Dao: Journey to the Top of the Universe

Vol 7 Chapter 748: Lord Death Sword


With a low drink, but like a thousand swords trembling and humming, Ah Cheng stepped out without any flashy fancy sword style. The Qingfeng in his hand raised and chopped down to Xiao Chen!

This sword seems to be ordinary, but it is the strongest power that he has inspired in this life. The black-sworded sword repair that is wrapped in a thick sword body is bursting out at this moment.

A sword-mantle radiated from the long sword in his hand, only a hundred feet in size, but the sharp-killing intentions released could freeze the blood of any creation monk, and there was no slight resistance under the might of this sword The power can only be cut off by life!

Even when Xiao Chen was facing the sword, his face was a little dignified. (August? Chinese W].) C] O] M> He glanced at the sword in black, although he was sighed by his infatuation and shocked by his fierceness, but he would not be so Mercy.

In the face of this shocking sword, he did not retreat, and the force that was barely recovered in the body shuddered and shattered again. Based on his current practice, against the burning of his black sword practice, the only thing he can rely on is the "Smashing Yuan" technique, and what is broken and collapsed this time is all the power in his body!

The three men who beheaded Agudam, Hagi, and the humpback were in front. There were three creator monk ghosts in the golden seal. Although he was a fictional world, his ghost became a grudge. After refining, The power that can be released is comparable to the ghost of the King of Creation, plus the old ghost of the humpback, which is equivalent to having two God of Creation in his hands. Naturally, he has the confidence when performing the "Broken Yuan", even if Loss of power can also restore the original in a very short time.

The body's strength was released after the "Shattered Yuan" quickly collapsed and trembled, making Xiao Chen's power burst out in a short period of time extremely horrible. Under the limit of the physical output power, he even has the qualification to kill the monk of the creation world. !!

The scoffing is the best proof of this!

Two fingers are juxtaposed like a sword, and they are furiously falling forward!


Although it is only flesh and blood, under the blessing of blatant power, it can still burst into a terrifying power! The dazzling golden swordman suddenly appeared, and the sharp and terrifying sharp breath rose into the sky, with the power to cut everything!

The Origin of the Five Elements of Gold!

Xiao Chen practiced "Five Elements Origins" to bring together the five elements to smelt yin and yang to create chaos, which can be reversed to the origin of chaos and reverse evolution. It can also use the power of a single attribute.

Although the black sword's explosive power is horrible, it is only the last burning of the mystery. Without a moment, he does not need to take a shot, he will fall down and disappear completely in the world. Xiao Chen only needs to resist his attack, that is, he doesn't need to let go and kill him at all.

Nowadays, the ancient Ten-eyed Snake and Red Sleeve are fighting fiercely. No matter who wins in the end, he still has a fierce battle, and he needs to save the power in his body. After all, to a certain extent, the power possessed by "The Broken Element" is the same thing as the black sword sword burns itself in exchange for a short period of horror cultivation, except that the power lost after "The Broken Element" can be made up. And the degree of domineering is far from the means of black sword repair.

The two sword-mangs collided in the void, stalemate and collapsed at the same time, and turned into fragments of the sky. The horrible sharp breath freely released its cutting power, which could easily stab any creatures that fell into it and destroy everything!

Ah Cheng saw that Xiao Chen resisted his Jianmang, and his expression was calm and unchanged, but he couldn't help but feel a little bit sad. This first sword has been shot with all his strength. Since Xiao Chen can't be cut off, it cannot naturally threaten him he.

It seems that the master's last order, he couldn't complete it.

In the eyes of the master, perhaps this has been seen before, and he never thought he could really kill Xiao Chen. It was only hoped that he could drag Xiao Chen and create an opportunity for her to slay the ancient Ten-eyed Snake, or at the expense of his strength, so that he could gain the upper hand in the subsequent confrontational killing. Although he had known for a long time, he was just a tool in his hands, a plaything, and he could discard it without hesitation for the need. But at this moment, the heart is still stinging. Could it be that you never cared about me?

Ah Cheng felt a little sour, but there was no pause in his movements. After one sword, the second sword fell off.

Since this is what you want, I will do my best to fulfill your wishes.

In the void, the confrontation and fragmentation between the sword and mansions released a messy but terrifying force, and the sharp breath tore the wind and the wind and expelled all the yellow sand. Above the sand and sea, caused by the collapse of the sword gas, there are numerous deep gullies scattered in chaos. Although they are rolling over each other, each is neat and straight. A layer of sand on the edge of the gully is already under the erosion of the sword gas. All collapses turned into stone dust.

At the last moment of his life, Jian Xiu in black released the most terrifying power of his life. Every sword and stalk across the sky, there is a tear in the sky and a slaughter of the might of life! Although destined to fail Xiao Chen, he was trying to entangle him, and wasting his power constantly.

The mighty power that Domineering Mystery gained by burning and destroying itself was destined to be unsustainable. The sword of the black sword was still terrifying, but his figure was covered by the sword air, but it quickly became dim.

A Chenggao looked at the three-foot sword in his hand, and his eyes gradually showed his determination. Based on his practice, it is the limit to cut off the four swords after using secret surgery. When this sword is cut off, he will run out of power and disappear completely from this world.

Qing Feng's "buzzing" tremor and low humming seemed to have sensed the master's death, and revealed a sadness.

But his expression was still tenacious and indifferent, showing no resentment or resentment, raising his sword and cutting forward!

This sword was the last shot in his life, facing a terrible terror between life and death. Sword repair in black never showed a little fear, because his heart was dead, and human life was a walking dead.


Yaotian Jianmang suddenly burst into the sky, and the sword is full of strength and strength, like the Yangtze River. The Jianmang is more and more powerful in the ups and downs. It is like a galaxy across the space. It wandered like a fish and swept forward.

Xiao Chen looked calm, raised his hand and nudged forward, and the red gold sword-man blasted out. He collided with the sword-like sword mania of Nahao Tangxing. The two sides broke into a stalemate and collapsed at the same time. .

Looking up at the sword repairer in black, his figure had disappeared. Only a green front stood in the air. At that moment, a wailing came out suddenly, the sword body broke and shattered directly, and fell into the ground mound.

The Lord died and the sword died, and the treasures were buried.

Between heaven and earth, the horrifying sword-sword that soared to the earth has now completely dispersed.

Xiao Chen sighed softly in his mouth. Although he was a hostile person, Xiao Chen could also see a few points for his infatuation with the sword in black. If it is not mastered by the Red Sleeve, with the sword in his hand, Black Sword Repair, with his strong and persistent sword meaning, may even have the opportunity to set foot in the world's strongest. In other words, his sword heart is so firm because of the guardianship of Red Sleeve. Without Red Sleeve, he might not be able to build such a pure and powerful sword. However, his heart is dead. Today, he can fight for the protection of the Red Sleeve to the last moment of his life. He can also be regarded as completing his mind, and he can die safely. For him, it is the best result.

A peck and a drink may have been doomed.

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