Shaking his head slightly, Xiao Chen suppressed his thoughts and turned to look at another battlefield. The fight between the ancient Ten-eyed Snake and the Red Sleeve has now entered a critical moment. [Bayi (Fiction? Web W? W? W & gt ;.) 8> 1 & gt; Z? W & gt;.? C] O} M?

In the ancient Ten-eyed Snake, a small but dense wound was cut out. With its hard scale body, it could not resist at all. Blood rushed down the wound, dripping along the gaps of the scale armor, taking away the few powers inside it, the darker the ten eyes, showing deep weakness and fatigue. The pink ribbon entangled his sturdy body, and no matter how he struggled, he couldn't break the slightest bit.

Although the Red Sleeve was arrogant, it was also unable to please the ancient Ten-headed Snake who was desperately resisting. His face was pale and his breath was slightly hurried. The charming charm on his face converged, and the rest was only cautious and solemn.

Although she was fighting with the ancient Ten-eyed Snake, she was always watching Xiao Chen and the black-sworded sword repair. For Cheng's eyes, she felt clearly, but never looked back. Tools are tools, and she has cultivated these years just to wait for the day when they are available. Now that it's time to use it, of course you won't hesitate! But what shocked her was the power that Xiao Chen had exploded. She originally thought that she would sacrifice A Cheng. Even if she could not be cut off, she could use up all her power and could not threaten her in a short time, but Now, it seems that she looked down on Xiao Chen! At this moment, the power he possessed was more than twice as thick as when he killed him. He resisted Acheng's four swords. Although he lost a lot of mana, the breath of power that raged like a sea was enough to show that he was powerful at the moment!

Things deviate from the plan, and now she fights with the ancient Ten-eyed Snake. No matter who can win, she is afraid to be profited by Xiao Chen Yuweng.

With this in mind, the power of Red Sleeve's magical power suddenly weakened, and the restraint of the ancient Ten-eyed Snake was slightly loosened. The savage beast had sensed the crisis, and noticed that the red-sleeved ribbon was slightly loose, and immediately struggling violently. This might be its chance to escape.

Red Sleeve alone can only withstand it. At this moment, Xiao Chen's eyes were swept away, making the ancient Ten-eyed Snake stiff and hard to panic. If Xiao Chen shoots again, he is afraid that there is only one way to go.

This savage beastmaster has now retreated.

"Xiao Chen's friends came to help me. The slave family couldn't hold it. Be careful to let the ancient Ten-headed snake escape." She sent black sword Xiuyu to cut off Xiao Chen.

What she said was both a mention and a threat. If Xiao Chen really did not want to take a shot and decided to take advantage of the fishermen, then she would really let go of the ancient Ten-eyed Snake. Otherwise, even if she tried hard to kill the wild beast, it would be a futile wedding dress for others, and she would even be wiped out. That being the case, knowing that the release of the ancient Ten-headed Snake was tantamount to returning to the tiger, she would still do so. Even if you die, pull everyone to the funeral!

Xiao Chen understood the meaning of Red Sleeve. He didn't show the slightest difference in color on his face. He nodded slightly and said, "Okay, you and I will join forces to kill the ancient Ten-eyed Snake!"

Red sleeved eyes brightened and laughed: "Xiao Chen's friends are really refreshing. It's better for you and I to expose everything before, to beheaded to kill this beast, and then discuss other things, how?"

"it is good!"

Xiao Chen's voice didn't fall, he stepped forward, and the figure flickered out.

Stretch out with one hand and shoot down forward!


The space suddenly trembled, a huge palm suddenly appeared, the whole body was dark, the atmosphere was cold and violent, just like the hand of a demon, and photographed to the ancient ten-headed snake.

At this moment, he didn't keep his hand, but he was already full.

A bit surprised in the depths of Red Sleeve's eyes, she didn't seem to think Xiao Chen would work so hard. She thought of wanting to see things and act a little. Even though she already understood Xiao Chen's meaning, now she is beheading the ancient ten Mu She's best chance, if you miss it and let it escape, and you will be back in the future, all of them will die! Glancing at Xiao Chen, the woman finally let go of some calculations. She sang softly, and the pink ribbon tightened immediately. The ancient ten-eyed snake was bound to escape, and her hands were slightly raised. A fishing net-like magic weapon suddenly shot and went straight The ancient ten-eyed snake went away.

This treasure is made of cross-woven white snow fleece threads to form evenly sized spaces, but on this snow white fleece thread, a hook-shaped fine needle is tied, and the wind spins up quickly after the treasure is released and shines. A gleam of cold light makes people feel scalp at first glance! This treasure does not look inconspicuous, but it is extremely poisonous. Once wrapped around the upper body, the rotating hooks can be directly inserted into the flesh. No matter how you struggle, you just don't want to get away. And the more you struggle, the more pain you can bring!

The wound that spreads throughout the body of the ancient ten-eyed snake should be worshipped by this poisonous treasure. If it weren't for its physical strength, it would be a little weaker beast, for fear that it would have been torn apart under this treasure.

The giant tail swayed, and Xiao Chen snapped a frightful palm.

The black palm print was smashed raw, and a large piece of scale armor collapsed in the tail of the ancient ten-eyed snake. The wound cut by the red-sleeve mesh treasure had not completely healed, but it had collapsed and torn again. With the self-healing power of the ancient Ten-eyed Snake, originally the wound surface could quickly grow and prevent blood loss, but when Xiao Chen ’s palm print was defeated, a cold and cold breath burst out into the flesh of its tail. This breath is overcast to cold, madly destroying the flesh and blood vitality of the ancient ten-eyed snake, and more than half of its physical healing power is offset. Although the wound is slowly contracting, the blood still flows.

At the same time, the red sleeve suddenly shrunk the ribbon-like magical power, and the mesh magic weapon fell at this moment, slicing through the ancient ten-headed snake, and again cut out numerous fine wounds. It seems that the injury is not serious, but it has destroyed the amazing defensive scale armor on its body, which is equivalent to breaking the defense method that the ancient ten-headed snake relied on most.

The roar of anger came from the mouth of the ancient ten-eyed snake, which could clearly sense its anger and panic. Xiao Chen and Red Sleeve teamed up enough to knock it down completely. Even though this thing is arrogant and its vitality is stubborn, it still cannot persist for too long. The injuries on his body became more and more serious, and his sense of weakness became stronger and stronger, which made the ancient Ten-eyed Snake's struggle gradually become weak. Although still struggling, it was destined to be cut off.

Xiao Chen was expressionless. The ancient ten-eyed snake was a well-known murderous creature. If it happened to be when it was weak, it would be wounded again and again, how could it be so easy to deal with. Right now it's the best time to chop it off. He naturally doesn't care, and gives it a little chance to escape.

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