and disappeared without any trace. The figure was directly suppressed and could not move at all. He threw it out of the window and hit the ground with several previous monks.

Chengjiang's head buzzed and his face turned pale.

Creation world strong!

Unless it is an adult in this realm, how can he be so easily defeated. So he simply did not continue to struggle, this adult obviously has left his hand, if he continues to do not know life and death, it may not be just a light lesson.

The son of Jinpao trembled, and there was no trace of blood on his face. Although there were many guards around him, he did not have any sense of security and screamed. Thistle! "

Xiao Chen's face was calm, and when he heard the words, he slowly shook his head, and said, "I never thought of hurting you, and the person who took you will leave here immediately, and I will not continue to embarrass you." He naturally was too lazy to manage it and just kicked it away.

"The young master Jiao, this adult didn't pay attention to you at all, but he can disappear as soon as he can go." Someone in the crowd shouted, his voice was so loud that it passed into everyone's ears, causing a while. Laugh.

Jiao Yunyin's face turned red instantly, and he gritted his teeth secretly, but did not dare to reveal the slightest.

It is not too late for a gentleman to take revenge for ten years, and it is really unwise to offend the person in front of him.

The ban on the footsteps of the family members was lifted. Although the rank of Supervisor of the Royal Forest Army was removed, they may not have a chance to rise again in the future. Moreover, the family is strong, and as a family member, it is still the first class in Jidu. This time I sent someone an invitation for the table etiquette. Jiao Yunyin was so excited that he set the best box for the restaurant, and invited a well-known restaurant lady to accompany him to please him.

But at the moment it seemed that the banquet was about to be yellowed, and thinking of it made him hate.

Just when he was going to take people first, and then came to find a place, a faint voice suddenly came from behind him, saying: "When will the ambassador to the kingdom be guarded by others, regardless of my Big Yan's requirement to shoot in Jidu, Isn't he afraid that I am punished by the law of law? "The voice didn't fall, and a young monk stepped on his own. He looked indifferent, looking at the coldness of Xiao Chen's eyes without any mood swings.

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