Dao: Journey to the Top of the Universe

Vol 7 Chapter 740: Intimidate

Xiao Chen carefully watched the reaction of the surrounding monks at this moment. After he exhibited "The Broken Element", he was at the weakest breath. Now the Jinyin Refining Corps's dead soul power is being replenished into his body. The longer the time delay, the more natural response to Xiao Chen The more favorable. {{ W]. ] COM

He didn't think that these people would let him leave safely. I'm afraid it won't be too long, when they return to God, it's time to hit him!

Xiao Chen hastened his time to recover the strength in his body. The golden seal seems to have realized that it is inappropriate at this moment. The power obtained by refining the dead soul of the Great Qin Emperor has not been withheld.

As time passed, the emptiness in his body was filling up.

The entire star field is still quiet, but at this moment, the shock in everyone's eyes has been filled with the heat. Even the few brute beasts, looking at Xiao Chen's eyes, have greed that cannot be concealed, it seems that they want to swallow him. under.

The silence was broken by a coquettish smile. The pink-clad woman's beautiful eyes looked at Xiao Chen and smiled. "This presumably is Rong Guoqing Yungong Xiao Chen. After the slave family entered this capital, the reputation of Taoist friends was like thunder, admiration. . Seeing today, Xiao Chen ’s Taoist practice is so unpredictable that it makes the slaves feel very excited. It ’s better for them to leave with the slaves and live the days of flying together. ”

The woman opened her mouth, shy with a shy face like a peach blossom, her eyes sparkling, her delicate body shrouded in a thin skirt, and she was seductive. The surrounding monks' eyes fell on her unconsciously, showing a little obsession in their eyes, and could not help but swallowed a few mouthfuls.

The sound of swallowing sounded clear and harsh at this moment in this quiet environment.

Instead of being annoyed, the Fenyi woman turned around and threw a wink at the intended monks, covering her mouth with a smile. The eyes and her eyes only looked at the monk for a while, and it seemed that she would bow down under her skirt. If she could be happy overnight, she would have no regrets.

"Huh!" The middle-aged monk in black snorted coldly, but his voice was not high, but it was like a thunder, and he woke the monks instantly. A few people returned to their hearts, their faces suddenly turned pale and they were afraid, and they hurriedly lowered and didn't dare to look at the powdered woman any more.

"Red sleeves, this seat is here, you still put away your humorous look. Today's opportunity, we all have a share, don't think of eating alone, otherwise you may cause anger."

The powder-covered woman changed her face, and then glanced at the middle-aged monk in black. "Yu Wentuo, the slave family and you had a dewy marriage at the time, and now you turn your face so blindly."

But with a word, the charm of her face converged somewhat, and she did not continue to speak.

But behind him, the black-sworded sword repair heard the words, his eyes glanced at Yu Wentuo, a flash of murder.

Yu Wentuo's face didn't feel a little gloomy. When he walked the world in the early years, he did have a happy night with this red sleeve, but also suffered a big loss, and was sucked into the cultivation of thousands of years, but this matter is a scandal. Coupled with the situation at the moment, he grunted and never tangled about the matter.

However, the flashing murderous power of the sword in black has not concealed his induction, and sneered, saying, "It's just a fool who is being manipulated by someone, and he dares to arrogantly stand on this seat. Disrespectful, I will definitely kill you here. "

The pink-clad woman's face was slightly stiff, and she laughed softly, saying, "Yu Wentuo, although the slave family is unwilling to embarrass you, if you continue to target me today, don't blame me for turning my red sleeves, you should know my temper."

The red sleeve still looked like Qiao Xiaoqian, but Yu Wentuo couldn't help wrinkling slightly, but thinking of this madwoman's means, she still suppressed the anger in her heart, and didn't say a word of cold hum.

The old man with a humpback looked listless, glanced at Yu Wentuo and Red Sleeve, and said lightly, "The two Taoist friends still say less, after all, this is not too much delay, otherwise it will attract more people. The more troublesome it is. "

Yu Wentuo and Red Sleeve suddenly froze in their hearts. The old man looked like he was about to die, but he was the strongest of the three. Neither of them had seen the details of each other and nodded.

As for the surrounding creation monks, they are no longer qualified to speak. However, they can clearly see the current situation. Although Xiao Chen is strong, it is the end of the crossbow after killing him. Now the situation is mixed. Although they are slightly weaker, they are more fortunate and may not be able to profit from it. However, these people are not stupid. In the face of the three monks of Genesis and several wild beasts, they are naturally not rivals by virtue of their personal strength. At this moment, they have gathered in groups of three or five. Although they have not spoken, they have reached a tacit understanding. Form a joint relationship. When faced with the strong, the weak will join forces, naturally the best choice. The creation of these monks in the realm of the world is a force to be reckoned with, so no one is willing to evict them before things have happened.

The old man with a humpback raised his eyes and fell on Xiao Chen, his yellow eyes flashed, and said, "Xiao Chen, my friend, the old man knows that you are arrogant and amazing. If you win, even if you get treasure, the old man will be flat Do n’t dare to fight with you. But now that the Daoist wins the fight, he should know how he is. The old man is also unwilling to be too aggressive. As long as you give up your storage, the old man can promise you, I No one will wait for you among the monks. "

Xiao Chen's eyes flickered slightly, and then he paused slowly before he said, "Taoyou said, may it mean everyone?"

The old man with a humpback nodded proudly and said, "This point Xiao Chen can be rest assured. Since the old man spoke, he can naturally do this." At this point, he looked at Yu Wentuo and Red Sleeve, "I do n’t know What do Taoyou think? "

When they heard the words, they groaned a little, then nodded, and arched, "Everything is just like what the Taoist said, and I have no objection."

Other creation monks, at this moment, do not wait for the old man to ask, have said respectfully at the same time, and said, "I have no objection, I'm willing to obey the orders of the adults!"

The monks fight and fight for nothing but treasure. Only a few monks who cultivate the evil poisonous supernatural powers will deliberately collect the physical body of the strong to make the evil evil supernatural powers or maggots.

Since you are willing to surrender your storage ring, naturally you took out all the treasures and got the income.

Moreover, today, they are not the only one here. They take away the treasures and compete, and the remaining strong beasts will naturally divide Xiao Chen's slaughter for them, leaving no hidden dangers. If not, how could they easily promise.

"What do Xiao Chen's friends think? If you agree to this, the old man and others immediately made a blood oath in heaven, immediately turned away, and never stayed." The old man looked at Xiao Chen, and his eyes flashed hot.

Xiao Chen pretended to be a groan, and tried to delay time until the old man showed impatience, then slowly nodded, and said, "Xiao is suffering today, and for the sake of vitality, I have no choice but to. Believe it, don't let it go! "

He showed resentment on his face, and gritted his teeth before he took out a storage ring with his backhand and raised his hand to throw it out.

"Doctor Xiao has obtained all the treasures he has cultivated. If you want to do it, you have to fight by means!"

The old man's eyes lighted up, he reached out with a palm, and grabbed the ring with a false grip.

Yu Wentuo and Red Sleeve both murmured. Although they jealous of this old immortal practice, they will not be really afraid. There is no reason to fight for the treasure in front.

As for the monks in the surrounding world of creation, although they have the intention to snatch, they can only force themselves to press their hearts to help them. Taking their cultivation as an example, there is also a chance to make a profit from the wall observation. If you do n’t know how to fight for the storage ring, you will probably be killed by three monks who created the kingdom of creation and kingship in an instant! Right now they can only endure, and the three of them will have a chance to seize the treasure.

The storage ring was stagnant in the void, and the three monks of the creation and kingship contended. At this moment, Yu Wentuo and Red Sleeve joined forces to compete with the old man. Both sides insisted on a few interest rates, and no one could stand the opponent.

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