Dao: Journey to the Top of the Universe

Vol 7 Chapter 711: Tributary

In half a month, it's over. Bayi (Chinese 1? Z} W]. > C> OM

When the largest of the three solar stars rises from the horizon, it represents a new day.

The main entrance of Dayan Emperor Palace opened, and the elite Yulin Army was like a javelin post, but it could not be seen at a glance. The dragon flag rose, hunting and screaming in the wind, the dragon on the flag seemed to be soaring and roaring upward!

The Tribute Ceremony of Hundred Nations Begins.

Envoys from all pilgrims came out of the pilgrimage palace, each wearing their own costumes and solemn faces, lined up with long but neat lines, gathered outside the imperial palace, stepped into it, and entered the core of Dayan's power!

An invisible pillar of light rises into the sky and is invisible to the naked eye, but in the sense of Yuanshen, it looks like a brilliant pillar of heaven, penetrating the endless space, connecting the earth and the sky.

Its color is golden, its potential is huge, and its spirit is full of energy!

This is the result of the conviction of Dayan's billions of subjects and congregation and blessing. The entire Dayan Emperor Palace is enveloped, representing Dayan's supreme power and national prosperity! Under the envelope of this beam of light, any monk should be in awe and tremble.

Dayyan never died, this beam of light will never dissipate, guarding the imperial palace from any threat. In this beam of light, the Emperor Yan is supreme, and when he is angry, he can adjust the National Games to suppress the killing. Below Hongmeng, there is no countervailing force!

In this way, ghosts and gods make it easy!

Eighty-one countries affiliated to Dayan, referred to as the Hundred Kingdoms, envoys paid tribute to the palace of the emperor, and the former was the Huns Agudam.

The great strength of the Xiongnu, even if the big Yan can not be underestimated, is also a strong existence among the vassal kingdoms of the world, but the Xiongnu envoys are all arranged in tributes, this is a custom.

The remaining countries are listed in order of national strength. However, at this moment among the envoys of the dependent states, it is not the Hun ambassador that is attracting the most attention, but Rongguo Qingyungong, who is among the envoys. Everyone's eyes fell on him, and most of them showed fear and awe.

Although Rongguo's national product has not been promoted, its own strength is sufficient and it ranks at the bottom of the superior country.

Xiao Chen walked in the Duke's attire, responding to the calmness of many sights around him, never showing anything strange. But at this moment, all his mind had not been put on the matter, and he felt the invisible coercion from the Great Yan Emperor's Palace.

The Great Yan Emperor Palace is just a luxurious majestic palace group, but under the blessing of Yan Guoqiyun, it has a powerful force that destroys everything and suppresses everything! This is another manifestation of the power of the kingdom of God! Although he did not know what the Emperor Yan was doing, as long as he had the blessing of Yan Yan in the territory of the Great Yan State, the Emperor Yan would be free from evil and qualified to fight against the sky. Even the powerful men of Hongmeng and Mengjing Realm still do not want to pose a threat to Yan Huang!

The kingdom of God is endlessly useful. If you want to ride in the world, you need the help of the kingdom of God!

Xiao Chen exhaled softly, slowly depressed his emotions, and made his mind calm down. Today, the Great Emperor Palace feels more and more firm in his thoughts, and he must open up his own kingdom of God. If the kingdom of God is strong enough in the future, the use of massive beliefs will not only allow him to obtain a very fast cultivation degree, but also the blessing of the National Games. Your own body, so that your own strength has been greatly improved!

"Xuan envoys, see you in the hall!"

The attendant showed a slightly sharp voice, and suddenly spread out under the blessing of mana, and it was clearly transmitted to each of the envoys.

"Xuan envoys, see you in the hall!"

The guard Yu Linjun drank in unison, his body's breath looming, just like a straight blade pointed directly at the sky, rolling sounds like the tide of the rivers and oceans, and the mighty soup soup swept out, turning the whole world into an endless ocean!

Every corner of the Great Emperor's Palace is clear and audible.

With the explosion of the sound, a dragon yin suddenly appeared in the golden pillar of light. A nine-claw golden dragon phantom suddenly appeared from the golden pillar of light. The dragon's body was wrapped around the pillar of light. Zhang, stretches out of sight!

At the moment when the dragon yin came, the envoys of all countries couldn't help but tremble a little, and the hearts of awe and worship appeared instantly in their hearts. On their heads, each had a small taurus figure, which was different in size and size. Similarly, the stronger the country, the more complete the dragon's body and the stronger its breath. For example, Xiao Chen's body turned black, with a single-headed horn, while the former Huns' ambassador, Aguda, topped the wood, but the body of the dragon was dozens of times the size of the dragon, and the whole body was pale gold. No feet under the belly. If one day Jin Jin is full, he can change the situation, and then fly into the sky! But even so, under the suppression of the big Yan Yun Yun Jinlong, the Huns Jinyu struggled, and eventually he still had to hover!

This is the most direct confrontation between nations!

Under the big swallow, every subsidiary country must be low!

In awe of the monks in various countries, they entered the Golden Yan Palace in turn. They did not dare to look a little at the weight of the majestic majesty. They paid homage to the Emperor Yan of the Nine Emperor Emperor, and said that Her Majesty the Emperor Yan will enjoy the infinite!

"Zhu Qing is flat." Yan Huang said faintly, his voice was calm, but it seemed to contain infinitely powerful power, with a strong will beyond doubt.

Words and deeds are rules!

This is the supreme power given to him by the Great Yan Empire!

"Your Majesty!"

The envoys of the nations stood up and stood respectfully.

Suppressed by Yanyan's luck, they did not dare to be arrogant in the face of the Emperor Yan.

The two sides of the main hall are only Yan Guozhong, standing facelessly, and glanced at the envoys of different countries by accident, and also had his own pride. The Dayan State is in full swing, and the affiliated countries have paid tribute, and they naturally have their proud qualifications.

"The days are rushing, hurried past, and in a short while it is time to pay tribute to the hundreds of nations. Now I see all the Qing families come here with all my heart. I hope that when you return to your country, you will tell their respective owners and let them act in the future. Be cautious and think twice about everything. If you can respectfully obey Dayan, you wo n’t be distracted, and you promise not to pay more tribute, not to benefit the sword, or to bully the small country! "

"His kindness, I will wait to convey this word to the Lord!"

The Emperor Yan nodded with satisfaction, raised her hand slightly, and the waiter stepped forward, saying, "Xuanda Yanmao ordered that the ambassadors from all countries pay tribute, and then brought back to the country to show that the emperor's grace is magnanimous and bestowed!"

"Thank you, Your Majesty!"

The envoys of the nations bowed down to salute.

"Your Majesty, although the vassals of the parties are not in my Dayan territory, but also my Dayan ministers, they should follow the will of my Dayan Tianzi. If there is any change, despise Dayan and despise my imperial will, When? ", Among the big Yan Wenchen, everyone with a white face stepped forward with resolute face, saluting salute to the Emperor Yan, and had a spirit of intimidation while speaking.

Yan Huang frowned slightly and said, "If Wen Qing said, it would be rude to me and be punished severely."

"His Majesty, Ming!" The gentleman saluted respectfully, but the front of the language changed suddenly, and he said in a deep voice. "Which is the case, please give His Majesty an order and take this tributary to me. , Show yourselves! "

The voice was decisive, and there was a ruthless killing!

The whole hall was suddenly quiet.

Dayan Yushi monitors the hundred officials and has the right to impeach and speak, and the official Yushi Wenchengyuan is also an official. Although he has no real power in his hand, he has to impeach himself and has a weight that cannot be underestimated! Especially at this moment, if all things are said, even if the Emperor Yan is unwilling to delve into it, in order to prevent the world's leisurely mouth, there must be no cover.

The nations were shocked in their hearts. When they returned to God, they turned and looked faintly.

As for the courtiers of Dayan, it was cold-hearted and gave birth to a slight mockery.

Xiao Chen's expression was calm, but his eyebrows were slightly wrinkled, looking down at the bright and clean ground of the hall, his face was calm, and there was no slight difference in color.

This calmness made many monks in the hall either awe or frown or secretly sneer!

"I don't know what Wen Qing said, who is it?" Yan Huang slowly spoke, her eyes glanced across the hall, all the princes were in shock.

Only Wen Chengyuan was not forced by the imperial power of the Emperor Yan. He is the official of the world, and he must say something disrespectful in the Dayan Dynasty. This is the identity and qualifications given to him by Dayan, saying, "Rong Minister of State, Qing Chen, Xiao Chen! "


[Today ’s update is complete. Goodbye everyone, tomorrow. 】

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