Promote your blood and increase your potential!

Improve your physique and change your life!

The effect of Shenglongchi can be summarized in these eight characters. Bayi Chinese [[ W> W ?. ) 8) 1] Z> W ?. Com

But this is amazing enough!

Xiao Chen's face was slightly stiff, and her heart was shaking!

No wonder Shenglongchi has the power to drive monks crazy because it has this qualification!

After a long period of silence, he slowly recovered his calmness, but he was confused and unable to make a clear judgment. Looking at Yan Mingyue's face, he couldn't help but speak lightly. That is to say, even if Shenglongchi belongs to the Yan family, and you have never entered it, you should not be qualified to show such a look in front of me. "

Yan Mingyue's face was stiff, and then she showed a sloppy look, and finally coughed away her pride.

The two were quiet at the same time, both of them were slightly lower, and frowning apparently the thoughts were turning.

After a while, Yan Mingyue spoke, breaking the silence between the two people, "How about, do you think about it well? In all fairness, the qualification of Shenglongchi is too precious. I hope you can fight for it. After all, with your strength, you have this qualification, and it is a pity to miss it. "

If you missed the opportunity to enter Shenglongchi, if you missed it, it would be more than a pity. It is simply a life-long hate and you ca n’t wait to reach out and throw yourself away with seventeen or eight big mouths.

Xiao Chen was silent, and slowly raised his head after a while, saying, "If I haven't been reminded by you, maybe I will really try my best to seize the opportunity in hunting the galaxy and get the opportunity to enter the dragon dragon pool. Do you think Her Majesty Yan will let me leave if I successfully enter Shenglongchi? "

Yan Mingyue silently, then shook her head and smiled bitterly.

Although he already had such speculations in his heart, he really heard the words from Xiao Chen's mouth with nostalgia, but he couldn't help shaking his heart, and then he had an admiration, just this opportunity to just watch it in his hands like this It's a pity to slip away.

"Just stop thinking about it. Maybe you won't meet this second time in your life?"

Xiao Chen shook his head. The confusion and hesitation in his heart had disappeared after he made the decision. Now that the decision has been made, don't regret it.

So he looked very calm at the moment, slowly speaking, "I admit that Shenglongchi is indeed an anti-sky opportunity not to be missed. If it can be obtained, it will be of great benefit to my future cultivation. But if I get this opportunity, The price I need to pay is that I will be stranded in Dayan from now on, and even in this life I have no chance to get rid of the shackles. In this case, this time the opportunity of Shenglongchi, don't bother. "

Speaking of this, Xiao Chen paused slightly and whispered softly: "Even if I missed the opportunity of Shenglongchi, I don't think I have lost the opportunity to climb the top of the avenue. With my own strength, I can also get Everything I want. "The voice is a little lower, but calm, but it is in this calm, but there is an unquestionably strong will.

This is an absolute self-confidence.

Yan Mingyue suddenly realized something in her mind. Perhaps Xiao Chen could achieve today's cultivation. The strong confidence hidden under his calm appearance also played a vital role.

The so-called strong heart is unswerving, not moved by foreign objects, and not hurt by setbacks. Maybe that's the case.

"It seems that you already think very clearly, then I will not persuade it. Then this hunting galaxy, are you going to leave?" With Xiao Chen's mind, since it can be decisive enough to directly give up the dragon dragon pond The temptation of nature will naturally leave without hesitation when the time to get out comes.

Xiao Chen nodded and sighed, "You can see clearly above the main hall today. Her Majesty Yan Huang has begun to do something to me. If I don't leave again, I'm afraid I won't have a chance in the future."

Yan Mingyue nodded, agreeing with his judgment, "Being in the same dynasty with me in Dayan is often a joy in life, but you have a high heart, and I can only hope that you can succeed. Since you are almost leaving I'm sure I won't be in a hurry to practice at this time, so I will accompany me to Yunlian to have a drink, and I won't have many opportunities like this in the future. "

"I haven't tasted the wine at the cloud curtain. I can't miss it this time." Xiao Chen showed a smile on her face, got up, and stepped out.

Yan Mingyue was trembling, and then she shook her head and smiled bitterly, knowing that he had such thoughts in her heart, just waiting for him to invite. But there was no pause under his feet, he got up and followed behind Xiao Chen, and the two went out.


The guard with his back straight up like a javelin, sitting on the carriage, his body was still like the pine and cypress roots penetrated into the earth, his eyes were calm, but occasionally there was a slight sharpness flashing through it. Even if it was just driving an ordinary carriage, any monk who sensed the breath on him would give birth to a solitude from the deep inside, and then became more awed by the owner of the carriage. The monk who was able to guard this level as a coachman, even if he had never appeared, was enough to prove his power.

The ordinary but unusual carriages hurried forward on the long street, and the monks from the carriages mostly avoided them, leaving the carriages unimpeded and unhindered.

Every moment, the voice of a mysterious adult came from the carriage, calm and gentle, guiding him.

At this moment, the respectful expression on the guard's collar will be more important.

Because this carriage came from the Great Emperor's Palace, even if it looks ordinary, it is not destined to be an ordinary carriage. The body looks like ordinary cyan, which is a light cyan color of the wood of the rare and rare Beihan ancient tree living in the bitter cold place, which is a tribute from Beiyuan country, and it is smeared with the flower juice of the hundred blue flowers of the tribute of Simon. This kind of blue flower grows only in the deepest steppe of the Simon Prairie. It blooms for a hundred days and will wither and wither without picking and preservation. It is extremely difficult to find. The ancient trees of Beihan are hard and hard to be destroyed by the creators. The texture is solid and dense, coupled with the flower of the blue and white flower, it can be isolated from the knowledge of the gods, even the creators of the world cannot be penetrated. . Not to mention the layer-by-layer matrix method engraved in the carriage. After many superpositions, its power to isolate consciousness is amazing!

But he has confirmed more than once that he has not taken the wrong carriage, and the prohibition in the carriage has been opened, but even so, adults can still clearly know their position and give guidance.

And from beginning to end, he did not sense any waves of consciousness slipping.

The guard was in awe of the heart. Although the matter seemed inconspicuous, it could easily prove one thing. The mysterious adult in the carriage had the power he could not imagine.

No wonder His Majesty places such an emphasis on adults.

And just as the thought turned in this person's mind, the carriage had already turned into a long alley, and for a while, the adult came in a light voice, "Here it is."

The guard collar was awakened suddenly, but his body was still motionless. He stretched his hands and pulled the reins gently. The rigged horses had undergone strict training and slowly stopped in two steps. There was no slight vibration instability in the entire carriage.

Several carriages have been parked outside the restaurant. The decoration seems to be bland but each has its own extraordinary features. Each coachman stands quietly. At this moment, he looks at the guard collar who jumped off the carriage, and can't help but jump slightly. Low to show awe.

He jumped out of the carriage and glanced cautiously around him. The awe of these drivers did not look at the slightest point in his eyes, and reached out to open the door respectfully.

The light stepped out, looking at the restaurant in front of him, with a bit of nostalgia on his face, walking towards the store door, said lightly: "You are waiting for me here."

The status of the guard leader is not trivial. He hasn't done driving and driving for a long time after he was in the palace. However, he was left under the light to take care of the carriage and did not even get the opportunity to enter the restaurant.

Because adults have such qualifications.

The light stepped in, eyes glanced across the hall, the light glimmered in the eyes, there was emotion, there was remembrance, everything was in a calm and indifferent.

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