Xiao Chen nodded slightly. The Tu Kui was upright, without much heart and calculations. In this way, he was a simple and honest man, pulling his sleeves up, his eyes fell on the still troubled butcher monk, gentle. He said, "You shouldn't be alarmed. Both of us are friends of the butcher. I have received his generosity before, but now I have found the butcher in return. (81. Chinese website W} W) W} .81ZW.COM "

"Yes, the death of Brother Tu is in the final analysis related to both of me. Although I cannot tell you in detail, but as long as the two of me are in the future, I will protect your butcher's life." Yan Mingyue voice Calm, but loud, there is a little more will for the strong to contend. With the breakthrough of the origin, Xiu Wei touched the door of creation, and his whole spirit had a breakthrough improvement. It seemed inconspicuous, but it was different from the previous one.

The Tujia woman waited a little in her heart. She never thought that the two adults were Tu Gang's late acquaintances, which solved the danger of their butchers today. They remembered the grief in the dead for a while, but they were a bit proud and happy.

The dead husband (dead father) can make these friends before his death, and he can protect them from death after death!

"Mother please invite the two adults to sit down in the lobby, and it is not too late to bring refreshments." Tu Kui was lifted by Xiao Chen's sleeves, his gentle strength, but he had strong resistance. If the calm water surface looks ordinary, but it doesn't reach the bottom, the waves can turn into a horrible wave!

For a time, Tu Kui was even more awed.

"Yes, it's negligent to be embarrassed, the two adults please, please."

Xiao Chen looked at Lingtang and said, "No hurry. I and the two arrived here today. I should pay tribute to the butchers first, so I can express my gratitude." In the golden flame, Tu Gang's flesh and blood god, as many as possible Ashes, he has disappeared from this world. Worship is a comfort to the living, and a choice that can reassure yourself.

Yan Mingyue nodded, and the two stepped forward, each lighting a scent of fragrance, bowing slightly, silently slaughtering the friends, and they went well.

His own butcher, respectfully, took it and inserted it into the incense burner before the spirit.

The two immediately entered the hall surrounded by the butchers.

Xiao Chen and Yan Mingyue took their seats, as they should have been, and there was not much useless concession.

"That day, Brother Tu died with his own life, in exchange for the opportunity to get away. This kind of gratitude is very important. Today I came with my father-in-law. If you have any needs, you can do it yourself. If you can meet them, I will be sure Answered. "

Yan Mingyue slowly spoke.

Although Xiao Chen didn't say much, he nodded slightly.

The most precious thing in this world is human life. After the loss, even after reincarnation, it is already another complete life. The deceased is dead and no longer available. Therefore, it is the hardest thing to return with the kindness of life.

The woman in the butcher's face showed hesitation, half a moment's snoring, still respectfully saluting, and said, "Today, if the two grown-ups had not taken the shot, my butcher might have been forced into desperation and could only leave thistle and find another way. In addition, there is Weng The compensation given by the family is enough, and I really dare not ask for more. If there is any concern, it is my third son of the butcher. If their father can still find a way out for them, if it is possible now, Please ask the two adults to take them and carry them for a while. My butchers must remember the kindness of the two adults, and I dare not forget the slightest. "

Yan Mingyue waved his hand and said, "The Tujia sister-in-law must not speak like this, but I should have made a return after being tortured by the elder brother." Speaking of this, he frowned slightly, before he spoke with a little thought, "Yan worshiped Under Emperor Dayi ’s teacher Le Yi, if the Tujia sister-in-law is willing, I can ask the teacher to accept three people to enter my Dongshengdao palace. But whether they can enter the inner palace depends on his future performance. "

Emperor Dayan, Dongsheng Road Palace!

Among the Dayan, hundreds of millions of monks don't know!

The butcher's woman was excited and turned to drink. "Three of you are not on your knees yet, thank you Uncle Yan!"

The three brothers Tu Kui immediately fell to the ground and said to Yan Mingyue, "Thank you Uncle for your success, and I will work hard in the future so I won't lose face for my uncle." During the conversation, his face was full of excitement.

It is extremely difficult to worship Dongsheng Dao Palace even if it is only a disciple of the outer palace. However, if the entrants are not strong in background, they have extremely powerful cultivation talents, and being able to enter them to practice is something the three brothers have never expected.

Yan Mingyue received a gift from the three brothers. With this nominal relationship between uncle and nephew, he would like to take care of the butchers, and he would be justified. If he had not owed Tu Gang too much, he would be easily contaminated by such a burden of cause and effect.

Xiao Chen frowned, and slowly spoke after half a ring, saying, "I will not stay in thistle for a long time after all, and I do n’t have much background to arrange for you. All I can do is give you something, I hope I can Let you go slowly and safely on the road. "

With a wave of sleeves, dozens of treasures suddenly appeared on the ground floor of the hall, all of them shining brightly, and a strong wave of waves scattered freely, making the entire hall suddenly turned into a rough sea.

The three brothers Tu Kui had a short breath, and their eyes fell on these treasures at the same time, and they could no longer look away. Although I don't know their true quality, just from these breath fluctuations, we can know their power!

Dozens of treasures, each containing the power, is enough to easily wipe them out.

Yan Mingyue was also a little shocked in her heart. Yu Guang landed on Xiao Chen's calm face. I don't know how many powerful people he killed to collect these powerful treasures. Each one has the power to create the realm, and all are fine!

"Three of these treasures, you three can choose one according to your needs."

The three brothers Tu Kui were ecstatic immediately. With such treasures in hand, they were slightly weaker, but even after facing ordinary creation monks, they could have some self-protection power. When they were present, they were careful. Pick it up. Such a rare opportunity, they naturally have to be careful.

After a moment, the three hesitated, and finally selected their respective treasures. Only treasures have spirits, but they are not allowed to control.

Xiao Chen reached out, and Pei Ran's power instantly suppressed the three treasures. Between being wiped out of wisdom and submission, the three treasures quickly made a choice.

Without the resistance, the recognition of the Lord was successfully completed, and the three brothers Tu Kui saluted to Xiao Chen again.

But at this moment, Xiao Chen groaned a little, flicking his sleeves to take away the treasures on the ground, and took out three jade bamboo slips backhand, with a faint aura of light, and he could hang without holding hands.

"These three jade abbreviations are" Great Ape Boxing "," Spirit Rhinoceros Fingers ", and" Changchun Gong ". They are in line with the breath of your three bodies, and you can take them as your heart's practice. There are supernatural powers, which should be It ’s enough for you three to cultivate to the perfection of the creation. As for whether you can be promoted to the creation of the world, it depends on each person ’s fate, and I ca n’t help you. "

Yan Mingyue sighed slightly, Xiao Chen presented the treasure first, and later gave the merit method. Obviously, he also wanted to pay back Tu Gang's human feelings. Compared with him, he would put Tu Gang three into Dongsheng Dao Palace, but it was much lighter. .

Tu Kui and the three of them had to kneel down again, but were stopped by Xiao Chen. The treasures and methods he gave are already the best choice among his loot, and he is also regarded as Tu Gang's favor.

As for how the butchers will be in the future, it depends on their fortunes.

Xiao Chen can protect them for a while, but he cannot protect them for the rest of his life. After all, people still have to rely on themselves. However, there are Yan Mingyue staying in Jidu, they must be much better in the future.

After finishing the butcher's affairs, Xiao Chen and Yan Mingyue both got up and left. The butcher's woman kept two times. Seeing the two were unwilling to delay, they did not continue to talk. They were sent to the door and watched them go away. Before returning. The family fell to their knees in the Tu Gang Ling Tang and prayed to him about today's grief. The grief and menstruation have been diluted a lot, but they have a little more respect and gratitude for the dead husband (dead father).

Xiao Chen and Yan Mingyue left the butcher's house not far, and each stopped.

"Brother Yan, now that everything has been settled, I will return to the pilgrimage palace and wait for the tributary ceremony for the nations to open."

Yan Mingyue nodded with a smile. "I'm going to the Yulin Army to take office in the next few days, so that I can become more familiar with military affairs before I can really control the military power. In this way, you and I will see you again after the tributary ceremony.

"it is good!"

Xiao Chen arched his hands and turned without a pause. His steps seemed unusual, but his speed was extremely fast. Between flashes, the figure had disappeared.

Free and easy, when it is so.

Yan Mingyue smiled slightly and left alone.


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