"朕 The hunting galaxy is opened today, and the subjects under the rule can participate in the day of the Great Yan or the monks of the affiliated countries, but those who perform well will be rewarded! The period of January is based on the hunting, the prey's strength and balance, the splendid future, and the prosperous life Everything is in your hands and you are in your hands. Eight [<(? 一 中 {<文 网 W} W) W?.] 8? 1} Z] W & gt;.? C) OM?] "

"Hunting the galaxy, to fight for the future, let's wait and let go!"

Emperor Yan spoke, her voice was calm and impassioned, but she had unspeakable influence. In the package of invisible power, it was clearly introduced into the ears of every monk here, making her face red and her heart full of emotions.

As soon as the words fell, Yan Huang's robe sleeve waved, and the rich golden light burst suddenly, just like a golden sun appeared in the star field.

The golden beam of light shot out suddenly, blasting straight towards the hunting galaxy, falling in the void but arousing layers of ripples, spreading to the surroundings, merging golden light, condensing a golden portal. This door is thousands of miles high and hundreds of miles wide. All the delicate and gorgeous textures are displayed on the door frame. The golden light flows on this line, and the ancient and powerful breath slowly diffuses from it, permeating the starry sky. .

This is a long time ago, when the powerful people of the kingdom of Yan moved to move the stars, using the power of the stars to form a seal array. This array is composed of thirty-seven true star powers, sealing all the wild beasts in this star field. No one can open this town without the Lord of the Great Yan.

The golden portal appeared, Yan Huang reached out and patted forward, the closed door trembled slightly and opened slowly in silence.

"The town has been opened. Enter the hunting galaxy, life and death by sky!"

"If you think about it, you can enter."

The Emperor Yan stood with his hands on his shoulders, stood on top of the Kowloon drive, and bathed in golden light.

call out!

call out!

There was a flash of aura of light, and a piercing burst of air came in an instant, and the monks dared to come here. A few of them came to witness the event. More monks had already decided in their hearts, and now naturally there will be no hesitation.

Hunting galaxies do have some dangers, but these dangers are nothing compared to what is gained after the fact.

What's more, when it comes to chance, you can cultivate to those who create the realm, and you have already seen this clearly.

Outside the hunting galaxy, the monk's tide moved in an instant, and there was a huge meteorite in the flash of aura, and it fell to the open golden gate.

For the month of January, whoever can move faster, may get an opportunity that others cannot gain.

At this moment, naturally no monk is willing to lag behind.

The light or dark creation monks who were caught in the tide of monks, at this moment, started to move, their eyes were filled with hot flames. Their goal is not the same as that of the ordinary monk, because what they want is the place of Shenglongchi!

But with only three places, most of them are doomed to fail. But at this time, they were fully confident in each of them.

If you ca n’t even believe it, how can you still compete for the chance of Shenglongchi.

"Let's go, too." Xiao Chen said faintly, turning and whistling away towards the golden portal.

Yan Mingyue nodded slightly, stepped out, and followed behind him.

Yan Ji's face was slightly dull, and he hummed a little, his eyes a little dissatisfied.

Yan Ji is relatively calm in comparison, but the whole person gives a gloomy feeling. At this moment, she shakes her head slightly, and then Yan Ji just presses her heart unwillingly.

The two flickered outside, keeping up with Xiao Chen and Yan Mingyue ahead.

The closer you get to the golden portal, the more you can sense the powerful breath that spills out of it. This is to consolidate the power of the stars into a town. If it turns into a magical power to kill, it may be enough to wipe out the creator of the world instantly!

Xiao Chen's face was slightly dignified, but the figure did not pause for a moment, and disappeared into the portal directly.

It was only a moment, when the sight was restored, the figure was still in the starry sky, and when I looked back, I could see the golden gate and the Yan Huangyao and the overwhelming golden cavalry. But Yuanshen sensed, but could not detect the slightest breath.

Because of the large array gathered by the power of the stars, the entire starry sky has been banned!

Across the gate is the inside and outside of the galaxy.

Yan Mingyue, Yan Ji, and Yan Ji all appeared, and the four gathered together.

After entering the hunting galaxy, monks whistled in different directions after a short pause. Although this hunting galaxy ranking must be indispensable for monks to fight and fight, it is obviously not the present.

Even if you want to compete, you will only take action when there are conflicts of interest or if it is profitable.

The four discussed briefly, then chose a direction, interspersed with many lights, and whistled away in one direction. Many monks have retreated along the way, and many monks who originally wanted to go in this direction have stopped and hesitated and turned to the other side.

His face was calm, and until Xiao Chen and others set off into the hunting galaxy, he slowly lifted his eyes, looking in the direction of the disappearance of the four, with a hint of coldness in his eyes.

The next step came forward, his figure disappeared and disappeared again, and he appeared again. He was outside the golden gate, the figure directly entered into it, and whistled away in another direction.

At this moment, the ambassador of the Huns, Agudam, has entered the hunting galaxy without attracting attention, and he chose exactly where he wanted to go.

Outside the hunting galaxy, Yan Huang watched Xiao Chen go away with four eyes, his eyes flickered slightly, and his eyes showed some deep meaning.

Since you need the water of the Aoki God Spring, I will give you the opportunity to get it. As for the availability, it depends on your means.

It's just that the elder, when he became so enthusiastic, would take the initiative to inform him about it.

Yan Huang frowned slightly, then the thoughts in her heart were depressed. In any case, this result is exactly what he wants. Perhaps, Elder Guangzhao also hopes to have a good relationship with other people. After all, he is now Lord of the Great Swallow. If he is successfully promoted, he will enter the Holy Land status in the future. Above him.

The thought of this, Yan Huang's heart was stable.

At this moment, looking at Lu Zhanlu's origin of space, a slight smile appeared on his face, saying: "The more pure the origin of Lu's space, the more pure the power, and when he truly enters the world in the future, I will have another strong man . "

Le Yi heard a smile and said, "Your Majesty has a lot of luck and can only earn a lot of good money. I have a lot of talents. He worry that he can't rise in the world war and achieve great achievements!"

"Haha! The teacher said so much!" Yan Huang opened his heart, suddenly thinking that his noble Rong Guoxuan nobleman was now about to complete the body of his daughter, and soon he would be able to fill his lack of luck. By then, his stagnant cultivation is a realm, and he will definitely be promoted!

My dilemma can be broken through, and the great talents of Her Majesty's Majesty can be seen as rising national power and creating a prosperous world!

The Emperor Yan rejoiced naturally.

Pu Long was slightly low, but there was a bit of joy in his eyes.

His Majesty really has high hopes for His Majesty. In this way, his Majesty's family may not be so ruthless as it seems. In the future, as long as he is careful and does not touch His Majesty's bottom line, it should not be difficult for His Majesty to recover the glory of the past.

"Well, you are the first step in the rise of my uncle's family again, but don't let your father down."


Great Yan Emperor Palace.

The eyes of the light suddenly opened, looked up into the void, and whispered, "The hunting galaxy array is already open, Xiao Chen, you must have entered it at this moment. I just don't know if you have any chance to get the chance.

Speaking of which, he thought for a moment, then shook his head slightly.

He never reminded Xiao Chen about this matter, because even reminding it was useless. In order to motivate that opportunity, he needed to show enough strength.

Moreover, although the blood of the Great Yan Clan in his body is pure, it is not complete. It is not easy to do this.

"It's nothing but luck. It can't be obtained but it's just a lack of luck. It can't be forced."

In the groan, the light slowly closed his eyes, and the hall was quiet again.


The hunting galaxy has 37 cultivation stars, but the wild beasts are distributed not only on cultivation stars.

The vast starry sky between the Xiuzhen stars, the meteorites that are whistling, or the dust clumps that cover the sky, are likely to hide wild beasts, many of them powerful. You need to be careful before you go. If you do n’t notice, you may fall into danger.

Four light rays whistled from a distance.

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