Dao: Journey to the Top of the Universe

Vol 7 Chapter 750: Slay the Ancient Ten-eyed Snake

Raising his hand and throwing his feet, the supernatural power poured out, blasting wildly towards the ancient ten-headed snake. Bayi (Chinese <网? <? W] W] W). ) 8 & gt; 1? Z} W]. & gt; C & gt; OM

The red sleeves are also tight-looking and tight. They tied the body of the ancient ten-headed snake with ribbon magic power, and manipulated the mesh magic to cut wildly on its huge flesh.

The two shot with all their strength, and the ancient ten-eyed snake became more and more seriously injured and was on the verge of death. Its black scale armor has shattered all over, and large and small wounds are spread all over the body. The wound is valgus, and the blood and water flow endlessly. It has turned the whole body red, and each time it struggles, more blood will be poured out, like rain. It's splashing yellow sand. The body gradually became colder, it had sensed the arrival of death, but still unwilling to die like this, struggling hard to return to the light of return, the ancient ten-eyed snake at this moment turned out to be powerful again. At the same time, a horrible wound on his body healed quickly with the naked eye, and the broken black scale armor was also being repaired.

Seeing this scene, Xiao Chen and Red Sleeve were a little surprised, and immediately gave birth to a bit of joy.

The ancient ten-eyed snake is dying!

Back to light can make it explode in a short period of time almost comparable to the peak of the power, but it is destined to not support for too long, as long as you can persist through this moment, its power will quickly fade away and then die. But at this time, the ancient Ten-eyed Snake is undoubtedly the most dangerous state. It already knows the end of its inevitable death, splurges on its only power, and wants to bury Xiao Chen and Red Sleeve for it!

The face of the red sleeve changed, and the strength of the ancient ten-headed snake increased greatly. The ribbon-like supernatural power she used to restrain the wild beast trembled suddenly and faintly, she felt a sense of impending collapse.

"Xiao Chen's friends helped me!" The ancient Ten-eyed Snake at this time, if it was freed from it, would inevitably release extremely terrifying power, and even pose a great threat to the safety of the two.

Xiao Chen heard the words without any pause.

Supernatural, cover your hands!

With one palm down, there is nothing in the world!

The dark black **** palms suddenly appeared above the sky, and if the gods and monsters on Jiuxiao shot, the atmosphere was yinsha!


With the palm of your hand, hold the ancient ten-eyed snake, and press it down from the sky, and in a loud noise, press it into the sand!

Gathering the strength of Xiao Chen and Red Sleeve, at this moment, I can barely suppress the fierce flames of the ancient Ten-eyed Snake. Its huge body is violently beating and beating on the sandy sea, which makes the entire sandy sea tremble violently and set off waves of waves Swept madly in all directions, stirred up the yellow sand and covered the sun!

In the bang, the last strength of the ancient ten-eyed snake quickly exhausted. The beastmaster suddenly raised his head high, ten eyes were full of resentment, a loud scream came from his mouth, and his voice was sharp and harsh. At this moment, it resounded through the entire world of the Kingdom of the Yellow Sands.

At the next moment, its huge body suddenly became weak and weak. A slamming sound dropped the sand sea, revealing a long gully. The wound on the body that was forcibly healed by the powerful force broke down again, tearing a lot of flesh and blood. , The black scale armor was broken, and the blood water dripped out quickly.

The beast-killer is an ancient ten-headed snake, which is almost a horror who is transformed into a ferocious beast. After many twists and turns, he still ends up being cut off.

The whole world of yellow sand suddenly burst into violent winds and rolled up countless yellow sands into the sky. The sound of "wow" wind and sand seemed to be crying. The decaying breath of death emanated from the space. This yellow sand **** kingdom was chopped down along with the ancient ten-eyed snake, and it died together, turning it into a kingdom of death!

Xiao Chen closed his hands, his face was slightly white, and his mouth gasped slightly. In order to cut off the ancient Ten-eyed Snake, his power was very heavy. Looking at the huge corpse that stretched for thousands of miles at this moment, a regret flashed under his eyes.

The ancient ten-eyed snake never produced a spiritual evolution into a ferocious beast. Otherwise, if it can be harvested after killing it, it may be comparable to the monks at the peak of creation.

As soon as this thought turned, he had been depressed, shook his head slightly, and secretly said nothing. If the ancient ten-eyed snake really gave birth to a beast of intellect, there is no resistance at all. He can only kill it with a compass for many days. It is the best ending to cut off the ancient Ten-eyed Snake, and to keep the compass for many days.

Now that the ancient ten-eyed snake is dead, the kingdom of God has entered a state of death without a master, and they have the qualification to tear the kingdom of God and leave. Just before that, there are still some things to be resolved to determine the ownership of the ancient ten-eyed snake corpse. In the hunting galaxy, the corpse of the ancient ten-eyed snake represents not only its own preciousness, but also the key to hunting rankings. If you can get this intact, it is equivalent to taking one of the three Shenglongchi places into your hands. Such a temptation is enough to make any monk heartbeat.

The red-sleeved eyes flashed different colors, but a smile appeared on the pretty face, such as peach blossoms, charming and fascinating, and the cherry lips opened slightly, revealing neat and small teeth, saying: "Xiao Chen, friends, you and I will work together to ancient The ten-headed snake killed. If it ’s not something like that, you and I share it. How about it? ”During the talk, she stepped forward in a small step, and the wind brought a faint fragrance, quiet and elegant, like a daughter ’s house. Incense, quietly passed around.

Xiao Chen was expressionless. The woman's practice of charm was quite strong, but it was not enough to shake his mind. He heard the words slightly silent, and then nodded slowly after half a ring, saying, "Okay, just as the red sleeve Taoist said."

There was a little surprise in the eyes of Red Sleeve, and he took a step forward again and said, "Today we cut off the ancient Ten-headed snake, Xiao Chen's friends are extremely successful, and the slaves are grateful. When they leave here, they must get closer to the friends. Some, please ask Daoyou to shirk it. "Speaking later, the female eyes were sparkling, with a sense of tenderness and shame.

"Red sleeve Tao friends talked a lot, and it is the honor of Xiaomou to get close to Tao friends." Xiao Chen arched his hand, slightly lower, covering his eyes from the coldness.

"That being the case, Red Sleeve agreed with Xiao Chen's Taoist friends." Red Sleeved opened her mouth with a smile, unconsciously approaching Xiao Chen's side, Linglong Jiao's body appeared faintly under the tulle skirt, at that moment the faint fragrance fragrance, It also became more full-bodied, making the charm of her body seductive.

Xiao Chen nodded slightly, and at this moment, his body suddenly froze, and his eyes showed anger, but soon the anger was dissipated, and the rest was only a flame of desire-desire. Burning in the eyes. Looking at Red Sleeve, she seemed to want to take her directly into her arms and want to enjoy it lightly.

"Hee hee, what happened to Xiao Chen Dayou, look at the slave family with this kind of eyes?" Red sleeves flashed a little joy, but the smile on his face became more ecstatic, "Xiao Chen Daoyou cultivated a deep body Attitude Yingwei, the slave family is also admired in the heart ... If the Taoist friends want anything, the slave family is also willing. "Speaking of it later, it was already blushing, Xiasheng cheeks, the attitude of refusal to welcome back, the more Intriguing.

Such a dose of red powder fish water Huan, even if you are a Buddhist monk with a rocky heart, you will be broken away from the Buddha's heart and fallen into the endless abyss **. Seeing Xiao Chen's reaction, Red Sleeve was a little bit hot in the heart. At the moment, Xiao Chen was in harmony with her. By her means, he would definitely be able to repair him as much as he could. He would not only get the ancient Ten-eyed Snake, but he would also be wounded. The restoration is soaring, naturally wonderful. Now that things are going smoothly and successfully, she raised her hand to raise a layer of sand house to cover her eyes, her body moved slightly towards Xiao Chen, she didn't know what to do, her tulle skirt had faded and she was exquisite. The beauty is obvious.

"Xiao Chen is a good friend. He must be happy in his life, and he also asks a friendly friend to pity his slave family."

Xiao Chen's face rose red, and the gasp in his mouth suddenly became thick, slightly lower, and seemed to be resisting the medicine.

The red sleeve was startled, never thinking Xiao Chen ’s mood was so firm, but inhaling her red powder fish water Huan, how can you escape the palm of your hand, she smiled, and stretched out his jade to fumble around his waist Go, give her a few moments, and be afraid that Xiao Chen will not let her play with her.

But at this moment, Xiao Chen suddenly lifted his head, looking directly at the red sleeves close to him, his face flushed with redness and shortness of breath, but his eyes regained lightness and calmness, with a slight sneer of coldness.

Red Sleeve was shocked, and suddenly expected bad, but at this moment she reacted, but it was too late. Out of her self-confidence in the red-pink fish Shuihuan, she put down all vigilance at this moment, and she had no time to respond before she caught off guard, and Xiao Chen had already pointed her finger on her chest.

When he pointed his hand, he was prepared to burst out the most powerful lethality instantly.

Xiao Chen's eyes were sharp, his eyes were cold and warm, and the soft and delicate feeling at the tentacles did not soften his eyes.

In the sound of the "嘭" crash, the sand house was smashed, and after losing its support, it turned into a grain of yellow sand and fell to the ground. Bai Huahua's delicate body flew upside down, with a scream in the red cuffs. Between the two towering chests, a blood hole with the thickness of a finger appeared. At this moment, blood water was spouting outwardly, along the white net. The delicate skin slipped, and the combination of red and white became more and more shocking. The girl had a pale face, twisted together because of pain, and looked at Xiao Chen with resentment, and hidden in it was an irresistible fear. This finger seemed normal, but she had been severely damaged. If it could not be treated in time, Mo said that the body would be destroyed, I am afraid she is still in danger.

She meant to calculate Xiao Chen, but did not want him to see through her means. Today, Red Sleeve is no longer looking forward to competing for the ancient Ten-Headed Snake Opportunity. All she wants is to leave here alive. She has seen from Xiao Chen's shot that this stable state of mind is not charmed by her, and the means are fierce, and she will never covet her beauty and show mercy. Now the thought in her mind was not revenge at all, but she fled immediately!

However, Xiao Chen Yin Ren was unprepared for her shot when she was least prepared.

The moment he hit the red sleeve with a single finger, he stepped forward, and the finger was not retracted. The five fingers opened and he shook forward fiercely!

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