The restaurant is not without a lobby, but most of the monks who come here to drink alcohol are not distinguished. They won't bother Yuanjing and don't want to be disturbed by others. The box upstairs is naturally their choice. Bayi Primary School?

Xiaojiu of the distillery had walked over and said, "I don't know if the customer has a reserved box?" Although he had not seen the monk in front of him, he could feel the calmness in him, knowing that he was not an ordinary person, and his expression was quite Be respectful.

"No, I'll just be in the lobby. It's just that I haven't been there for many years. I don't know if there are some original wines in the restaurant." The light entered the lobby, seated in a corner, and groaned slightly. Raw water, blue sea and blue sky, if there are any, then go for these three first. "

Xiaoyan's face was slightly stiff. He stayed in Yunjia Wine Shop for a short time, but he had never heard of these three wine names, and the people in front of him seemed extraordinary, so he did not dare to speak arrogantly. , Said: "Guests stay less, the villain will tell you the owner of my wine shop, and then reply."

The light nodded slightly, and there was a little sigh in my heart. Sure enough, it's been a long time since I went down the mountain, and even the long drink can't be found now.

Yunlian is carefully blending the ingredients of the wine cellar in the wine cellar. Their Yunjia drinks can become the old-fashioned reputation of thistle capital. The brewing methods are naturally clever. They are not passed on by non-Yunjia monks. The materials are superior and accurate. Poor pool.

Upon hearing Xiaobao's newspaper, she was also a little surprised at her face, groaned slightly, and followed the Xiaoyao towards the lobby.

Looking at the monk from afar, he is quite young in his twenties. Only the floating holes in the eyes and the calm and peaceful atmosphere in the body can make people feel the precipitation behind the world .

Yunlian's heart was faint, and she walked to the table to gather her salute, and said, "Hello this guest, I am the owner of the restaurant now. You need three kinds of drinks: the fiery knife, Shen Yuanshui, and Bihai Qingtian. Our restaurant is no longer Sold. "

The light lifted, her eyebrows frowned slightly, and her eyes fell on Yunlian, saying, "Why is this?" His voice was calm, but falling into Yunlian's ears made her unconsciously explain, "The Fiery Sword is the most intense Wine requires the collection of red fire vine branches and leaves uniquely conceived in the Dawei Red Martian domain, but 300,000 years ago, the Red Martian domain was destroyed by the massive collapse and explosion of the Sun Star, and the red fire vine disappeared. , My ancestors tried to collect other materials with strong attributes to make wine, but reached the level of incisive fire knife, so they decided not to make wine for sale. Shen Yuanshui and Bihai Qingtian also experienced inadequate or disappearing raw materials between the years. , No longer brewed. "

"Everything in the world can't resist the passage of time, except that it is too high, and the rest will eventually have a day of decay and dissipation." The light whispered, and the face flashed suddenly, then turned to a bland, gentle opening, "Since the thing of the year All have disappeared, so come and taste the new wine recently. Want to come to your Yunjia winery, the new wine will not disappoint me. "

"Guests can rest assured. I will never let you down at the Yunjia Winery. I do n’t know if you want to order a lot of new wines now." Yunlian has now determined that the people in front of him must be unknown. The monk of years may not have escaped the world, or he has not returned to Jiji for a long time, but no matter which one is enough to prove his power!

The monks in the world can be called Shouyuan Endless, but they can truly live for hundreds of thousands of years or even longer, and they are all true peaks!

"I don't know which ones to choose, so I asked the owner to choose a few excellent drinks." The light can sense the awe of Yunlian and others, but he came here just to remember, and maybe he will never set foot here again. That being the case, it doesn't hurt to be identified by them. Moreover, he did not cover his own meaning, and cultivated to the realm under his eyes, which was already casual, but with his heart, his mind reached an unrestricted realm.

After all, there are very few bondages that can cause him in this world.

Yunlian respectfully, then went to the wine cellar, took out several wines from the restaurant, and served them one by one, while she herself stood side by side.

"This is Lianxin wine. The mouth is slightly bitter, but it is refreshing and sweet. After the entrance, the wine rises."

"Night yellow beams, take the meaning of a night yellow beam dream, drink this wine if you fall asleep violently, you can motivate what you remember in memory and turn into a yellow beam dream."

"Being full of love, full of love in the heart of the field, drinking like a taste of the past years, Fanchen past the heart, joy and sadness in the meantime."


The light nodded slightly, drank the wine one by one, and gently nodded, but there was a slight regret in his heart.

Wine is good wine, but with his current cultivation as the realm, the various effects can no longer play its due role. After all, even if he is not defense, the power of this wine can not shake.

I drink a bite of Acacia, the mood is faint, then calm and no more waves.

There are gains and losses in world affairs, and in order to ascend to such a state, nowadays, it is impossible to achieve the effect of a good wine. As he sees it now, he cannot return to that year even if Xiu is a heaven.

After all, gone.

No longer available.

Slightly sighed in her mouth, lowered the glass, and stood up to leave.

But at this moment, two monks walked into the restaurant portal suddenly, and at this moment, his body suddenly stiffened.

Yunlian also saw the two step into the room in an instant, with a moment of joy in her eyes, and saluting the mysterious guest, and then turned to welcome them.

"Today's Tribute Ceremony of Hundred Nations, and your Majesty set a banquet, how did you two come together?"

Yan Mingyue shook her head slightly, and Yun curtain stayed inside the restaurant. I was afraid that she didn't know the storm at the tributary ceremony, but it was not a place to talk about it. Her eyes fell on the only guest in the lobby. dignified.

Xiao Chen frowned, before seeing the restaurant, he saw the carriage and the seemingly unusual but not simple driver next to the carriage, and he knew that there were amazing guests in the restaurant today.

But at this moment looking at the monk in the lobby, the palm of his robe sleeve was still slightly stiff.

It's not like the ocean is like a sea, it's not a solitary peak, and Yuanshen feels normal to watch with the naked eye. But it is the calmness of the mountains, the breath of the ancient wells in the deep mountains, which seems to be more amazing.

And for some reason, just looking at his background made Xiao Chen's blood flow tremble without warning, and it suddenly increased between circulations. Although he soon returned to calmness, it caused an endless shock in his heart.

But at this moment his expression was still calm, and the color of suspicion flashed away, and he was suppressed by the powerful state of mind.

Yunlian knew the meaning of the two and whispered, "This guest should be a veteran of the ancestors of my Yunjia wine shop. He may not have returned to Jidu for a long time. Today, I came to my Yunjia to find the wine of the year. Unfortunately, Several cannot be brewed due to lack of raw materials. "

Based on the repair of that guest, everything in the wine shop could not hide his feelings, and Yun Lian's opening did not have much concealment, but there was a faint hint.

Missing ingredients!

Yan Mingyue's eyes widened slightly, her face was stiff, and her eyes were shocked.

He had understood the meaning of Yunlian's words.

The Yunjia Wine Shop has been established shortly after the founding of the State of Yan. There are absolutely few types of discontinued fine wines. There are only a few kinds of fine wines that cannot be brewed due to the lack of raw materials. Things years ago.

Although the monk's cultivation is not necessarily proportional to life span, those who can live from hundreds of thousands of years ago to today are absolutely terrible!

Xiao Chen also heard Yun curtain's mention, his face was more dignified.

In the conversation between the three, the light tightened his body slowly to calm, but the shock and excitement deep in his eyes was so obvious. With his state of mind cultivation as it is, it is enough to know how terrible the psychological impact has been on him.

Taking a deep breath, he forced himself to return to peace in the shortest time, slowly turned his eyes and fell on the three, and laughed and said, "It is better to meet each other. I met two Taoist friends today, I wonder if I can have a drink with me. . "

Yan Mingyue was hesitant to make a decision, but when she saw Xiao Chen around her hand, she said, "So, then I am disturbed." Yu Luo stepped towards the table, Yan Mingyue was puzzled, but she knew that Xiao Chen would have to do this. Meaningful, not following a word.


[There is an emergency at home, and Baozi is waiting for the news whether he needs to go home. The update in the past week may only guarantee the two chapters. If it can be resolved as soon as possible, and strive to resume the update at the beginning of next month, I hope everyone understands, thank you! 】

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