Dao: Journey to the Top of the Universe

Vol 7 Chapter 725: Empty source stone

Although there are many monks pouring into the hunting galaxy, compared with this vast world, they merge into the sea like streams. ? Eighth} W>. } C) O) M lifted his eyes and saw that there were no monks except the four surrounding stars.

Xiao Chenwei, Yan Mingyue followed closely behind, Yan Ji and Yan Ji were slightly behind, keeping a certain distance from the two.

At this moment, Xiao Chen's figure suddenly stopped, raised his hand slightly, and the three behind him converged at the same time.

"Brother Xiao, but has noticed something wrong?" Yan Mingyue glanced ahead, and she hadn't noticed the discovery of the consciousness, but after experiencing the chaotic burial ground in the sky, he no longer had the power of Xiao Chen's primal sense Any doubt.

Yan Ji and Yan Ji frowned slightly. The two of them were trained to be comparable to Xiao Chen, but at the moment there was nothing. Could he be aware of it?

The thoughts turned, and the suspicion of their faces suddenly appeared.

Yan Mingyue frowned slightly, but after all they were his brothers, and Xiu Wei was above him, but it was not easy to speak.

Fortunately, Xiao Chen ignored the changes in the two's looks and slowly said, "There are wild beasts hidden in front of them, four of which are quite weak. But you and I should join forces and we should be able to leave them all."

Yan Mingyue heard a word of joy, now that Xiao Chen spoke so, she must have grasped it. When they entered the hunting galaxy this time, they wanted to obtain high rankings by hunting wild beasts and get rewards. Encountering a wild beast and having the power to eat it is naturally worth rejoicing.

Although Yan Ji and Yan Ji were still in doubt, but when they saw Xiao Chen's calm and indifferent face, they did not seem to be false, and suppressed their thoughts in their hearts.

Xiao Chen didn't rush to take a shot and groaned a little, saying, "Now that you and I are joining forces for the time being, we need to set rules first to avoid trouble in the future. All the prey, you and I will hang together and judge the final result based on the merit I do n’t know what you want? "

"Xiao Chen's Daoyou said so, and I think it would be so." Yan Ji said, with joy on his face.

Judging the belonging according to the merit, of course, his cultivation is naturally the best, so as not to be taken advantage of.

Yan Ji smiled slightly, and nodded slightly in agreement. However, even if he smiles, he still feels gloomy.

Yan Mingyue smiled bitterly, knowing that Xiao Chen didn't like her two brothers. This remark made clear the boundaries, and she was doing business on a business-by-business basis. Looking at the appearance of the two brothers, he shook his head slightly and said, "Just as Brother Xiao said, I have no objection."

Xiao Chen nodded and said: "So, you and I immediately shot and captured these wild beasts, so as not to cause twists and turns."

He paused slightly, thinking for a moment or two, before continuing to speak, "After I push this wild beast out, you and I will immediately fight, and the battle will be decided." Then, he suddenly turned to look forward, with a single palm in his robe sleeve. Instantly shoot down!


The void shuddered, and with Xiao Chen's palm falling, an invisible ripple suddenly appeared, sweeping forward like a water wave.

The looks of Yan Ji and Yan Ji changed slightly, but they just shot it with one hand, and the revisions revealed by Xiao Chen had already exceeded their expectations. The two looked at each other, and they saw each other's hearts in vain. There was no wind. It seems that the Rongguo Qingyun Gongguo really has some means, but it only ends there. Although Xiao Chen is not weak, they may not be. Will be weaker than him.

One palm stirred up the invisible ripples, and the void suddenly appeared in the ripples, and a muffled roar came. Several black stones slowly appeared in the ripples.

At first glance, it looks like a meteorite, but in the shock, these meteorites unfolded at an extremely fast degree, exposing the limbs and the long giant tail, and their cold and ruthless eyes suddenly opened and locked Xiao Chen and others.

And the black boulder is just a powerful brute who curled up his body and disguised it with black scale armor.

"Magic Stone Beast!"

Seeing these black stones change into fierce beasts, Yan Mingyue exclaimed, paused slightly, and then showed ecstasy in her eyes!

In the eyes of Yan Ji and Yan Ji, the endless heat burst out in an instant.

The hunting galaxy is a royal hunting ground, but it does not mean that everything is confidential. Many powerful wild beasts living in the galaxy can be heard. Moreover, the identity of the four people in front of them is unusual, and the monks who know the hunting galaxy are more detailed.

The magical stone beast is a very rare beast known to ordinary monks! They wandered in the star field all their lives, curling up their bodies like a black meteorite, and their bodies were hidden in space all year round. In addition, they were scarcely noticed by monks. This brute is not very powerful, but by comparison, it can be regarded as one of the most precious wild beasts in the hunting galaxy, and its value is extremely high. Just because of the passage of time, a treasure called Kongyuan Stone can be condensed in the body of the fantasy stone barbarian. This object was born with a magical stone beast. With the increase of growth power, the power of the empty source stone will continue to increase. The magical stone beast can be hidden in space to avoid the monk's probing.

There is a ray of space origin in the empty source stone!

Although not many, if you can refining this ray of space into your own, you can make a monk and space have a trace of contact, the flight of light is much the same as that of the monk, the chance is better, and you can control the teleport with a ray of origin Supernatural power, life-saving means have been greatly improved. If you can harvest multiple empty source stones, learn from them and integrate them into your own body, you can even let the monks cultivate a complete source of space!

All these are enough to make Kong Yuanshi the treasure of countless monks chasing wildly.

The magic stone beast chooses to hide itself into the star field, I am afraid that it is also to protect itself, otherwise, once the monk notices, he must not be killed to take the stone.

Of the four, only Xiao Chen's performance was calm enough. Perhaps for ordinary monks, the origin of space is precious, but his space avatar focuses on the strength of the origin of space. He didn't have much shock to this.

At the moment when the magical stone beast was forced out, he sang softly in his mouth, and a layer of invisible power suddenly dispersed, covering the whole space, blocking all spatial fluctuations.

"Do it!"

The voice did not fall, his body flashed a little outside, and the figure had burst out.

In order to hunt down the magic stone barbarians, the space must be closed, otherwise this object will be invisible to the enemy, and will use the power of the air source stone to escape into the space, and then it will be difficult to catch up with them.

Yan Mingyue woke up instantly, suppressing the surprise in her heart, and said, "Brother Xiao, I'll help you!" With his current practice, although it is better than a monk in the world of virtual creation, it is not difficult to contain some magical beasts.

Yan Ji and Yan Ji's eyes were hot, and the cold eyes flashed by.

The seven magic stone wild beasts are the seven empty source stones. If they can collect all of them into the hands and divide them equally, they may be able to use these empty source stones to repair the original source of space!

But hesitated slightly, this greed was suppressed by the two. They never saw Yan Mingyue in their eyes, but they did not have the confidence that Xiao Chen left together. If the matter revealed the wind, the two of them would retreat from their bodies.

Since it is impossible to swallow it alone, then take the best of them.

Yan Ji and Yan Ji looked at the four magical savage beasts whose atmosphere was faintly comparable to the world of creation.

They can't lag behind, lest Xiao Chen and Yan Mingyue take the lead!

Others don't say, these four empty source stones, they are determined to win!

At the same time, the two have released their own power to assist Xiao Chen in suppressing the space, otherwise, once the magical stone beasts are swept away, they will all have a bamboo basket to fetch water.

The four stronger magical stone beasts apparently already possessed their own intellect, and anxiously roared out of their mouths. After sensing the breath of Xiao Chen's four, the first reaction was not to come forward to kill, but to escape!

Four big mouths opened at the same time, screaming frantically towards the suppressed space!

But at this moment, it was not a huge sound, but a violent force of space tearing, just like an invisible blade, severely cutting the desire to tear the space.

The harsh screams made people tremble!

Yan Ji and Yan Ji have a slightly white complexion, and suddenly look up at the four magical stone beasts, their eyes are full of shock and fear. The four magical stone beasts shot at the same time, actually they both tear the space to suppress the force of nearly tearing them up, letting them burst of blood on their chests, inhaling them deeply.

On the contrary, Xiao Chen's body trembled, and the space tearing force was blocked by silence in silence. The four magical stone wild beasts had never been counted, otherwise they had fled at this moment.

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