Dao: Journey to the Top of the Universe

Vol 7 Chapter 741: Beast Roar

"Huh! Continued stalemate also has no results. You and I simultaneously penetrated into the conscious entrant's storage ring and made sure it was correct. Then how to divide it?" The old man whispered, his face was slightly gloomy. ([[[

Yu Wentuo and Red Sleeve heard a slight groan, and nodded at the same time, "Okay, just as Daoyou said."

At present, the three of them slowly regained the power to compete for the storage ring, and guarded each other to find a trace of knowledge and enter the storage ring.

Seeing this scene, Xiao Chen couldn't help but sigh slightly. None of these guys who cultivated to the creation world was a fuel-saving lamp, so naturally it was not easy to be confused. However, to be able to obtain these times, his internal strength has barely recovered to 30% to 40%, and the most dangerous time has been eased. Today, we can't fight with people, but if we run away with one heart, we may not have no chance. Mind moving, his eyes wandering around, already looking for the best breakthrough direction.




The hump-backed man, Yu Wentuo and the red sleeves all lifted at the same time, their faces became extremely ugly, and they drank in their mouths!

The storage ring given by Xiao Chen, although a lot of things were stacked, were mostly junk, which may be precious to the monk of creation, but in the eyes of monk of creation world, it was useless. Taking Xiao Chen's cultivation as an example, would the storage ring be of this grade? Obviously all three of them have been played! Thinking of fighting for such a storage ring before, there was some contention, and the three of them looked more and more gloomy.

"Xiao Chen, how dare you lie to the old man!" The old man with a humpback said in a cold voice, and there was still a little hazyness in the yellow eyes at the moment.

Yu Wentuo sank like water and slowly said, "Since he is unwilling to cooperate, you and I no longer need to waste time with him."

"Mr. Xiao Chen, how are you suffering?" The grieving woman grumbled. "How good it is to hand over the storage and save us some trouble. The slaves know that you want to delay some time. Healing, but what use is that?

"Okay!" The old humpback waved his hand, glancing across Xiao Chen with cold eyes, "It's no wonder we are toasting without eating and drinking."

Whispering, he looked up to the other side of the star field, the huge figures, Shen Sheng said, "Several, the storage of Xiao Chen's body should be assigned to me and other monks, and his physical body belongs to you. Several of you agreed that you and I would immediately take the matter and put an end to it, so as not to cause ramifications. "

The sound rolled under the blessing of mana, clearing the whole star field clearly.

After a few moments of silence, the largest of the several black beasts in the shape said, "Okay." This beast uttered words, and it has reached a very high level, and it also belongs to the top of several wild beasts. .

The remaining few strong beasts nodded one after another. Their most powerful treasure was a scaled minion, which did not value foreign objects. Xiao Chen, who is full of vitality and blood, cultivates a deep body, is more tempting in their eyes.

"That being the case, whoever can grab the treasure is up to their own means!" The old humpback whispered, but his voice had not fallen, and his body was already flashing outside. The whole figure was wrapped like a meteor. Go straight to Xiao Chen.

Yu Wentuo and Red Sleeve scolded despicably, but there was no delay at this moment, and the two of them drove out of control!

Several brute beasts stepped forward slowly, and the huge eyes were full of hot color. The eyes swept over many monks. Any monk swept by this kind of food-like eyes could not help but slightly His face became extremely ugly.

Although they reached an agreement with the monks, they did not guarantee that they would not attack other monks.

There is only one Xiao Chen, but there are several strong beasts. They are destined to lose in the competition. They are unwilling to return empty-handed, and naturally want to hit other people with their ideas. Creation monks are also a great complement to them.

The old man with a humpback, Yu Wentuo and Red Sleeve as monks and several wild beasts have already treated Xiao Chen as fish on a chopping board and let them handle it. They never thought that this looks like a weak person. After a moment of relaxation, Now there is a fight!

When the three old men with humpbacks started to work, several brute beasts approached the moment, and the gap between them suddenly appeared, and these gaps were the best breakthrough direction.

Xiao Chen suddenly lifted up, and the aura of light in his body suddenly turned into a shocking rainbow, whistling away towards a blockade of breath.

He was well prepared, and instantly burst into full force, as fast as the top of the mountain, and flew out of Xuyuan in a flash!

"Not good, Xiao Chen has plenty of energy and must not let him run away!" The old man with a humpback saw the scene in front of him and jumped fiercely in his heart.

Now several people join forces to kill Xiao Chen. If he escapes, if his injuries are repaired, they will have endless troubles in the future.

Yu Wentuo and Red Sleeve also changed their looks, changed the direction of light, and went straight to Xiao Chen.

Several wild beasts saw the prey coming to their mouths to escape, and their huge eyes instantly turned into a chilly forest, and an angry roar appeared in their mouths!

The body is like a beast like a hill. Even if there is no means to attack the Yuanshen, but only this sound wave is enough to shock the ordinary people to death or injury, not to mention several beasts talking together.

Either high and sharp or low depression, the sound of the beast roar is mixed with the fierce atmosphere of several wild beasts, breaking out of the body, releasing his arrogance in the star field!

This is not only a manifestation of anger, but also a warning to monks not to use secret means, but also to let competitors around them know their own strength, so that they can retreat from difficulties in the later competition and dare not fight with them.

Because of these many reasons, this roar, the few beasts are absolutely full of energy, and the beasts roar violently.

But just as the roar of several wild beasts had not yet fallen, a muffled roar came out suddenly. The sound was extremely dull, as it came from deep in the ground, and was not loud and violent, but it was this low roar, but this moment was rolled down when the beast roar was pressed down, and it was clearly transmitted to all living creatures here. The Beast Power roar came to an abrupt end.

The beasts, the size of which are as small as a hill, are clearly shocked at the moment. In the huge eyes, the icy color has completely dissipated, and some are just panic!

The next moment, several barbaric beasts turned without any pause, and turned their heads to the strength of feeding milk. The huge figure left at an astonishing degree, like a mourning dog, without any previous momentum.

Xiao Chen's face changed suddenly. When he heard this beast roar, his heart trembled suddenly, and an extremely dangerous feeling lingered in his heart, which made him smell the blood and death!

This feeling is like he is in a desperate situation, and he may fall at any time! Let him numb his scalp, all over his hair!

Beast Roar!

That beast roar!

And then the wild escape of several brute beast strong, no doubt proved his conjecture!

Xiao Chen couldn't help but be shocked. He didn't know what it was that roared, but there was no doubt about its horror level! To hurry up, leave here now! At the thought of this, he was suddenly low, flashing aura outside his body, but his degree was faster than before.

But at this time, it was too late!

The second beast roar suddenly sounded. Compared with the previous one, the sound was louder, a little bit more cruel and angry, and it seemed to be waking up from a deep sleep.

At this moment, the old men with humpbacks, monks such as Yu Wentuo and Red Sleeve have also noticed the fault, and their faces are full of suspicion, but without much fear. They do not have Xiao Chen's golden primordial gods, nor do they have the spiritual sensitivity of the brute beasts. Although they are not weak, their reaction to the crisis is much worse than the two.

Suddenly, Xiao Chen's figure suddenly stopped, his face became extremely ugly, and he looked around. I wonder when they were no longer a hunting galaxy, but a world where the yellow sand stretched out of sight and the sun was high in the air.

The air was permeated by the hot, hot winds, and the wind came to the surface, rolling up a piece of sand.

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